Fetching The Good Pastor

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Fetching The Good Pastor

Post by Sisip »

* Dell comes into the Lounge area, looking uncharacteristically cranky and scratching absently at a nicotine patch on his arm....and nursing a black eye and a split lip. He plops down in front of the TV and picks up a remote - *clickclickclickclickclickclick*

* Kyrstin was slleeping on a couch somewhere randomly in the rec, still dressed in the black hoodie and sweatpants.

<Sisip> Sisip stands in the courtyard, staring at her tablet. She taps on it and suddenly there's a text message that goes out to people, giving them directions to where she was. Tonight found her in her Cobalt XTeam Catsuit, her hair pulled back into a ponytail.

<Simon> There's a big pile of laundry to be found on a nearby chair. Rumpled black clothes it looks like except it moves every once and a while. It's black in color and is a bit worn but not yet to the point of fraying. Instead the hoodie is nice and soft. So very comfortable. It snores once and goes back to simply existing.

Dell glances at the Hoodie and shakes his head. "...Nope."

<Dell> "Nope. Just gonna watch my show and ignore it, man."

<Sisip> .: Ashlynne :. Wandering out towards the courtyard the inkyhaired glowing girl looked around, honeygolden eyes wide.

* Lanryn simply appears in the courtyard, one moment that particular wall was empty, the next there was a lanky dark skinned man leaning against it. He was dressed in his usual fashion, an oversized sweatshirt, messenger bag, and a pair of baggy cargo pants that seem to defy gravity with how low they ride on his hips. Upon his face is a pair of mirror shade sunglasses, and in his hands is
* Lanryn a tablet that seems to be occupying the majority of his attention.

<Sisip> .: Ashlynne :. Spotting Lanryn the glowing girl darts over to stand next to him. The smile she normally wears isn't quite as wide, nor is her glow quite as bright, but she was certainly being a trooper. She raises a hand up and gives him a thumb up, a bracelet siding down her arm just a bit, a hemp cord with a glass bead on it.

<Simon> The person completely hidden under hoodie and other clothes yawns, snorts, wiggles some, and goes right back to sleep. He slumps over more and winds up sliiiding one arm off the side of the chair. Once it dangles a hand can be seen tho it's in a leather glove. The fingertips twitch a couple of times and go still. Zzz...

<Sisip> Sisip looks around, frowning just a bit. Her phone is pulled out and a call is made. Simon's phone starts to ring.

* Kyrstin mumbles something about 5 more minutes as a phone rings nearby her.

<Simon> A good five seconds of Call Me Maybe can be heard playing from a pair of cheap speakers located on Simon's person. Kyrstin's request for 5 more minutes is echoed by the lazy and useless blonde boy. Finally he stirs and actually checks the phone, but only after the ringtone goes off a few more times, just to stare at the screen blankly. He answers! With, "Roman's Pizzaria and Abortion
<Simon> Clinic. Your loss is our sauce. How may I take your order?"

<Sisip> The injin huffs as the phone is answered in true tasteless fashion. "Simon, if you do not appear in the courtyard in five minutes to help facilitate this plan that hinges on you getting Ashlynne into Purity.. I will personally make sure that all you get to eat in this place is overcooked plain oatmeal."


<Dell> "...Huh." he gets up and heads back to his bar to prepare for thirsty mission-goers.
* Lanryn sends off an email to JJ and Sunder inviting them to the courtyard. It was time they actually got everyone together and laid out the plan on how to move forward. The tablet is powered down and tucked away into the messenger bag before he strolls over to Ash, smirking at her choice in attire. "Hey ashy.. great minds eh.. I sent off an email to Sunder and JJ, did you ever get ahold
* Lanryn of marlo?"

* Sunder There was a stranger roaming the halls. A man with a well trimmed beard, hair combed back, a blue polo and beige kakhis. The metalhead hated having to be disguised, but let's face it, his usual fashion sense made him stand out to the untrained eye at a mile distance. He felt uncomfortable, naked without layers of leather, spikes, and lights and tactical gear, though the jehrico was well concealed. He'd make his
<Sunder> way into the courtyard.

<Simon> The look on Simon's face goes from drozy to horrified. He bolts up to his feet and rushes out of the door. There's stumbling, more than once, and some furniture probably gets knocked over or at least assaulted on his escape. Within minutes he's out in the courtyard and only then does he answer Sisip...by speaking into the phone while looking at her. "I'm here! Ohman. That was today? I,
<Simon> uh." Pause. Then! "I'm here!" he grins brightly like it's going to redeem him for forgetting. Did he forget? Oh, hrm. Whatever. He's here now!

* Dell pauses as he heads through the courtyard. "Yo, I don't know what you dudes are up to and quite frankly, I give zero fucks - but be sure to come by my bar when you're done, man." he tells Sisip. "I got like...new booze and stuff."

