Dell Peterson

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Dell Peterson

Post by MisterShoebox »

Player Nickname: MisterShoebox

Name: Dwight-Lawrence "Dell" Peterson
Codename: None
Age: 32
Date of Birth: 1/28
Height: 5'10
Weight: 150 lbs
Hair Color: Balding, Salt and pepper
Eye Color: Watery blue
Place of Origin: Bowie, Maryland
Nationality/Race: Caucasian
Classification/Origin of Powers: Mutant

Status: Refugee
Occupation: Owner and 'tender of "The Beartrap Bar and Grille"

Personality Profile: Tries to stay out of most of the "Super Hero Bullshit" that goes on in Cobalt. He isn't hostile to those with superpowers, since he has them himself, but he is wary of them when they come to his bar since he serves both heroes AND Villians. Is chatty enough with his customers, though, and usually mellow...but he WILL use his powers if things get testy and if that doesn't work, he can reach for the steel pipe or sawed-off 12 gauge he keeps behind the bar.

Physical Description: He's a lanky man with a wispy beard adorning his pointed chin. His eyesight isn't the best so he wears a pair of steel-rimmed glasses. He dresses casually - jeans, old hightops, and a "Metallica '89" T-shirt is not an uncommon wardrobe for him. On a first glance it might seem that he looks normal, but if you look close enough you might realize that his eyes each have an extra pupil.


General Power Information: Fittingly enough for a bartender, his powers are mostly alcohol related...he swears it's a coincidence. It's technically all the SAME power, but he's gotten adept at using it in different ways.

Ability One: Induced Intoxication. He can psionically raise or lower the level of alcohol in a person's bloodstream to induce intoxication (or sobriety if need be)...or cause one hell of a hangover.

Ability Two: Can tell when someone's "Had enough" by reading...not their minds, but their BAC levels and can tell how much of the stuff someone can handle just by looking at them. Comes in real handy when using his powers - he doesn't want to be a killer, man.

Ability Three: Can't get drunk. Fittingly enough, his powers prevent HIM from getting intoxicated...he can keep knocking them back and keep on ticking.

Drawbacks & Weaknesses: Can't use his "Booze ray" as he calls it on a large group of people without suffering severe headaches. He can do at most three people at once - maybe four, but it'll hurt like hell...anymore than that, though, and the strain'll cause him to pass out.

Skills: Makes a mean Cosmo and an even meaner plate of steak fries. He's also a pretty good shot with his shotgun.

Background: He was the "Rebel against authority" in his youth - getting into fights, selling weed out of the back of his truck, etcetera...until his powers manifested when he was 24. Suddenly the "Local Troublemaker" was regarded as a real threat by the Bowie Police for his own safety, his parents gave him a plane ticket, a few hundred bucks, and an unspoken warning about not returning for a while.

When he got to Cobalt Hill, he realized pretty early on that it would be prudent for him to make himself useful to the community as a whole, but didn't want to do the whole "Tights and Code Name crap," as he calls it. So he took various odd jobs - garbage collector, janitor, cashier at a gas station...until he could scrape together enough cash to purchase a run-down old hunting supply shop and set up his place. Took him eight years but he's finally not just another greasy asshole...and he's damned proud of that.

Criminal Record: Mostly petty stuff. Once did two months in juvie for dealing pot when he was 16 and got into a fight during an AC/DC concert when he was 23, but that's about it. Has a few unpaid parking tickets, too.

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts:
-Has a seriously informal way of talking, brother.

-Is never happier than when he's serving "Hard-ass booze to hard-ass motherfuckers, man."

- Has a strict "No pissing contests" policy in his bar.

- Cards. So if you're under 21, no booze for you.

- Is known to enjoy a bit of sticky every now and then, man.

-Can outcurse a sailor.
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