Malcom Goodwin [Sunder]

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Malcom Goodwin [Sunder]

Post by Sundermk2 »

IRC Nick: Sunder

Public Information

Name: Malcom Goodwin

Alias: Sunder

Age: 22

Date of Birth (Year Not Required): 7/28

Hometown (city, state, country): Chicago, Illinois, USA

Height: 5' 9”

Weight: 155 lbs

Hair Color: Dark brown

Eye Color: Dark hazel

Nationality/Race: Mostly of Russian and Nordic decent.

Occupation: Student and part time car stereo installer

Personality Profile: As one of the sanctum's long term residents Sunder has seen much, and changed a lot. The once mostly pacifist, return fire only minded punk and metal head has been gone for some time. He still makes it a point to make friends fast and be obnoxiously loud in the process, much like he is trying to fill in a void. If he is prone to quiet moments, he keeps those to himself and out of public view. His views on threats towards mutant and mankind alike have shifted to a more aggressive stance, a better them then us mentality.
At times his demeanor seems forced, an act put on for public consumption. Fulfilling a self appointed role.

Physical Description: As of late he's been taking on a very lean look, the result of a self imposed exercise and diet routine to keep himself ready for his team duties. While fairly lean, he is no walking body builder, his usual somewhat baggy clothing usually conceals the muscle his frame packs. A deadlift a little over twice his body weight, he is no record setter but certainly reasonably capable.

Character Picture (Optional): ... rSmall.jpg


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Mutation/Powers (Maximum of three, but not all three are required to be used):

Primary : Electromagnetic control:
He has the ability to harness his bodies energy and radiate it in the radio wavelengths of the electromagnetic spectrum. For now when he does radiate radio waves he cannot control the frequency or the pattern, essentially he acts as a short range jamming device, blocking all frequencies and stopping all radio based devices (tv, fm, am, cell phones, radars, ect.). At it's lowest this interference has a range of about 30 feet, and up to about 200 yards. At very close range this can damage sensitive electronics.

Secondary : Electro Magnetic Pulse
EMP is a short, powerful violent burst of energy across the electromagnetic spectrum. Such a burst will momentarily stop all transmissions in the affected area, and will destroy any non specially hardened electronics in the area (hardened against nuclear blast or EMP bombs, not simply sheilded against strong interference)
This ability can be used as an AoE style attack with a radius of 60 feet from his body in all directions, or as a cone attack up to 120 feet.
Using this power drains sunders energy supply, leaving him unable to use any of his powers for a few minutes and leaves him a little winded.

Tertiary : Electric discharge: Instead of releasing a burst of energy in a wide field like his jamming or a near field like the EMP blast he can keep the energy tightly contained causing an electric arc with a range of a couple feet from his person. He can control the amperage of the discharge with effort, but it is not precise sometimes causing a result much different from what he desires. As such he cannot rely on this power to be a low amperage tazer like attack as it can very easily be a lethal amount. Use of this power is highly draining leaving him unable to use another power for a few minutes and in need of a breather.

Drawbacks/Weaknesses : All his powers use the same supply of energy he naturally builds up, using this energy has negative effects ranging from feeling tired to dizzy and disorientated.

How do you believe this character's powers will further develop in the future? Eventually he should develop the ability to control when his power gets switched on and off and even the ability to tune what frequency range he outputs on which will significantly reduce the amount of energy his power requires.

Background: Growing up in Chicago along lake shore drive was great. Awesome food, music, and always something to do close by. It was in this environment he lived his first 20 years, kept a clean record and had just somewhat worse than normal luck with electronics despite his interest in computers.
When he left for college he decided to take up a scholarship offer at New York state, it was a great opportunity since they had a great computer science program, and they got him into an internship program with a major bank.
This is where the trouble began. A good course load, with working hours on the side far from home, family and friends was stressful to say the least. His usual kinda bad luck with various electronics started to become an epidemic. Alarm clocks seemed to be dying, no matter what radio he tried to use he'd end up with static over the music, his workstation started fritzing out.
If that wasn't enough then the headaches started, he tried to fight through them, but everything seemed to be getting worse. To top it all off he was barely getting through the day, hardly able to get home before collapsing of exhaustion. Of course his performance and school and work slipped, and it was starting to look like he might loose both. He took a week off to try to recoup, relax and try to find out where things were going wrong.
He left New York for a few days out of the city, some quiet hills on the west side of the state where he could collect himself. It was here he started to find an answer because away from the noise of the city he noticed the strange hum coming from his car speakers whenever he got near the car, and similar results from the portable stereo he had taken along for the trip. By the end of the week he learned about the field of electromagnetic interference he was releasing around himself, and soon after that he found a place that could help and enrolled in cobalt.

Quirks/Extras (Special skills, links, etc.): He usually carries a small mp3 player inside a pocket or strapped to his arm, attached to that is a set of ear buds with one bud wire snipped off. The purpose of which is that if he starts hearing static he knows he has started leaking interference and needs to get it under control. A number of other electronic devices are almost always on his person, almost certainly a technology addict.
His skills are primarily related to computers and electronics, mostly gained during his years of installing car stereos as a part time job. On top of that he does have some combat skills from various barroom brawls and time out on the rifle range with his grandpa. Lastly his lifelong BBC addition has left him with an odd speech pattern throwing in British slang almost randomly.
More combat orientated life in the chicago punk and metal scenes left him as a fairly competent brawler, survivor of many a barroom scuffle. Mostly giving friends a hand, and showing members of various supremacist groups how welcome they were in his favorite hangouts. His grandfather on his mothers side had left communist russia, slipped through east germany into freedom in the west, taking with him a few stories not to share and an appreciation of a clean shot, a skill taught to young malcom over the course of a few summers down at the rifle range. His time with the team has only honed his skills, while by no means a world class marksman he has proven capable of taking down opponents when needed.
The old SKS he used to keep handy has been replaced with a M21, kept near his team gear, along with a Jehrico handgun. The usual team assortment of tazers, flashbangs and mace is tucked into the backpack as well.
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