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Shinn Kirisawa

Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2015 5:36 pm
by 46Neko
Player Nickname: Shinn

Name: Shinn 'Alexander' Kirisawa
Codename: Displacement
Age: 20
Date of Birth: August 21st

Height: 5'11"
Weight: 163 lbs
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Reddish Brown
Place of Origin: America
Nationality/Race: Japanese American
Classification/Origin of Powers: Mutant

Status: Trainee
Occupation: None

Personality Profile:
Compared to his previous self, the combat-hungry pyrokinetic who, if you annoyed him in some way, was more likely to incinerate said annoyance... this Shinn is far calmer, more friendly, and less likely to resort to violence, prefering to try and use his brains. Perhaps it's because Pyro Shinn lived a life where all he had was his own fists and flames to solve problems, that strength and power were everything, while this new Shinn has lived a life where others have helped him get on his own two feet, teach him the basics of the world - that not everything can be solved with violence.

Not to say that he won't fight back if threatened. His past self's overuse of his ability to learn new fighting styles had left a permanent imprint upon his body, so to speak, giving him a decent level of physical combat abilities to fall back on when necessary. But without a reason to fight, or a friend to look out for, he's the type who wouldn't hurt a fly.

Because he's aware that he possesses no memories prior to awakening a few years back, he's well aware that there is still much for him to learn. As such, he opts to try and learn as much as he can from the people around him, taking his time to study and pick up new skills that may or may not come in handy one day. Hearing stories about who he once was sometimes makes him feel uncomfortable, but at the same time, he accepts that it was both him, and not him. He strives to be a better person than his hot-tempered, 'shoot first and don't bother asking questions' self, not only because he feels he has to atone for his past self's mistakes, but to step out of his shadow and become himself.

Physical Description:
A tall half japanese, half american young man with short black hair that falls about his face and eyes in a messy manner, clearly getting more from his american side than his japanese side in terms of height and build. Stocky and well toned due to both his past self's combat training and his present self's desire to remain fit, some might mistake the tall mass of muscle as some kind of asian jock... if not for the fact that he tends to dress casually in shirts and jeans, and more often than not finds himself requiring black framed glasses for reading.


General Power Information:

Ability One: Centralized Multi-dimensional Awareness - Shinn possesses the ability to perceive what other versions of himself are doing on a multiversal level. It's not that he knows what every single version of himself is actually doing at any one given moment, but... he gets a feeling, a premonition of what other versions of himself are doing 'nearby'. He can't tell which is doing what particular action, just that they're doing a particular action. For example, if he were standing in the cafeteria, he'd be aware that there's a version of himself seated at the table to his right eating. And another version of himself at the counter. And another seated to his left. And another walking in. While impossible to pinpoint exactly where they are or what they're eating/ordering, he's aware that they're there. It's not something he can just turn off, he's just aware.

Ability Two: Centralized Multi-dimensional Control - Paired with his awareness, however, he's developed the ability to tear open small rifts in the multidimensional barrier, duplicate the kinetic energy of another self and pull it through the rift before it closes and repairs itself. However, to do so, it requires the same amount of energy to be spent by himself (limited to roughly 3 times per day, at present), and he MUST be performing a similar action to what his other selves are doing.

For example, in a combat situation, if present Shinn were to take a swing at his opponent's head, he could tear open a rift and summon the kinetic energy of another self attacking the same opponent, effectively striking twice in one blow. He won't know where the blow of his other self will land, with a small chance of him and his other self targetting the same spot or performing the EXACT same strike. Other times, the landing point will be random.

Ability Three: Enhanced physical ability - While Shinn himself works hard to maintain his strength and speed with a daily work out regimine, he's well aware that part of his powers include enhanced speed, strength and endurance. While no where near as strong as those whose powers focus on raw strength, or as sturdy as someone who could convert their body to metal, nor as fast as Quicksilver, he's equal to or slightly above most athletes in terms of ability when he's at full strength.

Drawbacks & Weaknesses: Without his dimensional abilities, Shinn is effectively a human with above average physical abilities. However, while awareness itself isn't taxing, opening rifts is - each time he does so, his natural abilities dull just a little more and requires a good rest before he can utilize them again.

In regards to awareness however, being in close proximity to another version of himself as they're, say, eating a pizza will sometimes put the thought in present Shinn's head. An impulsive desire to eat some pizza, for example.

- Above-average martial arts (Specializes in a combination of Hung Gar and Karate instinctively)
- Average cooking ability (He can cook up a decent meal when necessary, but more often than not, he'd pick the option to eat out. He doesn't like eating alone.)
- Carpentry (Nowhere near professional level carpentry, but he knows enough to handle most minor jobs and make the work look presentable. A cheap option for those who don't want to spend big for small work)
- Swims like a rock (His past self never had a reason to learn, and his present self had no reason to swim)

Background: Years ago, there was a young pyrokinetic who studied at Cobalt Hill named Shinn Kirisawa. An average street rat who found few friends, and made more enemies... and didn't care that he had done so. In his eyes, if he was hated for what he knew had to be done, so be it - atleast others won't get drawn in to his mess if he were to kill a man to protect another.

Years ago, the student named Shinn disappeared, taking with him the few belongings he had acquired in his time at the school with only a goodbye letter to the people he had called friends... and no promise to return, well aware that the path he was walking would lead to either his death, or 'disappearing'. He was right on that.

He overused his fire, and it devoured the memories he had left. Since then, Shinn had been raised as an orphan by a church on the other side of the country, with nothing except his name and a handful of belongings. Compared to his past self, who had to fight to survive... this Shinn was shown warmth and kindness from day one. He was taught to care for and respect others, not to use his powers to hurt... and the only time he could break that rule, was to protect another. He was taught to care for himself, he was given a very basic education by the pastor and his wife, but something had always bothered him.

Who was he, really? The only clue he had to his past self was the dogchain that he was found with, part of the handful of belongings he still possessed. On them was details for a certain academy in Salem, MA. With his mind made up, he decided it was time for him to go find out the truth. However, before leaving... the pastor and his wife informed Shinn of a little detail they had neglected to mention.

That he was brought to them all those years ago, unconscious and as if he had just come out of surgery. That when the time was right to tell him, to tell him that his powers were a gift to save him from himself. A gift from who, they didn't know. All that mattered was that he was no longer the master of the azure flame. The man known as Chaos was no more.

With that in mind, and bearing no anger to the people who had raised him for so long for the secret they had kept from him, he bid them farewell with a hug and a smile, before he set off to travel cross country to Salem. He felt he needed to be there now.

Criminal Record: Unknown - Shinn isn't even aware of it.

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts:

- Almost everything Shinn knows, barring the basic necessities he's learned at the church, is either self-taught or an instinctual skill. Something his body remembers. He doesn't know how he does some things (the carpentry, for example) - he just does it without thinking.
- Some believe he's impulsive, suddenly craving something to eat when food isn't even mentioned. The truth of the matter is that he's so in tune with another self that he feels that alternate self's hunger.
- For some unknown reason, Shinn absolutely loves spicy food. The hotter, the better. He's known to carry a bag of Jalapeno peppers and munch on them like m&m's.