In The Hall of Many Voices

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In The Hall of Many Voices

Post by Kyrstin »

Kyrstin enters the medical ward, dressed in... a set of nurse scrubs? Where'd she... yaknow what, probably best not to ask. She enters the room of the Kaylas, glancing around for a moment before going to grab a chair.

There was only one Kayla in this room now, the other two having been carted off to who knows where. It was the only way to be sure they didn't cross their Kayla's again.

Well, not the ONLY way... but it was fair enough, she rationalized. Removing her sunglasses, the girl sits down in the chair, and takes a few deep breaths. "Once more into hell we march...." she mumbles to herself, and then...blinks. Her eyes open to be purple, glowing orbs once again...

Kyrstin> Kayla?

Kyrstin would be met with a huge rush of paranoid anger mixed with confusion and flashes, upon flashes, of what appeared to be random images...Other Kayla's, phones, doors, magazines, a light fixture.

A light fixture? Were they allowing the Kaylas conjugal visits down there? Anyway. Focus girl. You're gonna need it. Kayla Prime. Hear me. Take my hand. and she would, metaphysically, reach out a hand, palm open.

There's increased confusion and flashes of bricks. They don't really form anything substantial, certainly not the wall she'd been told once or twice to focus on when a telepath was in her head. In the end a wave of exhaustion, despair and defeat remains before there's the faintest of touches (metaphysically, of course).

Kyrstin> I'm not here to hurt you. Any of you. But we need to talk. she pulls the touch towards her, drawing that sentience close... but the telepath was more used to walls of a different sort. Once the presence was close enough, swirling winds of psychic energy form around them, in an effort to shut out the other voices. In the physical world, Kyrstin's eyes begin to glow brighter, the light leaking out more.

As that swirling wind of psychic energy envelopes them the muddled and confusing images filter away one by one until a single presence.

Kyrstin smiles a bit. Ah... that's better. I can't keep this up forever, though. Are you with me now?

ComaKay see's nothing but darkness. Darkness and a glowing Kyrstin. There's a bit of unease before very faintly she's finally heard, "Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world, you walk into mine." She was exhausted, but amused. The only person she'd seen other than her own self and flashes of what other hers had seen.. was the one person she really could have done without seeing.

Kyrstin laughs a little bit at that, though... she hasn't actually seen the reference, she sees it while Kayla's thinking about it. Kinda weird that way. I know you don't want me here. And that's ok. But I need to. To prepare you.

That feeling of defeat and despair only seem to grow stronger, "I am going to die." It wasn't a question, more a statement. Obviously she thought this was the only way this would end.

Kyrstin blinks. Why would you think that?

Kayla> "What else would I need to be prepared for.. A warning that things will be fine never happens." Now there's a hint of irritation.

Kyrstin> You were not ready for the Voice of Many. I'm here to try and make sure you don't go insane.

Kayla> Now there's amusement felt, "I have died so many times. I have felt every one. Do you know how that feels?"

Kyrstin> There are worse things than death. her voice is... diminished, sad.

Kayla> "If you say so." She obviously doesn't believe her, who could blame ComaKay afterall. "So keep me sane. How will you accomplish that?"

Kyrstin frowns. She was very, very aware of those things, but she had to focus. She tried to push the sadness away. In the metaphysical space, the appearance of Kyrstin flickers back and forth between herself and what.. appears to be a young girl in a nightgown, before eventually settling back into her normal self. You need to learn to mute the other voices.

ComaKay exudes hesitation, "I cannot do that. They are always there."

Kyrstin> You dont want them to go away. Not yet. Imagine a hallway full of doors.

Kayla> "Doors. I can do doors."

Kyrstin> Let's see them then.

It's like a scene from the Matrix. Kyrstin standing in darkness when suddenly a hallway with red carpet and black walls appears, each door a deep red shade. Dozens and dozens of doors.

Kyrstin> You pick this up quickly. Now... behind each door... put one of the voices. And each door is open.

Kayla hadn't always been terrified of telepaths, her twin brother.. after all.. was one. Not overly powerful but one nevertheless. It hadn't been until Sadira that things had changed. Creating doors was one thing, separating out the KaylaClones was another. Kyrstin would feel her struggle with that, quite a bit.

Kyrstin> The winds around them would shift, coursing down the hall behind the rows of doors. One. Find one. The weakest among them.

One is found, images flashing through ComaKay's conciousness of feet, and hands twisting around each other. An ill feeling creeps in, mingling with ComaKay. It's a fight to keep from letting that ill feeling take over. She was her. They were the same.

Kyrstin> Put it behind a door. And then close the door, until there is just a little crack. Do not slam the door. Do not lock the door.

Kayla> "I can't. I can't go in there." She was slipping just a little bit.

The wind kicked up stronger, though the Kyrstin in the metaphysical space was breathing heavier now. Keep hold of yourself.

ComaKay struggled for a bit longer before she finally did teeter back. Suddenly the ill feeling KaylaClone is felt behind the door that was closed till it was just barely open.

Kyrstin> You don't want to cut off the link entirely... it will devastate the clone. and if she left it wide open when the clone ceased to be.... well. We already know how THAT feels, dont we.

ComaKay took a bit of initiative, gaining focus slowly as each of the clones is put behind 'almost' closed doors. Thankfully there's no more losing herself as she almost did with ill-KayClone.

Kyrstin slowly backs the wind off as each room is filled, remaining standing beside the ComaKay. She could not do this for her. It had to be done by herself. As Kyrstin has to exert less on the winds, her control slowly returns to her, though she is still breathing heavily.

It's not done quickly and there's a few steps back before she manages to step forward again but after some time ComaKay gets it doe. Kyrstin isn't the only one who is exhausted mentally, "Am I sane now?" She wasn't being snippy in the least, she was truly asking.

Kyrstin> Were you ever? yup, her turn to crack the joke. Let's see how noisy things get.... and she lets the winds drop.

As the winds drop the flashes of images return, but tollerable, all things considered. They weren't overwhelming, they weren't dragging ComaKayla into them. They were simply as if someone had left a tv on in another room.

Kyrstin> And now you know why I -dont- go around tapping into people's brains constantly.

ComaKay was too tired to fuss, even too tired to respond with anything but, "Thank you." There's a bit of a hesitation, "Can you tell him that I hear him?"

Kyrstin nods, voice softer.Alejandro? Sure. I'll pass the message along.

Kayla> "Thank you. For all of it." Huh! She wasn't spitting in her .. psychic face! Progress!

Kyrstin nods again. I'll try and check in when they're ready to do whatever they're going to do. But i don't control Sisip's timing.
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