Multiplakayla Issues

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Multiplakayla Issues

Post by Sisip »

** All is quiet around the Sanctuary, a lovely June evening. Right up until there is an explosion. Not firey, no major damage, except to the lab. Smoke billows out of the doors into the hallway before the emergency procedures kick in and the multiple rooms are sealed off. **

<Endymion> JJ says I didn't do it! >>

Sunder The metalhead had been planning on eating, maybe followed by a horror flick and a beer. Instead no, explosions, and a mad dash right back in the door to dig his tac vest out of the closet, and with it the radio "Oi! What the 'ell is goin on?"

Kyrstin was sitting around in the rec in a pair of jeans and a tshirt. She heard the explosion, and jumped to her feet...mostly in preparation for running AWAY, rather than toward... plus she didnt know what had happened precisely.

<@Sisip> ** A familiar voice to Sunder responds back, "Whatever it was knocked the camera's out. We're reviewing the footage now. It looks like equipment malfunction. We've got people in there." Sisips voice was concerned. "Medical team dispatching, but we can't override the doors."

<Endymion> Had been on his favorite perch, the top of the glass tunnel that bridged out over the courtyard, reading a book. The explosion caught Endymion's attention immediately. That was not a sign he was at all familiar with. An explosion. He jolted to his feet and promptly tumbled off the tunnel and into some bushes.

Sunder Pulls on the vest, leaving the other gear behind for the moment he starts down the hall "That's a good start, but one little vital bit of information. Where is there? 'eard it, felt it, don't know where it came from."

<@Sisip> ** Sisip mentally smacks herself, "Right, sorry, things are busy up here. Laboratory. The whole thing is on lockdown." Suddenly, those behind the door could hear screaming. Not monster screams, or 'shit is going bad' screams, but just flat out 'no idea what the hell is going on' screaming. **

Kyrstin pokes her head out of the rec center door experimentally, looking this way and that for signs of what the hell was going on.

<Endymion> "What was that?" He said in alarm getting back to his feet and not bothering to pull leaves and twigs from his feathers. There was a nervous glance to the doors...

Sunder Could be seen jogging down the hall, tapping that earpiece "Got it, i'll grab some hands an be there as quick as I can."

<Endymion> Rushed back inside, forgetting his book in the bushes. That strange sound.. he was associating it with pain and fire even though he'd never experienced the concept of an explosion until tonight.

<@Sisip> ** Every window was grey, the billowing smoke within churning and broiling as whatever had exploded burned. The orange glow throbbed in the murkiness. Suddenly there was a figure, sooty and terrified, hair a complete mess. Tears run down her cheeks as she begins to bang on the window. Now there's a surprise.. a lab explosion and Kayla Boyle trapped within. **

<Endymion> * Dillon luckily for Kayla she wasn't alone. Professor Anderson was in the lab with her, trying to keep her calm even though he himself was starting to feel that creeping unease...'

Kyrstin hesitantly steps out into the hall and, against her better judgement, walks towards the chaos.

Sunder Poor Kyrstin, to be caught in the path of a charging metal head. "Oi! You! We're goin to the lab, we've got people stuck in there!" It was a rescue mission, not a combat mission he'd have no seconds thoughts about recruiting on the go.

Endymion is now known as Dillon

<@Sisip> ** As Dillon tried to keep Kayla calm he would hear another scream of panic, then another. As figures moved towards windows it was revealed that each one of them was ... Kayla. Each one as terrified as the first, even moreso as they caught sight of each other. Bluegrey eyes rolled backwards as one of them passed out into a heap on the floor. **

Kyrstin looks... bewildered at the sudden shouting at her, but she.. really doesnt have much of a choice as the metal man sweeps her along towards the lab.

<Dillon> Coughed through the haze, as much as he wanted to calm the terrified girl, and even though she had a lab coat on, in her agitated state, laying a hand on one of her shoulders sounded like a very very bad idea. Then the figures were made clearer in the haze. Kaylas... So many Kaylas...

@Midas a half befuddled Midas would wander out into the court yard then. Dressed in sweat pants, and white t-shirt the explosion apparently ending a nap of somesort. "What the.." Blinking as he say the smokey lab, but was too far to recongize the shapes in the window. "Oh shit!" He'd utter before hustling towards the sealed door.

Sunder He'd give a couple shouts for any one who could lend a hand to come with as he ran to the labs, coming to a stop near the sealed doors giving everything a look over to get an idea of what they were up against.

