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Jameson Clark

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2011 3:53 pm
by vile
IRC Nickname: vile

Name: Jameson Clark


Age: 19

Date of Birth: June 18, 1991

Hometown: Piffard, New York (New Haven Community)

Height: 5'8 standing, 4'5 seated

Weight: 180

Hair Color: Dirty blonde

Eye Color: Varies depending on mood, follows color chart Glow also indicates mood. Heightened mood states=more glowing. Both color and glow can be forced.

Nationality/Race: American

Occupation: Substitute teacher at Cobalt, employed by government.

Personality Profile: James is an outgoing, charismatic guy that normally has a handsome smile on his face. Unlike other nerdlings affected by the powers like James', his ability to function in a social setting has not been adversely affected. He's level-headed and is willing to offer a hand if he would be useful in a situation. Some can be annoyed when he teeters between having the mentality of a teenage boy and living up to his expectations of being a father. He can be moody at times, especially if ill will or comments are directed at his large family. James' attention span is woefully short and he's prone to changing topics multiple times in one breath, confusing some of those unfortunate enough to chat with him after he's had too much coffee.

Physical Description: James is average everything, save for his disarming smile. Intelligence and humor sparkle in his eyes. He's ruggedly handsome, hair a dirty blonde, on the longish side and a short, well-groomed beard lines his jaw. And like a b- hero, he also is prone to striking poses but usually in an ironic or humorous fashion moreso than for serious. As far as clothes go, he has a simplistic but impeccable. Whatever he wears, it's as though the cloths were specifically picked for the sole purpose of accentuating his body. The colors match or play off each other ideally, color selection generally following the emotions his eye color show.

For the most part he wears a couple styles: a suit, the colors varying but usually mostly black or dark grey with bright colors as an accent. A long-sleeved shirt with a t-shirt over it or button-up shirt and jeans. As far as shoes go, he seems to only have three: a pair of black Diesels, work boots and dress shoes. He avoids wearing short sleeved shirts as he has scars running up the lengths of his forearms and doesn't want to draw attention to them or deal with less-than-tactful people asking questions.

One of his more interesting projects includes the Holowatch 2, which not only conceals a body but also uses nanites to make the altered view seem all the more realistic in that it changes textures as well. James occasionally sports this device, using it to create a technicolor shirt that continually cycles through the color wheel.

An accident in March of '11 left him paralyzed from the waist down, confined to a wheelchair. For the most part the chair is standard and can be powered by pushing the handrails or by technopathy. Quite a few storage compartments have been included along with a cup holder at the end of one of the arm rests.

Character Picture (Optional): Image


Jameson "JJ" Clark Jr. (Hax0r)
Ashlynne Clark
Isabelle Duchesne



Primary: Technopathy

Thought by many to be his only power. He can mentally communicate with and control electronic machines. From stuff as simple as a kids walkie talkie to as advanced as a robot or computer. He can flip switches, steal and download information and even exist inside the devices, although he never truly leaves his own body. At times he can even force a device to function beyond its natural limits.

Secondary: Hyper Intelligence

James's Mind has advanced beyond the normal human levels. He seems to remember anything placed in front of his in a infinite computer-like brain. His mind is so fast that he seems to be able to focus on dozens of subjects yet never loose focus on any of them. Sciences, mathematics, engineering, programming. He learns everything at break neck paces, even the most advanced subjects: his mind naturally has a aptitude for learning them all. There is virtually no limit to his intelligence, as long as he has something new to learn. This also gives his a natural yet weak defense against most forms of telepathy as his mind is so powerful.

Tertiary: Hyper Inventive

James's secondary abilities are actually a natural extension of his first in a lot of ways. Enhancing existing technologies, creating new ones or just reinventing them. This process often crosses dozens of fields; his mind is off the charts in this area. He dreams up and creates machines often dozens, if not more, years ahead modern technology. His mind just seems to figure out the pieces and often doesn't comprehend he got past a sticking point or grok the device until he has studied his own notes to decipher them. More often than not, he simply recreates existing things in better ways and hones existing inventions.

List of completed projects:

GAILS (Gregarious Artificial Intelligent Learning System): GAILS as a physical piece of hardware is not available to the public, as it is comprised of high-end compact supercomputer parts crammed into the box of an old OSBOURNE unit. But GAILS as an AI system is widely distributed. The software/AI system has a GPL license and is free to use though donations can be gifted to the designer, Jameson.

GAILS, or a section of GAILS' code, can be loaded up in other machinery. To date, this only includes a mechanical cat body covered in a layer of nanites to replicate the feeling of soft fur. Coloring is generally that of a dark grey tabby.

