Rage In The Machines (May 20, 2014)

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Rage In The Machines (May 20, 2014)

Post by Kyrstin »

<MarloCross> Marlo is in the Rec Center monopolizing an entire couch while watching COPS. It wasnt something he did often, but ewhen forbidden to do his crime fighting schtick, he had shit else to do. Now with a lot of free time and his workout completed, he was bored...

* Sunder Another couple months, another dead earbud. The metalhead was sadly metal free for the night, but he wouldn't miss it given the right flick. He was on his way towards the rec, messenger bag in tow.

<Gruegirl> Diz was flopped over onto a couch, taking a quick catnap next to a bag of her equipment. She had an appointment for the simulators in a few hours and didn't feel like going back upstairs. Still it's a good idea to be next to the dangerous toys in her possession

<JJ> "Weeeeeee....." JJ was engaging in an activity he hadn't for a while. Roller skating with his special electric pair merged with his legs and feet. Once you were one with the skates, the boring normal way was just... dull.

* Kyrstin enters the rec dressed in a jean skirt and a red ripped shirt with black tube top underneath it, along with her normal sunglasses regardless of the time of day. She glances around the room, arching an eyebrow. "Well. Exciting evening, hmm."

* Sunder Walks in behind kyrstin, decked out in the usual illegible metal band t, cargo pants, wires, lights, and lots and lots of spikes nails and studs. "We might need to slow down a bit, excitement might give us all a 'eart attack."

<MarloCross> "Uh huh" says a despondant looking Marlo Cross. He had a healthshae thingie next to him, but on the floor for easy reach from his spot on the couch. Catching a glimpse of JJ coming by, he chuckles," Atleast some one is having fun. I just like watching cops. Might see my Uncle Lyle one day." His mother's brother was even more of a fuck up than his dad.

> As JJ rounds a corner, a Police Car outside passes Cobalt Hill. THe Sirens on and it's onboard computer (they have them i swear) Screaming about an APB: Cloaked Man accompaned by several dozen Child sized Things breaking into a Savings and Loan Bank. Was it possible that JJ might hear it's call?!

<Kyrstin> Shirtless drunk beating on his wife or something? Isnt that what's always on that show?

<JJ> Skated passed the Rec Center looking in a good mood/ Though he did give pause to nod a hello at those inside. Tonight was a glorious night. Much too nice to spend inside - which was something coming from JJ. He was mr. stay inside! Maybe he had a fever? Or was just broadening his horizons. He felt around with his powers, since outdoors was well.. not surrounded by his tech. baby steps... one day maybe JJ could not panic at not being around technology. Luckily he heard that ABP. "Well that's weird..." Possibly something worth relaying to the team? He'd contact Marlo via cellphone. Weird police bulletin. A cloaked man and some short things at the bank. Break in.

<Gruegirl> Diz twitches her ear slightly slowly rousing to. With a slight yawn she checks her watch... Still time before her simulator apointment. She spots Marlo, Kyrstin and Sunder and waves "Hey guys. What's happening?"

<MarloCross> "No" He said with a smirk," Sometimes you get the Hooker Bust and the hooker turns out to be a dude." The smile on his face turned into a laugh," You can just see the john's face just...break." his Phone buzzes, which he picks up as Diz wakes up," Look who's awake. You've been out since i sat down." THen he looked at the Text. Sitting up, he looks at Sunder," JJ just got a read off the police band...some one hitting a bank after hours." He sent a text to JJ, 'MONITOR IF YOU CAN.' He then looks up to Sunder," Your call bro. Think we should check it out?"

* Sunder Of course the metalhead wasn't the one who got JJ's call. He quirks a brow at marlo "What are you on about?"

<JJ> Technopathy really was the best power to have in the 21st century. He had psuedo telepathy! Easy to communicate instantly. "I'm on it!"

> THe Police Band continues to talk as the cop car zooms away. JJ would hear "SHOTS FIRED! JESUS, It's Carrying the Vault! It's...some kinda mutant! four arms! GET META ON THE....." then nothing...

<Gruegirl> Talk of some actual excitement around here was enough to get Diz to sit up suddenly. She hadn't seen any non-simulated action since she helped put holes in those walkers. She unzips the bag next to her and starts gearing up "Think it's serious?" She asks Marlo.

* Kyrstin arches an eyebrow but doesnt really say anything to Marlo's comments, letting the conversation happen.