<@Sisip> ** As Midas bolts towards the sealed door multipleKayla's spot him and begin to bang on the windows, each one crying out for him. The two or three by Dillon cling to him, sobbing hysterically, each time one of them looks at another the wailing only becomes louder. It was chaos, within that sealed up lab. **

<Kyrstin> What. the. fuck. :this was probably Kyrstin's nightmare scenario. Many, many Kaylas.

<Dillon> He was surrounded by Kaylas each one clinging to him and hanging off the man. The professor was doing his best to restore order, but things were not going well in a cramped space with an upset and excitable student.

<@Midas> "Frig.." Hurried he'd try a few of his newer codes. Mind you he wasn't exactly high on security level, junior admin at best. Trying to undo the seal, but failing as well he simply didn't have emergency clearance to unseal a door during a firey explosion. "Shit..come..on come on..." Trying again and again. Not yet noticing the trio of Kayli as he worked futilly..yet.

<MarloCross> All there was in his head was the word Explosion. Time to go. He vdidn't have his uniform on, just regular street cloths. If it was on campus, there was no need to hide his identity. In a run, Marlo searches around for SOME ONE to give him a heads up on what was going on.

Kyrstin look at the window... and then the door... debating for a moment if she actually wanted to help get the door open.

Sunder Looks at midas trying the door, which he assumed was well fried or it'd be opened already. The windows however.. "Oi! You 'ave a clue 'ow much these things can take? Less than the door i'd imagine."

<@Sisip> ** The glowing orange of fire throbs within the roiling blackness, the smoke within the lab growing thicker. Midas's codes are punched in,b ut to no avail. There is no reaction of the panel, the electrical systems simply offline. Another Kayla grabs Dillon and she shakes him, pushing one of the others out of the way. She tries to talk but falls into fits of coughing as she points towards the fire. One of the Kayla's spots Kyrstin and fear turns to shock as she realizes there's hesitation. That one Kayla flips Kyrstin off and, though you could not hear it through the glass, the word that was said was less than kind. **

Kyrstin 's eyes narrow as she is flipped off, and she starts to turn to walk away.

<Dillon> There had to be some way to clear the air.. some emergency code... But things were all foggy and smokey... It was gtting hard to see with the glow starting to fade. Breathing? That was nasty work. "Calm" cough "Down..." Cough. "It... it's going to be alright..." A Kayla shook him and pointed. Dillong looked towards that direction.

<@Midas> "Ahh fuck it's not working stupid.." Proceeds to kick the sealed door. "Million." Kick."Dollar." Kick. "PEice." Kick. "Of crap!" A final kick then. He was doing his best not to panic himself, but he really had no idea how he was going to get in. He caught sight finally of one of the trio and made a gesture to wait with his hands, panic in his eyes as he hurried off to look for something
<@Midas> heavy he could perhaps hurl through a window.

<MarloCross> Marlo arrives in the lab with the rest. And the sight that greets him is one his brain can't seem to process right away. It takes him a couple seconds. Multiple Kaylas?! THis wasn't an entirely great situation. But, the fire snapped himout of his fog. To Sunder and Midas he strode, fists clenched," Won't Open?" He asks about the door," Some one charge me up, I'll try."

<@Sisip> ** From within the lab there's another explosion, the plethora of Kayla's ducking downwards, some wailing, some clinging to Dillon, some raising their arms up to cover themselves. Poor Dillon, it appeared that he was the only one trapped in the lab that WASN'T a Kayla. The grey smoke darkens, whatever was in the back of the lab must have been foul indeed. The medical crew can do nothing but stand and look lost, none of them able to assist. **

<Sunder> Charge you up with what? I was just going to start shooting a window in a second.. (He blinks, seeing kystrin starting to walk away "Oi?! For fucks sake.." He looks to marlo "Alright, charge up, got it." The metal head goes into a sprint, shoulder leaning forward, in a mosh pit it'd be as good of a hit as some 160lb git could possibly give out.

Kyrstin stops as she was yelled at. Again. First the metal one was shouting at her... then the nightmare of multiple Kaylas... and they were as bitchy as the original. Add Sunder yelling at her again... and when she turns around again, there is purple light leaking out around the edges of her sunglasses.

