Mark Hudson

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Mark Hudson

Post by Sisip »

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03[15:36] * Mark`Hudson (blueblaser@6ca5f0bd.6ca5ed75.99.199.imsk) has joined #Cobalt*OOC
[15:37] <Chris`Tango> hey Mark
[15:37] <Mark`Hudson> Hi..
02[15:37] * `Todd ( Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.86 [Firefox 3.6.8/20100722155716])
[15:37] <Force^> yo Mark
[15:37] <Mark`Hudson> Hi
06[15:38] * Mark`Hudson walks straight to a power drill and puts it to his temple and drills himself, falls and dies
[15:38] <Force^> soooo good day then ?
[15:38] <Chris`Tango> zup, bro?
03[15:38] * Force^ is now known as Solaris
[15:38] <Mark`Hudson> I'm thinking I may be gone for a little while
[15:39] <Mark`Hudson> couple days maybe a week. Don't know eactly
06[15:39] * Chris`Tango nods
[15:39] <Mark`Hudson> exactly*
[15:39] <Chris`Tango> everyone needs a breaki now and then
[15:39] <Solaris> whats up bro ?
[15:39] <Chris`Tango> make sre to let kmanda know
[15:40] <Mark`Hudson> Let's put it this way. My gf bitches me out to spend time with her. So she asks me to take her to caddy shack (A strip club) and half way through the night she ends up leaving with some guy
[15:40] <Chris`Tango> -k
[15:40] <Skarfang> Woah.
[15:40] <Chris`Tango> ouchers
[15:40] <Skarfang> Sounds like my wife. Sorry, homie. It sucks, but..there's always booze and `ludes.
[15:40] <Mark`Hudson> So I get home, and she's in "MY" bed with that guy she brought home
[15:41] <Chris`Tango> damn
[15:41] <Skarfang> Oh, see, that's where someone would be dead and I'd most likely be in jail.
[15:41] <Mark`Hudson> They didn't have sex or kiss or anything
[15:41] <Solaris> and shes still your gf?
[15:42] <Mark`Hudson> I can't get rid of her
[15:42] <Solaris> why?
[15:42] <Chris`Tango> yes you can
[15:42] <Mark`Hudson> Yeah, kick her out so she ends up living on the street
[15:42] <Mark`Hudson> (y)
[15:42] <Skarfang> You can always get rid of her. I got rid of the wife. It was easy. I told her to GTFO of my house.
[15:42] <Mark`Hudson> oh right no thumbs up symbol
[15:42] <Chris`Tango> do it
[15:42] <Skarfang> See, you can't worry about stuff like that.
[15:42] <Chris`Tango> sheideserves that or bringing another dude into YOUR bed!
[15:43] <Chris`Tango> for*
[15:43] <Mark`Hudson> I realised I started drinking when she and I started dating
[15:43] <Skarfang> Never sacrifice personal happiness, you'll end up fucking yourself. Literally.
[15:43] <Mark`Hudson> I sacraficed my happiness ALONG time ago
[15:43] <Solaris> ok mark if she says shes your gf that sort of crap is totally bullshit i dont care if they didnt do anything kick her to the curb stop the hooch and do things for tyourself
[15:43] <Skarfang> See? Time to indulge in some self gratification. I say go out and beat the drum.
[15:45] <Mark`Hudson> This much is for certain
[15:45] <Mark`Hudson> she's not getting in tonight
[15:45] <Solaris> Good
[15:45] <Mark`Hudson> she went out with some "friends" and I locked the doors and have her keys
[15:46] <Chris`Tango> good deal
[15:46] <Solaris> and mark a real relationship isnt one person giving up on their happyness for the other its a mutual thing
[15:47] <Mark`Hudson> I know that
06[15:47] * Solaris was in a relationship kinda sorta like this told the other to GTFO
[15:47] <Mark`Hudson> I am waiting on a certain period of time

