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Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2014 8:22 am
by haladur_phox
Player Nickname: Haladur.

Name: Haladur
Codename: Hal, Fox
Age: 400+
Date of Birth: Unknown.

Height: 6ft 6 in
Weight: 200
Hair Color: Red
Eye Color: Yellow
Place of Origin: Seattle, Wa USA
Nationality/Race: American/Kitsune
Classification/Origin of Powers: Occult

Status: Rouge
Occupation: Mercenary, Activist.

Personality Profile: Care about everyone and the environment. Shows no mercy to extremists. Always willing to help out.

Physical Description: 6 1/2 ft tall skinny looking usually seen in leather armor


General Power Information: Skilled with a katana, Has magical abilities.

Ability One: Fox Fire. Can summon balls of fire.

Ability Two: Limited Shape shifting. Can change into a fox

Ability Three: Voice mimicry. Can sound like anyone he heard.

Drawbacks & Weaknesses: Shape shifting takes lots of concentration, Loses voice after using mimicry for a while.

Skills: Swordsman, Tracking, Acrobatics

Background: Haladur grew up a normal life till the age of 20 then he got into activism by torching animal testing labs and stealing High value animal products. At the age of 22 during a raid on a collectors house to free some animals a Magical katana called out to him and he took it.
Over the next few months a slow transformation took over Changing him spiritually by the kitsune spirit trapped in the sword. Now he uses his skills to help people and the environment.

Criminal Record: Terrorism, breaking & entry, Kidnapping, Stealing, Assault, Attempted murder, Arson.

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts: Isn't afraid to hide the fact of the crimes he has committed for the good. Willing to help people in need.

Re: Haladur

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2014 9:11 am
by Sisip
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