Amaya Chiharu [Blue Oni]

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Amaya Chiharu [Blue Oni]

Post by Avadrea »

Player Nickname: Avadrea

Name: Amaya Chiharu
Codename: Blue Oni
Age: 18
Date of Birth: 11/13/1993

Weight: 130lb
Hair Color: black
Eye Color: black
Place of Origin: Japan
Nationality/Race: Japanese
Classification/Origin of Powers: Mutant

Status: refugee
Occupation: none

Personality Profile: Amaya is a quite, shy girl with traditional views and values. She is kind and reserved but highly loyal to the few friends she makes. She believes it is her job to protect those who are weaker than her and though she thinks little of her own abilities she will do what she can to protect those she thinks cannot protect themselves. She is somewhat innocent and sheltered so her new view of the harsher realities of the world is a bit disorientating.

Physical Description: In her human form Amaya has long black hair and deep black eyes. She is pretty in a friendly girl next door way with a open heart shaped face and a kind smile. She is on the slender side with a small build. The most striking feature is the set of midnight blue stripes that curve along her jaw. She prefers to wear traditional Japanese garments and often dresses in a Dark blue Kimono and black Hakama but she has relented to wearing more modern clothes and will usually be seen in jeans and t-shirts. In her Oni form Amaya's hair turns a brilliant silver white and her skin shifts to a pale blue. Small white horns grace her brow and her eyes glow a deep hungry crimson. The stripes on her cheek spread making her brow, down her back and across her shoulders and thighs.


Powerset: Oni Blooded

Ability One: Oni Form: When Amaya takes on her Oni form she gains a boost to her strength, dexterity, and the ability to regenerate almost all wounds. Decapitating her or piercing her heart are still fatal. Her strength and speed is at the higher range of human abilities but not so great when compared to other mutants. She maintains her human mind and skill but she begins to take on a more monstrous mindset as her oni side craves human blood.

Ability Two: Minor regeneration: When not in her Oni form Amaya still has an increased healing, she is immune to most illnesses and heals at a faster rate than a normal human. If she is given human blood while injured in human/mutant form her regeneration will increase but so will her desire for blood.

Ability Three: none known

Drawbacks & Weaknesses: If Amaya maintains her Oni form to long she starts to loose herself to the madness of the monster within. She will crave human blood until she is driven mad with blood lust. A horrible inner battle for the kind woman. Even if her transformation is short returning to her human form is followed by intense weariness and pain. She is always left weak and shaken still craving the blood that her oni side needs. The longer her transformation lasts, and the more damage she takes, the longer the after effect of pain continues unless she is given human/mutant blood to drink.

Projected Power Growth & Development: Each time Amaya drinks blood she becomes more powerful in small increments. Her strength in her Oni form and her regeneration abilities might get stronger. However so would the pain and craving for blood as it would feed the monster inside her. Mutant blood may have an even great effect on her. Amaya will also resist drinking blood even if willingly given.

Skills: Amaya has been trained in martial arts since she was a child and is very good with a sword as well as self defense. She is also trained in Japanese etiquette and traditions. She cane make a mean cup of tea and is a pretty good cook. She has learned to speak English perfectly and has no accent.

Background: Amaya's entire family where cursed with oni blood (aka mutants). For generations they have tried to hide their nature from the humans about them and for generations they have been hunted and persecuted as monsters and demons. Their honorable noble line had dwindled with every passing age. Even in this modern age there where still those who believe the old superstitions and continued the persecution of the Chiharu family. When she was seven one group of such people found her family and slaughtered them all. Amaya barely escaped with her life, rescued by her elder brother (who is not a mutant) Together they escaped to America with the hopes that they would find safety there. They where saddened to find hatred for mutants just as strong here.

Criminal Record: None

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts: Amaya and her family saw their mutant blood as something metaphysical instead of the gene mutation it is. She believes that she is "cursed" as is everyone else in her family blood line and that she is a monster or demon, not human at all. Amaya's mutation also makes her nocturnal, she is sluggish during the day and prefers to function at night. She is uncomfortable with the sight of blood, afraid it will lead to pain and craving, she hates the though of drinking blood.

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Re: Amaya Chiharu [Blue Oni]

Post by Sisip »

Hi there.

We strongly encourage you to visit the room.

Once we see that you're happy to interact and stick around we'll look at this.
The world is made up of stories, not atoms. ~Muriel Rukeyser
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