Mic Jeffries aka The Gauntlet

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Mic Jeffries aka The Gauntlet

Post by Kryll »

Player Nickname: Kryll

Name: Mic Jeffries
Codename: The Gauntlet
Age: 18
Date of Birth: August 5th 1996

Height: 5' 11"
Weight: 200 LBS.
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Place of Origin: Arkansas
Nationality/Race: US Citizen / Caucasian
Classification/Origin of Powers: Mutant

Status: Trainee
Occupation: Student

Personality Profile: Quiet, Reflective often thinks alot about his plight as he calls it doesn't know too much about the world, but does read a lot of different history books and other books, is a physical fitness buff and works out a lot when not in school, a little funny at times when he comes out of his shell.

Physical Description: Stocky muscular build, wears bandages on his right hand and forarm to cover up his abnormal looking right hand and forearm is strong yet agile played sports in the high school he attended.


General Power Information: His right hand and forarm are greyish in color and is not easily hurt in these areas, his entire right arm is extremely powerful able to turn over a mac truck with his arm. He was teased a lot in school and is a decent brawler and can wrestle fairly well which he learned in sports while he was in high school. He can break bricks with his fist and other extraordinary feats although he doesn't do these these in public. His hand and forearm are a rubbery hide type very rough to the touch material so much that he has taken a knife and cannot penetrate it. He can bend all kinds of stainless steel including lower level metals and can dent up to a 2 to 3 inch or better sheet of titanium. This involves little or no pain.

Ability One: Super Strength in his right arm.

Ability Two: Very good brawler using his right arm a lot

Ability Three: extremely stong and agile.

Drawbacks & Weaknesses: His left side is vulnerable

Skills: He is a health freak and avid runner and bicycleist and can work on different types of machinery. Needs training!

Background: Mic was born to natural parents and raised in Little Rock Arkanas, attended the local schools, the summer before his freshman year in highschool he noticed his right hand and forearm were changing color and texture it went almost to his elbow. He was taken to a doctor who said it was a skin rash of some sort and prescribed some ointment to no avail. Meanwhile he could feel changes going on in is right arm and started discovering different things about it. His strenght and the fact that when his dad dropped cement block on it it didnt even hurt. He thought he was some sort of freak of nature. He then started high school was teased a lot and ended up in a lot of fights after a few months of this he decided to cover it with bandages hope the bullies would leave him alone. He joined the wrestleing team and later on the track team. He started working out in the gym and started isolating himself. By the end of his junior year and he turned 17 he started looking for a way out of his delima as he was tired of fighting even tho he usually won. He had read of a special school for mutants and he decided not to go to his senior year and find this “Special School” in Salem Massechusettes. He was hoping to find his calling there.

Criminal Record: No criminal record.

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts: Fanatcal health nut, shy, sticks his tounge out when working on something.
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