@Midas would reappear moments later, grunting as with hands he heaved a rock a little bigger than his head up to shoulder leveling. Wobbling a little with his wait. He'd yell "MOVE!" Be half running half stumblining forward and well...lobbing the large stone at the window. Weither it would work or not was another story alltogether. To say the least he was oblivious to what the others were
@Midas about atm. Only now were..excess shapes and sounds in the building starting to register.

<MarloCross> After the hit sent Marlo against the wall, He recovered and was about to throw a haymaker at the door when Midas did his test of manhood impression with the giant rock. With the quickest though Marlo Cross has EVER completed, THis might Hurt. Marlo sticks his right foot under the falling stone to catch as much of the kinetic charge from it as he could...and maybe break his goddamn
<MarloCross> foot depending on the size of Midas's head. With the charge he had, Marlo hobbled, fought through the pain and threw a straight left for the spot on the door where the Rock, putting it all behind his clenched fist.

<@Sisip> ** Midas finds a bit of encouragement as that rock strikes against the laminated glass windows. A chorus of shrieks can be heard as the glass spiderwebs out, though stays in place. It happened almost one by one, that black smoke growing thicker as a handful of Kayla's drop to the floor in heaps, two of them trying to clean to Dillon as they fall. As Marlo drives his fist forward it plunges through the shattered window and suddenly the hallway was filling with that black, foul smoke, the tinge of what was obviously chemicals and burning electronics followed quickly. **

Sunder Throws the horns, a shout of celebration as the glass gives way "Brutal!" The metal head steps forward, the momentum used for a front kick to open a bigger opening in the window before shouting out as loudly as he could for all nearby to hear "We've got it open! Anyone who can help save some lives get over here!"

Kyrstin ... dives through the window at the Kayla that had flicked her off. Her hands were... glowing purple now, and as she approached to make contact, her hands seemed to impact before they should, moreso at the edge of the glow.

<Dillon> Indeed the only thing in the room that wasn't a Kayla. and hopefully there wasn't a yet in there. How embarassing would that be? It had taken longer than one would expect from a man Dillon's size but soon the professor was showing the fatigue of the smoke and the Kaylas clinging to him. But when things seemed lost there was a rush of the smoke leaving.

@Midas coughed as he inhailed a bit of that smoke. Shaking his head as he lifted one arm to shield his eyes partially before trudging onward. "Kayla come on!" He'd shout moving towards the window trying to get a better look inward.

<@Sisip> ** As the smoke pours out into the hallway it reveals a room full of a two dozen Kaylas and one Dillon. Most of the redheads were unconcious on the floor. As the pressure changes in the room the doors hissss open, allowing access for everyone who wanted in. Back in the back flames still billowed, a large machine seemingly in the center of it all. The Kayla that flipped Kyrstin off was unable to halt the girl, that particular redhead on the floor. Medical crews shove past the crowd, dragging stretches in after them. They start, as best they can, to identify everyone. It really wasn't difficult. Dillon - check. Kayla, kayla, kayla, kayla, kayla, kayla.. etc. **

<MarloCross> Marlo recoiled for a moment, his hand dripping blood. Sharp things, man. His fucking bane. Cradeling his arm, Marlo heads in anyway. He didn't know that the room was filled COMPLEYELY with copies of Kayla. So, he took a breath and hopped in through the window to help the medical crews, and even stopping Kyrstin with his right arm around her chest, from choking an already unconcious
<MarloCross> one...

<Dillon> Wheezed and started breathing heavily... Fresh air was in again, that smoke was out... He looked over the multiple KAyla and cringed... He should have tried harder at telling Kayla to take it slow and double check her findings... He never thought THIS would happen... "The poor things..."

@Midas was actually stunned into well, inaction. Blinking as he stared at the various Kaylas that littered the area. didn't make sens e really. Coughing, shoulders rocking a little. "Wha-wha..Kayla?" He'd say confusedly.

Kyrstin was indeed diving for the one that had flipped her off as Marlo grabbed her semi-inappropriately. She spins around in his grip, sunglasses falling off of her face. Her eyes were glowing very strongly, a deep purple. This would proooobably be all that Marlo saw before a purple-shrouded fist whips around to crack him across the jaw. The energy behind the punch was actually much
Kyrstin greater than one would expect from a small asian girl, even IF Marlo fed on such things.

Sunder Coughs on some of the smoke, preparing to follow whoever it was who jumped through the window when the door decides to open for some bloody reason, a lab door's fail safe should be closed to contain right? "wha the bloody -COUGH- Son of a bitch!" More cursing would follow as the metal head charges in... and finally notes there is more than one kayla.. He wasn't concerned who was inside, just that there were people
<Sunder> inside and they needed to break it open. Well, two arms, he'd grab a dillon and a kayla "Move you bloody gits!" The metal growl would ring out as he puts his strength into dragging them out.

