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Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2012 8:46 am
by Suzthulhu
Considering how often I'm around, and I've seen you play like, never? No legs to stand on, at all.


Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2012 9:55 am
by Sisip
All the thoughts I have on this subject are very similar to Annies. The topic of Mark Hudson / Russel however I'm a particular expert on because at one point I called him a friend.

His over exhagerations, his blatant untruths, his side channel (PM) name calling and his rage at not being allowed an over powered character put the nail in that coffin more than once, that's for sure. In the end I had to put him on ignore both in the chatrooms and on my messenger, which he liked to blow up to tell me what a horrible person I was.

I was the one he called a nazi. I was the one he said was 'everything that was wrong with America' and that 'if I witnessed a murder on the street I wouldn't try to stop it' . Why? You may ask?

Because I told him that I wouldn't allow him to sneak back into the room under a fake name. I didn't tell him he wasn't allowed back IN the room, simply that I wasn't going to lie about who he was. I can say with sureity that none of the mods here would do that.. as it's a gateway to harassment.

As to the email? I've been around the My Little Pony Collectors community for over 10 years. In that time I've seen "I've got cancer" emails and even "my sister has died" emails turn out to be fake and for nothing more then attention that I immediately become suspect of them. Especially when they are sent to someone out of the blue loaded with passive agressive elements in them.

If Mark is ill? Sucks to be him - but at this point in knowing him? I wouldn't believe it in a second.

As for the rest, I think, Phira, if you actually tried to interact with people you may find that we're not as horrible as you seem to believe we are. We're not, however, going to go gushing up to a person to beg them to interact, sometimes you have to go out of your way to get involved without expecting people to roll out a red carpet.

And yes, I'm still trying to find the logs of where he called me everything that is wrong with America.

<3 Sisip/Andi ... amusingly enough... a Canadian.