Manny Aldenti

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Manny Aldenti

Post by Yarkeykins »

IRC Nickname: Yarkeykins

Name: Manny Aldenti
Superhero Name: Voodoo Emo
Age: 27
Date of Birth: Exact date unknown
Hometown: Unknown

Height: 6' 1"
Weight: 140
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Green
Nationality/Race: Swarthy

Occupation: None

Personality Profile: Manny is rather difficult to diagnose, mostly due to his stubbornness. Direct questions are rarely answered, and answered with obvious lies when pressed. Although he is not heartless, he seems to have little regard for the feelings of others- he is not entertained by death or serious injury, but seems to delight in the discomfort of others. Although he seems to have redeeming qualities, whatever they may be is buried underneath a protective layer of selfishness and an almost pathological desire to make people dislike him. Although he acts and claims to be quite intelligent, all tests have come back in the bottom twenty percent quotient.

Physical Description: A lanky fellow who usually looks like he'd just been fed through a threshing machine. Bandages cover his arms and legs, his nose is crooked from several breaks, and he is visibly missing several teeth. His forearms suffered the worst- he chooses long sleeved shirt to hide the countless cigarette burns, cuts, and other wounds on his mangled arms. He is covered in bruises to the point that he looks unusual if he doesn't have them all over, even his face.


Mutation/Powers: Hyperempathy projection

Primary : Manny possesses the very curious ability of being able to force others to feel what he physically feels. Heat, cold, pressure, and most frequently used, pain. By concentrating on anyone within his immediate vicinity, he is able to use himself as a voodoo doll or sorts. The level of pain shared is equal to what Manny feels, and extends to the point of causing physical injury, up to, theoretically, death.

Secondary : None

Tertiary : High threshold of pain- This isn't actually a power, but a byproduct of years of self abuse.

Drawbacks/Weaknesses/Side Effects : Because he possesses no special durability or healing ability, Manny is only able to inflict as much damage as he himself is willing to withstand. Years of using this power deliberately has left him covered in scars and the remnants of many, many injuries.

How do you believe this character's powers will further develop in the future? : Manny is almost certainly destined to deteriorate wildly in health, much like a stuntman or daredevil would be expected to.

Background: Other than his criminal record, there is no consistent story other than his name, which has consistently checked out as fake.

Criminal record:
6 - Petty Theft
13 - Assault
15 - Aggravated Assault
2 - Arson (Acquitted on one count)
3 - Breaking and Entering
5 - Public Intoxication
1 - Grand Theft Auto
1 - Voter fraud
12 - Possession of a controlled substance
57 - Resisting Arrest

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts:

- Consistent, unlapsing subscription to Better Homes and Gardens while incarcerated.
- Often has faked illnesses. Although he is generally considered to be in poor health, he does NOT have the following conditions: Crohn's Disease, Malaria, Dropsy, Spongiform Encephaly (AKA Mad Cow disease), H1N1, cowpox, Legionnaire's disease, cholera, yeast infections, terratoma, hemophelia, China syndrome, Paris syndrome, Stockholm syndrome, Patty Hearst syndrome, Mutie-Flu, Williams syndrome, toxic shock syndrome, lycanthropy, dyslexia, or gluteal cancer.
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