Sometimes, a ketchup factory isn't really a ketchup factory

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Sometimes, a ketchup factory isn't really a ketchup factory

Post by corragh »

[19:46] <Ahriman> META, those lovable men and women in dark suits and ear pieces, had facilities all over. Some obvious, many not so much. Tonight, a black van pulled up to one of the less-obvious facilities, a building diguised as a ketchup factory, somewhere outside of Salem. It sat idling for a couple minutes, drawing the attention of well-hidden guards and security cameras, but otherwise being uninteresting. At least, until a panel door slid open and a group of people piled out. The air was immediately tense with these sudden visitors, even if there was no obvious danger from either side. But no obvious danger is no fun, so one of those visiting people steps to the front of the group, closer to the chain link fence surrounding the building. This brave soul, a woman dressed in black (like the rest of her friends), took in an impressively large breath, and with an exhale, expelled a green gas, which collected in a cloud in front of her. With a few twists of her hands and the wiggling of fingers, the cloud floated forward to engulf the fence. When the metal began to dissolve, the front was dropped; spotlights came on, klaxons sounded, guards streamed out, and alerts were sent out.

[19:59] <Ahriman> The gassy woman stepped back, though kept gesticulating. Once the fence was no more than a puddle, the cloud moved forward to dissolve some of the guards. A man stepped forward to take the woman's place at the front. His posture went all strange, and he seemed to be concentrating overly much, but it seemed the rest of the gang took that as a que, and all got closer to him. The air briefly shimmered, and seemed somehow..thicker, but was otherwise not noticably changed. The group then advanced, one or two of them looking to the approaching guards with apprehension.

[20:11] <Ahriman> The guards who melted were, understandably, not happy about it. Shrieks and screams were soon replaced by gurgling, then quiet. Other guards quickly learned to stay the hell away from the cloud of death. Seeing their comrades melt, though, did make them quite a bit more shooty. Automatic weapons came to life, sending a hail of bullets at the advancing gang. Bullets that bounced off some mostly unseen barrier. This barrier, when hit, and so often, shimmered with the energy needed to construct it. That, at least, gave reason to why the bad guys were clumped so close together; it was some sort of pyramid construct, just big enough to the group. It was slow going for them, though; whatever power it took to keep their safety apparently was difficult to maintain while moving. They were eventually through the gate, though, and when they were, it was someone else's turn to shine. This one took what equated to a muzzle from his mouth, and unwrapped a scarf from his neck. He wasn't some hipster, wearing a scarf during the summer just to be fashionable. The scarf served to hide a terrible scar across the man's neck. With the muzzle removed, he stepped toward the front, leaving the gassy woman and a fourth in the rear. His mouth opened impossible wide, and after aiming his face toward a group of guards gathered away from the killing cloud, he unleashed the sort of scream that could almost be ironically be expected from a person with a terrible neck wound. The audible shockwave didn't seem to effect all of the guards the same, though. Some of them were pushed backward. Some of them clamped hands over their ears and fell to their knees. Others simply stood there, staring forward with blank expressions. There were even some who seemed uneffected, but were frightened and confused by their fellow guards.

[20:21] * Sunder It had taken some time with the gps to find the right spot. The metalhead's black magnum would pull up near the place, motorhead blaring from the speakers ".. the ketchup factory? Oh this 'as got to be the wrong spot ag-" and then bullets went zipping by, prompting a quick trip down the embankment and throwing the thing in park. He'd scamper out, grabbing the rifle bag from the back of the vehicle after all he had no idea the shots were coming from friendlies

[20:26] <Vileficent> VROOM VROOM Nickypoo's spiffy Mustang rolls up the street. Of course he didn't get to the scene quiiiiite so fast, mainly because he's not breaking the speed limit even after Gina's text. Nope! He's a safe driver dammit. This time around he makes sure to pull over and park a safe distance away from the scene of the action. His ride's not getting busted up again! The scrawny bastard hops out of the car, slams the door and spends a minute situating himself. It takes him a minute thanks to the various bags and other equipment he gets to lug around. The sound of bullets makes his head snap up and he stares at the source of the noise. Oh goodie. He glances over at Shiloh and winces.

