A-Maze-ing: The Under Ground Story

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A-Maze-ing: The Under Ground Story

Post by Goldbolt »

<Midas> |"Okay yea..I'am gettin the fuck ou-" The guard would say looking at Badger, yet his attention was ripped away by an ear peircing scream from the man that had been punching the door before literally a blonde, long haired had would be shoved through the steel door. Half of that head seemed..well smashed and ruined, and dripping blood. |

* Badger nodded then whipped his head around to see that lovely scene before him. Great spirit!" he swore. claws coming out again as he crouched, they definitely would have to stop this thing, dead if needs be."ready to go chief."

* Julian`Weiss had neither comm nor mission brief to tell him what was really happening. But he did have years of experience dealing with very nasty things. As he approached the group from behind he caught site of the rather violent display as the mans head was forced through the door. He counted the heads on this side of the door before closing his eyes. His Mystic Senses could detect life and as such he reached across the door with them and began to feel out for how many other people stood just on the other side.

* Sunder Looks like he was about to say something when the door gets ripped open enough and he head comes flying through ".. Marlo! Bring it down! Anything moving on the other side gets brought down hard. They didn't want an ass beating they would've stayed locked up, let's move!

* Angel`Pearson any small relief felt as their group began to grow was quickly wiped away as those massive dents began appearing in the door. Something very bad was loose in there. The motion of Julian's approach caught his attention, and he turned a bit to give a quick, nervous little smile his way before the head slammed through, his own snapping back in that direction to give a little cringe at the sight. He shifted to an easy stance as Sunder spoke, body turning to present less of a target, one arm extending forward to use the blade held in his hand as a sight, while the other cocked back ready to throw.

<MarloCross> " consider it crippled" Marlo looked up and gave Kevin the Thumbs Up. 4 hard strikes from Kevin's tendrils would power him up fine. " On three Kev ." timing it perfectly Marlo pulled back his fist and threw it towards the door. The timing would have to be perfect for Kevin to hit him and give him enough juice to break the door down.

<Midas> |The guard would decide to take Badgers advice retreating from the situation, as that door would come flying outward then, corpse still attached to it. Missing the on lookers that were ready to contain the situation as it crashed and clattered to the ground. Inside one could catch a glimpse of the carnage. Cell doors had been rent open. Bodies and blood were strewn about..yet the details couldn't be picked out as well.. A seven foot tall man stood in front of the door way. He was powerfully built, like perhaps a professional wrestler or football player would be. Strange he was completely naked, and hairless. Green eyes stared blankly at each of you. A large scar went from his forehead to about half up along his head. In his right hand he dragged a body the head, the red headed body of one of the Kaylas as a matter of fact.|

<MarloCross> Replace the door with a naked man in question

* Badger bore his impressive array of teeth and seeing the body in his hand every bit of fur on his body stood up. it was something primal mostly but he was now extremely pissed off, and this big naked fucker was gonna pay. "shoot that fuck!"

<Kayla> Behind NAM-MAN, strewn about the room, were other bits of various Kayla's. One or two survived, though they were not going to be doing anyone any good in their terrified, shocked condition. More were dead, though, than were alive.

* Julian`Weiss opened his eyes, his senses returning to him. He took a step back sizing up the large man but at his distance he did not charge forward. Instead his right hand dropped to his side and the handle of a sword appeared, then a brilliant purple blade of energy extended from it wreathed in purple flames. To his left, a three foot purple disc of force appeared, positions over his left arm like a shield. He waited and watched, no doubt these people had drills, attack formations, and strategies to use. So he'd wait, until something got passed them. Then he'd strike.

[22:12] <Midas> |Crippler's fist would connect solidly with 225's upper body. He'd grunt literally sliding backwards almost cartoonishly a few feet. Small furrows being left int he floor, as he glared at Marlo. Seeming to struggle for a moment, his head jerking this way and that. Grunting, as he'd throw the dead Kayla at Crippler. "YOU DIE I ALONE BEST!" He'd manage in well poorly worded English before charging straight at Marlo. Ignoring the others for the moment as that friendly love tap had gotten his attention.|

* Kevin it was one of Kev's lesser used mutant abilities but quite helpful, and what kind of a squid would he be if he didn't have sticky suckers. And then he would let Marlo have it. *Whack. Whack. Whack. Whack.* As the timing went, Kevin creeping on ahead once the deed was done. But he paused, all color literally draining from his body at the sight of 225 and the dead dismembered Kaylas. He could disable the beastly man's sight from here. A quick squirting of ink would temporarily blind him. Wooooooosh! Went the gunky blackish goo.