<JJ> Um. Marlo? I think we may be needed. His phone then rang so JJ could talk a bit faster. "Definitely mutants. Super strength. Four arms. Guns too. They were trying to call META before the line went dead!"

<MarloCross> Responding to Sunder, he shows him the text on his phone," Short THings...Why would cops call them things? Lets see what's going on, maybe we can Help, ya know?" He seemed almost desperate to get involved. Then the phone wrang in Sunder's face. It seem's JJ's ring tone was one of the Songs from Tron. Popping it onto speakerphone, Marlo had to wait not a second before JJ was talking.

<Gruegirl> That gets Diz into gear, she stops being discrete and begins gearing up double-time. Sliding her trusty pistols into her jacket, along with the always useful grappling gun and a few homemade smoke grenades.

* Kyrstin watches Diz, deciding not to ask where the entire armory came from.

<Gruegirl> For Kyrstin's observation, her pistols look unlike any she'd have seen. The grappling gun definately isn't standard issue, and the smoke grenades seem to have been soldered together by hand... seems she made them.

* Sunder Scowls as JJ speaks "Fucking hell.. I need my keys-" Glances about, it seems someone was planning on joining them.. "No fun or games in this. I'd rather not see any friends die tonight alright?" His eyes turn to marlo "I'm getting keys. Grab anyone who understands what we're walking into and meet me at the motor alright? The mag'll get us there quick." With that he drops the bag and starts running for his room, thankfully located close to the rec.

<JJ> "I'll meet you at the gate, I need to gear up. Ug! Thi is why I tell dad that wearing my outfit 24/7 is a good idea!" And he was skating off to get his uniform. Definitely NOT an X-Team piece. This was something of JJ's own creation. Very tech looking, matching his prosthetic arm even. With a full helmet and colored lines that very much made JJ look like he'd stepped out of Tron. One day maybe he'd change his code name to something else, but right now. Tron.

<MarloCross> Marlo turned to Kyrstin and Diz. Kyrstin hadn't been in much of a fight at all but he still felt her powers might be usefull. Diz on the otherhand was a walking arsenal." You two coming? Kyrstin, you can stay back if you want, But if we could get into that thing's head a figure out what it is...It might be a help." He motioned them to follow if they felt so inclined. He had to gear up too.

<Gruegirl> Diz's gearing up finishes with her getting the "Shroud" out of the bag. A well worn piece of brown cloth. She takes her ever-present hat off to put said shroud on concealing her face below those green-tinted glasses of hers. "Suited and ready Marlo." She informs him.

<Kyrstin> You're ready for war.

<Gruegirl> Diz looks at Kyrstin. "I'm an inquisitor." She says simply and follows Marlo quickly

* Kyrstin looks at Marlo for a long minute. "I'm hardly dressed for a battle.... and guns... You'd better have a bulletproof shield if you want me ANYWHERE near that scene."

* Sunder Yanks his tac vest with the huge red rescue handle out of the closet throwing it on and zipping up, figures as soon as he got out of the habit of carrying everything he'd need it all again. A quick pat down, all the pockets still filled, he'd grab the rifle bag from the floor of the closet and the keys from the table by the door before taking off running towards the parking structure. The black supercharged magnum with spikes bolted to the bumpers waited.

<MarloCross> He gets to his room, letting the two girls into the cluttered mess it had become in the last 7 months. He quickly gets ready, ignoring the fact the girls are there. Takes his shirt off and heads into his room. In minutes he;s in his uniform, complete with jacket and helmet in hannd. The phone's hands free is in his ear, dialing Sunder..

<Gruegirl> Diz doesn't comment on the state of the room. As far as she was concerned this was a duty of hers to treat him like a commanding officer... if she gets admitted to the x-team, he'd probably BE one.

* Kyrstin ... doesnt really have much to do in Marlo's room except look around and watch him change. So... thats what she did.

<Gruegirl> Diz does look at Kyrstin "Armor and shields are only so useful. The best defence against guns, is not to get hit." She says with experience. "Keep your head down and don't leave cover, you'll be fine."

* Sunder Gets the mag started, and digs his phone out "Oi! Tell me you're either haulin ass or the whole thing is a false alarm. Ride is up and running."

<JJ> Still had the wheel sticking out of his feet as he bladed back outside fully kitted out and prepared. It wasn't everyday he could gear up like this... Well gear up and face against actual bad guys and not simulations.

