Cavan Campbell - Cobalt

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Cavan Campbell - Cobalt

Post by Russell »

Player Nickname: Russell

Name: Cavan Campbell
Codename: Cobalt
Age: 20
Date of Birth: August 10th

Height: 6'2"
Weight: 187lbs
Hair Color: Jet Black
Eye Color: Cobalt Blue
Place of Origin: Vancouver, Canada
Nationality/Race: Human, Caucasian
Classification/Origin of Powers: Mutant

Status: Trainee
Occupation: Student ( College / University )

Personality Profile: Cavan is a strong, confident type guy. Often trying to please everyone around him and would give his seat up on a bus for an elderly. Holding onto a silly code of chivilary in these times, but believes that goodness can start from the smallest of lights.

Physical Description: Athletic, short hair. A textured hair style that can be styled with either a faux hawk, a preppy sweep at the front or a messy spikey look. Though caucasian he has natural dark skinned for a caucasian. Like most men of scottish decent. An athletic build that's in average proportion to his height. Eyes have a soft cobalt blue glow to them. A tattoo of the Canadian Flag is upon his right bicep.


Powerset: Cobalt Dimensional Energy - An alternate dimension composed of energy that is mentally linked to Cavan, this energy consists of a high static, low shock form of electricty coupled with highly kinetic energy that when focused can apply concussive force upon impact of a target / location. The energy can be used in various methods and means. ( Listed Below )

Cobalt Offensive: The energy that Cavan taps into is called Cobalt Energy because of it's blue color. This energy can be released from his body in the forms of concussive blasts and kinetic bombs. The energy has a concussive force equal to 10 tons of force while the static that hisses and crackles around the energy has a chance to disrupt minor electronics such as cameras, cellphones, ipods, and electronic locks. Upon impact with flesh, the effect felt would be like getting a shock from a metal chair but with an explosive force of heatless energy. Often resulting in a temporary stun if the head is hit.

Cobalt Defensive: Energy fields can be thrown up around himself and be held on for a period of 15 minutes in total length of time. This energy field acts like a kinetic barrier by stopping all projectiles coming at it, at the same time it's static charge can cause bullets, explovies and other gunpowder based products to explode upon impact with the shield. Sending shrapnel from the contents everywhere. This energy field surrounds Cavan with an additional distance 12 inches. This field is resistant of pressure equalling up to 10 tons of physical force. When the energy field is to be released, he must send the field off his body as either a large projectile or off his person in a 3 meter radial explosion. ( If projected off his body as a projectile attack, same radius with 10 tons of force or depending on how weak he has become from holding the shield up. )

Cobalt Supportive: When encased in a field of Cavan's energy he is capable of flight for up to 15 minutes. Moving at a speed of 90kmph. While in flight he is not able to release additional energy as his focus will be on maintaining his flight. If he wishes to land he either needs to crash into the ground, which can cause an explosion of energy. ( 3 meters + force of how tired he is. ) This consumes the most energy from him and often leaves him very drained.

Drawbacks & Weaknesses: After over exerting himself his body will often hiss and crackle similar to the sounds of static electricity on a plastic slide. Touching metal or people often results in a quick static charge that hurts but no more then a common static shock. Annoying more then anything. Ontop of this, like the majority of mutants who rely on psychic powers - Cavan will often suffer from headaches or a bleeding nose if he over exerts himself. Maintaining a connection via an energy field is very draining on his mentallity and sometimes follows with increased emotional heights. ( Easy to annoy, argumentative. )

Projected Power Growth & Development: Through training and learning to tap into the Cobalt Dimension his powers will increase in strength and develope new ways of using the energy in this other dimension. Possibly developing a form of teleportation that slingshots him from one point to another. Through mental training and focusing his mind his duration of power use would increase and the side effects be less or more severe depending on how his powers are used.

Skills: An exceptional athlete, excelling in Hockey. A sturdy structure and knowing how to keep his balance well if struck by large objects ( or people within reasonable weights. ) Your typical jock, good at most sports. No outside fight training besides wrestling which he had learned in highschool.

Background: Cavan Campbell was the first born son to William Campbell, a member of the Vancouver Police Department and Alice MacGrath - Campbell, a highschool physical education teacher. When Cavan was 5 years old his parents gave birth to his first brother, well twins. Aiden and Marek. The twins were not indentical but more opposites it seemed. While Aiden was fairly pale in skin, his hair was dark brown while his brother was dark skinned with pale hair. The obvious sign that Marek was a mutant was due to the fact he grew white hair by the age of 3. As for Cavan, he was a good boy in the sense that he knew what it meant for his family. Such a mature, strong mind so early was a welcome gift to his parents as they struggled with bringing up the twins. By the time Cavan turned 10, his parents had a little girl. At this same time William Campbell, Cavan's father was coaching hockey for the youth on his spare time. Cavan of course was one of the first kids enrolled. Not because his father was the coach but because he was always with his Dad when he watched hockey or went to a game. Cavan was shown to be his father's favourite for reasons unknown to Cavan at the time.

