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Johnny "Two-Tone"

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 11:43 am
by Lanse
IRC Nickname: Lanse

Name: Ivan Turov
Known Aliases: Johnny "Two Tone"
Age: 132
Date of Birth: July 14th, 1871
Hometown: Pokrovskoye, Russia

Height: 6'
Weight: 200 lbs.
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Blue
Nationality/Race: Russian/Caucasian

Occupation: Career Criminal

Criminal Record:

-Suspected of Multiple Accounts of 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Degree murder
-Drug Sales
-Bribery of Government Officials
-The List Goes On...


Money. Johnny works for whoever is willing to pay him the most. At times it may seem like he has a strange code of honor, but in reality he is only as lenient as the job entails. If Johnny isn't going to get paid to be a nice guy, then he won't be a very nice guy.

Personality Profile:

Uncaring sums up Johnny in a word. He has no regard for property damage and not much regard for life in general. If he seems brash and daring at times, it is only because his powers make things like jumping off buildings or walking through fires second nature.

Physical Description:

Having fallen into the life of a career criminal, Johnny sees no reason not to look the part. Often dressed like your average thug, his unassuming stance and uncaring attitude make him look like any person you wouldn't really want to meet in a back alley. In fact, the only thing that really makes him stand out is that unlike most criminals in his walk of life, he has no piercings or tattoos of any kind. Johnny often dresses in beat up and torn t-shirts and jeans with various "witty" or vulgar messages on them, and often dons a spikey leather jacket in colder weather. He naturally has a large chain attatched to a belt loop and his wallet, and often has one beat-up looking watch or another on his wrist.

Character Picture (Optional):



Primary : Complete Invulnerability

You just can't kill Johnny. Attempts on his life have seen him walking unscathed from large explosions (although his clothes have often suffered), his skin turns aside knives and bullets of any caliber, he has gone for days without food and/or water, survived various attempts to poison him, as well as walked away from more creative attempts on his life too numerous to name. As aging is also a harmful effect, he seems to be immune to that too, given his youthful appearance despite his age.

Drawbacks/Weaknesses : While Johnny may be invulnerable, he is not 'unstoppable'. It is nice to know that nothing his opponents will do will kill him, but most mutants today run circles around Johnny in terms of power, or literal ability. Also, just because Johnny does not need food, water, or air, that does not mean his body does not react to not having it. He does feel hungry and thirsty, and does seem to suffocate in poisonous environments or where there is no oxygen to breathe- he just simply never succumbs to these effects.

Background (Optional):

There are few hard and concrete facts that anyone that isn't a member of the mafia chooses to remember, but there are some rumors that survive today:
-Originally a member of the Russian Mafia, it is said that Johnny used to claim to have been Rasputin, and the story goes that he actually got up and walked away when his body was dug back up, and he only waited to be set on fire so he'd have something to light a cigarette with...
-Some people think he used to be the head of the Russian Mafia in New York, and only left the city when it became too annoying to deal with all the hotshot new mutants that kept putting him through walls...
-It's been said Johnny will do just about anything for money. And depending on who you ask, that really means anything.

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts:
-Johnny probably doesn't like you.
-Johnny smokes for the image, as he gets no benefit or drawbacks from it.
-No one really understands his nickname "Two-Tone".