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Demitrius Jones [Engineering/Shop/Industrial Arts]

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2011 3:43 pm
by vile
IRC Nickname: vile

Name: Demitrius Ignatus Jones
Alias: Mr. Fix-it
Age: 46
Date of Birth: Feb 16, 1965
Hometown: Houston, Texas

Height: 6'7
Weight: 220
Hair Color: Black peppered with grey
Eye Color: Black
Nationality/Race: Hispanic American

Occupation: Mechanics professor. Covers introductory to advanced classes. He also doubles as the campus maintenance man, especially when the devices wind up in the "mad science" realm of inventions.

Personality Profile: To those outside his circle of close friends, he seems to have the personality of a rock. An aura of badass precedes him, mainly fueled by his stoic qualities and his rigid expression. Some are intimidated by his size and relative silence but when one gets to know him, they find that he's quite reliable and even leaning towards being a softie. He has a strong southern accent. He has a good sense of humor and lets it shine when he's genuinely amused by something.

Physical Description: Demitrius has a medium build on a large frame. Thanks to spending quite a large amount of his time working on mechanical projects, he's built up enough muscle on his upper body to notice it through his clothing. He can be found in a variety of clothes ranging from a button-up shirt of varying colors that may or may not be stained with oil and grime to a wifebeater or generic t-shirt; he wears either jeans or slacks and cowboy boots. Whenever out of the shop, he sports a cowboy hat and while in it merely ties his shoulder-length hair back. He's attractive but there are some scars marring his face: three cuts that resemble claw marks run above and below his left eye and one more goes across his throat. His expression is indifferent, bordering on downright cold; his features are angular and chiseled, almost rocky and he is always clean-shaven and his eyes glimmer with intelligence. Little escapes his attention and while he might not voice it, he notices more than one may think.

Demitrius's left arm/shoulder is mechanical in nature, built to match his other in terms of size. If covered by clothing, it is impossible to tell that its false...unless his hand is exposed. The outside is polished stainless steel and has a beautiful but simple design. Naturally it is quite strong, but is not practical to use for great things as the back muscles needed to lift great weights are still made of flesh. A gold wedding ring is worn on his left ring finger. On his right wrist he wears an SND that's normally activated.

Character Picture (Optional): Image

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Primary: Explosive personality: Called that thanks to his ability to make things go boom under certain circumstances. He learned long ago how to control his emotions for the simple reason of: not accidentally killing everyone around him whenever he got ticked off. It takes quite a bit of anger to trigger this ability. And when it gets set off, it can excite the molecules that make up objects near him to the point that they rip apart, resulting in an explosion. The strength of said explosion is reliant on how big the object was. The objects affected do not have to be potentially explosive in nature and can be as harmless as paper or a kitten.

Secondary: Fire manipulation: Self-explanatory. But his abilities are weak in this department and not used very often. He cannot create fire or do anything particularly spectacular. He can shield himself or someone within a close range from an attack and ward fire away from himself. Fireballs grapefruit-sized or smaller can be handled with relative ease but he's mostly able to do short-lived parlor tricks.

Tertiary: Unreadable. Empaths will find their powers to be useless on this man. Instead of reading anything at all, they would sense a void. This can rattle or unnerve some less experienced empaths.

Drawbacks/Weaknesses: Under normal circumstances, he can't make things go boom. He can work himself up into a rage but beyond that, its damn near impossible to shake him enough to activate the power. Its possible, especially if it involves protecting someone or preventing something from harming an innocent bystander, such as an enemy's gun or other device of harm.

The explosion is not instant and needs a short time to 'charge up' and make the molecular structure of the targeted object start breaking down. Fast-moving objects like bullets or things that move faster than being thrown cannot be targeted. The likelihood of success depends on both the density and fragility of the materials being affected. Things such as: organic objects (people excluded), porcelain, glass, volatile liquids or materials are much more easily affected than things like: metals, highly compressed minerals with a high level of hardness (diamonds etc.), reinforced structures, unreasonably large structures such as your mom are not very likely to have a successful attack land. Should he be able to affect something strange (via dice roll or other event), the strain would have adverse effects on his health.

Due to the unfortunate way his powers were discovered, he cannot use this ability against another person. The powers simply don't function. But if he presses hard enough, they malfunction and cause him to become quite ill, if not pass out entirely.

As for fire: his abilities are weak, enough to do parlor tricks or shield himsel or someone nearby from flames.

Unreadable: If telepathy or other invasive methods are utilized, or if the empath is also telepathic, the unreadability power is negated.

How do you believe this character's powers will further develop in the future? The fire manipulation ability can strengthen if practiced enough. It will take time and application, which he isn't very likely to invest on his own.

Background: Up until his power manifested itself, he led a boring life. Go to school, ace his classes, go home and study. On the weekends he'd take his drunk dad's truck out and go on a joy ride with his buddies. By the morning they'd somehow drive back home with some dead animals in the bed of the truck and enough empty cases of beer to make some frat boys jealous. But the fun and games came to an end when the usual drinking night turned gruesome. While drunk off his ass, he got into an argument with a friend. One moment he was screaming at the guy and the next, the scenery was painted with red and gore.

The punishment for the then-13 Demitri was swift: the case was a joke, jury far from impartial. He soon found himself tried as an adult, sent to jail with a conviction of manslaughter and completely disowned by his family. Life in a normal prison, especially for such a young man, was difficult indeed. With a dampener on each limb, there was no way for a hated mutant to defend himself against the other inmates and he often found himself in the infirmary from the fights that broke out. An attempt on his life, one that left a scar across his throat, convinced his parents to make one last gesture of kindness to him. Strings were pulled and he was soon relocated to Cobalt to finish the rest of his sentence.

The time in Salem was the best part of his life up to this point, surrounded by people like him and able to learn how to control his emotions. After a while he was even able to switch off his SND and practice how to control his powers. After graduating with a Master's degree in engineering, he went on to continue his education in the navy. While stationed in India, he met the woman that would be his future wife, Shari. They had a pleasant relationship even after it turned long distance when he got moved to another base.

He went through the ranks quickly, alternating between working on projects in a laboratory and doing field work repairing assorted vehicles as a mechanic depending on what's needed at the time. Between deployments, he made his way back to India to marry Shari. They moved to the states and started up a family. Things went beautifully. Soon they had two wonderful children, daughter and son, and had an ideal life.

Then one day something went horribly wrong. While inspecting a device found in an enemy compound, the it went unstable and detonated. Unfortunately for him, the building was in a rural location. The injury, compounded with the time it took to get to a hospital resulted with the limb being amputated.

While in the hospital, waiting on the arm to recover, he got word that his wife was killed in a failed bank robbery. This broke him, making him revert to the same cold man he was after the plight in jail. After the stump healed, he was honorably discharged and returned to the states. A colleague assisted him with building a prosthetic arm, one that was cutting edge at the time.

Somewhere along the weeks of silence spent on a lake in Canada, it dawned on him to return to Cobalt to offer something back to the school: to become a professor there and give back to the place that had rescued him. While it is a joyous one for him, it doesn't show very much on the outside.

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts: Demitrius adores cats and anyone entering his house had better share this love: he has ten cats in his house, all properly cared for and fixed, but a multitude of strays that stop by for a meal and some attention. One may not be able to guess this as he somehow keeps his clothes completely free of fur.

Todd is a very large black cat, looking more than a panther than a house cat. He's easy to identify, having a black leather collar with sizable needle-sharp spikes on it. The cat thinks he's a dog and can occasionally be seen on campus, wearing a leash of course, as all responsible dog owners leash their, er, cats.