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Tien Simonson [Quantum]

Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2011 8:29 pm
by crom
IRC Nickname: Robb^

Name: Tien Simonson
Alias: Quantum
Age: 16
Date of Birth: September 16 1995
Hometown: New York NY

Height: 5’ 10”
Weight: 168 Pounds
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Blue
Nationality/Race: Caucasian with hints of Asian as well

Occupation: Vagrant

Personality Profile: Guarded and not very trusting of others, they all are out for something. He can be harsh in his dealings with others but if you gain his trust then you have a guy who has your back no matter what.

Physical Description: Willowy but with wiry muscle he tends to dress in well used cloths bordering on street person rags. He’s more into utilitarian clothing and gear having lived most of his life on the streets. His hair is an unruly mess but at least its clean like the rest of him most times.

Character Picture (Optional): Image


Mutation/Powers: Quantum Form : By touching physical substances Quantum tap their innate properties

Primary : Body Transformation : he can alter his cellular structure to that of any of the material he is touching gaining their durability (i.e. steel grants him impressive strength as well as durability and unfortunately the increased weight.)

Secondary :

Tertiary :

Drawbacks/Weaknesses : he can only transform into one physical manifestation at a time. Also he is susceptible to sonic vibration due to the malleability of his cellular structure. And he is vulnerable to the weakness’ of his chosen form as he is transformed.

How do you believe this character's powers will further develop in the future? he may be able to transform to energy forms as well but never has tried or even thought of it before.

Background: Born in one of the Burroughs of New York city little is known of his family or if they are even still alive. Since he was 10 years old he’s been on his own surviving on his own whit’s and his almost innate ability to get away from anyone chasing him. for a couple years he survived thusly living in the subway tunnels under the city with the other vagrants helping with the surrogate community. Until the day his mutant abilities manifested. A group of thugs from the upper world came down to find someone who had stolen something they very much wanted back. He tried to stop them from hurting an old lady commonly known as ‘Granny’, leaping to her defense he caught the steel baseball bat on his side (cracking a few ribs in the process) gripping it with his hands adrenaline surged through him and suddenly his skin hair and clothing were a form of steel. He turned the tide beating up the thugs making them flee the tunnels.

Thinking he had protected his ‘family’ and that they would be happy for his new ability. They did the opposite throwing him out of the community even granny turned against him but he saw in her eyes she hadn’t wanted to do it but they were the only people she knew. Sadly he left seeing his abilities as more of a curse at the time than a gift. But trying other things he found they could help him survive he did get caught once or twice due to his inability to control his power to a greater degree but never got tagged as a mutant.

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts: he has a lot of skill in what is considered Urban Traversing. He also has an ability to scrounge up what he needs. He also has a bracelet that has beads of various materials. steel bronze wood obsidian ect to use as sources for his transformations.