* Kyrstin lifts her head when Simon goes charging past, mumbles something about watching his step, then rolls over.

<Sisip> .: Ashlynne :. The glowing girl chuckles just a bit, "Well, if I show up in combat gear, they may suspect something is going on, right?" She shakes her head, "No, Marlos like, living in stripper ville or something. I dunno anymore. Never see him around." | Sisip looks over at Lanryn, "Marlo is out this time, he's been called for an emergency. We do have..." As Sunder appears the injin's lips curl into a soft smile, "Sunder." Then Simon comes bumbling in and the Cobalt Pocahontas laughs and shakes her head. Smirking at Dell she shrugs, "We'll see." Looking back to the group she clears her throat, reaching into a bag by her side and pulling out packets. In each is a layout of the building and pictures of Pastor Burt, along with a rundown of the goings ons. "Alright everyone. Tonight we have what should be a very simple decoy and disable. Pastor Burt is a telepath with the power of suggestion. We are not sure if it is something he is aware of, we can only assume that he does not even know he's doing it."

<Simon> "I don't like oatmeal." there's a bit of whine in that but it's to be expected. Finally he hangs up the phone and pockets it before listening in properly. "Oh okay. Uhh. What do we do in a...am I a decoy?" He looks over at Sunder and blinks a few times. "You look familiar. I think." One hand slowly raises and reaches out to poke at the ex-metalhead. "Are you Ned Flanders?"

<Sunder> That git 'as a bloody mustache, not a full beard. Was goin more for the commander riker in casual wear look 'onestly.

<@JJ> Made his way to the collection, he was not going to sit idle while his sister was in danger. Nope! He was going to be as close to the action as he could be. No machine of the enemy's was going to properly function with him around. There was a wary glance to Sunder, JJ knew the man could getthe same results with his own power, but JJ did not like the metal head's methods...

* Lanryn chuckles at the response from Ash, not really surprised. The packet of information is taken, and paged through before he looks to sunder and nods a greeting to the man, it had been awhile sine he had seen him. Simon's presence garners a smile, and when JJ arrives Lan will walk over and greet him with a gentle pat on the shoulder and reassuring smile.

<Simon> "True. Does that make me number three if I'm helping out?" He looks down at the papers and such that Sisip has and then blinks at her, "What are doing? Am I the decoy?" His attention wanes and he notices JJ. The techy is awarded an energetic wave and loud, "Hey, man!" Lanryn's next and he stares at the guy with a blank look on his face, tips his head to one side, and repeats the cheerful
<Simon> greeting. "Hey! Wow lots of people."

<Sisip> The woman continues, "Tonight you will be taken to the Purity compound. The plan is fairly straight forward, Simon takes Ashlynne in. They provide the distraction. Ooh glowing girl. We are all aware of Ashlynne's fondness for dramatic enterance, so I can assume there will be quite a few eyes on her." Ashlynne took a breath, glow wavering just a bit before she nods and throws a smile, that glowing skin of hers flaring up nicely once again with just a bit of concentration. "While Simon and Ashlynne are being walked through their .. induction.. it will be up to the rest of you to infiltrate Purity, locate Burt and extract him, as well as Ashlynne and Simon. Lanryn will be running point on this with Sunder as his back up. JJ, we're going to need you in their systems. You need to make sure that they have.. techincal difficulties with their equipment." She pauses, "We also are aware that Burt has massive financial backing. JJ, if you can also follow the money, or at least find a trail, that will lead us to the bigger fish."

* Sunder Looks decidedly ill at ease, and not just because of his current wardrobe. ".. So.. we kidnap the telepath.."

<@JJ> "Hey, Lan. Hi, Simon." His prosthetic arm twitched slightly, some lights on it blinking. At least JJ's nerves were localized to the tech on his person, other peoples' electronics were behaving. He nodded to his aunt and saluted. "I'm all over that, Sisip!"

<Simon> "Okie dokie! Whatever you say, Boss. Uhh. Is there a way we can get, uh, told if things don't go like planned? Like. If we gotta get ourselves out? Plan B?" He rubs the back of his neck and looks over at Ashy, "I...I guess I could freak em out or something. Or hit people. I'd rather not do that kinda thing?"

* Lanryn clears his throat before speaking up. "Bagging a telepath without a telepath will be problematic, but not impossible. To that end we are going in without lethal munitions, in the case he exerts sufficient control over one person to cause a friendly fire incident." He withdraws two canned pistols from his bag, one is offered to Sunder. "10 darts each, subsonic. its Aminopyridine
* Lanryn with a benzo chase. Knockdown and amnesiac. Try to save them for the telepath. If things go sideways, we have several contigencies. The biggest is a back up emergency vehicle.

