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Krystine "Krys" Gallagher [Tesla]

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 1:41 pm
by AsurKat
IRC Nickname: Karys / Krys_Gallagher

Name: Krystine "Krys" Gallagher
Alias: Tesla
Age: 27
Date of Birth: Sep 21
Hometown: San Antonio, TX

Height: 5'8"
Weight: 128 lbs
Hair Color: Chesnut brown
Eye Color: Green-gold
Nationality/Race: White/Caucasian

Former Navy Electronics Technician, now looking to earn a college degree but hasn't yet decided completely on a Major

Personality Profile:
Krys, upon first meeting, is typically quiet and reserved. Its not shyness, but rather a sense of caution. Once one gets to know her better, however, they find a laid back individual often with a bit of sarcastic humor thrown in (benifit of her time in the Navy).

Physical Description:
Slender and an inch or so above average height she has an athletic build that could be described more as toned and lean rather than muscular. Her hair is usually kept tied back in a thick braid that falls to just below her shoulder blades and rarely let loose due to the static her powers often generate. Whan asked why she simply doesn't keep it short she shrugs and comments how she could never have long hair in the Navy.

Krys would never consider herself a raging beauty and she certainly isn't as busty as most girls seem to be nowadays, but she's confident enough in her looks not to feel low about them. She considers her eyes to be her best feature - a mossy green with a goldenish burst right around the iris.

Her clothing choices tend to be more casual, jeans or capris being favored depending on the weather, and t-shirts or light knit sweaters.

Character Picture (Optional): Image


Mutation/Powers: Electrokinesis -ability to alter, control, or create electrical energy by biopsychoelectic means.

Primary :
Electrical Control - Krys is able to both drain and discharge electrical energies. While able to use her body's own bioelectric system, she is also limited by it and can tire quickly. By having an electrical energy source near at hand that she can drain she can stand up in a fight for longer lengths of time and utilize stronger attacks.
-Drain: Just as it sounds, Krys is able to drain an electrical power source to fuel her own abilities. This also allows her to shut down electric systems (ex. Shut down a computer system or cut off power to a breaker box).
-Discharge: Krys can discharge energy in the form of electrical arcs or, as some might describe them, bolts of lightning. Smaller arcs can allow her to weld small metallic device such as locks or overload electrical appliances, while larger arcs allow her to blast objects and zap opponents (usually resulting in their loss of conciousness). This ability also allows her to power electrical devices that might be shut off or have drained batteries, as she becomes their power source. She can keep up a sustained discharge (think Emperor Palpatine zapping Luke) but this drains her more quickly than releasing individual bolts.

Once, and once only, has she ever killed with her discharge ability and its not something she wishes to discuss or ever attempt to do again.

Secondary :
Electromagnetic Pulse - With enough available power Krys is able to emit an EMP capable of knocking out electrical devices within a certain radius. If using her own body's electricity that radius is obviously small, limited to a radius of perhaps 10-20 feet which is useful for taking out items in a specific room she has access to (or can get close enough to if the walls aren't shielded). If near a large powersource she is able to drain the radius becomes larger.

Tertiary :
Electrical Awareness - With some focus, Krys is able to innately sense where sources of electricity are eminating. The stronger the source, the further away it can be and still allow her to sense its general direction. She often finds this ability annoying, as in this modern day and age there is electricity everywhere, creating a constant background buzzing in her mind that she has to tune out. Thusly, if asked to "look" for a speciffic source she has to stop and really focus.

Drawbacks/Weaknesses/Side Effects :
Using her own body's electrical energy to fuel high powered abilities can drain her quickly. Even when having access to an energy source to draw upon, the sheer energies flowing through her for a long length of time will exhaust her more fully than if using her own reserves and can result in a loss of conciousness.

Usually she has to have physical contact with an object to drain it. Open sources, however, such as sparking wires, allow her to drain them without touch as long as she is within 5 feet.

An irksome quirk is that if she hasn't discharged energy recently she often finds herself giving people or things small electric static shocks. She tries to discharge any excess energy nightly otherwise she wakes up with the worse case of "bedhair" you've ever seen thanks to the static build-up. Need your radio's batteries recharged? Just ask, she'll be happy to do so.

How do you believe this character's powers will further develop in the future? (Note: Not required for staff members.)
-With further practice I think she'll be able to increase the radius of her EMP pulses and find more creative uses for her discharge arcs. The military mostly focused on what she could do offensively and she would like to try and see what she can do defensively.
-Also, with further development she should be able to start learning to actively control electrical flows from a distance, since at its heart, her powers are a form of psionics (just limited to controlling electricity). At the height of her potential she would, ideally, be able to draw down bolts of electricity from powerlines, overload or shutdown electrical devices, ect all from a distance.

Krys is an Air Force brat, having been born in Texas but raised in various foreign countries until her father retired and moved the family back to San Antonio. She enlisted in the Navy right after highschool graduation, seeking to put as much distance as possible between herself and her abusive alcoholic father, becoming an Electronics Technician (ET).

She was unaware of her mutant abilities until after enlisting and arriving to her first ship. Looking back, however, she now sees all the signs that she and her family missed or assumed were random anomolies; batteries draining faster than they should, an overabundance of static shocks, various kitchen appliances blowing up, and the such.

As soon as the military figured out what she really was they snatched her up and threw her in one of their top secret mutant military groups, running tests and training her to use her electricity generating abilities for offensive purposes. Her EMP generating abilities were even more appealing to them and something they hoped to develop further, despite her protests otherwise.

As soon as her obligated 6 years were served Krys left the military with an honorable discharge, despite their attempts to get her to reenlist. Officially there was nothing they could do to stop her, but that doesn't mean they didn't try (and aren't still trying). Not one week after returning home she had them on her doorstep offering her bonuses to reenlist, all of which she refused despite her father's adament protests that she go back and serve her country. Instead she packed her bags and took off in the night on her mountain bike, thinking it easier to go incognito across country. Destination: Cobalt Academy.

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts:

Krys is an avid mountain biker (the pedal kind) and used to race during her highschool years, earning a few medals and trophies along the way. Her 24 speed cannondale might not be flashy and sporting the latest gizmos money can buy, but its reliable and serves her well enough.

Krys is surprisingly musical, a talented singer since she was a young girl. She can play the piano but it is singing that gives her the greatest pleasure. Ballads and jazz are her usual, but she enjoys belting out the occassional latest hit or a classic rock tune if out doing karaoke.

She has been given basic defense training and is knowledgeable about several pressure points and wristlocks to aid her in taking down an opponent if needed. She also knows how to handle an expandable baton and has been qualified to use OC spray (military pepper spray), meaning she's been sprayed herself and knows how to fight through it.

Mums are her favorite flower, followed by tulips. She simply loves the wide variety of colors that can suit any situation or season.