* Sunder Marlo's punch didn't do a thing, but he'd let a couple rounds of .40 jhp fly anyhow, at least it might buy a second that everyone could use "Badger! Eyes?" Maybe a big sharp claw could do some good there, maybe not

* Badger heard and was a blur of motion he barreled at the big guy claws and teeth bared as he shot past Marlo. he was small but heavy and had considerable momentum..and the fact he wanted to rip the guys head off now didn't hurt anything.

<MarloCross> " BRING IT, FUCKSTAIN!" Marlo Cross didn't back down. Letting the dead Kayla hit him, he absorbed its kinetic force, rolling to the side before charging like a boss head long at the naked monster. " I'M GONNA BREAK EVERY BONE IN YER FUCKIN' BODY" And he was joined by Badger in the charge. He went low, bringing a fist up to meet the solar plexus. He does have to recover a bit after being hit by a body, so he would be a few steps behind Badger fyi.

* Julian`Weiss took several more steps back, the fray was pressing but if in the event that anyone from beyond the Titan of a man tried to slip past them Julian would have plenty of time and space to react. His eyes darted back and forth watching the momentum and flow of combat. His eyes remained illuminated with purple energy and he continued to feel out any disruptions in the flow of ambient magical energy.

* Angel`Pearson his arm shifted as the violent escapee appeared in the doorway, aiming the sight blade up toward his chest and holding as Marlo charged in. When the punch connected, and the inmate slid back and threw the body Angel loosed, just after Kevin used his ink, and about the time Sunder began firing he whipped one of his dopped blades forward at the man's chest, empty hand plucking the second blade from its opposite on the way back to hold it ready

<Midas> |That black gooey ink would splatter into 225's face. Giving the bald mans head an ebony look to it. Clenching his eyes shut, he'd bellow in rage. Those bullets would smack into him, before tumbling to the ground harmlessly. Yet they did leave some small bruising where they had hit, as did Marlo's fist from that first blow. At least he wasn't completely invulnerable. Badger barreling would connect before Marlo. Claws, fangs would find flesh that was seemingly hard as the steel and concrete he'd been ripping through. The weight from him being well..tackled would make the rampaging mutant lean backward mid-stride as he'd become a touch top heavy with the furry mutant on his upper body and that second blow from Marlo catching him squarely. Blindly he'd swipe out in front of instead of grabbing at badger right away. Seemingly for the moment still intent on wrecking Marlo' day.|

* Badger latched on to the big guy claws doing little to him he didn't care this guy was lunch. His tail wrapped around the guys body now as well as he tried to dig his claws into the mans eyes. Badger wasn't a slouch in the strength department himself able to lift about 4 tonnes. he let the animal get more control as he savagely attacked his target snarling and growling now.

* Kevin Time to really mess 225 the Ghost up. He already had Angel, Badger, and Crippler to deal with. Another couldn't hurt especially seeing as they didn't know what they were up against. All of their powers had to go in, hopefully they'd get an edge. Kevin dropped from the ceiling and flailed all four tentacles about at the behemoth of a man, the toothy spiky suckers trying to get purchase and dig into flesh, aiming to tear.

* Julian`Weiss saw a moment of opportunity and took it, with no other escapees trying for the door, Julian spun to his left, dropping like an Olympic disc thrower he twirled once, his left arm raising from his side, the disc left his arm and flew towards the Titan aimed for just under his sternum with the intention of forcing the Titan further off his balance. The disc was guided by Julian's mind and as such his accuracy was flawless avoiding Badger and the falling Kevin with sufficient force to shatter reinforced concrete.

<MarloCross> Ah, But that was not unwanted. Especially since Crippler could absorb the impact. It drove him against the wall. The force was unlike anything he'd ever felt from a single strike. He took a second to recover, letting Badger have his time.