* Sunder Reaches into the pocket of his pants, releases the hidden buckle and pulls the jehrico. He'd take the tranq gun and slips it into the same concealed holster "Right, an i've got something of a built in taser as a backup."

<Sisip> .: Ashlynne :. The glowing girl looks to Simon and puts on a brave smile, "I'll keep an eye on you, Simon." She winks at him, trying to be reassuring." Sisip clears her throat, "Plan B is less desirable. META wanted us to go in and eliminate Pastor Burt completely. Send in one person, eliminate the target, leave." Lips tighten. "Plan B is eliminating Burt. We do not want Plan B. Plan B leads to bodies." She takes a slow breath, "The META driver and evac van will be on site. If you need them they will be there." She motions towards the gate where a van waited. Standing outside the van was a fellow who looked like he'd just gotten off stage with the Blue Man Group.

<Simon> "...Naw, man. I'm thinking of me and Ashy. What's *our* plan B? Run screaming I guess?" Ohey but the boss points at the van so he's a good boy and starts walking for it. A glance over to Ashy and he offers a smile, "If we were closer in size I could sort of look like you like a dummy or something. But yeaaah. Only thing we're fooling with that is a blind deaf person."

<@JJ> "If Ashy gets hurt, I wouldn't mind Plan B..." He muttered to himself. JJ could even do it himself and it would look like an accident. Electrocution via random household object. His focus was his sister getting in and out just fine, his job in this was on focus too, but it was secondary. Also, thankfully JJ had stopped wearing that trumped up Halloween costume as his team suit in favor
<@JJ> of something less flashy and more appropriate.

* Lanryn slips his pistol into the pouch of his hooded sweatshirt. "The place should be like a ghost town with so many staff out sick. If things go sideways, use an emergency exit, marked on the map, get outside and contact JJ so that we know you are alright. No one dies, no one gets left behind. We are going to do this nice and clean."

<Sisip> The door is opened on the van, obviously waiting for people to enter into it. "Plan B for Ashlynne and Simon is to be patient. Neither of you will be equipped for battle. Between Lanryn, Sunder and JJ you both will be extracted without issue." She nods as Lanryn speaks, "We infected Purity with the flu. Not fatal, but it will knock you on your ass for a while. When you return from this you will be escorted into quarantine until we can be sure that you are not carrying the virus." She motions to Lanryn, "Lanryn? I believe the group is yours." She steps back, leaving the bag on the ground. In it are various com units.

<Simon> "Okie dokie!" And all the concern Simon was floundering in is silenced. Lanryn gives a good plan or at least one that pleases him. "I don't want to be left behind. They have food there but it's not good like Ashy's." The blonde winks at the glowbug and...then he frowns at Sisip. "Aw okay. Ew quarantine. I don't like hospitals. They notice me a lot but they smell bad."

* Lanryn grabs the bag of comm units and hands them out to people as they load onto the van. "Simon and Ashy, just get noticed and draw attention. Don't do anything stupid, but don't be afraid to get embarassing." He offers up an easy confident smile to each participant as they take their radio. "And just remember our primary goals are to extract Burt and gather data, then to get the hell
* Lanryn out safely."

<Sisip> .: Ashlynne :. Ashlynne chuckles softly at Simon. "I promise, when we're back and able.. Imma make the best food ever to celebrate. It'll be like.. our reward!" She gives him a thumbs up. As Lanryn is given the floor the glowbug looks up at him and nods, "Oh.. I can do embarassing." She mumbles quietly.

* Sunder Nods to Lanryn, grabs a com from the bag and starts for the van.

<Simon> "Woo! I'm good at that! Noooo problem, man!" Asking him to shut up and be a good boy would be difficult. But be his normal self? Works for him! He claps his hands together a few times, "Woo! Yay! Motivation! And you can embarass me! I don't care. Ain't got nothing to be embarassed by." He takes the com unit and smiles back at Lanryn before piling into the van. "I think it's going to be
<Simon> fun! Well. Not so much for Burty but haha."

<Sisip> As people loaded into the van the group ended up driving through town - vroom vroom - and were let off a block away, on the blind side, of the compound. The BlueMan doesn't say anything at all. He merely drives and opens the door. When the group is let out he stays where he was, eyes on each of them for a moment. Lanryn is given a nod. BlueMan would be there when called. Ashlynne, on the way there, begins to do vocal excersizes. "Me me me me. Peter Pepper Picked A Pack Of Pickled Peppers. She Sells Sea Shells By The Sea Shores." When someone looks at her funny she grins, "Gotta warm up the pipes, yo."