<@Sisip> ** Kayla's are pulled out of the room, dragged out of the room, one or two of them managed to walk out on their own, trying to keep as much distance from each other as they possibly could. One of them sobs and lunges for Midas, cutting off two others who had the same idea. The two looked lost as they broke down into tears. The Kayla that Sunder grabbed clung to him tightly. "I'm me... me ... I'm not... I'm me..." The alert Kayla's heard the whimpering words and each got a panicced look. "NO! NO I'M ME! NOT HER! ME! NO! Not her.. NO I'M ME!" Suddenly there was a fight, the two crying Kayla's who'd been cut off by the other lunging towards Midas. "I'M ME NOT YOU!"

<Dillon> Was pulled out of the fryingpan and away fromthe fire - or rather a fire that wouldn't make itself known for a littlewile more yet. All those clones. He coughed as Sunder pulled him to safety. Then came the nightmarish cried of the Kaylas... Each one fighting and frantic over who was the real Kayla..

<MarloCross> "Hey Hey, Quit yer Shit, Kyrstin...We gotta he-" And then, Kyrstin sucker punches him. The force sends him all comic book out of the now open door. All he wanted to do was get her to calm down. The air rushed from him as he hit the opposite wall. He slumped down, his vision swirling. Pure power. Untainted. It was..painfull. He tried to keepmhis bearings, gasping out,"b-Bro...k
<MarloCross> yrstin...going...nuts.." His body trembled with the energy. And all he wanted to do was help STOP a fight.

@Midas reacted naturally of course, arms snapping around the first Kayla, about to speak when well the whole breakdown of the assorted Kayla's started as well it seemed a Kayla fueled Bedlam was about to roll over everyone. Blinkinng, he should act, but in all honesty for once he still literally too stunned to reactas he tookit all in.

Sunder Blinks as he gets hugged by a kayla, and then gets to see marlo sailing past. ".. Tha f-COUGH - HACK- FRAK?!" He points down the hall "If you can move get clear! We'll sort this later!" He listens to marlo's words, then charges in, hand coming near the holster on his tac vest, the smoke was thick he'd have to shout out "If you're here shout!" He was heading in the direction marlo had come flying from,
<Sunder> expecting some sort of threat.

Kyrstin stalks through the smoke, appearing first as a quad-set of glowing purple light - two orbs around the hand area, and both her eyes. She would storm straight past Sunder unless stopped, intent on her target.

<@Sisip> ** The medical crew drag Kayla's away to the medic wing, some moving to extract the Kayla's from Midas and Sunder almost rudely. They wore large suits, hazmat looking suits. Their voises were heard, "Everyone report to medical. You are all under quarantine." A fire crew rushed in, also wearing those hazmat suits, the hallways were sealed off as the smoke is sucked out through large vents in the ceiling.**
The world is made up of stories, not atoms. ~Muriel Rukeyser
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Re: Multiplakayla Issues

Post by Sisip »

<@Sisip> It was a sleepy evening in the Sanctum, especially considering the fact that multiple Kaylites were still running around. A single guard stood outside the lab now that security was rounding up Kayla after Kayla. They were certain they'd find them all in time. It took a while for people to notice the smoke coming from the parking garage.

<Kraken> Yup, with security overtaxed with rounding up Kayla's they were spread very thinly over the premises. It was no wonder some smoke took a while to be noticed. But why was it Kevin to investigate it?! Where there was smoke there was fire and fire meant heat. Not a good thing for a temperature sensitive squidman to be close to. Luckily he had his reverse wetsuit with him and set off to
<Kraken> investigate.

* Angel`Pearson lounged outside in the courtyardish area as the sun went down, smoking on one of his dosed up cigarettes. He wore a black top of some satiny material, trimmed with a bit of blue ruffley, with thin straps that tied behind the neck, a black mesh jacket worn open over it, along with a pair of tight black shorts sporting blue piping, and a belt with a blue
<Angel`Pearson> plastic star buckle, straps bearing matching buckles flowing down from the belt to widen into loose leg warmers at knee level, a horizontal band of blue at the bottom of each leg. When the smoke from the fire was eventually spotted he hopped up to head off in it's direction as well.