<Midas> |Persistence would pay off to a degree, Badgers claws starting to make small nicks in the mans flesh. When he went for the eyes, that was when his attention was drawn away from Marlo entirely. That inhuman toughness saved him from being blinded outright by the gouge attempt, as his powerful hands would reach up to grab a hold of of the furry beast-man in an attempt to rip him from his body and fling him aside. "KILL!" He'd Scream aloud, as that disc struck him, a large welt would start to rise where the disc had struck him, causing him to lean forward as Kevin's tentacles raked him. They would have an effect similar to badgers claws, while not mangling him as they might a normal humans flesh. They would scrap across it like it was rock of metal..yet it persistence would start making cuts if he kept at it.|

* Badger held on with that long tail and clawed hand like feet of his he wasnt easily dislodged.he actually bit the guys hand if it was close enough he wasnt stopping it was either him or nakedboy now.

* Sunder Curses, a lot. He wasn't terribly strong, very tough, or anything like that. The guy could mess up electronics, he could also electrocute an arsehole when he needed to, but he needed everyone clear first, and it was a melee fight. "Can't zap 'em if you're all close!" But the gouge attack, that did something... and he still had that handgun.. He'd grip it hard and start running for the man, fully aware just how stupid an idea it was.

* Angel`Pearson watched the bullets ping to the ground after hitting the big naked inmate...Oh this was not good. He watched everyone's efforts amount to little more then scrapes and bruises, and after a brief moments thought Angel spoke "..If you can help me get in close, I can dope him up and hopefully take him down. The scratches should make sure he absorbs a good whole shitton of it." ..He didn't worry too much about keeping his voice down, this 225 didn't seem to be paying any attention to what they were saying.

<Kraken> "Gah!" There was a small yelp from Kevin as he lost a few suckers against the stony flesh of 225, but he would still continue to try and gain purchase, wraping the tentacles around the limb and instead of digging his suckers in he would constrict them as tightly as he could and start to pull. But at Sunder's plea for them to get away so he could land a blow, Kevin released and backed away, though not before sending another torrent of ink to 225's face.

<MarloCross> The fog cleared, As Crippler sprung into action. Dropping low, he put some power gained from the NamMans strike into his right foot. He made a quick snapping foot sweep toward the man's knee, hoping to trip him. "SUNDER, JUST FIRE IT"

* Badger held on with the tenacity of his name sake.gouging at his eyes. 'thats right you fucker im your bigest threat deal with me!' as if to taunt him with deep heavy growls as he attacked him with tooth and claw now almost in a frenzy. he either didn't hear or care about the order to back off this guy was meat to him now.

<Midas> |Tactics were beyond this brute for the moment. He felt Badger bite down on one of his hands, the right to be specific, and surprisingly (perhaps to badger anyway) he would suddenly jerk that hand free as if Badger were just an angry small dog. Perhaps taking a tooth or two with it if he'd kept clamped down particularly hard on it. That left hand..would finally find something to grip on the beast man that clung to him..that tail he'd wrapped around him. Badger would feel an iron grip clamp down on the base of his tail. Jerking on it once hard, testingly with the same strength that had shoved a mans head through a steel door and staggered Marlo. That grip tightening further. Perhaps about to attempt to either pull badger off him by his tail or tip that tail off of him utterly before Kraken's ink would splatter his face a second time. Finding himself squeezed, punched, clawed, inked. A second scream of rage would come as Marlo's sweep hit him. Not tripping him up fully, but dropping him to one knee as the left gave out.|

* Julian`Weiss watched as his disc bounce off the Titan's chest and returned to his left arm. He took another few steps back. This man was indeed the pressing conflict but there was more to it then that. The planned assault on Cobalt could not have come from this man. He could barely formulate structure speech. Which meant this was more then likely a diversion. A good one at that. With everyone focused here, he hope Endymion and the rest where still safe in the assembly hall. Angel's voice drew him back to the fray but there was no clear opening to get Angel in there, unless...

* Angel`Pearson just hung back, watching as Sunder charged in as well, and Badger ignored, or didn't hear the mans request and stayed clung to the angry-inmate. He'd have expected more self control from him...He'd been there quite a while, and had experience with this kinduv stuff...but maybe his powers had him in a frenzy, or something. When the brute snatched for Badger's tail and latched on he cringed, looking back over at Julian.

* Badger let out a roar of rage and yeah pain you get your tail damn near riped off! his tail slipped from around the guy to try to latch on to it and pull it close so no more yanky yanky can happen. Badger then did something he never did before to anyone.. he grips the mans head and tries to sink his teeth into his jugular biting with all his strength.