<Simon> Simon doesn't warm up anything. Not a whole lot to get going. So he just stares out the window like a dog out on a ride in the car. Whee! At least he's patient and quiet.

* Lanryn has each person do a basic comms check before piling out of the van. Once on the street he motions for Sunder to take the lead, putting JJ in the middle, and Lan taking up the rear. "So how long will it take you to crack their systems?" He asks JJ as they walk towards the door. Simon and Ash would have to either open the door, or they would have to force it. Patience was required
* Lanryn to discover which option was aproperiate.

<@JJ> Figited and messed around with some small appliance that seemed to serve no apparent purpose the whole ride over. - No purpose other than to flash and blink and make rude noises. He was nervous, sure, the boy had been on many missions before, nbut this one felt personal. His sister, his home. Purity went too far and if Burt should suffer from a freak accident invloving a coffee maker or
<@JJ> toaster within the next few days, well, that just happened time to time. Faulty wiring and all. He snapped out of his daze as Lanryn asked a question. "What? Oh! Not very long at all depending on their encryption level. Shortest time? Maybe a minute or two. Longest? I'll let you know once I'm in.

<Sisip> Ashlynne and Simon (with mun's permission) head off first towards the compound. It's dark out and the glowing girl stood out like a lightbulb, but it was different from her normal glow. Apparently the girl had been practicing, her skin began to throb, pulsing like a strobe light(s).. camera... action. There was a wailing sound as she clung to Simon, the sound of her sobbing was heard clearly and the doors opened wide. I can't turrrn it oofffff! She was frantic, and desperate, and scared, and ACTING! Ashy was in her element! She refuses to leave Simon's side as the pair are ushered in, promises of help being given. They would save her, poor dear. Her wailing raised up in pitch as more attention was given to them.

* Sunder Nods and starts down the street, putting a bit of distance between himself and the others, arriving in one big group would be a bit odd anyhow. Hands out of pockets, walk natural, just a guy showing up to check out this group everyone in town had been talking about, see for himself, keep it simple.

<Simon> One can easily imagine hearing a *ding* in Simon's mind as something clicks into place. The YAYFOOD! smile quickly turns to what looks to be, and may even be, genuine concern. "It's okay, man. We're here. They can fix you. I mean, it's...it's what they do, right? Fix stuff like this? I mean, that's what Burto said." Nods are returned to the people nodding to them. "And not, like, just
<Simon> makeup either. That's cheating." He looks up at one of the people and goes directly for eye contact to lock them into paying attention, "I mean, that's right, right? Ever seen anyone like this? It's been...man she gets bright sometime."

* Lanryn gives a quiet count to 25, and then strolls along behind Sunder, squeezing down the talk button of his radio after a short distance. <c> Lets find a door and get inside, then we need the security office.

<@JJ> If he could hear the wailing, even knowing it was acting, JJ would still grip his hands tightly, the right one nearly cutting into his own flesh, while the left one - well, the left one was robotic, it couldn't leave little crecent shaped nail cuts in the palm. He'd do his joib though, laying low and trying to hack his way in to their systems.

* Lanryn was actually bringing JJ inside! He was a part of the insertion team! The distant wailing had rather opposite effect on Lan, he grinned, recognizing the degree of ham Ashy was serving up with her performance, and it was wonderful.

<Sisip> I CAN'T STOP! IT NEVER STOPS! As if the throbbing wasn't enough suddenly the glowing girl started to seemingly melt, her face stretching downwards towards the floor, along with her limbs. There are some fairly loud shrieks of alarm. HELP MEEEEE The general population within the compound is comprised of obviously homeless people on cots, all with masks over their faces. There's a large section behind curtains where there is coughing and the distinct smell of 'sick'. Volunteers shuffle back and forth. The doors aren't guarded, Purity wanted to make sure they looked welcoming at all times. A few people nod towards anyone who enters, but most of the attention is focused on the hysterically melting girl and her concerned friend. Ash is currently laid out on the ground, wailing in mock pain, her glow almost eyesearingly bright. Off to the side is a door with a digital keypad, it seems to be the only one locked like that, not even the double doors into the back room that was (on the blueprints) marked as 'medical area'.

<Simon> The melting freaks Simon out to some degree but he reacts like it's the worst thing ever. "Ogod not again. It's impossible to..." he stares at Ashy like he's not quite sure what to do. "Come ON, man. Do any of you know what to do?" Buckets? "Buckets or...I don't know, man!"

* Sunder Well casual wasn't going to cut it once ashy got started. Startled, and worried it was, he'd make good time up to the door and inside to see just what all the screaming was about or so it would seem.

* Lanryn moves from pocket of shadow to pocket of shadow, just an indistinct shadow along that long stretch of wall until he reaches the digital keypad. This was a job for their tech guy! Sunder was waved over to the door.

