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Angel Pearson

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2011 3:45 pm
by Nobody-Nothing
IRC Nickname: Angel`Pearson

Name: Angel Pearson
Age: 18
Date of Birth: 9/18
Hometown: Westerly, Rhode Island.

Height: 5'5
Hair Color: Varies
Eye Color: Blue
Nationality/Race: Caucasian


Personality Profile: Though a bit introverted, Angel is a fun loving individual who will allow little to get
in the way of his having a good time, including his own safety. He has a love for bright neon things, and an
odd sense of style that may be a byproduct of all the hallucinogens he ingests.

Physical Description: A short boy with a feminine appearance , easily confused for the opposite gender, he has a penchant for dying his hair wild colors.
Character Picture (Optional):
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Primary : Angels mutation involves the production of a powerful chemical which is released through his skin.
This unknown substance is unusual in that it has the sedation, and euphoria enducing qualities of a powerful opiate,
as well as the mind altering effects of a hallucinogen. This chemical is released through his pores over the
entirety of his skin, though his mood seems to effect the rate at which it is produced. In stressful situations,
or moments of fear an excess is produced equivilent to a small nervous sweat. Skin to skin contact is all that is
needed to transfer the effects to another person

Secondary : A gland underneath Angels tongue also serves to produce this odd chemical, and as a sort of
defense mechanism, Angel is able to spit a concentrated stream of it onto a given person, the concentrated stream
of the potent chemical usually serving as enough of a distraction to allow him escape.

Tertiary : Angel has recently begun to secrete his hallucinogenic chemical in airborne form, usually this is remedied with an SND, but when the device is removed an invisible cloud of the potent chemical quickly envelopes the area around him.

Drawbacks/Weaknesses : While Angel's skin does not absorb the chemical he produces, he himself is not completely
immune. He is still able to feel its effects by ingesting the chemical....Which he does, regularly.

How do you believe this character's powers will further develop in the future? He will most likely be able
to manipulate the rate at which this chemical is produced from his body, cutting off the flow completely to allow
normal skin to skin contact, or opening the flood gates to coat his hand in the substance and give an unfortunate
person the trippinest bitch slap ever...Given the fact that it increases under emotional extremes, learning to control these emotions might go a long way to helping him control his mutation.

Background: Angels mutation manifested at age 14 in gym class, during a game of volley ball on a particularly
hot day, his sweat began dripping down his face, and a bit got in his eyes...Moments later the stupified boy fell
back onto his bottom, staring into the distance. Any person who attempted to touch or move him fell into a similar
state, and an ambulance was called...After much hassle it was discovered that Angel was a mutant, and the boy was
sent home..He began to find he actually enjoyed the effects caused by his mutation, and was making use of it nightly
usually by shoving his hand into a bag of some kind of candy, and swishing it around before ingestion. He began to lose interest in
school, and kept locked in his room most of the time, until finally his parents shipped the boy to the Cobalt
Academy, hoping he could maybe learn some control over his ability, and socialize a bit as well. Something he'd
neglected heavily since discovering his mutation.

Quirks/Extras (Random fun facts about your character!):