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Lessons Learned: The Sims aren't real Krys

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2011 9:31 am
by AsurKat
The first thing she noticed when she woke up was that she had a splitting headache. Second was that she was hooked up to a bunch of annoyingly beeping machines, not to mention an IV drip. She hated needles. No, like, she really didn't like them. She wouldn't throw-up or black out over them, but she still couldn't watch when it came to getting shots or taking blood. So having a needle in her arm was definately not on her o.k list. Thirdly, she noticed that it was dark outside her window. It had been midafternoon when she'd entered the simulator, so just how long had she been here exactly? A few hours? A day? A week? (It had happened before...)

With a frustrated sigh she settled back against the bed she was effectively tethered to (thanks to said damned IV) and closed her eyes, trying to remember just exactly what had happened. Oh yeah, she'd been stupid enough to attempt an EMP beyond her usual because for a moment there she'd forgotten that the Sims were just that; a simulation. Oh, they were real enough in some ways. Her knee and elbow, for example, she was pretty sure were sporting big bruises from her slip and fall during the run through "Bowser's" factory of hellish doom. She'd blacked out, but not before thinking she'd heard Mr. Montini let loose with some colorful explicatives.

Eyes snapped open on that last thought, going wide as she whipped her head around to see if said professor was present. No teachers and no flowers, that she could see at least. Good. She didn't think she could face the humiliation right at the moment. Addison had probably laughed his Texas butt off and she still wasn't sure she'd forgiven him for his "suggestions" during her exercise. Jog in place indeed!

She lifted her free hand to her head, rubbing a tender spot where she figured she must have hit when she collapsed, then squeezed the bridge of her nose, trying to alleviate the headache. Too many electrical gizmos in here, monitors and such, and she was simply too exhausted to try and tune out all the buzzing they caused her. Sighing, eyes drifted shut once more. Tomorrow (later today?) she'd have to seek the professor out and apologize. Hopefully he wasn't royally pissed at her for overexerting herself. Time would tell.

Maybe all the monitors were good for something, as she suddenly found the pains and aches subsiding, drawing her back into the blackness of sleep. Damned IVs and their automated medication drips...she still hated needles.

((forgive the rustiness and feel free to add on))

Re: Lessons Learned: The Sims aren't real Krys

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2011 9:52 am
by Sisip
Keeping a secret when it came to medical center admissions was like serving soup in a colander, impossible. And so it was that Sisip had heard, during her early morning breakfast purchase, that one of the new students had been admitted. Always being a nosy thing the Cobalt Pocahontas pressed for details and was a bit surprised to hear that it was, in fact, Krys Gallagher. They'd met a few times so far, a pleasant woman if there ever was one. Taking her bottles of water the catsuit wearing injin headed from the cafeteria and over to the rec center. Well flowers were going to be a must. Daisies, of course. They were the flower of choice for Sisip Webster, bright and cheerful, reminiscent of happy days. Yes, a bouquet of daisies was a perfect idea.

Pulling her phone from one of the pouches on her belt she taps out a text, sending off a request to the florist she preferred. They'd be delivered to the native woman so that she could carry them by hand, as she always did.