<@Sisip> In the garage poor Kevin, the heat sensitive squid man, would find the floor level, usually reserved for staff and visitors, burning. (Which would instantly explain the smoke!) Perhaps not ALL of the lower floor, but about 5 vehicles had been torched and were burning quite happily. No sprinkler system had gone off, no fire suppressent, it would appear that nothing seemed to work in the garage.. other than fire.

* [Tremor] steps out into the courtyard and glances around, maybe spotting Kevin as he moves to investigate... well he wasn't sure yet. Seeing the squidman was good though, another familiar face. He breaks into a jog to catch up to the fellow, if only to say hi and maybe help out.
<Kraken> Fire! Great big curls of smoke that luckily didn't affect the squid's breathing with his contained environment suit on! Gills rule! Why didn't the sprinklers go off?! Kevin quickly called it in before he looked around for a wall switch that might activate the water system!
* [Tremor] blinks as he gets closer to Kevin and therefore the garage, seeing the smoke and shortly after the flames. He slows his approach and looks around, in fact he looks everywhere -except- for where the garage is burning. He then hurries over to Kevin, holding up an arm to try and shield his face from the heat, "Kev! Are the emergency responders on their way?"

* Angel`Pearson heard Kevin's voice over his comm calling in the incident a moment before he arrived, coming to a stop behind Tremor and peeking around the pair at the blaze "What happened? What do we do? The sprinklers should be working shouldn't they?" Things seemed to have progressed waaay too far for fire extinguishers or anything to help. He felt kinduv clueless.

<@Sisip> Whatever had been used to light these vehicles had managed to burn very obvious holes through the metal. As Kevin calls in the fire the blast of claxons filled the air. Sprinklers DID manage to go off, though not over the cars that were burning. If it hadn't been obvious, before, that they'd been tampered with it was obvious then! Movement, off to the side, was spotted. Movement that WASN'T fire. A figure, dressed in black, darted away from a car towards the stairwell. Seconds after they left another fire lit. It hissed and sparked, a container glowing as whatever was within it ate a hole through seemingly everything, the blaze catching the engine of the car and igniting it.

<Kraken> Was that Tremor? Kevin turned to look at him. "I just made the call! Someone better equipped should be here!" Came his slightly garbled voice - he was wearing a reverse wetsuit afterall. Even with a voice module added to the thing he was going to sound like he was underwater! The sprinklers went off, but not over the flaming cars... Where was a hydro when you needed one!? "Who was
<Kraken> that?" Kevin said, catching a flash of something. His eyes were designed to spot differences and motion like that. A camoflauge genious in his own right he could recognize stealth even with his senses of smell/taste cut off in the suit.

* Kyrstin finally hears alarms going off, emerging from her dorm room dressed in workout clothes. She had been planning to head to the gym, but if those alarms wouldnt have gone off. Again. It was starting to turn into a hazard to be here. Before she got swept up by some heroic type ushering her towards the sound of danger rather than away from it, she tucked her hands in her pockets and
* Kyrstin started towards the garage.

* [Tremor] spots the figure in black darting away, he begins to give chase but shouts back to Kevin as he goes, "Get in touch with security and make sure they keep an eye on anything of value, the Kaylas, or anything else you have locked up. This might be a diversion!" And then he's dashing off towards where he last saw the stranger, doing his best to avoid the places where some kind of
* [Tremor] thermal charge is melting through car engines... that would be bad.

* Angel`Pearson the movement of the probable firebug drew his eye as well, and he took off just after Tremor, one hand shooting into the messenger bag to draw out a pair of dosed throwing blades, chanting "Don'tbeKaylaDon'tbeKaylaDon'tbeKayla." quietly to himself as he went along.
<Angel`Pearson> should've been 'bag on his hip'^ up thar ))

<@Sisip> The fire crew plows in, just in time for the car that had just been set alight to explode magnificantly! No pieces go flying, it's just riduclously hot flames, enough to push everyone back quite a pace. Alarms blared, people ran to and fro. Cars burned. People were going to be piiiisssed. As Tremor and Kevin spot the figure darting off to the stairwell another car sparks up from the other end. The sprinklers that still function don't seem to do much. Whatever was burning was too hot to worry about water. The figure that had been spotted darts up the stairwell, letting the door bang noisely open, having noticed that they had been spotted. MEANWHILE --- elsewhere in the sanctum, Tremor's inkling to alert security had been accurate, if not a titch too late. A small ball rolled through the hallway, attracting the attention of the singular guard who, to his credit, remained at his post. Unfortunately for him. The flashbang that went off caused him to grab his face and scream, dropping to his knees.