* Kyrstin doesnt respond to Diz' statement, her face rather flattened.

<MarloCross> "We need a spare vest for Kyrstin. Something protective" He was hauling ass, with hopefull both Diz and Kyrstin in beind him." I think a psychioc might be usefull here."

<Gruegirl> in diz's opinion, body armor just gets in the way, but the morale boost of it would do Kyrstin a world of good. She looks through Marlo's messy room to see if maybe he misplaced a ballistic vest

> THere is none. Marlo is a living Ballistic vest. BUT, She might find one that Sisip would have insisted he have :D no dount

<Gruegirl> Diz kicks over a pile of forgotten clothes and finds a spare vest. A bit big on Kyrstin, but a vest nonetheless "Here you go."

* Sunder Cringes "I don't think she's prepared for this mate.. I've got a full kit in the back, she can have it." the metal head himself never bothered wearing it, they'd never been shot at, and being able to move fast had proven more of a life saver thus far. It sat in the back unused along with the old riot sheild and a couple of spare tazers.

* Kyrstin was following Marlo, not actuallly having expected to find anything in that mess. "Not a psychic" she mumbles to herself, not really expecting to argue the differences in powers. When Diz suddenly appears beside her with a vest she takes it, looking at the size but not compllaining too much about it.

<Gruegirl> "So you got what you need marlo? We going?" Diz asks

<MarloCross> Marlo was already moving, hopefully followed by the other two. He was locking his helmet into place as they met up with Sunder," Yeah, we're ready. Lets do this. Stay safe. Don't go crazy. Sunder's on lead on this one."

<Gruegirl> Diz nods "Rodger." She says climbing into the vehicle quickly. Eager to deploy.

* Kyrstin struggled a bit to get the vest on, heavier than she'd been expecting really. Also totallly didnt go with the outfit. But she followed Diz absently.

<JJ> It looked like armor but was actually a rather interesting mesh of different materials that not only provided flexibility and protection but also had enough tech threaded inside it that it was basically like a skin to JJ. He could control it utterly. After a few exchanges of words with their ride to the scene, JJ hopped in.

* Sunder The magnum was idling loudly, the metalhead sitting at the wheel "Longer we wait, more damage gets done pile in!" He'd wait just long enough for the last door to get shut before slamming on the pedal, a satisfying burning of rubber and a wide slide of the rear as they tore ass out of the parking structure and towards town - And music? Amon amarth - loudly.

<Gruegirl> Diz isn't in x-team issue uniform of course. Her traditional inquisitorial coat, harness, shroud, and hat over a brown undershirt and leather pants was more than enough for her.

> In the Bank's parking lot, surrounded by 4 squad Cars is the tall, gaunt figure with ahuge metal cube on it's back. Two oddly shaped arms held it tight. The forearms were bigger, bulbous and strong. the tattered grey and brown cloths looked like a hobo wore them. The face wasn't visible save for 6 glowing eyes. Around it were the tiny things, looking more like albino imps with no eyes to speak of. they crackled with energy. Each had a strange set of metal tubes poking from varrying parts of thier heads. They had the cops pinned and tied up. The big guy was just walking forward.

* Kyrstin was in no hurry to get out of the car whenever it stopped.

<Gruegirl> Diz was, but restrained herself planning to follow Sunder's lead. Her muscles tense ready to leap into action.

* Sunder The magnum screeches to a halt. He takes one quick look at the scene - that many cops it was an easy bet someone tried shooting something already and it most likely didn't work. He'd pop the rear hatch anyways. "Let's not piss anything off till we get an idea of what we're fighting if we can help it." He looks very pointedly at JJ, Diz, and Kyrs. "First priority, keep yourselves safe and keep an escape route open. Keys are staying in the ignition." He gets out of the car, annoucing the arrival of the X-team to the cops as he grabs the rifle bag, pulling out the M-14 while taking a breath. Pushing thoughts of the last run out of his mind "Marlo.. Think you can get to a vantage point?"

<Gruegirl> Diz stepped out of the vehicle looking around at the scene from her, admittedly lower, perspective. "Six eyes..." She mutters slightly, before looking at Sunder "I can get to the rooftops if we need a scout."