Telepath-blocking Bluetooth headset: While the tech isn't widespread yet, it has been distributed to both META and the X-team. Each model is waterproof and shatter, EMP and electrical card resistant. It can block out a low to medium strength telepath without much of a problem and can ward off a powerful one for a limited time.

Holowatch 2: This technology is not available to the general public. The design utilizes the capabilities of the original holowatch but also implements a black Lycra bodysuit covered with specially designed nanites. The nanobots can replicate whatever texture the watch manifests, making a scaled mutant feel like they have human flesh. It can synthesize anything from feathers to flesh, silk to touch but not strength. The tech isn't perfect and an EMP and is only water resistant. It is unlikely the technology will be released in a large scale. Individual units are for sale but can only be purchased from him. Rendered illegal with the outlawing of holowatches.

Electronic eyes: This technology is not for use by the general public yet. The eyes are high quality webcams packed inside a very strong shatter resistant casing. They aren't being distributed as prosthetics to the general public yet because he interfaces with them using his powers. There is no receptor in the brain nor lines running to it. They do not swivel or turn, instead viewing everything in sight with no distortion or fuzziness. Depth perception is perfect, night vision is superb. The down side to them is a dampener would render him blind, as would a strong EMP or electrical pulse.


Cat: The size of a regular house cat with the coloration of a silver tabby cat, there seems to be nothing strange about the creature. Everything looks natural, from the way it moves to the feel of its soft fur. The only odd thing is its weight, which is roughly twice that of a normal cat of a comparable size. Its body is constructed from a hollow skeleton made of steel and covered by a plastic covering to give it a feline shape. Nanobots cover the creature, making up the fur. The coloration can be changed though rarely does so. It has no AI of its own and has to be piloted either by James or GAILS.

Centurion: Designed to look like a Centurion from Battlestar Galactica, it looms at an impressive seven feet tall and is accurate down to the last detail. The visor has a red light that bounces from one side to the other. Rarely seen in public, it mainly serves as a furnishing, standing in the corner of James' workshop. While it looks like a prop, it is a fully functional unit and is there for security purposes. Armed with a dart gun and a couple other nonlethal weapons, it can hold its own in a fight. Movement is slow but the steel is thick and able to take a beating.

Spider: Rarely used and when it is, the robot is generally cloaked in invisibility. The camouflage combined with its ability to walk across ceilings and floors make it superb for spying jobs. Its body is the size of a large dog's and has the standard physiology of a []brazilian wandering spider[/img]. The default coloration is a smooth chrome, making it clear that the creature isn't real and is indeed a robot. All 8 eyes have cameras in them that can see in a wide range of spectrum and the live feed can be viewed by anyone with access.


So vast are his powers that being without an SND is very traumatic to him: his mind is simply too powerful for itself and processes things faster than even it, or the rest of his body, can keep up with. The longer that he's without an SND the worse the damage gets, starting off with migraines and moving on to nosebleeds, a breakdown, losing control of his body, brain damage or even a heart attack. This can be managed by the use (or abuse) of mind-altering chemicals that artificially slow his thought processes should his SND not be readily available.

*He uses a special SND to manage this. It's power is variable, allowing his mind to move quickly enough to process the information at hand but not overwhelm him. If it trips up and overloads him, there's a safety built in to turn the dampener up to maximum setting. While EMP and shock-resistant, it isn't infallible.

For some reason, the disciplines relating to living organisms has never been able to sink in. Organic chemistry, biology, botany. It's all moonspeak to him. Languages are also not his strong suite. The only subjects that make any sense to him are ones that relate to machinery. Anything that lights up, beeps or whirrs, as he puts it.

Trying to communicate while excited can also be rather difficult for him as he switches subjects every couple of breaths. It can lead to irritation on both sides and a point not getting across.

How do you believe this character's powers will further develop in the future? I don't believe they can.

Background: James had an interesting childhood, having been raised in a commune. Like many shared communities, it was self-sustaining and put him to work at an early age. For the younger part of his life, he knew hard labor and worked the fields with his siblings. Once he reached puberty, he dedicated his life to less-than-meaningful endeavors, mainly centering around chasing skirts, drug and alcohol abuse.

It took a couple of years for him to grow out of this phase and it has left his worldly desires sated. Once he snapped out of the chemical-induced daze, he found that he had talents that nobody else in the commune did...and that he was poisonous. What few possessions he had were dropped into a bag and he migrated to the nearest school for "special" people like him, hoping to get things explained or under control.


*In an effort to siphon off some of his excess energy, he's taken to working out in the gyms.

*It's unclear whether his hearing voices in the white noise emitted from between-stations TVs or radios has anything to do with his abilities. But without his medication, he's prone to hear them. When they get to him, his eyes turn a dead white and he becomes unresponsive, at the mercy of what he's told to do. One such event put him in the med center and gave him the scars running up his forearms. Needless to say, he takes his medication.