We found Julie again!

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We found Julie again!

Post by Remu »

[13:04] <AnE> 6After a hearty breakfast of Fruity Pebbles and swedish fish, Seven decided that today would be a good day to get sewious. ... Serious. She was going to find Julie with or without anyone's help, and the woman was going to change her back. Slung over her shoulders was a pink plastic backpack, decorated with 101 Dalmations but stuffed to its limit. With what? Her bargaining chips. She hardly looked ready for action, seeing as how all of her action clothes were in the wash, dressed in a significantly frilly pink petticoat dress and black mary janes with white rose-patterned tights and a white jacket thrown over it, hair pulled into a pair of long pigtails. Jammed between her cheek and teeth was a lemon lollipop, her eyes narrowed sharply, tiny hands balled into tiny fists. The little girl looked about ready to kill someone.
[13:06] <Brad> "Hell, girl." 6Says Bill, as he spots mini-Seven marching off to war. 1"You look like you're about ready to kill somebody." 6He was leaning against the wall just outside of the food court entrance, smoking a cigarette, dressed much as usual. Flannel overshirt, white tee, ball cap, ratty jeans, and cowboy boots.
[13:10] <AnE> 14"What? Me?" 6When she was addressed, she jumped a little, turning to stare wide-eyed at Bill. D'aaaw. 14"Oh no. I just thought that today would be a good day to go looking for Julie..." 6Seven mumbled sheepishly, kicking at the ground and sliding her hands behind her back. As it turned out, she was really, really good at this. Had she been doing this before she was turned little? 14"If she is even still in the city, that is. I have her bribe here." 6A wittle hand reached 'round to pat her backpack.
[13:15] <Brad> "Well shit." 6Bill says, and then tosses his cigarette to the side. I'td burn out in the grass before catching anything on fire. 1"Let's go find 'er, then. Doubt your'e gonna need that bribe once I'm through with her." 6He pushes himself away from the wall, and smooths out the flannel overshirt he's wearing just a bit. 1"Where you plannin' on lookin'?"
[13:15] <AnE> 6Bill sets the entire courtyard on fire. EXCELLENT FIRST MONTH BRO.
[13:16] <vile> lmao
[13:18] <MarloCross> 2 For the frst time in a week, Marlo was up and about. Today, It was a light jog around the sanctum. Just enough to test his heart to see if it was any stronger. He had a heart monitor strapped to his belt, recording his heartbeats and making damn sure he didn't drop dead.
[13:18] <AnE> 6Tilting her head, Seven began to chew on her bottom lip, squinting in thought, 14"Crowley's Row, to start." 6She reached up and scratched lightly at the back of her head, beginning to shuffle off so they could go toward the parking garage. 14"We will take Gina's car, and-- oh, uhm... you know, if you could perhaps wait... see if Julie is agreeable to changing me before you smash her face in? I-I would appreciate that." 6The last thing they needed was for Bill to accidentally murder Julie by sending shards of nose-bone into her brain when he punched her out and have Seven wind up stuck as a five year old for the next year.
[13:19] <Shannon> cause after that she'll be six>>
[13:19] <AnE> 6Exactly.
[13:20] <Suzthulhu> 6Conveniently, Gina is fine with that borrowingher car thing and gives/gave Seven/Bill/whoever the keys.
[13:22] <AnE> 6Stop doing things that make sense. >:[
[13:22] <Suzthulhu> 6SORRY
[13:22] <Brad> "Yeah, yeah." 6He shrugs his shoulders, and then reaches for his pocket. Gina had given him her keys, under the condition that he not put a scratch on her car. He's fine with that. 1"C'mon, then, let's get this on' over with." 6He starts toward the parking garage, keepin a slow pace so Mini-Sev can keep up with him. 1"But if she don't respond to a bribe, I'm puttin' the hurt on 'er."
[13:22] <Brad> 16Even if she did, he was planning on it. Somebody like Julie was way too dangerous to leave running free like she is.
[13:23] <MarloCross> 5 She had to keep coming back every day to make her employer happy. Make sure she's Okay. Waiting outside the front gate, just hoping Seven would pop by. Given their working relationship, Seven might have an Idea that Solace was waiting for her. it was the girl's job. She rubbed at her eyes and waited, leaning against a mail box in the cool spring day. Her canvas hoddie was drawn
[13:23] <MarloCross> 5a bit tighter around her for warmth and her shorts were, today, a baggy pair of pants.
[13:26] <AnE> 6There were likely a few times when Seven did fall behind, but in those cases, she was content to teleport ahead to catch up and jog as quickly as her little legs would carry her. Given what had happened, she had some idea that Solace was around, but it wasn't much comfort. The girl, frankly, creeped her out a little. It wasn't like she needed watching, after all. She'd make sure to have a talk to Gideon after all of this was over, but for now, she was toddling after Bill, 14"Fair enough. I have been small for too long." 6But she did pause, 14"...uhh...do I need a carseat?"