[20:27] * @Shannon Coordinates were noted and Shannon took off. Yes, flying solo to the scene. There was little time to waste when she could get there on her own via flight. And as for those poor guards? Happy was probably the furthest thing possible from their minds. Terrified. Hysterical. Sad. They would have been lucky if it was quick. A method of death and horror Shannon knew too well... Though she wasn't witnessing these at present, Shannon had seen similar demises dealt from two fellow plasma shooters who were supposed to be the good guys. Shannon however? She refused to use her own abilities anywhere near such levels, that was why her suit filtered the blasts to varying levels. The very idea of using her abilities without such dampeners was repugnant to her. And how the radioactive mutant had earned her nickname of the Pacifist Nuclear Bomb. She made her way to the scene and would land near Sunder.

[20:30] * `Emily shows up last because she didnt have a spiffy vehicle, nope she showed up riding her 1990 yamaha enduro but at least the thing runs well! Parking back by Nick she hopped off her bike, giving Shiloh and Nick a nod she started looking around to see what the hell was going on...

[20:31] <Eva`> Shiloh is so driving next time. Nick is a damn Sunday driver. The sound of bullets in the distance got her attention real quick, though. She quickly climbed out of the car and moved around to Nick, giving Emily a nod. "Any idea what's going on?"

[20:38] <Ahriman> The group got up to the building without incident. Personal incident, anyway; the guards suffered quite a few incidents. The guy in charge of the guard turned so that his back was to the building, followed by the gassy woman and the screamer. The fourth and final member of the group, another man, just..walked through the wall and into the building. These bad folks didn't seem to yet notice to would-be heroes as they arrived. Or they just weren't doing anything about them yet. The protective pyramid remained in place, the gas cloud continued to roll through the compound dissolving things, and the screamer randomly let out sonic bursts at guards brave enough to stick their heads out.

[20:43] * Sunder scratches his chin for a moment. The killer gas would be a bit of a problem, and the odd shimmering pyramid thing was quite the curiosity. Then there was the eardrum splitter and the ghost. "Oh this is gonna be a right royal pain in the arse.. Alright, got a good feeling a couple of 'em would go down with a well placed shot, but can anyone think of a way to neutralize our killer gas cloud?"

[20:48] <Vileficent> A quick wave is given to Emily. "Hey there. I don't know what's going down but if they called us...well. And the gunfire is also a good hint that whatever it is, it's not good." A frown darkens his face and he crouches down and starts approaching the city, taking shelter behind whatever objects he can. A car, a truck, whatever's on the street. He considers Sunder's question and shakes his head. "Take that person controlling it out first? A shame Sisip can't be here." Seeing as she's out of the action-y scenes for a while! He glances around at those present and then eyes Shannon. "Hey you." he says over the comm units. "Shannon, if your suit's bulletproof, can you move away from us and take a shot at that woman? It looks like she's controlling the gas. Hopefully your blasts can get through whatever shielding they're using."

[20:52] <Krys> Luckily mondays were inventory days and she hadn't been wearing her nicer duds. Lucky too that she'd taken to keeping her pack with her suit and all the nifty gadgets she could want with her in her car. So it was that the electrokinetic arrived on teh scene decked out in her slinky team catsuit, comm device in place, and any other gadgets and gizmos she might need tucked away in the pouches of her utility belt. "Tesla here. Anyone else on scene?" She'd parked a short distance away, proceeding on foot warily once she heard the gunshots ringing out through the air.

[20:53] * @Shannon No one had been stuck in traffic. No one had crashed into an 18wheeler. Good times. And Yes, Shannon had been present that time the mystery machine actually HAD crashed into an 18wheeler. The team had been under house arrest for a week and dampened for just as long. Avalon had not been happy with them in the slightest. 1"Negative on that one... It's not completely bullet proof, a
lucky shot and..." All Doooomed. "Plus that corrosive gas... That's a problem. I could try by air and work fast. Try and blast through the pyramid... hit the Gasser..."

