Simon Grey

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Simon Grey

Post by vile »

Player Nickname: Blackheart

Name: Simon Grey
Age: 20
Date of Birth: 3/20/95

Height: 6'2
Weight: 250
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Blue-grey
Place of Origin: Miami, FL
Nationality/Race: American
Classification/Origin of Powers: Mutant

Status: Other
Occupation: Con artist

Personality Profile: On one hand he does his best to keep a smiling and pleasant facade visible to the public but on the other his true self lurks beneath the surface. Years of abusing his powers has left him jaded and bitter. He questions both his and others' motivation along with reality as a whole. Memories, things perceived, and thoughts aren't to be trusted. As much as he'd like to welcome friends and let his guard down it's too difficult. People are to be used and discarded before they catch on and complicate his life. One day he hopes to find a home and happiness but it seems impossible for now.

Physical Description: Tall, muscular, looks like he could play football or box. His entire day isn't spent in the gym but he visits one a couple times a week to relieve stress. His hair's short and kept neatly brushed forward. Dress varies but he's normally found in a form-fitting t-shirt, nice jeans, heavy work boots with an external steel plate, and a jacket. A steel chain connects his wallet to a belt loop.



General Power Information: Liar, liar

Ability One: Thought suggestion

Pushing suggestions into a person's head with a stare and hypnotic words. It could be simple like believing a small lie to something greater like performing the chicken dance or some other action. While using this power his eyes glow blue and swirl with color.

Ability Two: Item mimicry: forgery

For an hour or two he can alter an item's external appearance. A slip of paper can appear to be cash money, a library card an ID, and so on. Even when passed on to someone else the item retains its altered looks.

Drawbacks & Weaknesses:

Thought suggestion: Both eye contact must be made, maintained, and his words heard clearly to succeed. If interrupted the action will fail. The suggestions are merely that and can be resisted particularly if they're something that a target has strong feelings about. The more complex a suggestion is, or if it's not very probable to begin with, the more likely it is to fail. Suggestions are merely that and don't map out the way an action will unfold. It is open to interpretation and be taken the wrong way resulting in failure or completion in an unintended way. Psychics, and those with resistance to psychic or other powers, are not likely to fall for his shenanigans. The power doesn't trump lie detector powers. Will not function with recordings or other electronic devices unless both audio and video feed are present. Likelihood of failure goes up if a person is aware of his powers or can see it coming. The glow to his eyes can clue observers in that something's up. Also that he has to verbally tell people what to do. Observers would hear, but not be affected by, what he says.

Forgery: Dimensions can't be changed. A pack of cards can't be passed off as a car for example. Smaller items that have simple designs retain their altered appearance longer than complex designs or alterations. Texture changes won't be felt. A dollar bill's raised ink wouldn't be raised to the touch.

Skills: One thing he has always enjoyed, even before learning his power, is acting. Memorization of his lines came naturally along with the gestures and tone needed to pull off a line.

Background: Once upon a time Simon had a different background with different people in his life. He had a house and a family with people he wouldn't recognize people. It was a place in southern Florida in a little house with big palm trees in the back yard. Lizards were a thing of interest along with huge mosquitoes and water bugs. His mother was loving, his father away more than home, and his sister off in another state for college. School was good, as were his grades, and his friends plentiful. At one point there was a car and a dog.

But now he's not quite sure if that really happened or if it was a lie he told himself while staring too deeply into a mirror. Trying too hard to push a lie into his own head in a selfish bid to give himself a happy childhood. Just how much has been perverted by his own mind is anyone's guess if it was changed at all. Some nights he stares at the ceiling and muses on it all. His powers don't work in a reflection but sometimes he wonders.

Eventually he moved when he duped the wrong person and has learned it's for the best to migrate instead of hanging around in one place too long. Now he's in Salem and looking for a temporary home and way to drag in some money whether legit or a lie.

Criminal Record: None

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts: Not terribly bright. He doesn't have much of a filter so he pretty much just says whatever comes to mind. That can get him in trouble at times but he doesn't really care. It matters to him even less what others think of him.
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