Winston Coffman [Dive-Bomb]

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Winston Coffman [Dive-Bomb]

Post by Tabris »

Player Nickname:Tabris

Name: Winston Coffman
Codename: Dive-bomb
Age: 22
Date of Birth: August 10th, 1990

Height: 6’3
Weight: 210 pounds.
Hair Color: Red.
Eye Color: Blue.
Place of Origin: Maclamoore’s Big Top of Fun and excitement.
Nationality/Race: United States Citizen/Scot-Irish.
Classification/Origin of Powers: Metahuman

Status:Resident(Hopeful Team Member)/Student.
Occupation: Former Acrobat. Currently a college student.

Personality Profile: Dive-bomb is a feircly loyal, yet highly independent person. He considers the rights of the individual to come first and foremost. He is quiet a social person, due to his time spent with the circus and handles large crowds with ease. He’s fast to offer advice and entertainment if need be. He is also quiet prone to make snap judgements and rash decisions.

Physical Description:
Standing at over six feet tall, with broad shoulders and narrow hips it may make wonder just how he could be an acrobat. With wild thick red dreadlocks hanging down past his shoulders, a tuft of red hair upon his chin and piercing crystal blue eyes he could be rather intimidating if he wished.

Winston has a large tattoo that stretches across the top of his shoulders that reads FREAK SHOW in bold gothic stylized text. Underneath this would be three classical freak show attraction panels tattooed over the whole of his back. The left one being of a man missing his lower body, the center being a pair of female Siamese twins, and the left being a firebreather. A side note each of people depicted are actual performers that worked in the circus’s sideshow and some of his closest friends.

On his right bicep he has the Cobra symbol from GI Joe.

On his right forearm is traditional jokers head ala classical playing card design.


Powerset: Flight!

Ability One: True Flight – Dive bomb’s metahuman ability has manifested itself in the form of true flight. He usually only flies about as fast as your average car can go averaging between 70-120mph on the average. However it is possible for him to easily go faster than that, topping out at somewhere around 400mph. He can maintain his Maximum for two hours, before needing to stop and rest. Due to his skill at acrobatics and practicing in secret, dive-bomb has almost perfect maneuverability.

Ability Two: Enhanced Durability – A likely side effect of the genetic tampering that left him able to fly, has rendered Dive-bombs cellular structure slightly more dense than the average person. This allows his body to easily tolerate the speeds at which he can fly, and makes him more resilient than the average person. The maximum amount of potential damage he could take without injury would be the equivalent of falling from one story without taking any injury. NOTE: This only helps in combat when it relates to blunt force (Fists. Clubs and the like), if he is stabbed, shot or anything similar he is injured or killed as easily as anyone else.

Ability Three:

Drawbacks & Weaknesses: He has trouble seeing at faster speeds while flying without the aid of goggles to keep his eyes from getting irritated. Winston also has a severe allergy to shellfish, in small amounts this can induce vomiting, in larger amounts it could lead to hospitalization or even death if untreated. Dive-bomb could easily be manipulated if his cousin is in danger, or become prone to dangerous rash actions to save her. Should he push himself to the point where his powers burn out, they would well simply cease working until 24 hours exactly have passed.

Projected Power Growth & Development: None, other than perhaps learning to fly both faster and longer. (I’d prefer leave any development of his abilities (For better or worse) in the hands of the story tellers of the channel. Due to his powers coming from a science experiment they have the potential to go in either direction.)

Skills: A former circus performer, Dive-bomb is quite skilled at juggling, acrobatics, and knife throwing. His time spent traveling, has also given him a general knowledge in how to jerry-rig just about anything to make it work. Dive-bomb is also a rather good boxer, and a moderately good kick-boxer. He can speak English, Spanish, and French fluently. He also speaks airport German, Japanese, and Russian. He is also adept at parkour he tries not to use his abilities to cheat at all.

Winston’s tale begins before he is even born. His birth mother and farther (neither of which he knew.) were both part of the staff of an experiment to create an artificial x-gene. When his mother became pregnant with him she voluntarily allowed the treatment to be done to him invitro. As luck would have it she still carried Winston to term and gave birth to happy healthy baby. Yet shortly after his birth both his parents were killed in a laboratory experiment gone awry. Which lead to Arnold and Nancy Coffman a pair of circus performers adopting him on the condition that no questions were asked, and should he develop any abilities to report the results to the project.

That day would never come however, as only a scant few years later the project itself found its funding pulled and the team disbanded. All subjects were labeled as failures, and it was decided that those that wouldn’t remember being part of the experiment wouldn’t be told. Thusly all the files regarding project evolution were sealed for the next two hundred years.

Winston as a result spent the bulk of his life growing up amidst the glitz and wonderment of a traveling circus. It was here that he gained his love of showmanship and entertainment. Though almost none of the other performers had children, leading Winston to only really have any sort of playmate when his younger cousin would come to visit during the summers and holidays. He formed a close almost brother/sister bond with her and became quiet protective over her. As the years wore on Winston was mostly home schooled on the road by his mother during the day, while both his parents performed by night. Eventually he was allowed to practice with some the performers and became most adept at acrobatics.

A tragic accident would claim his adopted father’s life at the age of fourteen, when one of the shows elephants panicked and trampled him to death while he tried to corral the beast with the rest of the handlers. Two years after which his mother settled down in one of the smaller towns they visited and opted to retire from life under the big top. Winston on the other hand was not ready to quit just then. With permission from her, and the consent of the owner he was allowed to continue his training with the acrobats and even developed his own juggling and knife throwing acts he was allowed to perform to warm the crowd up before the start of the show.

Overtime he was allowed to fill-in for some of the acrobats when one was injured or too ill to perform. After a while he honed his skills to the point that his own flying trapeze act became part of his warm-up act and even recruited his younger cousin to assist him in. He took great pride in quickly she took to it, and learned it. It was during this time (around age 19) that his abilities began to manifest, and he soon discovered that he could literally fly. It was around this time that his ability to fly was exposed to his cousin when a mistimed maneuver during practice sent her plummeting to the earth and Winston instinctively used his powers of flight to catch her.

Yet nothing in this life would last forever, and after an attempt to take the circus onto the international stage led to several shows failing to gather large enough crowds and the general cost of flying the entire troop overseas soon left the circus bankrupt and disbanded. Only possessing a GED and with little idea on what exactly to do him and cousin both (By now he was aware of her own particular gifts) discovered the sanctuary at Cobalt Hill and opted to go to it. Winston personally viewing it as sort of a half-way house for mutants to adjust to normal life again.

Criminal Record: Arrested twice for possession of small amounts of Marijuana, and served six months in Jail in Arizona for assault(Fist fought a drunk patron, but as he swung first he was listed as the one who started it).

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts:
Dive-bomb secretly enjoys the Harry Potter series, more than he would ever let on. He blames his cousin for this.
Dive-bomb is a proud member of the Green Party, and usually votes libertarian if he is not throwing a vote away on Ralph Nadar.
Dive-bomb is a major sci-fi and horror buff. He particularly enjoys the Doctor Who movies and serials.
Dive-bomb is quiet fond of collecting old circus and carnival memorabilia and usually gladly take such as payment for any jobs performed if offered.
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Re: Winston Coffman [Dive-Bomb]

Post by Sisip »

Please see one of the moderators for reason of rejection.
The world is made up of stories, not atoms. ~Muriel Rukeyser
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