<@JJ> Key pad? Pffffffffffffffft. Can do! JJ would work his magic.

<@Sisip> A great majority of the people within the building, volunteers and visitors, were showing signs of the flu. The bug-bomb had been a success! It takes only a moment for JJ to crack the code and the door opens with a hissing noise. Cold air comes from the hallway. Apparently the back section of the compound had it's own air circulation! The hallway is silent, a few doors here and there, though at the end is one with a plant outside of it. It's a nice ficus.

* Sunder Catches the signal, and covers his ears, starting to move away from the sounds of the screaming ashy, and towards Lanryn.

* Lanryn motions for Sunder to take point, and then follows the larger man. The pistol is withdrawn once inside and the safety flipped off. <c> 'Entry successful, moving forward' he intones quietly before moving forward, gun leading the way.

<@JJ> Stuck to the rear, and kept his powers active to sense for any traps or otherwise things that may impede them on their way through. You never know where there might be a laser grid!

<@Sisip> JJ will find a fairly interesting security setup. It's nothing that would come from simple 'volunteers'. It all leads to a central point, that back room. The group is met with little resistance. None, to be exact. It all felt normal. On the up and up. MEANWHILE --- A gurney had been rolled out for Ashlynne and the volunteers were trying to scoop her up onto it, limbs sinking back down to the floor. Finally they got the stobing girl settled and wheeled her into the back. She kept one hand glued to Simon, shrieking like a banshee when they tried to part them, because of this Simon was allowed to go into the back room with them. The medical smell was almost overpowering. Clean, sterile. Volunteers were replaced with nurses, all tut tutting. A doctor comes up, trying to get vitals from the mutant.

* Lanryn moved with a practiced ease, moving in a slightly crouched manner to present a smaller silohoutte to be noticed. Wherever his eyes go, the gun travels as well as he continues to move towards the backroom, and hopefully the surgical theater.

* Sunder Pulls the tranq gun from the concealed holster, and takes point as indicated. It was only a matter of time till they tried something on ashy, they needed to be out by then. Shutting off all security would be JJ's job. Burt had to be found, he'd keep moving steadily, trying to keep pretty quiet as he taps the com "JJ, if they've got cameras of some sort, knowing where the buggers are would be nice."

<Simon> Simon keeps a tight grip on Ashy as well because he'll be damned before they get seperated. They're in it together! "Holy hell it's clean in here." he mutters under his breath before shifting his weight between either foot. Then one foot jerks out, hooks around a table leg, and gives it a solid knock in an attempt to topple it over. "Ack!" he cries out and looks so very embarassed. He
<Simon> tries to get 'out of the way' but instead bumps into nurses like a clumsy fool.

<@JJ> "Hmmm... interesting..." He mumbled to himself as he delved deeper and deeper into the system. The young techie's eyes were aglow with his concentration. "Cameras are everywhere." He warned. "I'm going to loop them, nothing new will be recorded. It'll look like nothing's happening. There's a room full of monitors..." There was a grunt. "Lotta weird donations... Need to look
<@JJ> deeper for those..."

<@Sisip> When Simon tries to bump around Ashlynne takes that moment and throws her weight to the side as he impacts the gurney. With what isn't an entirely fake cry of alarm it tips over and the strobe light melty girl tumbles to the floor. There's a distinct cracking noise and suddenly her light goes dim, right before it flares brightly and there's a very real wail. Her shoulder was looking particularily not in the correct location. Just as JJ speaks the door by the Ficus opens up on it's own. Click. Apparently the small group wasn't exactly as unseen as it would appear, but at least they were being welcomed in.

* Lanryn moves towards the ficus door, all the while keeping JJ in sight, as he concentrated on cracking systems. He gives a jerk of his head towards Sunder, indicating he should investigate the ficus door further. Meanwhile Lan kept watch, waiting for someone to pop up that shouldn't be there.

<Simon> Simon shrieks as well because he didn't expect Ashy to fall out of bed. "Aah!" follows the noise up and he's quickly at her side and trying to help her up. But the moment he notices the shoulder's not right but not melty he stops interfering and looks up at the doctor. "Awcrap. Hey, uhh, doc?" Welp now he feels bad about messing the room up, "Help?" It's somehow more calm sounding than
<Simon> the acting he'd been doing earlier. OGODHEBROKEHER now he's getting overcooked oatmeal forever. FOREVER.

<@JJ> Let out a not very nice word as the door opened. he made sure the cameras saw nothing! And even resisted pranking it! Like Samara crwling around the room would seem any less suspicious than the truth... But JJ had NOT done that, only looped what was seen. He snapped attention to the Ficus door. Suspicious...