<JJ> "Ok... what's with Spider-Goro and the Munchkins? Oooh, metal!" 6He tried to feel out for any tech the baddies had on them, he could make it go crazy. JJ was truly one of those I must use my powers to annoy! types. Well when he could insta feedback screech any headset, annoying had to be a middle name. "Already scouting the area. Surveilance camera's redlights, any tech on them. It's mine now."

<MarloCross> Marlo nodded to Sunder," Dude, watch the real names." He wasn't publicly outed yet, though he had no idea how close it was. He held a hand to Diz,

<Gruegirl> Diz nods but readies her grapple-gun just in case. Her real name would suffice.

* Kyrstin looks back and forth between the lot of them, keeping her mouth shut lest she get volunteered for something.

<MarloCross> "Two sets are better. Grab on to me and hold tight" If she accepted the hand onto his back, Marlo would touch the ground and seconds later, K-Jump to the nearest building top that offered a vantage point.

> For JJ, He'd get a mix of signals coming from the smaller creatures. They seemed to act as minuatute tazers to the Cops they held. He could...feel or see a transmission going from the little ones to the larger one. Single Words: Walk/Active. Attack/Innactive. Speak/Innactive. Carry/Active/Passive. He could also feel wioreless comunnication just...stopped in the area. The Little ones were blocking all incomming coms.

> The Big Guy just kept stomping forward, no one able to hault his advance.

* Sunder Takes a breath and sighs "Right, sorry bro." He nods to diz "Won't hurt to have someone on the high ground." He glances back to JJ, putting in his radio earpiece "Tell me everything you can see." He glances between krys and JJ "Keep an eye on him, keep each other safe." He starts forwards towards the odd figure holding a box, weapon slung in front not presenting an immediate threat, he'd not be the one to choose to make things violent. "Oi! Just what the bloody 'ell is this all about then?!"

<Gruegirl> Diz does accept the hand, trusting her teammate. She looks over the group "They're not moving like a military force... or even like criminals would." She comments as soon as they're on the rooftops.

* Kyrstin peeks her head partially around the edge of the door, not exposing herself more than was absolutely necessary. She jumped a little bit at the sound of Marllo's K-jump, even.

<JJ> "Alright, The lolipop guild's being controlled by the big guy. Careful they can shock you... I'll see if I can reprogram them. It's some kinda wireless signal which means I can easily pick up on it..." It was amazing that the easily distracted JJ could actually set his mind on something. But he knew when he was needed and when it was alright to act like his goofy self. Right now? Serious JJ... no Tron was needed. He really should change that name sometime, oh look distracted again. Mind on the critters. Ok... Walk? Inactive. annnnd Passive seemed good.

> From Above, Crippler and Diz could see the whole scene. A crowd was gathering at the outter edge. They could see Sunder walking up to the creature. It's head turned toward him as the mutant spoke. Then...the big guy spoke," THis...Is...Robbery...Put...Money...In...Bag" It reaches for him with a clawed, fleshy arm. It was fast, but had a huge weight on it's back. A few of the Lolipop Guild were scaling the building, heading after Diz and Marlo.

<Gruegirl> Diz looked at Crippler. "Time to split up." She said and fired her grapplegun to the left, figuring he'd go right after she with an acrobatic pull, began to swing across.

> For JJ, He felt something in the signal...something organic. A Mind on the other side. Something that JJ Couldn't control. He could however get control of a few of the Little ones. What he'd soon realize is that the big guy was a router...for the voice that spoke into his mind. "Oh. Hello Mr Clark. That IS you Isn't It? So we've reached an Impass. You're in My World. I'm in yours. Funny, Huh?"

> For Kyrstin, a briefest of eye contact with the Big Guy and she gets a Direction: Claw Spear. Aim for Throat. Was that an attack comming? Was this thing's mind so simple?

<MarloCross> Crippler nodded would stay to fight the Lolipop Guild's Welcoming Commitee...

<Gruegirl> Diz landed on the other building's wall. She was away from Marlo, but the Lolipop guild would have to split their resources to deal with her. She hooked her line into the back of her harness, with the retractor attached, and prepped her pistols. Aiming to cover Crippler and get any of them that are climbing up.

