Finnley Flores

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Finnley Flores

Post by vile »

Player Nickname: Blackheart

Name: Finnley Flores
Age: 25
Date of Birth: August 12, 1988

Height: 6'1
Weight: 180
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Pale blue but is fond of contacts
Place of Origin: Salem, Massachusetts
Nationality/Race: American
Classification/Origin of Powers: Magic

Status: Other
Occupation: Barista, freelance painter

Personality Profile: Friendly, outgoing, but shy at times. Soft-spoken and quite laid-back. Has an aversion to negativity and would prefer to back down and quietly submit than get into an argument. That's not to say he'll not stand up for himself but it would take something near extraordinary to make him act.

Physical Description: Finn keeps himself looking as nice as possible. The most common outfit he sports is a button-up shirt with the sleeves rolled up to the elbow, a vest, tie, slacks, and dress shoes. All are kept spotless and as wrinkle-free as possible. Colors are something he enjoys and usually has a tasteful splash somewhere on him whether it be an interesting tie, specialty contacts to cover his hazy blue eyes, dyed tips of his hair, or something else for flair. A long chain of rainbow colored links connects his faux leather wallet to a belt loop of his pants. Purple is his favorite. His glasses are wire framed, medium length hair a pale blonde, kept nice and tidy, eyebrows neatly groomed, and clean shaven.

He is handsome and boyish, not quite looking his age yet, possibly from the bright shine in his eyes. Too chipper and friendly to be brought down by the negative he's gone through and he keeps himself upbeat and it shows with a persistent smile. His left arm ends abruptly just above the elbow. The ending is kept hidden from view, normally, by a sleeve rolled up so the cuff extends an inch or two longer than it needs to be. The other arm ends in a slender, delicate hand, with fingers that are long and have clearly never seen a day of real work in their life.



General Power Information: Enchanted tattoos. The power at work does not stem from his own mutant ability as he has none. The tattoos he possesses were done in Crowley's years ago and are imbued with magical power from the artist. It was through this that he can move them at all.

Ability One: Turning his tattoos from ink to a physical manifestation that he can partially lift from his body at will, move around, give 3 dimensional shape to, and wield as if they are an extension of his natural body. They function as they are depicted. Eyes can see, mouths can speak, the suckers of tentacles can aid in picking up items and the tentacles themselves squeeze and manipulate objects. They have the same qualities as skin, while not actually being flesh, and can feel as if they are. They stretch to some degree and are capable of growing in size or length up to twice their depicted size.


* Fuchsia band encircling his right wrist. About 2" thick. Over the wrist is an eye that is as wide as his arm.

* Tentacles around his left shoulder and arm. Flat end of his arm, where the elbow would be, doesn't depict a tentacle but instead what looks to be serrated teeth. Also bright purple in color.

* A large spider on the back of his neck that rests just below where a collared shirt would end. This keeps it covered most of the time.

* Across his forehead, horizontally, is a line. Should the line open it would reveal a large eye that's slightly bigger than his own eyes.

Drawbacks & Weaknesses:

* At least one section is eternally attached to his body. Removal of the manifestation will cause him equal pain to getting said tattoo thus proportional to size and location. At worst patch of skin may be ripped from his flesh if the separation is bad enough. Injury to a manifestation will cause him pain as he can feel and experience things with them.

* Limited number and space. No dual layering. He only has so much space on his body and so many to work with. Existing tattoos can be covered but they become garbled and degrade quickly.

* Normal tattoo removal methods won't apply. If he wants one removed it essentially has to be ripped free from his body.

* If his cognitive skills are impaired in any way whether it be by alcohol, lack of sleep, or other causes, his tattoos will respond more to the subconscious than his own will. They could, at worst, be uncontrollable.

* Knows all too well the stigma of being anything but normal. The treatment he got from his parents has left him bitter and he, at times, resents his own powers. He can be reluctant to use his tattoos due to this.

Skills: Finn doesn't have any special skills aside from oddies or learned necessities he's picked up over the years. Building, repairing, and cleaning bikes from his relying on them as his main form of transportation. He's done some work with photography and is a decent cameraman when he gets in the spirit of carrying around one of his old Minoltas.

Background: Normal kid, nothing special, good in school. For the most part his life was nothing special. It was filled with the usual time spent bored in school and at home with homework, punctuated by time spent with friends, and uneventful save for an occasional festival visited here or there or the yearly family vacation to Vermont. There was a brief wrinkle in his relationship with his parents when they realized that his best friend, Aaron, was more than just that. It put an air of tension in the household that spurned on a rebellion from him. He went out to a new place he'd never been to, Crowley's, with some friends. Under the influence of cheap whisky and ideas not thought out very well he stopped by a tattoo shop that looked to have been paused in time for at least two decades.

The next morning was a surprise to him. Pain! Pain from his partial arm, pain from his wrist, pain from the back of his neck. Upon inspection he found that he hadn't been in a fight while swimming in a drunken haze. Instead of bruises there were drawings. No, tattoos. Tattoos from that vintage store that didn't seem to be aware that time had passed since its creation. Around his wrist was a band. Instead of his left arm merely being half of its intended length there was then a snake circling around it. Not a snake but instead a tentacle. And in the end, where his elbow would be, what seemed to be small serrated teeth. Just what happened to the back of his neck wasn't to be seen as he noticed that the markings, fuscia in color, seemed to ripple and shimmer. Later that day he realized that wasn't his imagination messing with him, cruelly, during a rare hangover.

There was a spider. A large purple spider. It creeped down his arm while Aaron was driving them both to school. A girlish scream filled the air and Finn fainted shortly thereafter. It was no surprise to him that the people in his life wanted nothing to do with him at that point. Or that he woke up on a sidewalk in a place between his home and school. Filled with horror and dread he realized the only thing he could do is go back to Crowley's, find the person who marked his skin, and make them undo whatever force was at work. But it wouldn't work out that way. That isn't how they work at all.

Now stuck with mobile markings he made his way back to his parents' house. Given how they reacted so negatively when mutants were on the news there would not be good things in store for him. And indeed that was the case. They had already heard about what happened courtesy of the boyfriend he once trusted. Once they confirmed he was, indeed, no longer a wonderfully ordinary young man he realized that Aaron wasn't the only loss he would be to suffer.

Within a year he left of his own volition and moved in with his employer, a kind old woman who owns a small bookshop, in exchange for completing daily chores and a portion of his check. Upon the tasks of keeping the house tidy, clothes laundered, and cats fed, he also had to keep near-perfect grades in school. That took more effort and perseverance than he thought possible. Being friendly as he is he recovered from the loss of his old friends by making new ones and moved on as well as he could manage.

Time now finds him in his own apartment, still working for the old woman, both in her shop and at her home. School is a dream he still follows. The focus of his academics is art with the bulk in painting and anatomy.

Criminal Record: None

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts: Germophobe, can start breaking down if he's significantly dirty. Doesn't handle the sight of blood well, afraid of medical needles. Loves animals. Vegan, PETA member, uses public transit or a bike to get around. Enjoys learning things.
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