* Sunder The metalhead was unaware the door had opened on it's own. He figured that was JJ's doing, what with him digging into the systems and all. He'd make his way inside the door, doing a fairly cautious slice the pie as he made his entry

<@Sisip> There's a flurry of action as the doctors swarm towards Ashlynne. Simon is pulled out of the way by one of the staff. Alright son, we'll get your girlfriend fixed up. You go over there and let us do our job. An IV is brought out and suddenly there's glowing arms flailing as her shrieking grows louder. Nurses work their hardest to hold her down, applying straps when able, in order to finally get that IV inserted. Ooops. | As Sunder steps into the door he'll see a massive computer network, with screens showing every inch of the building. The hall, however, that they just came through is empty per JJ's talents. Sitting behind a desk is a smiling elder gentleman. From the photos given in the dossiers this was Pastor Burt himself. He stands, "Oh Welcome, welcome, I'm afraid Mabel didn't tell me I had a meeting." Friendly eyes slide from Sunder down to his hand.. and the weapon. His smile fades. "Now sonny, I don't think you're thinking this through." On the screen pointing towards medical there's a clear view of the ruckus going on, along with the administering of the IV.

<Simon> Simon may be an idiot but he knows an IV means things can go in. Potentially bad things. A soft whine can be heard coming from his throat and then he springs into action. The blonde isn't really a small guy and he uses that to his advantage. What do about IV? WHAT DO? The only thing that comes to mind is to get to that IV even if it includes knocking someone actually aiding Ashy's shoulder
<Simon> to one side. "No needles." he hisses and grabs at the IV line with every intention of yanking it out.

* Sunder Old man must've been distracted, should've known who was where, about to do what. Would it hold out long enough? He would'nt have time to have wished for some range time with the thing, only snap the sights on center of mass and pull the trigger as quick as he could. Burt needed to be out of the equation before he could mess with the team members after all.

<@JJ> Oh, he definitely saw the screen with Ashy on it, and that IV. The position of Ashy's shoulder... The screens would start flickering, the lights too, just about any technology within JJ's proximety would start going wonky. "Ashy!" Attention snapped to Pastor Burp. "What. Is. This. About?" Why had the door opened to here, what was really going on? Ashy... Ashy...
<@JJ> And the Sunder fired.

* Lanryn trusted sunder's judgement, and the technology and medicine involved in the darts. It was crafted by some of the best minds at Cobalt. So instead of going to assist Sunder, he went for Ashy and Simon. The layout of the building was committed to memory, and they had intel on the location of the operating room, so getting there wouldn't be very hard. With his gun leading the way,
* Lanryn Lan takes off at a quick move. <c> Lan moving to recover Ash and Simon, have plan B start preparing

<@Sisip> The IV is yanked out, perhaps a little more forcefully than is needed and there's a spurt of blood and another wail. That shit hurts, yo! The distraction works, though, and more nurses flood the room. Unfortunately that means that now they were concentrating on holding Simon back. That's enough out of you, young man. If you dont let us do our jobs we're going to have to sedate you as well!" A large man wearing a doctors coat steps up, only his eyes showing from behind the medical mask. The eyes were puss-yellow in colour. | Burt looked shocked as he stared down at the dart in him. "How.. DARE you! I.. You... cowards!" For a moment everyone who could see Burt felt an overwhelming sense of shame and remorse, right up until the elderly man dropped. Items and monitors dashed from his desk and onto the floor in such a clatter. It was only a moment later when there appeared, seemingly out of nowhere, a tall, lanky figure. Mabel? The answer remained a mystery as the room was plunged into darkness. Well, as dark as it could be with the hall light on. The shadow figure lunges across the room, a hand darting out to strike at Sunder's weapon. Lights in the other area's of the compound began to flicker, electronic equipment fell silent.

* Sunder The tranq gun would go skittering off into the now rather dim room, but he'd try for an exchange. Whoever it was wanted the gun out of the equation? Fine, but they put themselves in range for an elbow, he'd strike out quickly with his free arm.

<Simon> ABORT MISSION! Plan B. Nobody wants a plan B but they exist for when things do not go as planned. The blonde glances between the doctor and nurses and scowls. Too many of them to deal with. "I thought you people were gonna *help* but this? Really? C'mon, man! You ain't gotta sedate nobody. I ain't know what you put in that. She got *allergies*. Don't you people usually ask for that sorta
<Simon> thing? Now she could get all...all puffy too!" For now he stays back because at least that IV line's out of her. He'll stay the hell away from that doctor, too. No sedatives for him!

