Robert Madison [Spartan]

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Robert Madison [Spartan]

Post by crom »

Player Nickname: Robb^

Name: Robert Madison

Codename: Spartan and Force

Age: 40

Date of Birth: 04/10

Height: 6' 1"

Weight: 180

Hair Color: brown with grey

Eye Color: green

Place of Origin: unknown

Nationality/Race: Caucasian

Classification/Origin of Powers: Mutant

Status: Other

Occupation: Homeless man ex Merc Security bodyguard

Personality Profile: Force is no nonsense when it comes to his job, but off duty, he is relaxed likes a beer now and then. He likes to fish and hunt as well as cook.

Physical Description: athletic but not over muscled his hair is long and kept in a ponytail usually neatly combed. A patch covers his right eye, and a jagged white line of a scar travels from brow to his jaw line.he now sports a goatee as well.


General Power Information: his body absorbs and generates Kinetic energy that he can use for various effects.

Ability One: Kinetic Energy Creation: the cells of his body are supercharged to the point that he can emit it from any point of his body. He can form beams of kinetic force powerful enough to rupture steel plating a half inch thick.

Ability Two: Kinetic Energy Control: his ability to control his kinetic energy has been perfected and any kinetic energy near him he can grip and alter within an undisclosed limit but at no greater distance than about 40 feet that has been witnessed. The control of kinetic energy is the control of movement from falls to moving objects.with his ability he can stop objects and re direct their path and even negate their energy.Using his power thus he can make leaps of great distance (not hulk level but at lease several stories in height and a foot ball field in length.He cant fly per say but can redirect his movement in almost any direction and this extends to others. He cant stop bullets ala-Neo but he can slow them to greatly lessen their power upon impact.if called upon he can size up moving engines locking up the kinetic energy or even destroy them by simply reversing the flow the moving parts which can if necessary cause a catastrophic failure in the components.

Ability Three:Kinetic energy shaping: Forces ultimate ability is to manipulate his kinetic energy field hardening it to create weapons and an armor.

Drawbacks & Weaknesses: He has a soft spot for underdogs and his kinetic energy must be released from time to time to avoid a build up.

Skills: Force is skilled in most forms of hand to hand combat, and weapons and vehicles including land water and air and has government level licenses in several vehicles. He has skills in infiltration and silent attack skills though not on the level of a ninja.He’s picked up skill in many languages due to his global activities English French Gaelic Japanese and Chinese he can read write and speak all of the languages listed with no decernable accent.

Background: Born on the East coast, but raised in Idaho until he was 16, when his mutant abilities emerged in a spectacular way as a school dance. He used his ability to control kinetic energy to stop a car full of gang members from doing a drive by on the school gym. He stopped the bullets removing the energy and then released it in a blast that flipped the auto over to its top.

He disappeared from town as if he dropped off the face of the planet for several years working on the control of his abilities, until he was approached by members of the government to work for them. The next decade are classified for security reasons but he finally decided to part ways with his handlers.

He retired to his family cabin northern Idaho to hunt, and fish. He lived on the earnings from his time as a special operations agent. From time to time taking on special missions when he felt like it, at assignment on a school for gifted people on the east coast he met his wife Izanami. Then he came out of retirement so to speak when he had heard about Cobalt, they both applied for positions him on the Security staff a job most suited for his particular skills and Iza with the Library.

Almost a year has passed since Izi’s departure he has gone without his Wedding ring on his hand he keeps it on a silver chain around his neck. It was unknown if they have parted ways for several months as he returned without her. It finally came to light that she had passed away, how is not known., and he’s not saying. With his return there was something new as well..his son Robert Izanagi Madison. He dedicated himself to raising his son as the best he could.

There have been few that have come into his life and stuck around one of those was Kalani Valentine, a Doctor working for the Academy. They had been seen having dinner or a coffee together this grew to a close relationship.

In time, the two moved in together and months after that there was a big surprise Kalani was expecting twins. Nine months later a pair of beautiful baby girls they named Alice and April both testing positive for the X-gene, however it would be years before their powers manifested.

At some point Kalani and Robert were married in a private ceremony. He had flown his close family to the big island of Hawaii and along with his Mother Father and sister Kalani’s cousin Violett and her aunt. The ceremony was short and simple like they both wanted after which they and their families spent the week on the islands.

Kalani and He along with their children left Cobalt for retirement returning to northern Idaho near his family. This was the last that was heard form them...

Criminal Record: only record is of vagrancy on the books since hi reemergence.

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts: Force has links with several US and International organizations with contacts in those organizations as well as private citizens of dubious legal standing. He also lovescooking, hiking and rock climbing.
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