[20:53] <Suzthulhu> Gina is... unavailable. Who knows why. Handwaving. Anyway, Dina, however, happens to be out taking a long ride on her Harley, outside Salem, just hitting the road and following it wherever it leads. When she sees the pile of cars parked in front of the ketchup factory, she slows down a bit, recognizing Sunder's car at least, parked in the ditch? The ketchup factory? Flipping her visor up on her helmet, she steers more toward the side of the road, idling the loud bike down enough to just barely catch the sound of gunshots. Well, that's not good. The Harley revs up again, potatoing its way up to behind where Nick has parked. Killing the engine, she puts the kickstand down and dismounts, removing her helmet before heading up to the group just in time to... well, see what's going on. "What the hell? Who would break into a ketchup factory? You guys need a hand?" 6She's already pushing the sleeves of her jacket up to her elbows.

[20:54] * `Emily grimaces a little at the sound of gunfire but still managed to give Nick a smile before turning to look at Sunder.."Im not so good with the long distance stuff, best I can do is throw a car at the one holding the shield and hope for the best... other then that I am pretty much out of the game till we can get up close and personal"

[20:56] <Eva`> "I can sneak in under the shield... but I don't know that I could do much after that." For now, she stuck with Nick and the others, inching closer. "Wait... Emily. Give me you hand. I've learned a trick. I can get us both over there and under that shield. We pop in, you knock out the gas girl, and we pop back out. How's that sound?"

[21:00] * `Emily shrugs but nods.."if no one else has any objections Im game" Emily sounded so much more confident then she actually felt but she wanted to pull her own weight here

[21:01] <Ahriman> The guards are quickly trained the hard Pavlovian way that being out in the open is likely to get them melted, or screamed at. And their bullets didn't do much more than bounce of the mostly invisible pyramid construct. All the spotlights that could were trained on the trio, making sure whatever they did could be seen. But now that they were up against the building, they just kinda.. milled about, taking pot shots. Inside, the intangible man was moving around with apparent ease. Like the heroes outside, he was listening to someone on a comm unit, someone who was directing him through the pseudo-factory's halls. Well.. through the walls, since it was faster. There were guards inside, of course, but they were easily enough given the slip by just slipping through a wall and into another room.

[21:02] <Vileficent> "Shannon, go for it but get ready to evade. I suggest you take shelter first. We need something that can attack from a distance without putting everyone else at risk at the same time. Get that bitch down first. We'll worry about the rest after that." He nods to Shiloh, "Let Shannon do it. Hang back and go after the others once that woman is down." He looks up at Dina and nods. "Yes, we do. Main target is that woman controlling the gas. They're armed with guns and aren't taking hostages. There's an invisible shield surrounding them and a man with a supersonic attack." Once the bad guys have entered the building, he stands and heads towards the building, hanging back enough to not attract unwanted attention.

[21:09] <@Shannon> "Ion." She added with a nod. They were on a mission after all. "I'll be sure to let you know eitherway, though if my suit fails, I'm gonna be out of here real quick like." And she would move on, vision rotating through different spectrums to view the pyramid better. Drifting and flitting around to avoid gun shot, attempting her own firing of concentrated blasts for the pyramid structure and the gassy woman.

[21:10] <Suzthulhu> "I can help with that, I think. If I can get within... oh fifteen feet or so?" 6Glancing at Nick, she half smirks, half grins. "I may be able to at least burn the gas out of the air, if that will help, while Shannon... whoa..." 6She'd never met Shannon before, and she assumes it's the floating... woman? In the suit. "Nice suit!" 6With her sleeves pushed up now, her left hand becomes covered in whispy blue flame, orange at the tips, much like a gas stove burner. "Just say the word, and I start throwing fireballs. We'll see how they like sixteen hundred degrees."

[21:10] <Sunder> well that sheild can deflect bullets, radiation or electromagnetics might just make it through. Now what about mister walks through walls?

[21:12] * `Emily nods as Nick cuts down Shilohs plans for now she just waited and looked around for some weapons of oppertunity or large objects to use as projectiles when she had a chance!

[21:18] <Eva`> "We need to know what they're doing inside... I could shadow and pop in for a look. They'd never notice me." And she faded to shadow mode, sticking to the darker parts at the edges of the street and with the group until given the ok or the negative.