* [Tremor] bolts into the stairwell, skipping steps and trying to keep the perp in his sights at all times. From his peripheral he notes the throwing blades Angel had drawn and make a mental note to duck out of the way should the colorfully dressed man have a clear shot. Still his mind raced. Whoever this was, they couldn't possibly hope to escape from going for the -roof- of the parking
* [Tremor] garage right? Unless they had some method of getting away set up beforehand... or they were counting on getting caught.

* Kyrstin whistles appreciatively at the blaze, remaining well enough away from the garage. She had no firefighting skills or abilities.

* Angel`Pearson cringed away a moment as that last vehicle went up, before continuing into the stairwell after Tremor and following along close behind, keeping watch for a clear shot at their fire happy friend as they pursued him or....hopefully not her, pleasepleasenother.

<@Sisip> Tremor wasnt as quiet as Angel was, his skipping steps echoing through the stairwell. The sound of the chase seemed to make the feeling firebug choose poorly when it came to their escape route. Up they climed, higher and higher, an occasional loud 'oof' and cry (obviously female - but who knows, maybe it was some OTHER female) giving her path to be towards the roof itself. *ELSEWHERE* As the guard by the lab was taken out three hoodie clad sweatpants wearing figures ducked into the laboratory and began grabbing things off the shelves. Things that hadn't been damaged by the original fire.

<Kraken> "I -am- security! Of course I'm in touch with them, I called for back up the instant I saw this." Then he winced and his face flushed - it wasn't visible but some shocked ripples of color coursed across his skin. A diversion. Another message was set across the security communication of the fire being a possible diversion. But the call went through too late.

* Badger was in the sims training..ok he was screwing around with an alien in a jungle fight Ala Preditor minus the mud. tapping his ear bud to get in comtact with anyone on security as he rushed out of the Sim with te fire alarm."whats going on ?" he called out heading for the stairs to the first floor.

* [Tremor] continues climbing the stairs at a rappid pace, he just barely catches the sound of the figure they were chasing making an 'oof' sound. Ok so the voice was feminine and she had made it to the roof's exit door. He quickens his steps until he reaches the top, forcing open the door and ducking to the side to avoid a possible surprise attack while giving Angel as much line of sight as
* [Tremor] possible.

* Angel`Pearson couldn't help another little cringe at the obviously feminine sounds their firebug had made. Yeah, it -could- possibly have been some other femaletypeperson....Fat chance of that though, things had been going that way lately. As they raced up the stairs and finally drew toward the top, he watched as Tremor forced the door and then dipped off to the
<Angel`Pearson> side, his free hand moving to pluck one of his blades from the other, whipping it through the door after the black clad (ohpleasedon'tbe)Kayla the moment Trem was clear.

<Kraken> "Fire in the garage, forces are here to bring it under control." He started over the security com to answer Badger. "But this was a diversion, the real stuff's going down elsewhere!" Please don't be - oh it was probably KAylites...

* Badger nodded. "gotcha where you need me im just coming outta the Sims." bounding up the stairs he quickly got tothe ground floor and shouldered open the access door. his amber eyes scaning the area as his ears and nose going to work.

* Kyrstin remains on the ground. Ground was good. Safer, less likely to be all trapped-in-flames-scenarioish. She watches, and waits.

<@Sisip> The roof was empty, save for the figure sprinting across it. About 3/4's of the way past she.. slows down. Her arms extend and reveal .. nothing in her hands. Slowly turning she levels familiar bluegrey eyes on Tremor. She knew who he was, of course, though she was a bit surprised to see him. Her gaze slips over to Angel and Kayla actually looked sad for a moment. She takes a few steps backwards, keeping the pair in her line of sight. The blade zipped through the air, slicing through the fabric of her hoodie, drawing blood easily. She blinks, looking shocked. "..fuck.." ** ELSEWHERE ** The pilfering of the lab was going well. Gymbags were being shoved full of items as one of the trio breaks off to start duct taping the guard. Badger would smell familiar scents as he drew closer to the lab.

<Kraken> "My gut says the labs... I hope I'm wrong..." He'd fill Badger in on the Kayla incident so he knows what he's in for. "I'll be right with you, just seeing this fire out. Beware of the Kaylas we don't know how many there are. If they are beind this they... They'll be hostile." He hated himself for saying that.

