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Gwen Harper [Enigma]

Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2014 1:02 am
by Kietra
Player Nickname: Kietra

Name: Gwen Harper
Codename: Enigma
Age: 23
Date of Birth: June 26th

Height: 5'10
Weight: 150 lbs
Hair Color: White-Grey
Eye Color: Purple
Place of Origin: New York, New York
Nationality/Race: White
Classification/Origin of Powers: Mutant

Status: Trainee
Occupation: None

Personality Profile: Gwen doesn't care about anyone other than herself to put it bluntly. She'll act as though she cares about you just long enough to get what she wants and then acts as though she doesn't even know you. If you get on her nerves enough she'll make it so that you won't even remember her having been there, or remember her at all. She has no problem using people to get what she wants, and even manipulating people to the point that she abuses their trust and puts them in situations that she has everything to gain and they have everything to lose.

Physical Description: Gwen is tallish her hair falling down below her neck she normally keeps it up in a pony tail, full in figure and with a decent muscle tone on her. She looks like she could put up a decent fight while at the same time having a feminine figure that most men she's come across couldn't say no to.


General Power Information: Psycho-Manipulation

Ability One: Memory Manipulation- By simply touching she can change the memories of the person she is touching, editing them as she sees fit. Removing whole people from memory, adding in a person that they've known for years without that person actually existing and making that memory REAL, not just a fake or a figment but the person would actually believe the implanted memory.

Ability Two: Perception Filter- She can project a field around herself up to a radius of 3 meters in which anything inside would be hidden from being seen. Anything inside of this field can still be interacted with and say bumped into but for the most part people would walk by the 'bubble' completely unaware something or someone was there. The field must expand from around herself however.

Ability Three: Telepathy- Within line of sight and 100 meters Gwen can speak to another's mind, but the connection is one way. She can't hear their thoughts or feelings.

Drawbacks & Weaknesses: Memory Alteration- Altering someone's memory is tricky, if done in a hurry things can get misplaced or accidentally deleted at the very worse. Larger wipes or implants carry more risk of this. Often times editing someone's memory leaves Gwen with a fragment of the other person's memories, making her confused until she sorts out which is her memory and which is the others.

Perception Filter- She can move while the perception filter is active, but slowly and her concentration must not be broken or the illusion fails.

Skills: Thievery, Lock Picking, Hot Wiring Cars, Diplomacy, Evasion, Hand to Hand Combat

Background: Abandoned on the street when she was no more than 5 years old Gwen has had to rely on herself to feed, clothe and keep warm. She has done some distasteful things, and has had some distasteful things done to her but she survived. Puberty was an interesting time, the homeless letchers started to notice her more and she had to learn how to run fast, and defend herself as well. It was easy enough to get enough money to join the local Kick Boxing dojo and she got rather good at it too. There was no real 'Young Women's' league so she ended up having to settle for the men in the Dojo.

When she turned 16 she noticed that she was able to hide surprisingly well.. the cops were two feet in front of her and they couldn't see her at all. After a while she figured out how to control this power, and then eventually how to manipulate memories... She was caught by an officer while out.. "Working" and made him completely forget who he was.. not just why he was there... but reverted him to a toddler. After that she ran, and worked on controlling these powers of hers. After that night she never "Worked" another day in her life... she did however make other people work for her, and die for her.

Her "Boss" caught up with her, and she made him think he was a suicidal. Implanting all of these horrible things in his head to make him want to kill himself. She watched as he plunged the knife deep into his stomach, and then she gave him back his true memories kissed him good bye and walked away after making sure that the knife had a nice good twist.

She grew bored, quickly... and careless. Memories can be changed, but digital video footage? Nope. One day she got caught, and locked up tight. Someone came to her claiming to be from the Cobalt Hill or something, claiming they might have a place for her... if she straightened up her act. If not.. a nice, dark damp cell awaited her along with a fancy ankle bracelet that he pointed out was attached to her ankle... and would continue to be so unless she signed on the dotted line... she didn't have much to lose so a deal was struck.

Criminal Record: Oddly enough, other than petit theft nothing... mostly because the officers arresting her couldn't remember why they had stopped her in the first place.

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts: She's very afraid of small cramped spaces. Needles frighten her to death and she passes out at the mere sight of them. Loves walnuts, hates pecans and is allergic to Apples. Loves bananas and hates pears. Other than on her face and head, she is void of any body hair.

Re: Gwen Harper [Enigma]

Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2014 6:45 pm
by Sisip
Moved here to keep hold of her for further discussion in case you return to us. :)