Natalie Jonsdottir [Ethereal]

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Natalie Jonsdottir [Ethereal]

Post by Kietra »

Player Nickname: Kietra

Name: Natalie Jonsdottir
Codename: Ethereal
Age: 18
Date of Birth: January 10th

Height: 5'10
Weight: 130
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Blue
Place of Origin: Iceland
Nationality/Race: Icelandic
Classification/Origin of Powers: Mutant

Status: Trainee
Occupation: Student

Personality Profile: Natalie is rather outgoing, she enjoys being social and talking with anyone that will take the time to sit and listen. While she is good at talking to people she is also a great listener, giving everyone a chance to have their words in even if she doesn't entirely understand what they are talking about.

Physical Description: Natalie is on the tall end of the spectrum, her legs long and slender with a fit physique as the result of discipline and sacrifice. Her facial structure is made of a strong square jaw and prominent cheekbones, while her eyes are a soft sky blue.


General Power Information: Transphasic

Ability One: Phasing - Natalie is capable at will to take herself and anything in immediate contact with her out of phase from the rest of the universe by a few milliseconds which allows her to pass through solid objects as if they were not there while at the same time still being able to see what is going on around her easily enough. The transition takes a considerable amount of concentration to perform each way but after the transition is complete can be maintained for as long as she does not grow hungry or thirsty as anything she didn't bring with her she wouldn't be able to interact with.

Ability Two:

Ability Three:

Drawbacks & Weaknesses: She must be standing still to phase in or out, failure to do so means more room for error such as a body part not phasing in or out completely. If she becomes too hungry or thirsty her body will force her to phase back.

Skills: She is rather good with electronics and math, spending a lot of time studying sciences. She can't cook on her own to save her life, but is an excellent swimmer.

Background: Most of her life was rather boring, mundane even. Growing up in Reykjavik there was not a whole lot to do which is why when she turned 18 she moved to the US to go to school. After arriving she found that she fell in love with the physics department and dove right in. School was going well for her, she even made some friends that seemed to be rather alright. Then the Anti-Mutant campaign came around trying to recruit other like minded people. She hated the idea of hating someone because they were different and was very outspoken about her anti-anti-mutant mentality which didn't afford her many friends.

Ironically she discovered that she herself was a mutant when in the lab one day an experiment blew up the entire lab leaving nothing but a pile of rubble, and she was standing in the middle of it all perfectly unharmed. It took a while for her to realise that she wasn't interacting with the physical world which made her think that she had died, but after a while she phased back to normal after realising she was almost starving and was incredibly thirsty.

Everyone thought she was dead at this point, and she couldn't or didn't want to explain why she was the only survivor so she simply walked away, finding mutant sympathetic groups that pointed her to Cobalt Hill.

Criminal Record: n/a

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts: She is deathly afraid of spiders, and has no idea why.
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