<MarloCross> From a crouch, Marlo looked toward Angel, " His mouth! Get it down his throat! "As he says this, Crippler lunges behind the behemoth, driving a knee to Nam's back.

* Sunder Runs past the man and jumps up, grabbing for his shoulders and climbs up a bit, the way he was shaking around well he wasn't going to be getting the gun where he wanted it real soon, and discharging was likely to result in friendly casualties. "and shouted out in agreement with Marlo especially as the guy starts tearing badger off "Get in 'ere while 'es got other shite to think of!"

<Midas> |That grip on the base of Badgers tail was unyielding, though he might unwrap the tail from the Mutants body 225 wasn't letting it go that easily. Almost impossibly so that grip grew stronger, until bones began to buckle under it. As he worked the tips of those fangs into that dense flesh, the knee to the back would catch him off guard. Falling forward as his left hand gave a sudden yanking pull...if badger held on...he'd feel a ripping pain, as literally the brute ripped his tail from his body in an attempt to dislodge him. Yet at the same time..perhaps counter productively that knee to the back would have planted temporarily face down atop badger to boot.|

* Badger didn't let go of his hold claws gripping and clawing as he attacked his throat ferociously. he let out a howl roar of pain as his tail was ripped off . sure there would be blood but the pain drove him on now as he unleashed everything he had at the guys neck and head trying to rip it off.

<Kraken> "Badger!" He yelled seeing that behemoth trying to tear the man's tail clear off, Kevin would rush around behind the tall guy and try to keep him restrained, not caring if a tentacle was lost. He had four of them and tentacles tended to grow back. Four tentacles, four limbs. Kev was trying to wrap one around each arm and leg and pull. Badger's tail came off and Kevin saw more red than just the fuzzy one's blood. He hissed and pulled his tentacles, aiming to snap bones and twist 225's limbs in ways they shouldn't bend.

<MarloCross> That was not Marlo's intention. But with a monster like this, 1 would expect injuries. Seasoning the opportunity as the super freak dropped, Marlo put his considerable jujitsu training into play and moved to seize the arm holding badgers tail. Regardless of if it was removed, this brute was not getting away with another piece of a friend. He would try for an arm bar dropping a fist in to the center of 225 elbow. With Kevin hoping they were sure to

* [Tremor] watches from a ways ahead of the group. He had arrived just in time to see the giant topple over with the group attacking it, seemingly all at once. He stays back, knowing his tactics and methods wouldn't lend well to this. They seemed to have this well in hand... sort of. The titan didn't seem like it could take much more of this.

<Midas> |225 Let out a bellow of rage, as the furry man was pinned under him by his own weight. Those unrelenting fangs finding purchase finally sinking into his flesh fully.Badger would be able to taste his blood, as 225 threw that tail aside, and started to push himself onto his hands and knees. Marlo and four tentacles would manage to pull one arm out from under him. "GRAAAAAAH!" He'd bellow like a raging bull. Those tentacles not quite being enough to pull his other three limbs out from under him on there own, as he strained against them. That punch onto his straightened the arm fully, but didn't break the joint, at least not yet. Blood could be seen oozing out around badgers mouth where he clamped down on him.|

* Julian`Weiss responded to Tremor's approach, having stayed back from the fray a distance. He'd been more concerned with something trying to slip past the Titan rather than attacking as the others had. There was just too much going on at once to get any solid shot in. Too much friendly collateral. Badger clinging to the mans neck like a dog, Marlo dancing around him like a punching bag, and the Squid trying to restrain him. His mind raced. There had to be a way to get Angel's toxin into the Titan's blood stream.

* Badger worried his neck tasting blood now as those sharp teeth did their work. powerful clawed hands still gripping his head to try to force it around. a broken neck would be just as good for him. he didn't care about the damage he had taken at the moment his target was the guys head coming off.

<Kraken> Strained and grunted as the titan was pulling against three of his tentacles but Kevin wasn't going to let go. He continued to try to pull and keep those limbs from grabbing or kicking at the others. He would have bitten too, but his tentacle suckers were having a hard enough time gaining purchase, he'd never work a bite. Colors were flashing wildly across the squid's exposed skin as he strained to try and keep the behemoth restrained.

* [Tremor] glances over to Julian, making sure to keep an eye on the fight at all times, "I think I found the cause of the blackout. It's been taken care of. This was part of something bigger though." he looks back to the brawl, "We may need to cut this short. Every second we spend fighting him is possibly another second in the enemy's favor."

