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Diz, Goblin inquisitor

Posted: Sat Mar 01, 2014 12:06 pm
by gruegirl
Player Nickname:Gruegirl

Name:Diz, Daughter of Xin
Date of Birth: Equivelent to 8/22/1985

Height: 3'1"
Weight: 78 lbs
Hair Color: blue
Eye Color: pure black
Place of Origin: Grotzburg, Great Green Goblin Empire, Alternate timeline.
Nationality/Race: Green Imperial Goblin
Classification/Origin of Powers: Extradimensional-traveller with alternate (alien) biology.

Status: Resident
Occupation: Unemployed at the moment

Personality Profile: After her arrival into this dimension via a mystic incursion. Diz has spent two months in META custody to determine her risk, if any, to the human race. She seems very determined and willful although a lot of the motives driving her are alien to our understanding. She usually is very calm even if directly challenged and isn't easily provoked. However she also has been known to engage in violence very quickly if someone does manage to pull her over the edge. She does have a bit of a lighter side as well, but usually she reserves it for close friends, children, and animals.

Physical Description: Small and thin. Diz is proportioned mostly similar to an adult human, if said adult were only 3 feet tall. Her feet and hands seem proportionately larger, her nose is oversized, and she has long pointy ears extending about 8 inches upwards from her head. Her teeth are pointy, almost shark-like except they fit together interlocking and she only has one row of them. She has green skin, unblemished except for a few tattoos (black liner applied to her eyes, and religious symbols across her right arm). She usually wears a brown and red leather outfit she arrived in, and is rarely seen without her wide brimmed brown hat and little round sunglasses.


General Power Information: Occult Investigator from another dimension

Ability One: Alien biology: Diz isn't human or even metahuman. As such she is built very differently then a human would be. Many poisons or diseases that affect humans or metahumans will simply fail to phase her on a biological level. In addition she has 2 livers, which help filter her blood effectively (and allow her to out-drink most humans). This has some downsides as well, in that if she's injured many medical treatments will similarly fail, and if she ever needs an organ transplant there is not a single compatible doner on the planet.

Ability Two: Inquisitorial training: Diz is an Inquisitor where she comes from. Part soldier, part detective, part priest, part demon-hunter. This has given her a wide range of combat skills, particularly with duel-wielding pistols. She's also an expert at identifying and countering magical threats without actually being a magic user herself. Her particular fighting style is a martial art she describes as "Pistolier's dance" Which involves a lot of jumps and spins. By training with it, she's capable of hitting multiple targets at once, especially if surrounded.

Ability Three: True Faith: Diz attributes her faith in the Eternal Goblin Emperor to her success. Some demonic supernatural beings may be repelled by this faithfulness. In addition it grants her the ability to, to a limited extent, detect dark magic and demonic taint. That is to say a demon may still catch her off guard, but if it uses any of its abilities, Diz will be able to track it somewhat.

Drawbacks & Weaknesses: Light and small: Diz is much smaller and lighter then a human. As such if she's in a fight she's relying on agility and combat rolls, maybe a few acrobatic leaps or judicious use of a grappling hook to stay out of trouble. If she's hit even once, she will likely go flying.
Holy Warrior: Mostly a personality flaw, Diz isn't known to give up on things. As such she'll ignore her injuries and keep fighting often to her detriment. She does not usually retreat even from terrible odds.

Firearms (operation and maintenance)
Occult theory
Investigation (occult and crime-scene)

Background: Diz is from an earth where evolution took a different path. On her earth, about half a million years ago a civilization built vast underground cities and transportation networks using lost technologies, but most especially using magics. This civilization known as the "Annunaki" took the ancestors of what would eventually be Homo Sapiens and created a number of other species. Among these were Goblins who founded the largest of her earth's nations "The Great Green Goblin Empire". Diz there trained from birth to be an Inquisitor, an elite non-magic user who protects Goblins from dark magics and demons. They are taken from non-magical goblins because of fear that black magic could more easily corrupt a mage. Following her duty, she chased a Demon who opened a magic portal to try to escape. Diz jumped into said portal and shot the demon... only to tumble with its corpse into the middle of Manhattan. Panic ensued, META responded. Diz spent 2 months in a META holding facility to determine she was not a threat to the human race. Eventually META turned her over to the Sanctum's custody after giving her an official identity and registering her weapons.

Criminal Record:
Held by META in protective custody for 2 months.
Charged in New York City for Disturbing the Peace. Sentenced to community service in lieu of fine. Completed.

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts:
Is almost exclusively a carnivore. Can eat a small amount of fruit to supplement her diet, and can eat dairy products but no veggies or grains.
Begins and ends each day with a prayer to her Emperor.


Note: This character is an old City of Heroes character I'm reviving for this group. Although I've made some changes (especially removing the fanfiction-nature of her home-universe) and adaptations to the character, some information on her old City of Heroes existence can be found here.

Re: Diz, Goblin inquisitor

Posted: Sat Mar 01, 2014 4:32 pm
by gruegirl
As another aside, I made a youtube playlist of theme music for the character to listen to while playing her. This can be found by following this finely well crafted link.