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Ian Butler

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2011 2:03 am
by Nobody-Nothing
IRC Nickname: Angel`Pearson

Name: Ian Butler

Alias: Pariah

Age: 18

Date of Birth: 10/23

Hometown: New York City, Newyork

Height: 6'2

Hair Color: Orange

Eye Color: Blue

Nationality/Race: American Mutt

Occupation: Student

Personality Profile: Mostly easy going and laid back, Ian is usually smiling. He's mostly just happy to
be away from his home and the situation he left behind there.

Physical Description: A tall boy with messy orange hair and blue eyes, he has a couple piercings through
his bottom lip. Very fond of the color blue, he can usually be seen in some kind of blue hoodie or shirt, and is
fond of hats and hoods.

Character Picture (Optional):
Image Image


Mutation/Powers: The main focus of Ian's mutation is centered around a link to an unknown alien dimension.

Primary : Ian's body is little more then a shell containing a portal to an unknown alien planet, by tearing
away a portion of his surface layer he is able to expose this portal and summon pieces of the various monsterous
beings that inhabit the planet he is linked to. Because of the drastic differences between the two planes, Ian
is only able to summon a small section of any given creature at a time, forming a massive clawed arm, or a pair
of vicious fanged jaws, if he were to attempt to summon an entire beast it would die the moment it was cut off
from his body, he is further limited in that if he attempts to summon the head of a given beast he must summon it
and call it back before the creature has a chance to breath our air or it will die.

Secondary : Through force of will Ian is able to reform the outer shell of his body after tearing it away
to expose the portal underneath, due to this and the make up of his body he is extremely resilient to physical

Tertiary :

Drawbacks/Weaknesses : Each of the various creatures Ian is able to summon pieces from share a common
weakness, fire. It is not just harmful, but completely deadly to them, whatever portion is touched by flame
burns to a brittle crisp as if it were made of paper. His outer shell is also effected by this fire weakness,
after being damaged by light fire it would be very difficult to reform his outer shell, and heavy fire damage can
potentially leave permanent scarring.

How do you believe this character's powers will further develop in the future? In the future with proper
training Ian may be able to summon larger portions of the beasts he is linked to rather then being limited to
summoning a given body part at a time.

Background: Ian was raised in a mostly mutant slum in New York City, he was sought out by the leader of a small local gang
when the nature of his mutation was discovered. Disposing of "evidence" was much easier when you could
feed said evidence to the snapping jaws of some horrific off planet monster. After three years of dealing with this
Ian simply left one day, taking nothing but the money he'd earned and hopping on a random bus that eventually came
to a stop in Mass (what a coincidence!) After a bit of wandering he'd heard about the Cobalt Academy in Salem,
and thought a place like that sounded like just what he needed.

Quirks/Extras (Random fun facts about your character!):