* Julian`Weiss nods in agreement, "I was thinking the same thing, But this guy is about as tough as a brick wall. We need to get him dosed with Angel's toxin. Think you can get a coated blade in there? His skin is already lacerated but if hit Angel it's going to be lights outs. I can't fly around in here it's too small. And Badger seems to have gone feral." He looked from Trem to Angel then back. "We need to get this now."

<Midas> |225's left arm would start to make progress against that restraining tentacle then. Pushing himself up onto his knees, and balling that left fist up, the enraged titan would swing his arm with enough force to jerk it free or take it's retraining tentacle with it, as he rammed that fist into Badgers side, even as his own neck strained and his blood seeped out of his body. Without seeming regard for injuries a second swing would come..the first was hard enough to crack Badgers ribs literally...checked by the gripping tentacle. The second would be unchecked at all.|

* Badger whuffed spitting out the monsters blood at the powerful punch to his ribs. he was made for fighting but he wasn't invulnerable more shots like that and he would have broken ribs and punctured lungs. he grips the guys head with both powerful arms wrenching trying to turn it completely around.

* [Tremor] nods and looks to Angel, "If he's anything close to human in terms of basic anatomy, his nasal cavity will be the easiest path to the brain. Think you can make the shot?" regards Badger a moment in his assault on the monster's face, then looks back to Angel, "Ok maybe two shots. One for the little monster, one for the big one." We can sort them out later.

<MarloCross> This guy was getting up with Marlo on his back!! Sure this thing couldn't be real. In a mad scramble, thew Crippler shifted himself to a rear naked choke. His right arm tried to pull the thing's head back to give Angel the shot he needed. His left, using the reserves this thing had given him, began driving a clenched charged fist into the Brute's left shoulder, hoping to negate his attempt to free himself from Kevin. "LOOK AT ME YOU BIG UGLY HIPPIE!!"

<Midas> |225 Struggled, straining against badgers hands. His head pushed up and away at an awkward angle, but not quite enough to break it, but boy it did it look painful at this point. That meaty wrecking ball of a fist about to give badgers head a powerful blow when Marlo's choke synced in and wrenched his head back further. "GAK!" He'd utter, that fist abandoning it's flight and instead moving to grab at Marlo's right arm. The way he'd been ripping teammates up this wasn't good. Yet it did leave his face cleanly exposed. Nostrils flared, blood shot eyes opened wide as he gritted his teeth in rage. Little more than an animal at this point.|

<Kraken> There was a horrible gurgle of a cry as Kevin was suddenly short a tentacle, adding a splash of blue to the red blood already all over the place. He grunted... Squinted. Legs! Legs! The tentacles coiling around 225's legs would pull. Kevin had to make a choice... Remaining tentacles wrapped around the beast's legs as Kevin tried to keep him grounded.

* Angel`Pearson nodded quickly as Julian spoke. He'd been looking for an opportunity to do his thing since the scratches had started appearing on the brutes skin. He blinked when he heard Tremor, head bobbing in another quick nod "..Yeah. Yeah I got it." ..With Badger freaking out, it probably was a good idea just to drop the pair of them, and Angel made his way closer, reaching to switch off the SND that kept his powers in check. When 225 began to rise, and Marlo did his best to jerk his head back Angel let go with the hallucinogen-loogie, spitting a concentrated stream of the drug up toward his exposed face.

* Badger clenched his teeth tightly as he tried to force the head further back he wanted this meat Dead!. his mind didn't register the pain right now.

<Midas> |That loogie would splatter directly into his right eye. Snapping it shut, his right arm no longer restrained would fly up to cover his defensively. "ARG!" He'd grunt, that grip on Marlos arm growing tighter, then he'd shudder suddenly. For only the briefest of moments in this struggle the rampaging Mutants muscles would relax. Going limp as it were as the Drug like haze smacked into him. While still quite durable and strong. This gave them a brief window with only passive resistance.|

<MarloCross> He would first try to pull his arm free from the grip as he looked to the others assembled there," Okay we have to contain big and naked here. Anyone got an SND we can slap on him?"

<Kraken> But of course, considering nerves and the fact that each of a cephalopod's tentacles housed a 'brain' the severed tentacle remained coiled around 225's arm, the torn base was wiggling all disturbingly and the color was slowly fading to a dull dead fish tone. The beast was down but Kevin wasn't going to let go of his legs. "Nnnnng.... Angel... Julian... Marlo... there's an SND.. on my belt. If you can't finish him... get it around him while we can..."

