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Channel 7 News Report

Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2011 1:54 pm
by ShockArcl1te
((The following is current news, taking place presumably after the events of The Gentleman’s Game story arc.))

**Channel 7 News**

(Opening graphics wipe away to the lead news anchor speaking over the news scroll)

“It’s been a little over a month since the disaster of passenger line 270 derailed in the middle of the Colorado mountains, leaving 138 dead and over 200 in critical condition.”

(Cut to shots panning across the jumble of blackened train cars piled up across the side of the mountain.)

“With the cleanup underway, authorities worked around the clock to determine exactly how the wreck took place, but after interviewing several survivors they found the cause might be more disturbing than anyone had expected…”

(Cut to a couple of police gathered around a man sitting up in a hospital bed with bandages taped over half his face and his arm in a cast. The news headline along the bottom reads ‘270 Survivor.’ The man seems panicked just reciting the events.)

“There was this guy! He walked down the isle to that swanky first class dinning car and then there some gun shots and everyone started screaming and running around. I tried getting up, but the isle was so packed with people freak’n out that I couldn’t go anywhere. I looked for where the shots came from and I could see through the windows that same freaky guy taking on all these guards! I ducked my head down and started praying like crazy and then when the fighting stopped I looked up to see what happened and BOOM!” (He throws up his good arm as if to shape the explosion) “Everything started flying and there was fire everywhere.”

(The anchor begins to voice over the man’s testimony)

“Authorities connected these eye witness accounts to news footage of this man..”

(Cut to slightly shaky areal footage of a train car that’s sticking out a short ways over the edge of a cliff. The image has been blown up and enhanced as much as possible, but the picture is still grainy. A lone figure stands on the roof of the precariously placed train car, smoke and fire billowing around him. He seems to look up at the camera at the last second and even with the poor resolution, there is a clear sense of malice in his form.)

“After an intense federal investigation, officials have identified the suspect as Travis Waltman, age 22, known mutant and sociopath.”

(Cut to a prison profile photo of Tremor from the front and side. He seems unamused and bitter as usual.)

“Waltman had been committed previously to Arizona’s asylum for the criminally insane after destroying three city blocks in an act of psychotic rage.”

(The picture cuts to images of utterly devastated city streets)

“The details of his release are undisclosed by Arizona state officials, but reports indicate that he may have been paroled to Massachusetts’ own ‘Cobalt Academy,’ a school specially tailored for mutants, which itself has recently come under direct attack by anti-mutant activist group CAMO. “

(Cut to shots of the Cobalt logo and footage of reconstruction efforts that are now at least a week old.)

“Authorities have not given details as to how or why Travis Waltman would attack the train, but just today the FBI released blackbox camera footage from the 270 disaster. A warning; the following images may be too disturbing for some viewers…”

(The screen shifts to security camera tape shot in the standard black and white. There is no audio, but Tremor can clearly be seen carving his way through several goons in security uniforms, ducking around gunfire and taking cover when necessary only to jump forward into the next group of victims. He wrestles with two who grab him by the arms and attempt to kick his legs out, but they suddenly shudder in silence before their backs explode into a cloud of gore on ether side of him, his arms vibrating in a rapid blur. A few more gunshots erupt from the other side of the cabin and one seems to clip him in the shoulder before the screen cuts back to the news anchor with a picture of Tremor’s mugshot in the upper corner.)

“At present The FBI is working in conjunction with mutant apprehension units from META to form a nationwide manhunt for Waltman. He is considered mentally unstable and extremely dangerous. If you see Travis, do not attempt to approach him and immediately call 911.”