* Badger frowned at one of the scents this was wrong and he glanced around the corner into the room hoping to see someone."okaaay gotcha.." he said softly then calls out to anyone in the Labs."Ok im going to be nice and give you one chance to surrender you decide you arent going to...well i hope you have good insurance and a doctor to pull your head outta your ass got me?" he would
* Badger give them -
<Badger> - once chance only...

* Angel`Pearson there was another flinchy-cringe after he met the Kayla's eyes and saw the sadness there, he looked like he'd rather be just about anywhere else at the moment, and even called out "I'msorry!!" when she cursed. He was! But she had made everything go all explodey...He couldn't just do nothing..

* [Tremor] stays clear of Angel's line of sight to his target, taking a moment to glance back at the fellow and mouth the words, 'nice throw.' He then quickly slips through the doorway and just as quickly out of the line of fire again, then slowly moves to the side to approach and flank the Kayla clone. He doesn't bother with pleasantries, "How many others are working with you. You couldn't
* [Tremor] have gotten them all to agree."

<@Sisip> As Badger calls out a voice responds, a choked, scared voice, "Ba.. badger? Help me!" It was Kayla! She sounded terrified. She tries to stay standing up tall, but that muddle headedness of Angelspit worked through her bloodstream. She sways just a bit, stumbling as Tremor approaches her. "No... Nobody was hurt.. You don't.. have to do this." Bluegrey eyes blink, reaching up to rub her face. "Just.. we'll get the stuff.. and go. Let us go."

* Badger sighed inwardly he was a protective sort of person and damnit this was just the thing to get to him. frowning he peeked around the corner to get an idea where she was. its going to be ok Kayla im here for you i want you and everyone else there to lay down and you wont get hurt." his nose and ears working over time to get an idea on heart beats and breathing.

* [Tremor] glances back to Angel and then he remembers. This was the guy who had knives covered in some kind of toxin. Very useful indeed! His gaze returns to the faltering Kayla, still closing in on her, but giving the poison plenty of time to do it's work. "Sorry, but this isn't the way to do it."

* Angel`Pearson the small flash of pride in his ability was quickly drowned out by horriblehorrible shame when he heard Tremors praise. He trotted up closer to stand a bit behind and off to the side of Tremor, biting his lip as he watched the poor Kay "What are you guys trying to do? Go where? What about Kayla-1?! You can't do anything that'll hurt her!" he tried not to rush
<Angel`Pearson> his words, knowing his chemical goodness was taking effect...but it was hard, this was a stressful situation. Kayla was his friends...and they were all Kayla as far as he cared.

<@Sisip> Kayla, dressed all in black, steps forward. Her eyes are wide. "Badger... they'll kill me. They'll unmake me" Behind her there was the sound of a glass object being dropped and a quiet curse. The Kayla infront of Tremor and Angel stumbles backwards, landing hard on her rear. "NO.. you.. go away!" She didn't know what to say, how to phrase things. Her mind was so muddled. "Leave... me..." Her hand moves into the pocket of her hoodie and she pulls out a single, round, grenade looking thing. Gripping it tightly she tries to focuse on Angel and Tremor. "... alone ..."

* Badger rose up seeing her keeping her attention on him."im not going to let anyone hurt you Kayla you know me." he looked for a moment to where the crash came from then back to her."All of you.." he offered her a pawlike hand.

<Kraken> Hurried his squiddy self away from the garages once the diversion was under control. Com time. "Badger, have you located the main problem?" Kevin was rushing back inside, still in the wetsuit, but he couldn't waste any time taking it off now. Anything with that level of a burning explosive diversion? Even a second wasted was too much!
<Kraken> and would you look at that. they were up. Climb time!

* Badger without looking away talked into his com." oh yeah im having a talk with Kayla." he smiled softly to the girl who was obviously distressed. "we may just have a good sit down and talk." he said this loud enough for her and any others there who could hear.

* [Tremor] gives her a look as if to say, 'Seriously?' then walks quickly over to where she sits, "You're not going to hurt anyone. If you were, you wouldn't have tried so hard to avoid it so far." Also, if that really is a grenade shes holding, Tremor knew both he and Angel would have 5-10 seconds to throw it off the building away from the complex, or kick it into the stairwell where the
* [Tremor] blast would be contained. He crouches near where she sits and waits to see what she will do.