<MarloCross> Hearing Kevin, he would hold a hand out, "Toss it over, bro. Lets lock this guy up" The hand around his arm, though weakened, was still pretty tight. He was having a hard time getting loose.

* Badger was keeping on keeping on he wanted a hood ornament of this guys head on his car.. well if he had a car. if he had gotten on any of angels special sauce on him it was going ot start to take effect shortly so yes an SND would probably be best.

* Julian`Weiss saw the second opportunity he had been waiting for. With the Titan's momentary lapse in resistance he lunged forward, he brought his right arm up, magic sword and all, and shoved into the Titan, narrowly missing Badger's side. The blade was composed of pure magic energy and was specifically designed to kill supernatural creatures, however it had the side effect of disrupting the natural neuro-electrical signals in humans and mutants alike, causing unconsciousness. He didn't hear Kevin. He didn't hear Marlo, his eyes flashes as the magic pooled through his arm, into the blade, and into the Titan.

* [Tremor] frowns slightly as he watches, "Do we really want to lock him up again? Seems like a well placed blade would save us trouble on down the line. Might even save lives."

<Midas> |"HURK!" That magical blade sinking into him would cause him to jerk, that incredible strength flaring, that steel grip..on Marlo's arm likely about to let loose some manner of unpleasantness when suddenly he'd tremble....and indeed consciousness would fade from him, yet that perhaps wasn't as surprising as what happened next. Those tentacles that strained to hold the raging bulls legs in check..were now jerking and twisting on simple regular guy legs. Bones would crack and twist as they were jerked and contorted in all manner of ways. His neck would break as the joint choke hold, badger hand pushing, and jugular biting simply popped the bald dome from it's body like a wine cork. Sending a fountain of blood spewing from his body. It would seem while nigh unstoppable..his powers required him to at least be awake to function.|

<Kraken> Never got a chance to toss Marlo the SND, And now the Maze resembled SAW: Mutant Edition.

<MarloCross> And Marlo was left holding a head. He dropped it damn fast as he stood up. He said nothing, but reached down to move the body away from Badger. He was shaking, his heart beating fast and heavy." This...this guy was a ghosted META prisoner...no file. Gains is going to have some shit to answer for from Sisip in the morning."

* [Tremor] nods in approval, "Yeah OK, that'll work."

* Julian`Weiss released the handle of his sword, stepping back. The blade would fade away into nothing, not even leaving behind a wound to mark its presence in the Titan's flesh. The resulting onslaught to the Titan would spray Julian in warm blood, his eyes closing just before hand. There was a moment before he reached up with his right hand and wiped the hot crimson from his face. He could feel the mutant life force as it left his body, a dark part of his hungered for it, but he had no need of it. He took a few steps back before opening his eyes, Badger might still be feral and as such his eyes went quickly to the beast.

* Badger now covered in blood and busted up really good he snarled the psychedelic stuff Angel splattered them both in was finally taking hold. his body working to repair itself. he had taken alot of damage. so he just growls punching the stump of the neck and well just lay there breathing heavily on the floor.

* Angel`Pearson eyes widened a moment as Julian dove in to make with the swordy-swordy. Damn he looked cool with that thing. He'd been about to answer Tremor with something like 'not our choice to make.' ...When the decision was taken our of their hands by...fate...or crazy fight luck or something, and Angel cringed, turning his head away for a moment as the baddie's head went pop...The sound of Badger still dopily assaulting the corpse drew his attention back though, and Angel stepped up (nottooclose) to spit another stream of the hallucinogen at the back of the frenzied fuzzy's head, hoping to put him out this time so they could get him to the med.

<Kraken> Unwound his remaining three tentacles and collapsed. "Lets not do that again..." He heaved but didn't vomit and tried to prop himself up once more. The tentacles he still possessed were a little strained looking and missing half their suckers, but at least they were still attached. He blinked his oddly lidded eyes as Angel let loose with his power at Badger. Poor Kev. proximity and that super absorbent skin of his. His eyes bulged and stared off into nothingness with a blank look on his face as his skin just started rifling through all the colors and patterns he must be seeing in his mind right now.