<@JJ> Burt was out. JJ did not like thatthe guy could make him feel feels that were not his own! Then the lights went out. JJ screamed, sharing his sister's fear of the dark, though not nearly on the same level as Ashy, but enough that he'd start to panic and feel out electronics with his powers, trying to grasp something, but they were out. NOW JJ's nerves were approaching Ashy like places.
<@JJ> No tech, it was quiet. JJ was lost, there was a shadow monster... Burt was out but the shadow monster... He had an SND with him... as scared as he was, mind control trumpted over unknown, Burt would get the pretty jewelery, and shadow monster? Shadows hated light right? That was why it made the room dark right? JJ had a flash light on him. PART of him and a good high powered LED light at
<@JJ> that. Time to Gremlin Shadow Lady!

* Lanryn made his entry into the operating theater from behind the orderly. The commotion covered up the first several discharges, a dart put into the orderlies back, then shots snapped off at each Nurse present. The amount of benzo in the darts made it almost impossible for the target to formulate any short term memory into long term memory.. effectively blanking out the day. Modern marvels
* Lanryn of medicine. With every shot, a step was taken in a different direction, never stop moving you become a target.

<@Sisip> Even with the pain of the out of socket shoulder and the wound from the IV being torn out Ashlynne was still hamming it up. When Simon yelled about allergies her eyes became as wide as dinner plates and her cheeks puffed out. She looked like a hamster with too much food in it's cheeks. She was still able to wail, even with puffy cheeks. The doctor with the sickly yellow eyes waves a hand, "Get him out of here, dammit! Put him in the back room!" | Lanryn would easily find his way into the medical area of the building. People were so distracted with the troublemakers they didn't even notice another person coming into the area. Right up until the orderlies started crying out in quick pain and dropping. The mass confusion became even .. massier .. as people tried to rush for exits! | As Sunder struck out he made contact with Mabel and there was the sound of a gasp. JJ's high powered flashlight popped on and was angled perfectly. Mabel was a woman, at least it appeared for a moment, then her face shifted and Mabel became a man, then another shift back to a woman. Mabel wasn't a ninja.. Mabel was a mutant! A blinded mutant. She flings herself backwards and towards the dark of the back room. She left Burt behind, oddly enough.

<Simon> "I ain't going nowhere!" Simon shouts back all protective-like. Too bad he just got poor Ashy hurt. Worst protector ever. When Lanryn comes to the rescue he bolts over to Ashy and fidgets. The way he shuffles around and stares at her makes it clear he has no idea how to pick her up without causing more damage. "C'mon we gotta get outta here, man. But...but I don't wanna break you worse."

* Lanryn only cared about the people who were in the operating theater with Simon and Ash. He would continue firing until he either ran out of darts or ran out of targets. hopefully it was the latter. While Simon hopefully removed Ash from the restraints, Lan went about plucking the darts from each target and slipping them into a pocket. Count your shots, police your brass.

* Sunder With burt out cold he could worry about the well.. shapeshifter? ".. Tha bloody?" He'd take off after her, he might not have the dart gun, but a taze might just do it, or he could maybe just beat her and haul her out, he'd figure it out as he went.

<@JJ> Maybe he should have saved the SND for shadowperson. But not with a powerful telepathic suggestor sitting right there! MAYBE shadow was the brains. Maybe, but telepath was a bigger threat, even unconscious. They really bring more than one of those hated devices. Sunder already took off after it, JJ wanted to rush to his siter, but someone needed to babysit Burp.

<@Sisip> Arm bleeding the glowing girl flings herself at Simon, clinging to him like a sloth to a treebranch, if the branch were vertical. Three limbs wrap around his waist and torso. "GO" She holds her damaged arm close to her, the fake throbbing of her glow gone, replaced with her actual 'oh shit this hurts' pale yellow light. Lanryn made it to Simon and Ash easily, the only one really remaining behind was the large sickly-yellow eyed doctor. He stares at Lanryn, even as one of the darts strikes.. and sticks. He doesn't drop, he simply watches, not interfering in the 'rescue'. Raising a hand up he places a finger on his cheek under his eye, "I will remember you." | Sunder bolts after Mabel and follows her into a corner. A dark, empty corner. There's a loud clattering as a grate drops down from the ceiling. Burp was, indeed, a powerful telepathic suggestor, but when unconcious and SND'd he was as harmless as can be, and remained there, unconcious.

<Simon> "I'msosorry." he tells Ashy in a very sincere tone because he means it. He holds her tightly but not enough to cause any more owies. At least he won't drop her! And off he goes, darting for the door, and nearest exit. Abandon ship! The only place he wants to be is in the van. After that then home. Somewhere safe so he can pretend that this all just didn't happen...after Ashy's in a proper
<Simon> infirmary where a buffoon isn't knocking crap on her and making things worse.

* Sunder ducks a bit, letting the grate hit his back "God damnit!" He'd tap his com "Burt's secure, but there's some.. shapeshifter 'o just got away, we need to extract fast.. Please tell me things stayed quiet out there." Of course the metalhead didn't kow about the dozen or so darted people yet..