<@Sisip> Kayla's voice came from the back of the room, "We know you won't." That Kayla voice was hard, a voice that was in command. Out of the darkness bounced a round grenade looking thing. It stopped just infront of the Kayla standing before Badger and the look on the girls face was one of shock. Obviously this hadn't been discussed. The grenade like thing that Kayla gripped wasn't a grenade. It was a 'Siren' .. created by Jameson Clark for the Xteam. ( ... f=15&t=277 ) Her hand opens as she drops the item. It begns to shriek, the frequency throbbing as she whips her hands up to her ears and tries to crawl away.

* Angel`Pearson watched with a little perma-frown as Tremor spoke to her, looking back to her eyes as she gripped the little grenade thing "..Oh Kayla...Why..? What the hell happened? What did this..?" He didn't have clue one what had started this whole mess in the first place, there was just a swarm of Kayla one evening....All so so confusing.....His eyes went
<Angel`Pearson> wide when the ball dropped from her hand, and he thought for sure they were done for...but at the intense blast of sound he dropped his remaining blade, hands whipping to cover his ears.

<Kraken> Let out a screech and clamped his hands over his head. That sound... the pain! No Kevin as back up for the garage roofers, he was writhing around, suited tentacles flailing. "Gahhh!"

* Badger saw the object and didnt even stop to think his tail lashed out to wrap around the kaylas waist and pull her boduly to him. dont worry i got you honey." holding her to him he used his powerful legs to fling himself back into the hall and quite possibly through the wall or door on the other side. it may not be a grenade but he wasnt going to take chances

* [Tremor] blinks as she drops the device. Not a grenade. Stupid -stupid!- Of -course- she wouldn't have used a grenade! The siren goes off and his hands instantly go to his ears as the head splitting noise hits him. Falling to his knees he screams, mute against the wall of sound blasting so close to him. In a last ditch effort to somehow salvage this, he reaches out for the egg-like device
* [Tremor] and attempts to channel a vibration through it that would be violent enough to rattle the thing to pieces, or failing that, at least cut down on that horrible sound.

<@Sisip> Kayla was yanked towards Badger and she cries out, the fellow bashing them both through the door. A good thing, at that, for the force of the explosion from the grenade that WAS actually a grenade tore through the lab enterance and hallway. Poor security guard. There was no fuzzy to save him. The remaining two Kaylas in the lab make a break for it, escaping down the hallways. As Tremor screams and flails for the Siren DopedKayla takes her chance and scrambles to her feet, lurching to and fro as she tries to find the best path.. despite being doped with AngelSpit. Her cry of shock was short as her apparent path takes her right into the edge of the garage and she tumbles over. Nails tear from her fingertips as she tries to find purchase.. to no avail. She falls the mulitple stories silently before striking the ground. Let's hope that wasn't Kayla #1.

* Kyrstin flinches as the Kayla strikes the ground, turning away from the sight... Yes, Kyrstin and Kayla hated each other. Yes, she (or at least, some part of her) had tried to strangle the life out of one of them. But... still she turned away, closing her eyes.

* Badger was a stury badger guy he could take the impact, any damage would heal quickly he just wanted to get the girl to safty. if he could he would have done something to save the guard...hes not happy about that. i have you youre going to be ok Kayla. Anyone hear me? we got 2 on the get away i have one with me we need medical staff here yesterday!"he held her close comfortingly even
* Badger if shes -
<Badger> - struggling and fighting him.

* Angel`Pearson hands still clamped over his ears he tried to thinkthinkthink...There was some trick to nulling those fucking shriekers wasn't there? Something about the comm's...? But his brain felt like it was rattling around in his skull and he couldn't think of any more then that. When his watery eyes saw the Kayla stumbling toward the edge of the roof they went wide, and as
<Angel`Pearson> she tumbled over the side he screamed, falling from his previously hunched position to his knee's with tears flowing.

* [Tremor] grits his teeth and grasps the Siren with both hands, doing his best to focus his mind in spite of all the noise and channel enough vibrations into the thing to shatter stone, nevermind electronics. The gadget was well built though, so there was no telling how much punishment it could take. He doesn't even see Kayla go over the edge, or Angel falling to his knees. He could barely
* [Tremor] -think- with all this damn noise!

<@Sisip> The cars are put out, the owners alerted. The casualty count was 2. Pete Peters, Level 1 security, and Kayla Boyle Number Unknown. Shit just got reals, yo,
The world is made up of stories, not atoms. ~Muriel Rukeyser
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