By the time Cavan turned 15 his family would split and Cavan went with his father. Occasionally he got to see his brothers, up until his mutation manifested itself. This is the story of that occurance and day. When walking his brothers home from camp in the summer. A man drove up to them and told the boys that he was a police officer with their Dad and that they needed to come with him. Cavan was skeptical but his brothers insisted on going with the man and so they did. A mistake that Cavan still holds to himself to this day. The man took the boys, kidnapped them. Drove far away and kept them apart from eachother. As Cavan was in a basement he could hear the sounds of his brothers crying while he was chained up in the basement. Struggling to get free, his anger sparked new life into him. As he continued to struggle he began to hear the hissing and popping of electricty. Like static, his mind so focused he didn't concieve of what was going on until he felt the wall behind him explode and the chains drop from around his hands. Freeing him, as he turned to look at the wall he saw a large crater in the thick concrete. Cavan didn't think about it, though shocked he had one goal.... Find his brothers. With that he ran for the doors as several armed men came running down the stairs and Cavan through his hands up. " Please! Let me see my brothers!" As the men continued forward Cavan began to yell, scream at them until the sound came again. A hissing with pop's and crackle's as this sounded the next thing he saw were large energy blasts pushing off from his arms and into the group of men. Sending them flying back up the stairs, through the door and hitting the walls and into the hall way like overflowing water. "No...not me too.." he said as he then ran up the stairs looking around. " Marek?! Aiden!?" he called as he searched the house frantically. Cavan ran around fast until he came into a room with several screens and it was clear his brothers were not at the house. " No.... What did I do?" He said as tears began streaming down his face. Cavan dropped to the ground, knees having buckled as he began crying. Sad, angry, scared and hating himself for not telling his brothers no. It all seemed so real. Finally Cavan found a phone and called 9-1-1 and contacted his father telling him what happened. No ransom was ever given and to this day his brothers are still missing.

As the years went by, Cavan began to focus on training himself to use his gifts. Keep them hidden mostly, specially during the sports he later tried to enroll in. Eventually he became a enforcer in hockey, joined the wrestling team. Even started playing rugby and football. William noticed Cavan was beginning to get more violent but he didn't know what to do. The violence was kept in check through sports but he hit harder then alot of other people and even with wrestling. It seemed he was trying to hurt the kids by slamming them down on the ground or trying to make them submit. When Cavan became 18 he took off for Salem on a hockey scholarship and would hopefully be joining the college team while learning about criminal law. Wanting to become a cop like his father in hopes it might lead him to find his brothers. While here in Salem, Cavan got a tip from his father that his brothers were in the city somewhere. That the people who had Cavan were actually located centrally in the USA and that they had one boy for sure but which one was undertimined. Samantha, Cavan's sister was with her Mom. In a wittness protection problem, Cavan and his father refused. Never telling Cavan's mom what he was but his father knew.

2 years have passed as Cavan has been searching for his brothers. Everytime he got closer he got pushed away, finally he thought about getting help. Talking with his father, he was told to enlist in a school for people like himself. One, they could provide the training and knowledge he needs. Two they have the facilities to help aide him in what he needs and Three he'd be safe there. It was a stipulation his father finally made to his agreement of letting Cavan look on his own. A dangerous thing for a young man but it seemed everyone else had given up on them. Cavan agreed with his father and went looking for the place known as Cobalt Hill.

Criminal Record: None

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts: Though he is not legally of age to drink in the USA, he loved enjoying a beer with his friends and family while watching the game. A huge hockey and football fan his favourite teams are the Vancouver Canaucks and the B.C. Lions. Favourite beer is Molson Canadian, and yes he is very proud of being Canadian.
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Re: Cavan Campbell - Cobalt

Post by Remu »

If you're going to make a physics-driven character, know something about physics. I don't, but I know a shitton of people in the room who do, and you chose to ignore all the helpful advice you were given because you're terrible.

In conclusion:

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Re: Cavan Campbell - Cobalt

Post by Sisip »


The world is made up of stories, not atoms. ~Muriel Rukeyser
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Re: Cavan Campbell - Cobalt

Post by Jeem »

You're everything that is wrong with America.

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