[15:47] <Mark`Hudson> She may be preggers so I have to wait
06[15:47] * Solaris nods
[15:47] <Chris`Tango> are you sure it'l;l be yours?
[15:48] <Solaris> ok do i have to superglue your dick to your leg? you better use protection
[15:49] <Mark`Hudson> I know it's not mine
[15:50] <Solaris> good man
[15:50] <Mark`Hudson> But I still feel responsible for her getting pregnant
[15:50] <@AnE> ...
[15:50] <Mark`Hudson> Good man? yeah...being protected has nothing to do with it
[15:50] <Mark`Hudson> I'm infertile
[15:50] <Solaris> but you are responsable
06[15:50] * Solaris can understand that
[15:51] <Solaris> k didnt know that
[15:51] <Mark`Hudson> I took her out a few months ago and see....a friend of mine raped her
[15:51] <Solaris> wait... how are you responsable for that?....hes dead with his dick n balls hanging from a telephone pole right?
[15:52] <Mark`Hudson> Nope, but he is in jail
[15:52] <Mark`Hudson> and is missing 3 fingers
[15:52] <Chris`Tango> he should be castrated. At the -very- least.
[15:53] <Solaris> almost as good he can be someones bitch then
[15:53] <Mark`Hudson> His middle fingers on both hands, and one index finger.
[15:53] <04Jeem> How'd that happen.
[15:55] <Mark`Hudson> Well the first to go were his middle and index on his right. I held his hand down so those fingers were sticking out and I cut them off with a broken bottle. The other one he stuck up at me and the other he fingered me and so I just cut the one off.
[15:55] <04Jeem> Really.
[15:56] <Solaris> uh..huh
[15:56] <Mark`Hudson> No, honestly I just crushed his hand by stepping on his hand
[15:56] <Mark`Hudson> I broke most of his knuckles, and shattered two fingers in the process.
[15:56] <Mark`Hudson> the index finger he already lost along time ago
[15:57] <04Jeem> I see.
[15:57] <Mark`Hudson> Step on the hand and twist with my boots on.
[15:58] <Mark`Hudson> as if stepping on a cig butt, but instead i used my heel
[15:58] <Mark`Hudson> I've actually got pictures of it somewhere
[15:59] <04Jeem> You should upload them.
[15:59] <Mark`Hudson> well the after part


03[19:36] * Mark`Hudson (blueblaser@6ca5f0bd.6ca5ed75.99.199.imsk) has joined #Cobalt*OOC
03[19:36] * Angel`Pearson ( has joined #Cobalt*OOC
[19:37] <Mark`Hudson> gf took my bankcard, I have no money
[19:37] <Mark`Hudson> So I am gonna just rp see if ti helps
03[19:37] * Mark`Hudson (blueblaser@6ca5f0bd.6ca5ed75.99.199.imsk) has left #Cobalt*OOC
[19:37] <04Jeem> Okay buddy! See ya!
[19:37] <Ashe> This has been vital information for your everyday life.
[19:38] <Kat> 0.o;
[19:38] <AnE> ...
[19:38] <Lanse> I feel enriched.


[16:45] <Mark`Hudson> Actually yeah!
[16:45] <Mark`Hudson> lol
[16:47] <Mark`Hudson> Long story Short. We kicked her out. Yes "we" did. My parents and I. Talked to them, told them whats up. They got pissed, told her...and i quote my mom on this. (her not being one to EVER swear) "Get the fuck out of my fucking house you filthy little whore" :) That's my mom!
[16:48] <Marlo__Cross> ouch
[16:48] <Mark`Hudson> then my ex cried, grabbed her stuff and left
[16:49] <Kumatora> So, have you experienced your shadenfreude phase yet?
[16:49] <Mark`Hudson> my what?
[16:49] <Tanith> hold on while he looks it up
[16:49] <Marlo__Cross> getting happy off her misery
[16:49] <Tanith> that would be what he is doing right now, by bragging to us, pretty much
[16:49] <Mark`Hudson> Ohh no not really happy about that
[16:49] <Mark`Hudson> The breaking up is not what made me happy
[16:50] <Trish> so tell me, Mark. is kicking out an imaginary girlfriend, is that like an excorsism?
[16:50] <Kumatora> XD
[16:50] <Kumatora> :iceburn:
[16:50] <Mark`Hudson> Ya know what trish. I really do care for anything you say
[16:50] <Trish> you really do? :D
[16:51] <Mark`Hudson> Actualyl no I don't. The only reason I put up with your shit is for the sake of Rp. I wouldn't want to ignore you during an important rp session in the main room.
[16:51] <Trish> i've been trick'd D:
[16:52] <Kumatora> Man, that's pretty harsh...considering that at least Trish is amusing, rather than being a pointless drama whore and generalized spaz. D:
[16:52] <Mark`Hudson> How am I a spaz?
[16:52] <Kumatora> If you can't see it, no amount of explanation's going to make you believe it. :V
[16:53] <Marlo__Cross> HEY, I need a Soda! BRB
[16:53] <Mark`Hudson> Yeah..ok
[16:53] <Mark`Hudson> Well have fun
03[16:54] * Mark`Hudson ( has left #Cobalt*OOC