<JJ> "Hey I turned your walking off!" JJ complained from his hidden point and tries to access the creatures again. Walking: INACTIVE. And an attempt at a mental techno communication ordering the little guys to stand down. Then he froze. Something spoke back. It spoke back and IT KNEW HIS NAME! The little guys were only partially affected by his powers and something else was talking to him... "He's a router... The commands are coming from somplace else..." JJ tried to send a warning to his team mates. "There is an unknown! Repeat an Unknown player. Spider-Goro's a router. Someone's sending the signal to the little guys through him!" Then he focused back on the mysterious third party. "Yes, quite funny. Hahah."

* Kyrstin instinctively ducks, which actually makes her hit her head a bit being that she couldnt see what she was doing at the moment. The momentary glance allowing her to establish a connection to the thing's thoughts. Whacking her head knocks the sunglasses off of her face, revealing the glowing purple eyes that indicated her power.

* Sunder Looks at the creature real odd as it speaks, then JJ's warning shows up. "No, that's not it mate.. There a way to get the after school special ending 'ere? Everyone goes 'ome wiser with no need for lasting 'arm?"

<Gruegirl> Diz has never been issued a communicator... then again she never asked for one. So she's simply holding fire until either she or a teammate is threatened, covering Marlo.

<MarloCross> A horde of the little freaks pushed over the top of crippler's building. He laced into them with what little charge he had. Even going so far as to say," Diz! Shoot Me!" But, Diz's cover would keep the majority off her teammate...they'd just start climbing towards her.

> Meanwhile, with the Big Guy, One leg buckled suddenly, causing the safe to roll away into a car, crushing a small one and allowing a police officer to crawl to safety.

> As for Sunder's end of things, JJ's technofuckery saves him from a bone shard spear from the creature's hand. Indeed, Kyrstin could sense this thing's attacks as surface thoughts much as she could normal people. She could hear 'REBOOT< WALK- REROUT SPEACH.."Ah..mal-com...Sun-Der...THis...thing...cannot...Talk...Fast...enough." THe creature then smiles at him. Kyrstin can hear in it's thoughts: Acid Projective. 3....2...1

> 5 JJ can still hear the other voice, "How's Auntie Sisp...hmm? Still fighting the good fight?"

<Gruegirl> Diz starts firing round after round in Crippler's direction, making sure MOST of them are hitting those suckers but at least one will be aimed, right at Marlo's shoulder. If he can't absorb the impact of a high-caliber round, she wants him to live through the day at least!

* Kyrstin hadnt seen the bone spear, but she had in a way, having... seen the creature's perception of the event. She takes until "2" to realize that "projective" actually meant "spit". From within the vehicle, the girl's voice cries out "COVER!"

* Sunder Knew well enough not to question a shout like that during callout, a threat from somewhere he couldn't see he was sure but there was only so much available cover, he would drive behind the closest squad car, taking shelter behind the engine block as he drew his pistol from his vest, not sure what threat to be ready to meet from where.

<JJ> OK, Goro's the router, the little guys were iPad minis, and the modem was trying to unnerve him by naming names. "Nice tactics, Modem, Trying to unnerve me? Well. Ain't happening." Time to attempt a little looping error in Goro, see if he runs int the same problem as a real router.

<Gruegirl> Diz when the call for cover came out diz was in the worst possible position. Second to cover is rapid movement. The clockwork retractor on her line whirred loudly as it *YANKED* her weight towards the anchor point above her rapidly, diz nimbly holstering one gun and drawing the grappler as she flew into the air.

<MarloCross> Marlo feels the impact, absorbs the sweet kinetic charge and winces as it burries into the kevlar built into his suit. With it, He starts lacing into the abinogoblinoids.

> Spider-Goro rears back and lunges forward, spewing a steady stream of acid from it's mouth. Luckily, Kyrstin's warning gave Sunder the time to move. The acidic spray ate half the car. The cop behind it was loading a shotgun," Jesus Fuck! You guys from META?" As JJ's interferance scrambles the signal, THe creature suddenly looses contact with it's controller...And GOES BERSERK!! It rushes the nearest car and starts rending it to pieces.

> But, in the last seconds, JJ gets a question from the Modem, "REMEMBER HOW YOU LOST THAT ARM, YOU LITTLE SHIT?!" And when he does, if he recalls it, the pain returns like it never stopped, a memory reknewed. Diz was now a good distance away, up that is. Marlo was pulping the Ipad's but not fast enough, they were swarming him..

<Gruegirl> Diz does what she does best. Firing shots into the big multi-armed-six-eyed guy while in those brief glorious seconds of freefall, before grappling to another building and swinging around. She wants HIS attention. Away from her teammates. In her judgement, she's the most mobile member of this team, with the exception of marlo.... and Marlo is kinda busy.

