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Ben Stromburg [Solaris]

Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2011 8:35 pm
by crom
IRC Nickname: Robb^

Name: Benjamin Stromburg
Alias: Solaris
Age: 25
Date of Birth: June 24th
Hometown: Los Angeles, California

Height: 6’ 5”
Weight: 240 pounds
Hair Color: Blue
Eye Color: Grey
Nationality/Race: Caucasian

Occupation: Motorcycle repair and customization

Personality Profile: Ben is a fun loving guy he knows his potential for pure destruction but doesn’t let that deter him from having a good time.

Physical Description: Ben is Big standing well over 6 feet his heavily muscled body sporting tattoos the most evident is the set of tribal antlers across his back that trail down his upper arms and chest. His long blue hair reaching half way down his back usually kept in a pony tail.

Character Picture (Optional):



Primary : Plasma Transformation : Star has the ability to ignite his cells with plasma energy turning himself into a living star of sorts. He retains his physical form. When fully ignited his body is blue-white in color and glows softly. His plasma form allows him a great degree of immunity to harm as his surface temperature melts some lighter metals such as tin aluminum and lead. There is no accurate reading of his internal temperature but well above most earthly limits. Luckily his area of heat emission is very close to his body only a fraction of an inch this keeps everyone and thing close to him from bursting in to flame this is due to the tight magnetic field that keeps his body from expanding/exploding. His control over his plasma mutation has grown since it first manifested and he can now ignite selective parts of his body usually his hands. Ben can force excess energy from his hands in effect super-heating the air in blasts of plasma energy.The maximum amount of time he has ever stayed in his plasma state is 1 hour through extreme concentration and he can only become plasma while conscious.

*note* his plasma form isn't all protecting concussions from explosions and the like can cause him harm in the form of bruising,more depending on the mass of the concussion. his other weakness is to super heavy metals such as depleted uranium and the like that his plasma cant readily vaporize a bullet of the stuff would damage him as it would any normal human.

**also** he is extremely susceptible to plasma control abilities becoming nothing more than an unwilling puppet controlled by the user.

Secondary : Temperature Immunity : Due to his cells ability to convert to plasma energy he is impervious to high temperatures such as fire and molten metal in his non energized form. His is still effected by smoke and other non heat damage.

Tertiary : By expelling plasma directionally he has the ability to fly the maximum speed being around 100 MPH

Drawbacks/Weaknesses : Ben's mutant powers do not grant him resistance to any psionic abilities hes as unprotected as the next person from them.Also as mentioned above certain heavy metals do cause him physical harm.

How do you believe this character's powers will further develop in the future? Ben's abilities are pretty much fully developed as they are really.

Background: Born in Los Angeles his young life centered around the beach and lifting weights. Though not a jock per say he does keep himself fit at all times as his mutant ability is taking physically. He found he had a natural hand in repair and modification of cars and the like so he went to university to become a repair mechanic. After school he worked at a few repair places across the city and then moved north to Seattle where he met a young woman named Emily she and Ben grew close and started dating then when she moved east to go to Cobalt Hill he set up shop on the other side of Salem. He found a niche in the community doing repairs on bikes cars and small engine repairs. Emily comes to visit him when she can but with school that can be difficult, but still they visit. He as of yet has not come to the school himself but is curious. Ben keeps his mutant abilities low key, using them only when he has to, due to the incredible property damage he can inflict.

since coming to Salem he has opened his own motorcycle repair shop which due to him coming out as a known mutant work dropped off,but has resumed as he has new clientele of the mutant community.He also has work at Cobalt as a maintenance man.

Sadly him and Emily have parted ways amicably and he still considers her his friend.

Quirks/Extras (Random fun facts about your character!): He’s an expert in mechanical repair and jury rigging fixes for short time use of cars bikes ect.
Also from his past experiences he has acquired a special suit that doesn't incinerate when he fully ignites.