Ten Kaylas Enter. One Tomato Leaves.

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Ten Kaylas Enter. One Tomato Leaves.

Post by Goldbolt »

* Sisip She was dressed in a pair of jeans and a t shirt. Nothing fancy tonight. The text message had gone out earlier, and again today.. a general blast "Putting HumptyDumpty back together again. Meet at the Maze."

* Kyrstin` was sitting quietly in a corner of the hall near the maze entrance. She was dressed in her lightstrip-hemmed hoodie and a pair of loose pants.

* Midas was already there. Well not really he was just close enough by happenstance to be one of the first there. Dressed in a black T-shirt, tucked into a pair of blue jeans, with his gold thread hair carefully combed back. Glancing at his phone as he wandered up mumbling something to himself.

Off to the side was a big grinding machine. But not really. Off to the side was a bed, with the real Kayla on it. Strangely enough one of her hands was a yellowy brown colour.

* Midas spared a look at that sickly looking hand, hoping that it wasn't what well a sign of things to come so to speak, as he literally had no clue if it was a good thing or bad. Letting sigh out as he slipped his phone into his pocket and offered the resident telepath a nod of greeting.

* Sisip Watching Midas eye the hand she heads to him and rests a hand on his shoulder, "Just iodine. If things go wonk-eyed we want to make sure we know which one she is without having to tire Kyrstin out again." She gives the telepath a nod and a bit of a smile. "Once JJ shows up with his wonder.. machine.. we'll get started."

* Sunder The metalhead was easy to spot. The decking nails kind of gave it away. He was on his way towards the rec, backpack slung over shoulder, single ear-bud in place, usual assortment of black cargos and dark red t shirt.

* Sisip She places to fingers between her lips and whistles. A shrill sound, piercing and familiar. The whistle she only ever used to get Spikey's attention.

* Kyrstin` winces

* Sunder Stops and looks over "Oi! What's goin on?"

* Midas hissed at the whistle listing his hands as if to cover his ears, but far too late to really stop the noise. "Ugh!"

* Sisip Moving in she presses a soft kiss to Sunders lips before looking at the hospital bed with the iodine stained hand Kayla in it. "We're putting her back together."

* JJ Was running a little late. Why? Because he believed he was about to do something really really horrible to Kayla's unofficial sisters. Late because he was praying for forgiveness for a vast variety of gods he'd looked up on the internet. He was dragging the machine. Not using his powers to push it on an electric dolly. He wanted to feel his muscle aching come tomorrow. Wanted to feel something. Pain was a good choice. THAT was also a reason for lateness, ok that made two... no three things. Thing the Third was JJ covering up the fact he'd been crying. But soon enough JJ was where the action was, with the strange machine that only seemed to randomly come to life every six months or so... Marlo was the only reason JJ even knew the machine acted out in such a fashion. "I got it..." He tried to smile.

* Midas crossed his arms, leaning against the wall as he waited. He was quite, various things rolling though his mind. Nodding about the explanation of the hand as he waited. He wasn't sure exactly what would happened, but if this had the potential to fix things then it was worth a shot he figured. So long as the others had the fortitude to carry it through.

<Sunder> "You know, never did find JJ. Just what the bloody hell is involved in putting 'er back together... and the 'ole there's a bunch of hers missing thing..."

* Sisip As JJ rolled in her smile faded. He could try to cover up his emotions but his aunt knew him better than that. Moving from Sunder she wraps her arms around JJ in a hug. "Thank you, JJ. I think it's better that we handle this, her friends and her family, then letting META do this." What she hadn't told anyone, however, is that to prevent a panic and a wave of terrified clones, she'd had them all sedated by one of META's sedation biochems. As Sunder mentions the missing part Sisip blanches just a bit, "We've... " She reaches up and pinches the bridge of her nose, "We have all of bits we could recover." That was the only way to phrase it nicely. "We have to make sure we get as much of her back as possible." It was so disgusting.

* Kyrstin` pipes up from the corner. "For what it's worth, Prime seems to be intact. At least, as far as I can tell.

<Midas> "Then what are we waiting for?" He'd speak up. "Lets get the extra's in and fix her." Uncrossing his arms, though he'd tried, in most cases the Kayla's seemed to want to have very little to d o with him, this led to a surprising lack of sympathy for the clones plight. Any debate on if they should be allowed to exist was lost on Midas. Making his way toward the bed for a moment then turning back to everyone else. "Unless someone objects?"

* Kyrstin` shakes her head

* Sunder Shrugs, still clueless as to just what the heck they were doing.

* JJ Hugged Sisip but only briefly, then he was setting the machine up. Two pieces. The chamber and the receiver pad where hopefully one would appear after all the clones and... bits of clones were put inside the machine. "They're people..." He objected but it came out as little more than a muttering. A very depressed muttering. He returned to fixing up the last bits of the machine.