* Julian`Weiss wipes some more blood from his face with the back of his hand. "So this guy get out of his cell and causes all out panic. And you don't even know who he is? And how did he kill the power from all the way down here anyways?" Julian, was of course unaware of Tremor's run in and knew even less about the entire prison system they kept under the Sanctum. "I've seen my fair share of shit, but this seems a little off even for you guys."

* Badger jerked as he was hosed down with angels special sauce again and he growled at him but being on the floor under the guy, and in his weakened state thats all he could do until those flying purple elk flew him off to passed outville and he collapsed fully unconscious.

<Midas> |About that time as it happened the Medical responders began to arrive along with a small group of guards. "Get the wounded to the Med center." One of them would say as the people from medical stopped to check out the now stoned Kevin, along with badger, while they didn't pull the body from from until he was well out like a light. The guards moving around to check and secure the rest of the Maze.|

[00:30] <MarloCross> "META houses some nastiness here." Marlo helps the medics get people on stretchers. He was in a bit of a daze, helping to move bodies and parts there in. He helps get Badger situated first.

* [Tremor] watches them tend to the injured, particularly Kevin and maybe Marlo and Badger. He wasn't too worried about Marlo and Badger as at least in Marlo's case he was always able to bounce back, but Kevin he had known a while and seeing the guy with one less tentacle had him concerned. He puts those thoughts aside for later and then looks to Julian, "He didn't do it from down here. He was a pawn at best or a distraction at worst. I had Seven go and keep an eye on some of the Kayla's we had in Medical, no word from her. Behind the admin building I ran into some kind of technopath or electrokenitic of some kind. He's what tripped the power I think. I... removed his 2nd amendment rights."

* Angel`Pearson frowned a bit when Badger growled his way, and he noticed Kevin had seemed to get a little friendly fire. He stepped out of the way when the medical crew moved in, doing his best not to look at the horror show '225' had left behind as he turned to look at Julian "No, we don't...and he -couldn't- have killed the power from down here. No way. It's more then a little off. " when Tremor spoke up to explain he replied ."..We're going to find out some shit went missing while our attention was down here, or something.." ..and that was probably best case scenario. They'd had time to do all sorts of shit while the group was down here.

* Badger was unconscious at the moment mumbling something in a language Marlo or anyone else except Sisip might understand. he was limp in the med teams hands heavy but they would get him situated on a gurney.

* Julian`Weiss released his disc into nothingness. "So this was organized? If only partly. And you think your Kayla had something to do with it?' He turned to face Tremor for a second. He'd met the red headed brush child before but there did seem to be a level of escalation lately. "Well, I took everyone on the ground to the assembly hall over at the rec center and left them with Endymion when Sisip asked me for assistants. If this has been a diversion then this might not be over. Who gives the orders?" He also had no real idea of the chain of command during these situations.

* [Tremor] shakes his head, "I'm not sure. Maybe this was related to the Kaylas and maybe not. If they were here for something, I'm not sure what it was. The guy I disarmed said something about 'Mo's coming home tonight.' Maybe that giant was Mo... or maybe it was something else they have in store for us." He thinks, "It's also possible we're thinking about this the wrong way. 225 apparently wasn't on file. I don't know how, but maybe he wasn't a prisoner here... maybe he walked in as a guard, and then turned into -that-"

* Julian`Weiss nods following Tremors thought process. "An unsettling thought." Julian spit suddenly, then wiped his mouth with the back of his left hand. "Regardless I need a shower and a change of clothes, if you could send someone to check on the residents in the Hall." He didn't really wait for a response, just began to follow the teams of Medics and Guards.

* [Tremor] shrugs, "It warrants further investigation. I'm not part of the security detail so that means I'm going to bed." He does a last quick check around to make sure Kevin and Badger are being cared for before giving Julian and Angel a nod, "Good work by the way..."

* Angel`Pearson "It's pretty likely they were involved.." he didn't have any proof or anything, but they'd been behind most of the trouble lately, and seemed to be getting more and more desperate. He listened as Tremor spoke, but shook his head as he finished "I don't think so...Sisip didn't say that he wasn't a prisoner. She identified him as '225' and said something about him being ghosted. Maybe some top secret META dumped on us...Or someone the people in charge didn't want anyone knowing about, or something.."

* [Tremor] nods to Angel, "True. That raises another possibility. If 225 was left in our care... what happens when they find us scraping bits of him off the walls?"
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