* Lanryn wouldn't bother to retrieve that dart, instead he keeps his gun trained on the yellow eyed doctor until Ash and Simon are back out in the hallway. Hopefully no one realized that the gun was empty, but he covered Simon and Ash all the way back to the rest of the group. <c> I downed the operating theater, ash and Simon are incoming. we need to get a data dump then we are out of here

<@Sisip> The van is waiting for them at the door. BlueMan crouching on the top of it armed with a portable LRAD. BlueMan standing by the van door with a 12 guage loaded with beanbag rounds, and BlueMan sitting behind the wheel. Either the BlueMan concert let out early or he was a multiplier! There is no interferance with the group as they rush to the van. JJ heads out with them, assuring that all the data that could be collected in such a short period of time, had infact been gathered. He dragged Burt along behind him, tossing him into the van. It is all relayed and he waves to Sunder to follow after. An odd voice comes over the coms, quiet, but manly, "Extraction Van ready to go. Load'em up, everyone."

* Sunder Grabs his dartgun on the way out, of course helping to carry burt. He looked forward to a chat with the old man, wanting to know just who it was he got into a fight with.

<Simon> Escape! Simon's quickly in the van and feeling better already. Somewhat. His heart's still pounding. "Ashy's hurt. Needs a doctor. I kinda..." he falls quiet and frowns. Unless Ashy tries to escape him he'll be more than content to keep holding her the ride home. "Might not want to move around. Sedative and stuff. Uhh."

* Lanryn covers the rest of the group, making sure they are all in the van with burt before he hops in. a gentle punch to Simon's shoulder and a broad grin is flashed at him. "You two did great. We got the data, and the target, now lets get back to the academy, and you all get some Bacon bacon burgers." For him, it would be a nice big bowl of salad.. or possibly just raw veggies, either
* Lanryn one he was looking forward to.

<@Sisip> The van closes up as everyone enters, the two other BlueMen seemingly melting back into the one in the drivers seat. He takes a headcount and heads back to the academy. He takes the long way around, much to Ashy's dismay. The faintly glowing girl finally unraveled her limbs from Simon and sat quietly, holding her arm close, shoulder still dislocated. Sometimes there just wasn't time to pop things into place. Her bleeding had stopped, thankfully, though her arm was bloodied quite a bit. "Yeah.." She says quietly, "Free, all the time, free baconbacon burgers.."

* Sunder Looks to Lanryn, distinctly displeased "Well, we're made. Don't think META is gonna be too 'appy 'bout this one."

<Simon> "I don't think I'm too hungry." A bright but tired smile is offered to Lanryn, "But thanks, man. I think I'm...I'm just gonna go to bed." Simon's arm stays around Ashy as if he's concerned she's going to faint from something. Maybe the drugs she might have gotten. "I can stay with you tonight, Ashy? I mean. If you'd feel better. I won't knock nothing else over. I promise!"

<@Sisip> The van finally pulls up to Cobalt and security meets them at the gate, grabbing UnconciousBurt and dragging him off down to the maze. Ashlynne shakes her head, "I'm okay, Simon. I got Lan.. and JJ.. sides.. I think we're gonna be..." Even before she finished that statement there was a crew of medical pulling each person out and escorting them up to the hospital wing. Oh yes, quarantine.

<Simon> "...Maaaan." he whines when he realizes quarantine. "But hospital food is the -worst-." But he goes along because it's not like he really has any other choice. Yay for overcooked plain oatmeal because he's a fuckup. Woo! At least that's what he expects judging by the sad puppy look on his face. "I guess I get to stay there with you anyway, huh? You can, like, kick me or something if it
<Simon> makes you feel better. Anything but plain overcooked oatmeal."

* Sunder Knew the hospital wing well enough by now, a few days of waiting to see if he'd be waiting even longer, fun. At the very least he'd have them bring in a laptop so he could get a message out to sisip.

* Lanryn didn't resist the quarantine procedure, especially considering he had a hand in the reason for it. Instead he trudged along. It would only take a day or two to verify they didn't have the flu virus, and if they did, well, it was a crappy ride, but not the worst.

<@Sisip> .: Ashlynne :. The glowing girl was taken to her own little room for shoulder fixing, arm bandaging and a bit of monitoring to make sure they didn't pump anything gross into her veins. She's not pleased with this in the least, but has no say in the matter.

* Kyrstin` is for the record by now sitting in the rec flipping through TV channels, rather unaware of the goings on.

<Simon> Simon gets to sit in the boring quarantine room and have nightmares about oatmeal.
The world is made up of stories, not atoms. ~Muriel Rukeyser
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