Serphina Nicolas.

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Serphina Nicolas.

Post by becka »

Name:Seraphina Nicolas
Age:approximately 21 an exact age is unknown

Date of Birth: actual date of birth is unknown, child welfare gave her march 6th as date of possible birth.

Weight:115 lbs
Hair Color:burgundy with blonde highlights
Eye Color: green with gold and red flecks
Place of Origin: new York ,new York
Nationality/Race: Greek/American
Classification/Origin of Powers: Mutant
Status: (Trainee)
Occupation: archaeologist and historian

Personality Profile:She is shy till she knows you. Can be very stubborn and opinionated

Physical Description:burgundy, shoulder-length hair with blonde highlights pulled back to reveal a thin, lived-in face. Shuttered green eyes with red and gold flecks, set elegantly within their sockets,5`5"tall and 115 lbs


General Power Information : Pyrokinetics
Ability One: Pyrokinetics seraphina has capabilities effect fire seen and manufacture flame at will . Can shape flames into balls but she has some trouble with controlling where they hit .

Ability Two: thermal kinetics: higher: Seraphina can raise temperatures around her to tropical like heights she can effect heating of an radius of 25 feet diameter around her person.

Ability Three:

Drawbacks & Weaknesses:excessive use can weaken her . Sonic resonances can disrupt or any stun effect can break her thought. Extreme cold will effect her powers and most likely do temporary harm

Skills: knowledgeable in chemical reactions , an anatomy and biophysics and archeology.
Loves music and dancing. Has knowledge of weapons and their wounds.

Background: found wandering the streets of new York`s Bronx district at assumed age of 2 or 3 years . Found by Sgt Mac Mason of the new York dept of police . She was covered in blood a canvases of the area found two persons murdered .A woman Eirene Nicolas ,mother of the child and a younger lady Vivian Macellis later found to be the nanny .The report stated that no other adult was in the car . The mother Eirene Nicolas had been married to a strange looking man but his where about are still unknown as no records can be found of him .
The child was placed in the home of Albert and grace McPherson and was named Serphina Nicolas. Then at was accused in a house fire . In which several rooms were destroyed. It was found inconclusive as to who set it as point of origin was never found . Her juvenile record of the incident was sealed . That was ten years ago .She had a normal schooling an excelled far beyond the expectations of her teachers.
Now she works for the museum of ancient history as a researcher , archaeologist and weapons historian.

Criminal Record: sealed juvenile record

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts:once accused of setting a group home on fire . She is shy till she gets to know you.
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