[21:22] <Sunder> Only one inside. check up on 'em and the rest of us will try to disable 'is pals

[21:27] <Ahriman> Whether it was a surprise or not, Shannon's energetic blasts go right through the Pyramid and hit the gassy woman. Unlike what she controls, the woman is totally solid, and totally takes the full blast. Down she goes, with the gas dissipating normally. The screamer turns on Shannon then. He gets a nice big breath and lets loose the sonic attack at the floaty-glowy woman. The man in charge of the pyramid looked a bit more nervous, and now focused his attention on Shannon, wondering if he'd need to start finding actual cover. Inside, the intangible man has made quick progress. "Alright, I'm here," he calls over his comm unit. There's no space for a breath before a tell-tale 'blip' signals additional company. "Rejoin the others," Blip instructs. "I can handle the rest."

[21:30] <Vileficent> "My bad, Ion. And good luck." he glances over at Dina and nods quickly. "Worth a try. It's not like the gas can turn more dangerous than it already is. But let's avoid the smoke if it releases any. With any luck your fire will get through the protective field as well. Just be careful of any gunfire." He turns his attention over to Sunder next. "Yeah, that's what I'm thinking." He nods to Eva, "Yes. Go for it. Just mind the rain of attacks that'll be going that way. Ion might leave you glowing...same with...the firebender." Someone's been watching Avatar. "I don't know about the guy walking through walls. We can't get close until the gas is taken care of. Shiloh could keep an eye on him like she said." Yay the gassy woman is down! Oh no! An attack on Shannon! "Take him down!" he yells at Dina and points at the shouting man.

[21:33] <Suzthulhu> Well, with Gasbag down, that leaves a better opening. Dina cheers, letting out a whoop! as the woman goes down. Waving to the others, she starts to trot forward, skidding to a halt once the screamer aimed at Shannon. "He's mine." She acknowledges Nick with a nod, and her right hand ignites, paired with her left. She brings them close together in front of her, molding a ball of fire the size of a basketball in quick order. Palming it over to her left hand, she draws her arm back and throws it forward, straight at the screamer. It's not terribly hot, but fire is fire, and fireballs still pack a punch.

[21:35] * Sunder He would extend the bipod and sets his rifle down, scoping in on the screamer. If that pyramid went down it'd be an easy shot, but until that thing went down there was little he could do.

[21:36] * @Shannon success! Her blasts had been cautious at first low powered ones to test the field out, they went through and so the dial had been turned down, making her beams more powerful. And she got Gassy down! Yes! Then she was hit. Blasts of sound. The suited form twisted midair, and the suited mass of energy let out an odd sound. Sonics... It wasn't the deep reverberating and painful energy disrupting that Bass dealt her, but it was still felt. It still hurt. She yelled, fired a bit blindly before coming down hard, a controlled lowering but she still had a rough landing.

[21:36] <Eva`> As soon as she's given the go ahead, she's off! Silent and mostly unnoticed in all the commotion, Shiloh the shadow glides quickly across ground, making a wide arc to avoid most of the combat and slide in behind the group at the wall. There she pauses, taking a deep breath to calm nerves. She hated shadow porting to places she couldn't see, but this was important and couldn't be more than a few feet to the left, so chances of getting lost were slim. Still, it was kinda scary. With a second breath, she plunged into the shadows at the base of the wall and disappeared. A moment later she popped up inside the building, just a shadow against the wall and quickly darted to the nearest natural shadow to hide, and watch.

[21:37] * `Emily just hung back for now not wanting to get in the way, she figured Ion could take out the shield guy whenever she wanted only to wince as the sonic guy got in a hit on the armored girl but still she held back waiting for a good time to attack...

[21:50] <Ahriman> The screamer kept his focus on Shannon even as she went down. CONVENIENTLY, that had him turning to face the group of heroes across the street. Would they be effected as well? Who knows; he was aimed at them only briefly before he caught a basketball-sized ball of burning to the chest and went down. So they had decent powers, but were otherwise weak. Two companions down. One missing. Mr Pyramid didn't like his odds, at all. The guards could be dealt with easily enough. These people who could attack without guns? They were something else. Apparently something he can't deal with. So, without people to back him up, he stands upright and raises both arms high. "Alright, I give." On the other side of the street, just a little down the road from the wouuld-be heroes, that black van everyone showed up in starts up and takes off down the road. Inside: The intangible man is headed back for the door he originally came in through, fully oblivious that the rest of his team has either been taken care of, given up, or left. In the target room, Blip is quickly filling a large bag with various pieces of small equipment.