<Sisip> "No. Nobody objects." Her eyes slid from JJ to Sunder and for a moment she was META-Sisip and not Sisip-Sisip. She knew what META had planned. She knew none of the others would enjoy it in the least. At least this way they had control. Looking to Kyrstin she tilts her head, "Can you go in there?" She nods to the girl on the bed, "Make sure we don't lose her?" She raises a hand and flicks it, out of the hallway comes a full staff of people who go in and open up the double doors into a large room. In it were gurneys full of unconscious KayClones, a sea of red hair everywhere. "Midas, if you could roll her in there? JJ? Bring the machine in."

* Kyrstin` exhales. "I... can go in. I cant guarantee anything." including her OWN safety, not that she was saying that out loud."

<Midas> "They use to be." Was all he said in reply to JJ's meek protest as he moved towards the hospital bed. Standing at the head of it, he'd stare for a moment then back up. Ready to wheel her in when all was set.

* JJ Well this way they had the Kayla Prime, there was no need to send them all through, but he... he trusted his machines. "At least we don't have to send them all through and have a mystic looking out for her soul. We know who the.. real Kayla is." He then turned to Midas looking perplexed. "Used to? Was there a change in their make-up? Do I need to recalibrate?"

* Sisip She shakes her head, "Nothing has changed, Jay. We wheel them through one at a time. It can do that, right? KaylaPrime won't be stuck with .. being a gurney.. in her head?"

* Kyrstin` reaches up and removes her sunglasses, drawing in a deep breath... and blinks. Her eyes open again, this time purple glowing pupiless orbs...

<Sisip> She nods to Midas, "Bring her into the room. Let's get this over with." She points to a gurney that had just a couple of black bags on it. "Save that one for last. Let's just.. see if she needs it." Please lord don't let her need the dead bodies.

* Angel`Pearson showed up a bit late to where the group met, kinduv falling in on their edge quietly. After being involved in the horribly stressful Kay situation he just felt like he should be there for what was hopefully the end of it.

* Midas letting out a breath he didn't know he was holding, he'd wheel his comatose Fiance into the room. Lingering for a moment out of sight, before heading back outside. He was doing his best to mask his feelings, all he did was nod after stepping out and took a step to the side. What would he do if it didn't work? Probably forcibly have someone surgically altered to look like Kayla and brainwashed. Hey...When you're rich?

* JJ The machine was ready to be wheeled in. The receiver pad was already where it needed to be. He was not going to cry again... He was only committing... umm, what was the term for erasing inadvertent clones? Xeroccide? Duplicide? Maybe the more simplistic Senicide or Xenocide. "Let's get this over with... And no one else go in. I have no idea how this'll react to non identical DNA sequences..."

* Sisip She nods as she motions to one of the helpers. "JJ, you keep an eye on that machine.. if ANYTHING looks wonky you shut it down." She takes a bit of a breath, "Alright everybody, let's get our girl back." She nods to the assistants who wheel the first of the clones to where they belonged.

* Angel`Pearson he'd had no intention to go in and actually witness the procedure, and nodnodded when JJ spoke, watching with a little frown. He totally felt his pain. This whole situation was just rotten.

* Midas turned to observe, well as best he could anyway. Brown eyes narrowing a little as he glanced over at JJ for a moment then back to the machine. He wasn't quite sure what to expect.

* Sunder Still just looks confused "I guess this shite will get explained later" He'd mention as he looked over the machine, and then the pile of comatose Kays

<JJ> "She knows what she's supposed to do. But I'll keep my eyes on her." He told Sisip. Yes. The machine was a her and JJ trusted her to do as told. The machine knew what it was doing, even if JJ wasn't the best at all this biologic stuff. Machines made sense. Fleshy stuff? Not so much. Still JJ crossed himself, thinking he was committing some dire ethical crime. He opened up the chamber, it looked surprisingly roomy on the inside. "Just send them inside. I'll close the door... Then keep your eyes on the receiver pad. I only tried this thing out on rats since the modifications. They came out alright. A bit bigger than before, but alive... And functional upstairs."

The Kayla's are put in a couple at a time. If all it did was read genetic code then it wouldn't matter how many they put in there.

* Sisip did stop them from trying to just drop one on top of the other though. "We do this respectfully, dammit." The look she gave the men trying to help would turn even the hardest heart to jelly. "Keep an eye out, Kyrs, if you please."

* Kyrstin` 's eyes were glowing and sightless still. So... yeah. That was an ironic statement.

<Sunder> ".... Bigger than before? We're not gonna have Kayzilla at the end of this are we? If we are I'm gettin my good camera."

* Midas watched as each one was filed in. He'd taken the time to actually meet some of them, it was interesting. He didn't consider them individually as people. He found the similarities interesting, but it didn't matter now. Clasping his hands behind his back as he counted them off mentally.

<JJ> "Ok is that... all of them?" JJ looked a little queasy when pieces of Kaylas had been put in. Give me the word and I'll hit the final button."

* Sisip Shot Sunder an amused look before she nods to JJ. "Let her get to it, kiddo." She cleared her throat.

