Adam Palindor: You Know, That One Nerdy Guy

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Adam Palindor: You Know, That One Nerdy Guy

Post by _Adam »

Player Nickname: _Adam

Name: Adam Uriah Palindor
Codename: Burn Cycle (he wishes)
Age: 25
Date of Birth: Today -25 years

Height: 6' 2"
Weight: 165
Hair Color: Dirty blond
Eye Color: Hazel
Place of Origin: Don'tsayhismom, Don'tsayhismom...Guam. Whew.
Nationality/Race: Caucasian
Classification/Origin of Powers: (Mutant, human, metahuman, cyborg, etc.) Mutant
Status: (Trainee, resident, staff, villain, refugee, other) Multi-subject teacher (new staff)
Occupation: Comic relief/philosopher, and teacher if he nails the interview.

Personality Profile: Bashful in any situation for which he's not prepared, uncloseted wallflower, hopelessly disconnected from society, courteous to a fault, multitalented, moderately genius.

Physical Description: Kind eyes, glasses that are slightly too big to look right, thin features, lanky, and just skinny and tall enough that he can't find pants in a store that will fit him. Has a broad and genuine smile on the rare occasion that he's comfortable enough to show the real one. Bit of a snaggletooth on the upper right canine, being averse to the trouble that braces would make him have to go through, and really, why would he need to work on his appearance, because books don't cast judgment.


General Power Information: Energy manipulation

Ability One: Able to convert heat energy to kinetic energy, and vice-versa. Not that "explode when it hits something" kinetic energy, though, the actual kind.

Ability Two: When combined with a microphone and a properly warmed up audience, Adam has the power to bring the entire house down with an epic, brain-obliterating freestyle rap that human physiology is not physically capable of withstanding. Because there will be no opportunities in Adam's life for him to ever discover that he has this ability, it remains inconsequential.

Ability Three: Adam knows instantly when somebody opens up a bag of Twizzlers in a hundred-foot radius. Go ahead and test him on this.

Drawbacks & Weaknesses: Extreme heat and cold are dangerous to deal with, and he keeps finding this out on accident. Also, finding the exact level of control to exert on an object is a tricky endeavor, and he thus overdoes it sometimes.

Skills: Note-taking, note-delivering, piano, speed-reading, former semi-professional Soul Calibur champion, swimming, computer repair and diagnosis, network management, minor programming, history savant, psychological analysis, and pretty much anything else that somebody in high school could realistically have been expected to train himself on if he had absolutely zero social life and no video game systems.

Background: Adam was briefly a student after running away from home to come join the utopia of thoughtful, intelligent teenagers like himself with shared experiences of isolation and quiet reflection. After he found out the joke was on him, he tried to stick around for some time, but his parents hired a PI to bring him back. Although kidnapping was not within a PI's legal rights, he used a commanding tone of voice, so Adam went. At that point, he resumed his studies, whipped through his doctorate in physics, and established his independence by moving into his parents' attic. They demanded that he move out and get his own place in the scary real world, and they set him up with a job working on a science TV show (don't act like you don't know the one). He took that bus ticket, exchanged it for a ticket to Salem, and writes to his parents every day about how much fun it is on the show, and how he's working under another name, which is why he's not in the credits. He had to leave behind his only real-world friend, a hardcore punk girl named Jill, but he's super-good internet-friends with Edwin McCain, for what that's worth. The only enemy he had is the person who is responsible for teleporting him out of his bed in the middle of the night during his time at Cobalt. He's assuming that person is no longer there.

Criminal Record: He was once arrested for grand larceny and conspiracy to defraud the government, but all charges were dropped after twenty minutes with the first interrogator, because really, look at him.

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts: His room is always spotless, and the only time he gets angry is when he sees a floor tile facing the wrong direction, because seriously, who pulls up a tile and puts it back down like that? They're obviously doing it on purpose, what the hell is wrong with people?
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