[21:53] <Vileficent> "Ion, you're out! You come help me get her to a safe place." He points at Emily and jerks the finger towards the fallen Shannon. Nickypoo bolts towards the suited woman, staying crouched down but moving as fast as he can. There's no warning sirens going off so he figures the suit's not leaking or anything. "Good job, Ion. You took her down. You did great." When he gets over to her, he offers a flashed smile and tries to help her over to whatever shelter is nearby. Except he's bowled over like a plastic bag on a windy day by that goddamn screamer. Whee! The dainty little man bounces once before coming to a stop, swears and looks up at Pyramid man. "Sunder, get the guy that's turning himself in. Cuff him, slap a dampener on the guy and shove the guy into my car. Or someone else's, whichever." He sits up and pats himself down, searching for any obvious injuries. It's both a good and bad thing he doesn't feel pain. "What do you see in there, Shiloh? Keep us updated."

[21:56] <Suzthulhu> Even that brief sound assault is enough to hurt and make Dina's ears ring. "Ahhh! Son of a bitch!" Reflexively, her hands go to her ears, covering them and rubbing at them. Thankfully, she's immune to her own fire and doesn't set that awesome mohawk ablaze! "What did he say?" she means the man surrendering, since her ears are still ringing. "He's giving up?" She turns around to see who's behind her that might have something to, tie him up with, or whatever. That's when she sees the van driving off. "The van! Someone's getting away! I can catch it on my bike!"

[21:56] <Eva`> Shiloh doesn't have a comm. And even if she did, she couldn't use it right now, being a non-solid shadow lacking vocal chords and such. She would need to get one of those, though. She dropped back down into the shadows, moving closer and popping up somewhere behind Blip, trying to get a better view.

[21:58] * `Emily growled and looking around did the only thing she could think off..."sorry nick!" and in a lightning move the amazon picked up the classic mustand and hurled it with every bit of strength she had at the fleeing van, may the car gods forgive her!

[21:58] * @Shannon no it wasn't convienent that Shannon got knocked down. She was practiacally a gas inside there! Or perhaps energy or plasma is a better term. She may not have eardrums to rupture or a physical mind to confuse but that sonic still twinged. "I'm alright... Just clearing my, mind and keeping together... I'm not hurt... Just dizzy." She tried to reassure Tomcat, getting back to her feet with his help. And nopes, no sign of a leak or anything nearly so detrimental. "Takes more than a little sound to put me out... What I miss?..."

[22:05] * Sunder He'd sling the rifle and get up, making his way towards the guy. "Nothing funny eh, let's get out of this safe an 'ave a nice plesant chat. pizza and beer fine by you mate?" He'd get a pair of zip cuffs from his tac vest. Those would go on first, then the damper, then another set of cuffs on the guys ankles. he'd be left there till all the excitement was over.

[22:11] <Ahriman> Since Shiloh vacated the hall, the intangible man was free to move around unhindered. He stuck his face out of the door, just enough to see if everyone else was still alright. NOPE. She he sticks to being inside the walls, and has to take a really long, overly complicated route to get the hell outta Dodge. When Shiloh joins Blip's company, he's too busy gathering supplies to notice. That or he assumes she's still involuntarily in cahoots with Hayden. Outside: "Yeah, my ass," Mr. Pyramid replied to Sunder. He thought to keep the defense up when they came up to subdue him, but figured he'd spare himself a few bruises by not doing that. The gassy woman and the screamer are already subdued, so further measures are pretty easily accomplished. Emily may have used a bit more strength than she intended to. Stella flew over the van, and landed on its nose in front of it. Before it even had a chance to totter over, the van careened into it. The driver swerved wildly, quickly lost control, and in spectacular "Caught On Tape" style, the van rolled, barrelling several times before coming to a rest.

[22:13] <Vileficent> Nick stares at Emily and watches as the girl goes after...his car. "I said help me move Ion! Not that!" A heavy sigh escapes him and he just gets to look pissed off. There's no time to launch into an incoherent rage when there's more important things to be done! He reluctantly forces his attention back down to Shannon. "Okay. You missed one of the guys giving up and there's a van driving away. Shiloh's inside the building watching a few bad guys. She...doesn't have a comm unit. I don't think so because she's not using it." He glances over at Sunder and nods to the guy. "Get to the van!" he tells Dina, nodding to her, and eyes Shannon. "You too if you think you can fly just fine. Subdue whoever's inside. I'll check inside the building to see if Shiloh needs a hand."