* JJ So it wasn't a button, it was a lever. A lever that JJ pulled while a freak bolt of lightning crackled across the sky, lighting up goggles that were inexplicably on JJ's face. "I'm sorry...."

* Kyrstin` 's eyes flare brightly as JJ pulls the lever, purple light pouring out of them, growing in intensity.

The machine did what it needed to do, even smoking just a bit. Lights light up and blink and whirr. When everything settles and the door is open there sits... a tomato. No more Kaylas. Just a massive tomato, about the size of a large beach-ball. It was almost humorous.. if it wasn't so heartbreaking. All these individuals, scared and alone... reduced to nothing but a fruit that was classed as a veggie.

<Midas> "What?" He'd say staring at the Tomato that had once been all the Kayla's, brown eyes shooting over to JJ. "Explain." Arms uncrossing, as he clenched his hands into fists. Though he did an admirable job and biting it back, one could easily guess the results were not what he expected.

<JJ> "Bwa...." Was JJ's intelligent reply to Midas. "Bwuuu?" He continued with, eyes brimming with panic tears. Yup, brain always went into panic mode before logic went into override... "They... they were always tomatoes..." He stuttered... "While researching... I learned.... Kayla was trying to make something to solve hunger... she crossed a multiplier's DNA with her own... and... a tomato... But.." He blinked... "They're all a tomato now?..."

* Sisip She stood there, staring at the machine, "Well.. that.. " She hesitates, "Was unexpected?" She wasn't sciencey... she wasn't smart enough to even begin to understand. Motioning to one of the helpers they move in with a Geiger counter, just to be sure.

<Midas> "Okay..where's the real Kayla now." Keeping it together, he'd peer into the machine before glancing over at the pad. The tomato didn't really matter so long as the goal was achieved.

* Kyrstin` slumps back against the wall behind her.

<Sunder> "Okay.. I don't see angel.. So we aren't high as kites... Do I want to know what just 'appened?" He looked at JJ for a moment. "Don't say it. I don't. But I'll ask anyways."

<JJ> "Tomato...." Was the only word JJ managed now. Whether or not the Kaylites had originally been cloned from tomatoes didn't matter. In JJ's mind He'd [bleeping] turned a bunch of Kaylas into tomatoes!

The real Kayla was there, still unconscious. The helpers had to shift the huge tomato aside, gingerly, to wheel her out. That iodine hand still stained, proof she was still the Prime.

* Sisip motioned to the nursing staff, "Please tell Doc Machina to bring her out of it." Moving over to Kyrstin she looks her over, "Kyrstin, are we good? Is she there?"

* Midas didn't think to concern himself with the others at the moment as she was gingerly removed, instantly he was following them. Curious to hear was Kyrstin might say about her mental state of course, but more concerned with being there as she's brought out of it.

* Kyrstin` was... semiconscious, from the look of her. A girl half asleep. The light from her eyes was diminished, almost entirely faded. She nods her head slightly.

* Sisip Nodding she presses her forehead to Kyrstins for a moment, "Good job." She motions a gurney over and lets the nurse help Kyrs onto it. "Make sure she's rested and hydrated." They wheel Kyrstin out after Kayla was removed, with Midas following after. "And make sure Boyle is brought out tonight. No more waiting." The sooner this was done with the better. With things settled Sisip moves over to JJ. "Sweetheart.. I know.. this is difficult.. but you've saved Kayla."

<JJ> "Kayla..." He was staring at where the tomato had been... A tomato that used to be 20-something people. And don't say they weren't real! #19 was real! She was a person! Those three in the warehouse, hoboing it up and eating beans had been people! It wasn't like they were mindless doubles that ran into walls and spoke in gibberish. "But I destroyed those others..."
* Sisip She sighs softly, nodding. "We did. Yes. But if we didn't do it this way.." She sighs softly, "Jay, META was going to give them a bullet to the head. They were done with this whole thing. THAT is what they do. We .. undid... the clones, yes. That's on us, but we gave them a peaceful, quiet and meaningful death." She shakes her head, "This whole thing was going to end in tears, no matter what. This was the best way for that to happen."

* Angel`Pearson he'd stayed quiet during the...whatever it had been, but he listened to JJ and Sisip once it was over. His own thoughts leaned more toward JJ's, but he understood it had probably needed to be done too, mostly. Kinduv. The poor boy must feel horrible to have been the one to carry things out "..What a shit job this whole thing has been.."

* JJ Looked a little green. Both at what he'd done, and what Sisip said. Bullet to the head... "How... how could META do that? It wasn't their fault. They just existed. They developed their own selves... wants..." He scoffed at his aunt's explanation. "A meaningful death? They're one tomato now! One Big Tomato!" He buried his face in Sisip shoulder and weeped.

* Sisip Her arms wrap around JJ as she rests her head against his. Eyes close as she lets him cry. Off to the side the tomato was lifted, with as much respect as you can lift a mutatedly large tomato, and wheeled off. Sisip had more to deal with tonight, before she went home to do her own crying, she had to make sure that nobody cut into that fruit/veggie.
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