Franklin Troyer [Mass²]

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Franklin Troyer [Mass²]

Post by crom »

Name: Franklin Troyer
Alias: Mass²
Age: 20
Date of Birth (Year Not Required): Sept 23
Hometown (city, state, country): Bird-in-Hand PA

Height: 10' 0"
Weight: 1000 lb
Hair Color: Blond
Eye Color: Blue
Nationality/Race: Caucasian

Occupation: student/ farmer/rancher

Personality Profile: A quiet young man more at home in a field tilling the soil than in a modern city. He’s come out of his quiet shell becoming more daring and energetic.

Physical Description: Franklin is a well built young man but not massively muscled, he has a body of one coming from daily toil on a farm working with his hands. His hair is kept conservatively short. His usual clothing black pants with hard soled shoes, a pair of suspenders, and white collarless shirt.

Character Picture (Optional) new drawn pic coming

Restricted Information

(Be detailed!)
Mutation/Powers :

Primary : (*See limitations) Size Alteration Growth: Franklin’s cellular structure allows him to increase his size and mass to a maximum height of 20 feet, with the strength and weight increases as well. He can dictate the size he wishes to become by the foot. His clothing also grows with him somehow which is good, otherwise he would go through clothing quickly. His maximum strength at 20 feet in height is around 2 tons due to the increased muscle and bone mass.

Secondary : (*See limitations) Size Alteration Shrinking: His Cells also allow him to shrink with the accompanying decrease in strength and mass. Again for some reason his clothing shrinks to match this ability. The smallest he’s gotten is only 6 inches high and he can shift his height an inch at a time if he desires to.

Tertiary : Protective Skin : When his size is changed his skin is very durable keeping him from some harm such as burning and being cut by glass and the like. He hasn’t tested it against more modern forms of damage and would rather keep it that way.

Drawbacks/Weaknesses : Franklin is typical of his folk he uses technology as little as possible and new things tend to scare him especially displays of other mutants. Franklin ‘s powers have gone through some changes with the recent Mutant virus affecting various people in various ways. His growth powers are based on his emotional state when upset or angry his mass grows when frightened he shrinks he currently has no control over this ability. Also his default height is now a full 10 feet if knocked unconscious he will revert to this height weight.

How do you believe this character's powers will further develop in the future?: Franklins abilities will grow so that he is able to make others in physical contact with him grow and shrink as well.

Background: Born in a small Pennsylvania Dutch community in Lancaster County with a brother and two sisters. His mother and father raised him and his brothers and sisters in proper Amish fashion hard work piety and humility. Most of his childhood was uneventful Franklin he would wed Helga Franstagger when they came of age.

But that all changed when there was a fire at the Franstagger farm when he was 15. He had seen the glow from the flames and had gone to rouse his family before running off to help. When he arrived the barn was ablaze Franklin heard the sounds of scared animals inside. He knew to lose the animals would mean ruin for their farm and he ran inside to let them out.

He worked to unlatch the horses stables first coughing through the smoke others got the animals outside to safety. He kept at his work the smoke and heat getting thicker the stress rising as he tried to save as many as he could. Then overhead a beam burned through and crumbled the roof beginning to collapse.

It was then his mutant abilities blossomed, he grew catching the falling beams in his hands and forcing them up. The weight was tremendous and soon he went to one knee. As soon as the animals were out of the building the roof crumbled around him burying him in burning debris. The people around were horrified at seeing the promising young man buried alive to burn to death. Suddenly he forced himself up through the wreckage shaking off the burning wood and stepped from the barn to collapse and pass out…

He awoke a day later to find his world drastically changed about him. All thoughts of being married to Helga, and settling down with a farm of his own were now gone he wasn’t normal and everyone knew it. He wasn’t ostracized from the community they didn’t know how to deal with a mutant in their midst so slowly over 2 years they came to accept him if at arm’s length. His ability to grow and lift heavy objects was a boon to barn raising and farming. He saw them both as a boon and a curse. Able to work hard and help but knowing he was now an outsider to his communities way of life.

Over time he came to a decision and then talked to his family and community elders. He would depart from there and find a new place to live. There was some arguing but Franklin was set on his course. One last time he spoke to Helga he told her how he wished he was not like this that they could be together but god had made him the way he was. He wouldn’t burden her with the stigma of his curse. Then he packed what few things he would take with him and departed, hiking south east following the highways he headed for Philadelphia.

Since his arrival at the academy his abilities have been altered with the mutant infection his powers have gone out of control and he is stuck at a mass of 10 feet and he’s trying to cope with the situation but is having a difficult time of it.

Quirks/Extras (Special skills, links, etc.):Franklin speaks fluent German and English with the typical Amish accent. He is a hard worker not afraid to get his hands dirty. Most of his experience is on a farm dealing with plants and animals.
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