[22:16] <Sunder> Don't get smart or there'll be anchovies on yours! (The zip cuffs would go on) An shite american lager. (he'd look over at the rest.) anyone find mr walks through walls?

[22:16] <Eva`> Oh, right. There was that... Which gives her an idea. Slinking around in front of Blip, she slowly rises up and reforms to her physical body, careful not to make too sudden of movements in case he takes her as a threat. Hopefully he does still think she's in Hayden's pocket. "The team knows I'm in here to see what you're doing. They're going to expect me to give them some info. What should I tell them?" As she talked, she stepped closer, looking over to see what it was he was actually doing.

[22:18] <Suzthulhu> "Or... not... Jesus, girl, what do you eat?" The ringing has subsided a bit, but Dina will be talking louder and asking people to repeat things for a day or so yet. "Alright... I'm heading to the van." With a grin towards Sunder's offer of pizza and beer, she turns that way, quipping, "You had me at beer, mate." Breaking into a run, she heads for the van. On arrival, she goes for the nearest upright door, trying the handle and giving it a yank. The doors are too bent to get open that way, so she proceeds to do a little focused flame, like a cutting torch, cutting through the metal. Unfortunately, when she finally gets the door open... she finds... nothing. The van is empty. "There's no one in here! Who the hell was driving this thing?"

[22:23] <@Shannon> "Did... did she just throw your car at the van?.." Ion asked incredulusly and face palmed. But didn't wait for an answer before taking off after Dina and the van, catching her words. and hovering jus ta few feet to the side. "A teleporter?" She questioned, floating and had an arm trained on the van, ready to blast..

[22:25] * `Emily grimaces stuck between feeling awesome about stopping the van and horrible about the fact that Nick was probably gonna find a way to kill her in her sleep.."oh that was not one of my best ideas", turning she gave Dina small if shamefaced smile before running a hand through her long hair only to face palm as she heard that there was no one even in the friggin thing!

[22:28] <Ahriman> Blip was just slightly taken aback with SUDDENLY SHILOH. He recognized the girl, though, so he resumed just as quickly. "Whatever you want," he answered gruffly. "Tell them you saw me, and don't remember anything after that." To lend truth to that story, Blip produced a taser and fired at the shadowy girl. After a good ZORT, he slung the half-full bag carefully over a shoulder, and stepped up to one final, larger piece. This one was going to take some doing. He wrapped his arms around it as best as he could, and against better judgement, began attempting to take it with him. There normally would've been a quick 'blip' to mark his departure. Now, the noise was drastically drawn out. Both man and machine flickered. It was slow at first, but as focus and effort began to take hold, the flickering got faster. After a bit, both were gone. Outside: There are no machanisms in the van that would imply it was remotely controlled. The seatbelt was fastened and everything, but no driver. A search of the area would turn up no one, either. Normally, there should have at least been someone flung from the vehicle. Not this time.

[22:31] <Vileficent> "Yes, Ion. Don't worry, I'll scream incoherently about it later while pulling my hair out. But, for now, we have work to get done." he watches Shannon and Dina leave and trots towards the building, aiming to go inside. "Don't know but I'm going to find out. You watch the captives and make sure they don't run. And make sure that girl doesn't start throwing people or something else horrible." he tells Sunder and makes his way into the building, keen on finding out what's going down inside. And arrives just in time to see Blip making off with the machine. He stares at it and reports over the comm units, "Hayden's lackey just made off with some sort of device. Teleported or something. He's gone now. Shiloh's down." And he heads over to her and tries to drag her out of the building.

[22:31] <Suzthulhu> Dina gives the van a brief once over, but doesn't crawl inside. She's seen NCIS. Zeva David is her hero. "So... any chance we can get this thing towed back for a better look? There's got to be something in here to tell us who was driving, right?" Glancing at Nick's car, she grimaces. "Eesh... well... I can help you fix that...." But Nick is off. Dina stands atop the van, hands on her hips, lips pressing together.