<Kyrstin> As soon as the connection is broken between the creature and it's controller, Kyrstin in their vehicle curls up in a ball and grabs her head, mouth hanging open.

* Sunder The metalhead's jaw drops, yet the expected stream of curses does not emerge as he watches acid melt a god damn cruiser. His eyes move to the cop, the nights comic relief? Well that was usually the metal heads job "I yelled we were when we got 'ere! Get gone, I'll cover." And then the thing starts tearing everything nearby to shreds. "Tron! If this thing is a bloody router - Will an EMP do any good?" He raises the handgun, not bothering with the rifle in close quarters. He fires two shots at 6 eyes, fully expecting it to do nothing but get attention, and starts to run the opposite way of JJ and Krystin, wanting distance from the technopath if he's going to try the electronics killing trump card.

<JJ> He touched a nerve. JJ got that impression nanoseconds before Modem spoke to him and yes. It asked about his arm.. "How do you even kn-AHHHHHHHHHSDSFJKW;^@%##rfs!" His pained yells echoed acrpss the coms before the line from JJ fell silent. JJ's powers ceased their hold as the technopath started going into convulsions. The loss of his arm hadn't been a simple chop job. He'd often claimed it imploded because that was the term for what hapened when two objects occupied the same place at the same time. It had been VERY painful.

> Spider-Goro The Mad Router catches a few hard bullets to the face and back. It turns toward the offending Goblin and bellows. It charges forward, about to leap toward the bank in pursuit of Diz. It hit home, two eyes down on one side. It continued it's jump after Sunder's bullet struck home. It was so dumb it thought Diz had fired all the bullets. It clung to the side of the building and began to climb after Diz.

> In Kyrstin's head the rage subsides, but now she can hear the psychic echo of the mind attacking Tron." I know EVERYTHING about ALL OF YOU. We've...never really met in person. Hello, Jameson Rook Duchesne Clark Jr...My name is Edwin Resnick...Auntie Sisip knows me as...Insaniac."

<Gruegirl> Diz quickly hooks herself in her new perch and fired more rounds into Spider-Goro's face. She prepped for another swing across but, her grappler chose this moment in particular to crap out. Cursing her luck Diz simply resorted to firing as much lead as she can manage into the creature's face, looking to either side of her to see if there was a window into the bank's upper-floor offices she could kick in to escape this thing before it gets into melee range.

* Kyrstin exhales a few times, keeping hold of herself for the moment. She sits up again, trying to focus herself on the echo, trying to bounce it back to the source...

<JJ> It had been crush and splattered from the inside out. Twisted and torn, utterly mangled yet still attatched to him. The robot arm he'd been playing around with, messing with his powers to meld with the robotic limb. Then his powers had been inexplicably turned off. With that arm still merged. There had been pieces of him in it, pieces of it in him, all one horrifically painful single mass. JJ's eyes rolled back on his head and their usually bright and glowing light was dimming. "Stop... Thinking... About... It..." He gapsed, the pain had been so real...

* Sunder Curses as his distraction fails to distract. He needed the thing fairly close if he was going to try frying it. The pistol gets shoved back in it's holster, the rifle coming up to shoulder, as he goes down on one knee. Two servering of 7.62 nato, nice bright nuzzle flash, massive noise "Come on! Try that meltin shite again!" He taps the com "Tron - EMP or electrocute on this thing? I might need to know fast."

<JJ> "Either one!... No! Both!" 6He sounded very rattled and scared. Just what had Insaniac done to him? His world was spinning and he wanted to puke...

> Luckily for Diz there was. Spider-Goro was reaching for her, a clawed hand, drooling aciding maw. THis thing was a living nightmare," MONEY IN BAG!!! MONEY IN BAG!!!" It was all it knew how to scream. One of it's extra arms took Sunder up on his offer, ejecting a jet of more acid toward him.. Where Marlo once was, there was no a loud BOOM, and the IPod Mini's scatter through the air. Marlo was out of commission it seemed.

> Kyrstin did manage to tough the twisted, sadistic mind of Insaniac. She could feel him smiling. "ooh, You're not in the files...You're new. What are YOU Afraid of, little girl?" She could feel stress in his thoughts. He couldn't touch her, though...her natural shield protected her. "You...Stupid...I hate you already." By Sheer Luck, she does get a PING...He's in the crowd.

