Kasey Vien

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Kasey Vien

Post by ThalinVien »

Player Nickname: ThalinVien

Name: Kasey Vien
Codename: Kas
Age: 21
Date of Birth: 6/7/1993

Height: 5'9"
Weight: 110
Hair Color: N/A (Horns atop her head)
Eye Color: Blue
Place of Origin: Maine
Nationality/Race: Draconic
Classification/Origin of Powers: Mutant

Status: Homeless
Occupation: Seeking work

Personality Profile: Kasey is a very kind and caring dragon, her telepathic and empathic abilities make her easy to relate to and get along with, she will help people in any way shape or form, she is dirt poor, but tries to look her best, she is more concerned about other’s wellbeing then herself

Physical Description: A 5'9 blue scaled anthro dragon, a sharp spaded tail rides behind her, her cloths are clearly goodwill specials, nothing fancy there and their slightly ratty but she mends what she has and is grateful for it. A blue skinned pair of membrane wings are upon her back, just the right size for flight.


General Power Information: Telepathy, hear and send thoughts, feel others thoughts and emotions through empathy

Ability One: Telepathy, She is able to communicate, sometimes over long distances with only her mind, however this is also a bit of a problem with her as she’s very sensitive to what other think of her, and she will often try to listen to any gossip or hidden thoughts and take them, to heart. In addition others around her can hear her mental connections with someone, so some of her conversations may not be private

Ability Two: Empathy, she has the ability to read and manipulate other’s emotions. Though more often than not she will take depression, sadness, hurt, emotions upon herself and give happiness and joy in return, this causes her to frequently feel horrible.

Ability Three: Flight! She can fly with those wings upon her back, no with much weight though.
Drawbacks & Weaknesses: Most listed above. But in summary it’s overcaring, she doesn’t tend to herself at all, she cares very very very deeply about others. She will go out of her way to make them comfortable and happy.

Skills: She can make the rattiest goodwill cloths look decent, good with a thread and needle. Soothing people, she can do this via her telepathy.
Background: Not much is known, she won’t say because it really doesn’t matter, since all she wants to do is make you comfortable

Criminal Record: Numerous thefts, burglaries, shoplifting

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts: Cookies. Not just any cookies, Chocolate chip/chunk cookies. If you havn’t had her cookies, or any other food she makes, you havn’t eaten. Downfalls of this are addiction and weight gain!
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