[22:36] <Eva`> Shiloh is down! She'd kind of expected something like that, but still wasn't prepared for it. The shock of the ZORT made her flicker between physical and shadow breifly as she dropped to the floor. Out like a light, but only briefly. She comes to as Nick starts to drag her out. "I'm good, I'm fine..." Except from the headache from when her head bounced off the floor. She got to he feet, unsteady for a moment. "Where'd he go?"

[22:39] <@Shannon> "Yea... a towing would be good.... Maybe call or get the girl who throw Nick's car." Shannon was still on the alert, earpieces cocked, vision shifting through the different spectrums, and palm still charged to fire should she need to. Comm time. "Did we find anything out? Catch anyone?" They failed, didn't they?

[22:42] * `Emily already had her phone out but she wasnt sure who to call, I mean did they really want her to call a local tow company for this type of thing, well only one way to find out..."so who am I supposed to call to get the vehicles towed back to the compound?"

[22:43] <Vileficent> "Shiloh's okay, just dazed. The lackey stole something. Looked really expensive. I'll see if Jay can find some security footage and tell us what this guy made off with. I'd call tonight a flop." When Shiloh stands, he puts an arm around her to try and prop the woman up. And he leads her out, glad to be out of the building. "Tow truck for both the van and my car." His free hand is run over his face and he sighs again. "We caught most of the bad guys. The lackey escaped. Is anyone injured? And can someone give us a ride home? I'm sure Jay can also have a look at that van. Maybe Griffin too. The more the merrier! And the building as well. But we need to find out what that device was and why it was so important to grab."

[22:45] <Ahriman> Emily gets her answer pretty quickly. A cacophony of sirens appproaches, and as is their modus operandi, META reinforcements show up two minutes too late. Agents stream into the compound, a couple extra vehicles speeding down the street to the wreckage. One agent steps toward Sunder, looking like the sort of blacksuit who took his job way too seriously. He was even wearing sunglasses at night. "Thank you for your help," he greeted stiffly. "We'll take it from here. Are any of your people injured?"

[22:47] <Eva`> "It was medical equipment, as far as I could tell," she offered when Nick said he didn't know what it was. "What, exactly, I don't know, but definitely medical." She a grimace, she touched at the tender spot on her head, making sure it wasn't bleeding. It wasn't, just hurt like a bitch.

[22:48] <Suzthulhu> Dina is fine, more or less. Nothing that won't fix itself in a few days. "I feel like I've just been at an Anthrax concert, but other than that?" Too loudly, she speaks! "Not a scratch. Anyone else?" Jumping down off the van, she gestures for the META dudes to be her guest. "You guys always this late showing up when one of your facilities is under attack?" She'd figured that part out on her own, that this is some sort of not-so-secret META facility.

[22:49] * `Emily says nothing she just stands off to the side and idly wonders how much trouble she would get into if she snagged one of the downed guards guns for herself and got some rubber ammo or something for it...

[22:50] <Vileficent> Once META shows up, Nick shuts up. He nods to Shiloh and offers her a light pat on the shoulder. When Dina and the agents ask if anyone's injured, he just shakes his head. At least he doesn't think he's injured. Eh. He'll find out when he gets home. A glare is directed in Emily's direction but it doesn't last long. He goes back to looking at the ground. "I just need a ride back to Cobalt." is mumbled in a defeated tone.

[22:52] <Suzthulhu> "Nick, I'll help fix your car. I'm good at body work, and I know engines." Dina gives him a pat on the shoulder, knowing how upset she'd be if someone chucked her bike at a van. "I don't have a spare helmet with me, but I can carry someone on my bike and not drive like a maniac." The only other car there is Sunder's it looks like.

[22:55] <Eva`> And now, as she's coming out of the building, Shiloh sees Nick's car. Or what's left of it. Her jaw drops and she just... stares. There are no words. She might even cry! That was supposed to be -her- car soon! "What...?" She points a finger at the crumpled car, giving Nick a sad, pathetic look. "What happened...?"

[22:58] <Ahriman> Rides back to the Sanctum are offered to those whose ride was just destroyed. Agents haul of the three who were detained; Mr. Intangible got away, after hiding out in a wall for a few hours. Blip was obviously gone. Guards were cleaned up. People with heavy equipment stationed strategically, in case anyone wanted to cause trouble before the facility could be resecured.
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