<Gruegirl> Diz kept firing until the last possible moment and then twists, letting her line detatch ducking and rolling into the office floor. No time to lose, Diz leaps behind a desk to reload.

* Kyrstin is sitting in the car still, but her eyes flare brightly, the purple glow coming from them growing. This is accompanied by a pulse... a psychic wave that sounds....well like nothing to anyone who isnt psychic or sensitive. To those that were, a brief, high pitched scream.

* Sunder Did not expect the thing to be able to shoot acid from it's hands as well. The metalhead scrambles, bolting away as best he could to leave the concrete to get eaten away in his place while letting loose some non creative cursing. The rifle is left to drop loose on it's sling. Using his sprinting mommentum he veers for the building, it wasn't too high, still in range. "Bro! Red handle!" He shouts out the warning. He extends his hands towards the creature, and in a broad cone extending from his arms electronics had a very very bad night, power flickering, nearby circuits simply frying as the metalhead releases a powerful EMP wave, and promptly slumps down on the ground, there was a reason the rescue handle on his vest was bright red..

<JJ> At least JJ had a protector on so he didn't just lose mobility of his arm. Though the dead silence of technology was still creeping him out. His mind was spinning from the pain, luckily it was fleeting and only a memory, so the perty didn't have him laying there in shock. There was still work to be done.

> Spider-Goro burst into the upper floor, sniffing around for Diz. It was then that the Floor explodes and Marlo is suddenly grappling the beat around the neck and one arm." DIZ!! SHOOT SHOOT SHOOT!!!" He Struggled to hold the thing in place, But It Overpowered him easily, grabbing him by the helmet. THen a burst of energy washes over the beast. It's head erupts from the back. It staggers, toppling backward, taking Marklo with it toward the street. Marlo might need help..."

> Meanwhile, Insaniac was picking himself up off the ground. blood poured from his nose. He looked up, hoping the crowd hid him from view. Between the Psychic Shockwave, Diz's bullets, JJ's reprogramming and Marlo KABoom, the IPod's were down. He stood and began his escape...unseen.

<Gruegirl> Diz didn't need to be told twice. Leaping out of cover she is suprised to see it headless. She runs after it and leaps onto the beast's back, pumping a bullet or two into its arm at pointblank to try to free marlo.

* Kyrstin finally emerged from the car, her eyes still glowing brightly. Her head sweeps back and forth unseeingly. "What am I afraid of?!" She is shouting at thin air. "Come here! Come and see. The thing we're BOTH afraid of!" Her eyes pulse again, the purple deepening in hue. Suddenly her voice is... softer. Younger. No longer shouting, which is probably even more creepy. "Me."

<JJ> This had been a mistake... maybe META could have taken care of things on their own. But would they have won? JJ shakily stepped out after Kyrstin, his head ringing and eyes weren't glowing all that much. "Ug... Marlo! Marlo! come on... come on..." He wanted to control a car, make it ram into the monster but with Diz and Marlo there it was too risky..

> Diz's bullets rip through it, spraying a burning fluid from it;s skin. It seemed that upon death, it's blood turns to acid. Giving Diz and marlo a few nasty second degree chemical burns, Spider-Goro falls to earth 12 stories up and impacts the pavement in a splatter. In minutes, it was just a hole in the ground.

<MarloCross> Marlo was pulling his Helmet off, the side of his face burned." God Fuckin' Damn it...Thanks Diz" He turned on his Com," Report. Everone alive?" He looked like shit warmed over.

> Insaniac however was looking back from the limo...right at Kyrstin as he spoke on a phone, "Tell Faust the test data will be there in 30." As it drove away," I want that one. She has...mmmm so much potential."

<Gruegirl> Diz wiped off as much of the chemical from her jacket as possible, but it was no use, the leather was ruined "Damn it!" She declared but huffs a little "I'm alive. Nothing broken."

* Kyrstin got no reaction, no connection, nothing. She scowled a bit, and kicked at the ground a bit.

<MarloCross> Marlo looked down at the sea of people then at his busted helmet. Turning his com on, "JJ, can you fuzz out the cameras...My helmets fucked."

<JJ> "Done." He paused. "You alright?.."

<MarloCross> "I'm ok."

> So the Group managed to get out of there as META arrived to clean it up...
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