Hand of Purity [Jan 2015]

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Hand of Purity [Jan 2015]

Post by Sisip »

The news had been relatively normal for quite some time but today they were running a story of a different colour. A pretty blonde woman with quite a bit of makeup sat behind the news desk.

"I'm Ivanna Dolittle and welcome to 'The Line of Fire'." Theme music plays for a moment. It would appear Ms Dolittle had come up in the world of news. "In today's changing landscape we find most of the United States divided behind a growing line. Mutations. We have to ask ourselves, are mutations, and those people with them, a positive thing for the future? Or are we risking a war unlike any the world has seen by letting them roam freely.

Today we are speaking with the head of the radical, pro-mutant group, Liber8, Sidney Brodeur, welcome back Sidney" The screen flashes to a rather normal looking fellow. Attractive enough, a strong jawline, perfect white teeth, well groomed dark hair. He flashes a smile to the camera and gives a bit of a wave, "It's great to be here again, Ivanna." She flashes a winning smile at him before turning to her other guest "And the public voice of the group known as Hand of Purity, a newcomer to the Salem scene, Jaromir Malkin. Mr Malkin, could you tell us a bit about Hand of Purity?"

Jaromir Malkin was a brute. He looked more at home on an ice skating rink than sitting at a news desk. He had a flat broad nose and shoulders that would put an ox to shame. His hair was cropped short to his head and was a mousy brown colour. Eyes were too close together and too small to be considered attractive. Why anyone would choose -this- fellow to be their spokesperson was anyone's guess.

"The Hand of Purity has been around for some time, Ms Dolittle. We started in the Southern United States and have been working our way Northwards for some time now. We're a non profit organization, striving to help those in need."

"Who, exactly, do you consider those in need?" The friendly demeanor of Sidney Brodeur had hardened just a bit, his voice containing just a little bit of an edge. An edge that was either lost on, or ignored by Mr Malkin, "Why mutants of course. They can't help how they were born, mutated and impure, but Hand of Purity is here to help them gain what they can't, themselves, obtain. A pure and complete soul."

"Are you saying that mutant's have no soul?" Ivanna Dolittle's sweet voice cut in, "Mister Malkin? I would hazard a guess that something like that could stir up a little bit of controversy."

"How can something that isn't human have a soul, Ms Dolittle? They're nothing more than trained monkies at this point. Parrots with flesh. We, however, help them rid themselves of their disfigurements, help them find the spiritual purity that grants them a soul. We -cleanse- them."

Sidney Brodeur sat, stunned. He couldn't even think of anything to say. Even Ivanna Dolittle, chatterbox of News2Salem, was quiet for a moment, "You.. cleanse them? How does one... cleanse.. a mutant?"

A smile stretched across Malkin's face, it was enough to make a nun's skin crawl, "We have many specialists in our ranks, Ms Dolittle, we welcome the mutant in, we give them the teachings, and if they are mutated beyond things they, themselves, cannot remove.. well .. we take care of -that- for them as well."

To his credit Sidney Brodeur did not shame his group, Liber8. All he did was stand, shake his head and walk off camera. The lack of argument seemed to unnerve the pretty newscaster, who took a moment, "Uhm, it would appear Mr Brodeur is having some .. technical issues." She looks back to Malkin, "Well, Mister Malken, it would appear we're going to have to cut our debate short, but I do hope to invite you back ... at a later date." She didn't sound very sure of that, but it's what she was expected to say.

Looking back to the camera she clears her throat, "I'm Ivanna Dolittle, with The Line of Fire, and we've just been talking to Jaromir Malkin of the Hand of Purity, a new " she hesitates, almost not wanting to say the next line ".. support group .. for those with mutations who are not .." She clears her throat, "Until next time, Salem. Back to you Ron!"

The screen fades to the regular broadcast. Nobody was quite sure about what happened, but it was obvious that there was a new player in town.
The world is made up of stories, not atoms. ~Muriel Rukeyser
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