[21:16] <Mark`Hudson> is it just me or is Chris Hemsworth fuckin HOT
01[21:18] <Sisip> OH he is
01[21:18] <Sisip> It's not just you
[21:18] <Mark`Hudson> LOL ok
[21:18] <Mark`Hudson> I met him once and I was trying to keep from drooling on him
01[21:18] <Sisip> Really?? Lucky bastard
[21:18] <Mark`Hudson> Hey, I've met alot of big Celebs
01[21:19] <Sisip> I mainly only ever get to meet horror movie peeps. A lot of horror conventions under my belt. Romero checked out my boobs and Doug Bradley hit on me while stinking like booze.
01[21:20] <Sisip> But he wasn't nearly as boozed up as fucking Eddie Munster had been!
[21:20] <Mark`Hudson> Hugh Jackman, Sir Ian McKellan, Sir Patrick Stewart, Liam Neason, Leslie Nealson, Chris Hemsworth, Kelsey Grammer, Scarlet Johanson, Bruce Campbell, Ted Raimi, Sam Raimi, Ryan Reynolds and more
[21:20] <Mark`Hudson> Nice
[21:20] <Mark`Hudson> I got a kiss from Scarlet :) Before she and Ryan hooked up lol
01[21:20] <Sisip> Nice!
[21:21] <Mark`Hudson> She has really soft lips
01[21:21] <Sisip> I can imagine
[21:21] <Mark`Hudson> She's really nice
[21:21] <Mark`Hudson> oh I've also met Bif Naked :)
[21:21] <Mark`Hudson> She bought me beer lol
[21:22] <Mark`Hudson> She was a special guest at a concert, and this guy kept trying to look up her skirt and so I went and took the guy out in the mosh. She saw I specifically targetted him LOL
01[21:22] <Sisip> You meet a lot of people! Lucky!
[21:22] <Mark`Hudson> Yeah well. I'm an actor :P
01[21:22] <Sisip> Really? O,o
01[21:22] <Sisip> That.. explains it!
01[21:22] <Sisip> LOL
[21:23] <Mark`Hudson> My teacher in acting class is friends with Sly Stone! And she wants to try and get me to meet him
[21:23] <Mark`Hudson> She said he'd like me alot and possibly use me in a movie or two
01[21:23] <Sisip> Awesome!!!!
[21:24] <Mark`Hudson> Yeah, she is really trying to help me out
[21:26] <Mark`Hudson> Look for me in big films :>
[21:27] <Mark`Hudson> She's gotten alot fo good actors into big films like ugh..I forget her name.
[21:27] <Mark`Hudson> The little girl from Silent Hill
01[21:27] <Sisip> :D
[21:28] <Mark`Hudson> Turns out she a friend of my friend


Session Start: Wed Aug 04 22:01:54 2010
Session Ident: Mark`Hudson
[22:01] Session Ident: Mark`Hudson (SorceryNet, Sisip) (blueblaser@6ca5f0bd.6ca5ed75.99.199.imsk)
[22:01] <Mark`Hudson> "Sis, why do you have a really deep camel toe right now? I mean I could put a mining cap on and go splunking"
01[22:02] <Sisip> HAHAHAHAHA
[22:02] <Mark`Hudson> I actually said something along those lines to a girl once
01[22:02] <Sisip> Yie! Did she slap you?
01[22:02] <Sisip> I would have!
[22:03] <Mark`Hudson> Nope
01[22:03] <Sisip> Wow
Session Close: Wed Aug 04 22:03:25 2010


Session Start: Wed Aug 11 21:13:43 2010
Session Ident: Mark`Hudson
[21:13] Session Ident: Mark`Hudson (SorceryNet, Sisip) (blueblaser@6ca5f0bd.6ca5ed75.99.199.imsk)
[21:13] <Mark`Hudson> Yeah, I got my distraction!
[21:13] <Mark`Hudson> My brother in law is gonna come spend the night with me
[21:13] <Mark`Hudson> and all day tomorrow
01[21:14] <Sisip> YAY
[21:15] <Mark`Hudson> Sleep in the same bed, gonna cuddle all night
[21:15] <Mark`Hudson> *sigh*
01[21:15] <Sisip> She told you this?
[21:16] <Mark`Hudson> No I mean me and my brother in law are gonna lOL
01[21:16] <Sisip> OOH
01[21:16] <Sisip> LOL
[21:17] <Mark`Hudson> him and I use to cuddle alot and we even kissed a couple times >.> Before he was dating my sister LOL
01[21:19] <Sisip> That's.. quite the close family you've got there.
[21:20] <Mark`Hudson> Not like that
[21:20] <Mark`Hudson> I dunno, if you were there you'd understand
01[21:21] <Sisip> If I had been there ... I'd have wanted a video camera most likely.
[21:22] <Mark`Hudson> LMAO
[21:22] <Mark`Hudson> I've kissed a 37 year old married man on the lips infrotn of his wife and kids :O
Session Close: Wed Aug 11 21:29:28 2010

The world is made up of stories, not atoms. ~Muriel Rukeyser
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