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Post by Tetrahedron »

Player Nickname: Tetra

Name: Name stripped from her.
Codename: Tetrahedron
Age: Mid 20's
Date of Birth: September 9th

Height: 6'
Weight: Unknown
Hair Color: Bald
Eye Color: Honey-flecked brown
Place of Origin: Middle-East
Nationality/Race: Indian/Middle-Easterner
Classification/Origin of Powers: Mutant/Ornate

Status: Refugee
Occupation: Formerly a monk

Personality Profile: Tetrahedron comes from a world set apart from the duldrum of modern society. Born into a monastery that specializes in mutant rehabilitation, she was introduced to a routine that has kept her alive. Quiet, reserved and usually only speaks when spoken to - Tetrahedron has the air of someone in complete control of not only herself, but the world around her. Whilst not under a vow of silence, she has taken great strides to ensure that when she speaks, - whether as a response or when it's fitting for her to do so - it is well-educated and doesn't dwell on useless information. Her mannerisms are almost too polite and she doesn't often use contractions when she speaks, preferring 'cannot' and 'do not' versus 'don't' and 'can't'. Overall, she is fairly friendly but can come off as a bit cold or detached - maybe even a little aloof at times.

Physical Description:



General Power Information: Her powers from the trio of elements usually presented when someone takes on a martial art or tai chi; Body, Mind & Spirit

Ability One: //Body//; Tetrahedron has supreme control over her body. She can move like water, hit like rock and run like wind. Her enhanced strength, agility and stamina are all products of her mutation. With the training she endured from her origins, it's no wonder that she seems reserved in even acting out unless it's absolutely necessary.

Ability Two: //Mind//; Her mind is extremely focused, allowing her to act out with almost keep precision. There is also a lack of emissions when someone equipped with telepathic abilities tries to invade her mind. Like a blank slate, almost abyssal in imagination.

Ability Three: //Spirit//; She is equipped with the essence commonly known as Chi/Kai. An almost supernatural force that, when concentrated, becomes an extension of her physical command over martial arts. When she punches or kicks, an almost visible 'wave' extends outward with roughly the same force. When she runs, she becomes almost intangible. And when she jumps, it is with almost double that of a typical human. Given enough concentration, she can even send out blasts of kinetic force in order to achieve a longer distance attack.

Drawbacks & Weaknesses: Due to the nature of her mutations and how much she has undergone to perfect them, it's not unusual that overexertion can happen - especially when it comes to trying to put too much into her 'powers' as a kineticist. Martial arts require constant upkeep and training, so to slack on these principles will also dull her abilities - leaving her in a particularly off-center. Without proper upkeep, like one does a machine, she is sure to fail.

Skills: Extensive martial arts knowledge, excellent swimmer/runner, survivalist, and a teacher in the art of meditation.

[Birth]; Born to a pair inept parents, she was left on the stairs of a monastery which was located in the heart of the middle-east. It's actual location is not on record however.

[Early years (1-5)]; In the care of the monastery's monks, she was treated far differently than children of the western world. Raised on milk from cows and goats with rice, her diet wasn't entirely 'safe' by western standards.

[Toddler (6-10]; Here began her training, which started out with basic exercise and lots of running. She learned to climb, to center herself and began to show her powers. Obviously uncontrolled and rampant, the monastery began to recognize her for what she was and made preparations to begin appropriate training.

[Pre-teen (11-13)]; The recognition and execution of her abilities - long training hours, long sessions practicing one thing over and over again. Meditation begins, centering herself begins to focus on ignoring outside stimulus during her training. She begins to take spirit-treks to other portions beyond the monastery, often staying in the wilds for a period of time to learn what she could and couldn't live off of.

[Teens (14-19)]; As her training intensifies, so does her abilities. She begins to train specifically on how to blank out her mind, day long meditations and also embraces her true roots. Her hair is shaved and the first of her many tattoos are given. She is sent out to spend a year in the wilderness to learn the importance of survival.

[Early 20's (20-24)]; Meditations extend to more than one day, her powers are extremely honed and her control over them is almost perfect. She is promoted to a teacher in the art of meditation and survival. Here she begins to teach younger mutants that were brought to this place of solitude and learning. Her martial arts knowledge continues to be extended, learning more ways to subdue an opponent without the use of weaponry. She spends another year in the wilderness along with some of her students. More tattoos are given over the course of these four years, resulting in most of her body being inked.

[Late 20's (25-29)]; On her way back from one of her many survival outings, she is greeted with her home in flames. The monastery had been ransacked and many of her teachers were lying dead on the training dias. Unwilling to accept what has happened, she attempts to save who ever remained. But when she discovered that, aside from the dead and dying monks, there wasn't a soul to save. Children lay dead, slaughtered mid-training, and her teachers were killed or died of smoke inhalation. Realizing this was an attack on not just her way of life, but what she is... she fled the monastery and began to look for another place to call home.

[Present day (30)]; After spending a year trying to find a place, she came across Cobalt Hill. In a year, she managed to find and settle in many places but only for two or three months at a time. Unwilling to remain in Europe or the Middle-East, she took herself over the Atlantic to Salem and inevitably Cobalt Hill where she has only managed to get situated a day or so in. Her mind forever wrapped around the mystery that had taken her home, rather lost without exposing her weakness.

Criminal Record: None to speak of.

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts:
- She meditates from 4am to 6am every morning, like clockwork.
- She eats very punctually; 7am (breakfast), 1pm (lunch) and 7pm (dinner).
- Bedtime is 8:30p - on the dot.
- Weekends, aside from her meditation and practice, are a little more lenient.
- Practice occurs from 3pm to 5:30pm, which usually includes some power expulsion and, of course, her martial arts.
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