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Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2015 4:07 pm
by Sisip
[15:16] <Sisip> Hi there! Welcome to Cobalt! If you have any questions please feel free to ask. Also we've got an OOC room located at #CH*OOC . :)
[15:16] <SolarNRG> are you human?
[15:16] <Sisip> I should hope so!
[15:17] <SolarNRG> prove it, if I have four beers but I drink 3 how many beers are left?
[15:17] <Sisip> You'd only have one, and I'd probably be upset, because you didn't save enough for me!
[15:17] <SolarNRG> lol ok ur human, gotta be careful, these bots are well smart nowadays
[15:17] * Sisip laughs.
[15:17] <Sisip> Yeah
[15:18] <SolarNRG> I want to play
[15:18] <Sisip> Yay! We want to have you play!
[15:18] <SolarNRG> set me up, breif me
[15:19] <Sisip> is our website , as I said before #CH*OOC is our ooc room. We're a mutant based freeform group. :)
[15:19] <SolarNRG> is this like post apocalyptic futuristic rpg?
[15:20] <Sisip> Currently our major storyline is a religious group has come from the South, up to Salem, and is taking mutants and 'purifying' them.
[15:20] <SolarNRG> are we playing the mutants or the jihadis?
[15:20] <Sisip> Not post apolcalyptic. It's alternate universe where mutations are common place, in today's world.
[15:20] <Sisip> We're playing the mutants, for the most part.
[15:21] <SolarNRG> can my character be a jihadi defector?
[15:21] <Sisip> Of course! Though we call them Hand of Purity rather than jihadis. lol
[15:22] <SolarNRG> I've got a weird vision in my mind it's gonna be like the zealots out of sins of a solar empire vs the tiberian soldiers in tiberian sun
[15:23] <Sisip> I'm not sure what either of those are. lol
[15:24] <SolarNRG> Tiberian sun was the 2nd command and conquer game circa 2000 and sins of a solar empire was a space based 4x real time strategy game circa 2009
[15:24] <SolarNRG> i got t osubmit a character sheet?
[15:25] <Sisip> Yup. We don't ask for much, but we do ask for that. ^_^
[15:25] <SolarNRG> i got to post it on the forum?
[15:25] <Sisip> Yup! :) Just let me know when you register and I'll approve the account, that way we keep the forum bots away.
[15:26] <SolarNRG> have i got to register first?
[15:26] <Sisip> Yes. :)
[15:27] <SolarNRG> the hulks favourite verb is kill right?
[15:27] <Sisip> smash :)
[15:28] <SolarNRG> sorry been a while since I last saw avengers
[15:28] <Sisip> It's no problem ^_^
[15:28] <SolarNRG> btw that captain america film sucked
[15:28] <Sisip> I really enjoyed the first one. It had a great comic booky feel to it.
[15:28] <Sisip> Winter Soldier was a good one because it helped cement his place in the Avengers.
[15:28] <SolarNRG> the first one was awesome, winter soldier sucked balls
[15:30] <Sisip> Hehehe
[15:30] <SolarNRG> ok registered
[15:31] <Sisip> Okidoki! You've been activated. :)
[15:31] <Sisip> I suggest taking a look at our various members sheets, to get an idea of how we like them to look, then you can get the format from the application forum. :D
[15:31] <SolarNRG> where's that?
[15:32] <Sisip>
[15:50] <Sisip> But if you have any issues, or need any assistance, I know the folks in the ooc room are more than happy to help. :) #CH*OOC
[15:50] <SolarNRG> OK I done my character, have I gotta do a drawing too?
[15:50] <SolarNRG> where do I send it?
[15:50] <Sisip> Post it in that forum as a new thread, make the title the characters name. :)
[15:53] <SolarNRG> newtopic in character submission?
[15:56] <SolarNRG> ok I submitted it
[15:56] <SolarNRG> take a look
[15:56] <SolarNRG> ... 2191#p2191
[15:57] <SolarNRG> what do u think of my character?
[15:59] <Sisip> Back, sorry, had to make a call.
[15:59] <SolarNRG> np
[15:59] <Sisip> :) Lemme take a look!
[16:04] <SolarNRG> I should really be a metahuman
[16:05] <Sisip> I think it's looking good. What we are gonig to need, though, is a bit of fleshing out of his powers. How fast can he go with his speed, how fast are his reactions, what power level is he when it comes to his technopathy. Also, for weaknesses we try to apply those to the powers themselves. So although he's got super speed... there will be a weakness to balance it out. I've got a character who has cellular regeneration which causes her to glow.. however she can't turn off the glow and the regeneration of her cells causes a massive metabolism, so she's constantly needed to eat or else she risks dying.
[16:05] <Sisip> We like to see a nice balanced power.. strengths and weaknesses. :)
[16:06] <SolarNRG> ok gimme a sec
[16:12] <SolarNRG> ok check again, I updated the weaknesses
[16:12] <SolarNRG> and strengths
[16:14] <SolarNRG> ok here we go: ... 2191#p2191
[16:27] <SolarNRG> is that better?
[16:31] <Sisip> Sorry, was called away. :) That is better. I've got a couple other people I ask to look them over, but for now you can feel free to RP with minimal powers just to get going. :)
[16:31] <SolarNRG> How do I RP?
[16:32] <Sisip> Again, I can't stress enough, joining #CH*OOC is a great thing, it'll help you get to know the other players. :)

Re: SolarNRG

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2015 5:31 pm
by Goldbolt
Ever watch the Youtube series, "Movie Sins"? Well, here is my take on it though a lot less cynical.

1. Missing open bracket on the first bold tag.
2. Such a cringe worthy name.
3. From Earth
4. Sleeping with a mutant is his origin?
5. Occupation confuses me.
6. Isn't the Hand non-violent?

7. Seems a little slow for a speedster character.
8. Only hears machines? He knows they are there and nothing more? Also he's Schizophrenic?
9. This does not feel like a super power.

10. Weaknesses are a wall-o-text.
11.Panic at the sight of authority is not a weakness.
12. That's what being out of breath -is-.
13. Machines attack him?
14. Being able to dodge but not take a hit is anyone's weakness.

15. Why is everything in parenthesis?

16. Skills could stand a little elaboration.

17. So... the power of love brought his mutation out?