[13:29] <Brad> "Nah, those're for like, little babies." 6Bill says, heading towards where Gina's car is parked. 1"You oughta be fine." 6He reaches Gina's Camaro, and gives it a brief once over. Well, it wasn't a truck, but it'd do. He unlocks the doors, and then moves over to the passenger side to open it up for Seven and help her in if she needs it. 1"Just buckle up." 6He says, then moves to settle
[13:29] <Brad> 6into the driver's side. He takes a moment to adjust the seat and mirrors after closing the door behind him.
[13:32] * Jeem (soundwave@z-35-79-06-596.hsd7.nj.comcast.net) has joined #Cobalt*Hill
[13:32] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Jeem
[13:32] * Shannon is now known as Julie`Leon
[13:32] <AnE> 6Oh well. She'd just ride invisible with a seatbelt so Bill didn't get pulled over or anything. That'd work. Hopefully he was a careful driver. Shrugging, she climbed in (with assistance, because she was tiny.), and buckled up for safety. The truth was, she could have probably used a booster seat, but with any luck they'd be fixing that problem shortly and she wouldn't need one on the way back! Her backpack was placed in her lap and clutched tightly as she looked out the window, toes tapping together. 14"Here is hoping."
[13:35] <Brad> 6Seat and mirrors adjusted, he guns the engine and buckles up himself. He pulls out of the garage, and starts down the road toward downtown Salem, their first, and hopefully only destination, being the Crowley's Row district. He doesn't bother messing with the radio, or anything, and he drives pretty safe, not tearing ass like some might. 1"So whattaya want me t'do, huh? Hang back or
[13:35] <Brad> 1what?" 6He asks Seven, still finding it odd, discussing strategy with a five year old.
[13:42] <AnE> 14"Uhh...you hold the money. So that she does not snatch it and run before I'm fixed." 6Because muscling a backpack full of cash away from a tiny little girl was like taking candy from a baby, especially when Julie had the capability to turn her into a baby. When they pulled away from the sanctum and she saw that familar hoodie-clad figure, she waved. Was it a 'follow' wave or just a hello? Hard to tell. She turned to look at Bill again, squinting in thought, 14"And... if she tries anything funny, knock her out. When this is all over and I am fixed, you will be compensated."
[13:43] <MarloCross> 5 Seeing the car Pull out, Solace could just barely make out the top of Seven's widdwe head and her wave. Slipping behind the mailbox, Solace slipped into her Void and slid into the back seat behind Bill's seat-Unless of course some one was directly looking back there. In which case she'd settle for the trunk-save for the possibility of a huge sub-woofer in the trunk. If that happened,
[13:43] <MarloCross> 5she was screwed. But, should she get into the back seat, Solace would shuffle to the middle, buckle up and say," Got tired of Kindergarten?"5 She rubs her eyes as her cool voice quips.
[13:44] <Brad> "You are one weird, weird little girl." 6Bill says, not noting the wave, but then HOLY SHIT SOMEONE JUST APPEARS IN THE BACKSEAT WHAT! He practically swerves off the road, and brings the car to a screeching halt. 1"WHAT THE GODDAMN FUCK." 6He yells, heart doing somersalts in his chest.
[13:48] <AnE> 6Seven opened her mouth to speak, likely to protest her 'little girl' status, but was promptly cut off, not by Solace's sudden appearance but by Bill swerving and stopping. Her tiny form was thrown forward, and thank god for seatbelts, because she came about an inch away from smashing her head on the glovebox or whatever. Now, however, she was teetering on the edge of her seat, staring blankly down at the ground with half-lidded eyes, 14"...One. Solace, don't ever do that again. Two, Bill, she is aaaaaa...friend. I apologize for....that" 6The term was used very, very loosely.
[13:48] <AnE> 14"...shouldaboughtafuckin'carseat." 6She muttered under her breath a moment later.
[13:50] <MarloCross> 5 Fingerless gloved hands grabbed the back of the seats ahead of her as the car swerved. She was normaly very cold and lacking emotional reaction. But a Camaro Fishtail was an exception. Instantly she thought I am NOT getting paid enough for this shit. Second, she turned her suprised face to Seven," You do It all the time. Why is it so freaky when I do it?"5 Ah, the plight of the
[13:50] <MarloCross> 5socialy awkward
[13:54] <Brad> "WELL JESUS FUCKIN' CHRIST!" 6Bill yells, giving Seven a chance to get back in her seat like a normal person. 1"Do I gotta pop the trunk and make sure there's no fuckin.... ewoks or some shit back there?" 6He turns in his seat to glare at the newcomer, and then puts the car back in drive. 1"Fuckin' hell, couldn't just fuckin' ask me to stop so y'could get in? Jesus fuckin' Christ."
[13:54] <Brad> 16He continues to grumble, and then starts back down the road. Thankfully for his hide, he'd managed to stop short without suddenly ramming into a high shoulder, or a wall, so Gina's car is still perfectly safe. He continues down the road, and drive drive drives on into Salem, hopefully without further insane interruption.
[13:54] <AnE> 6SUDDENLY...!!!
[13:55] <AnE> 14"Because A, I usually only do it to people who know me, B, because when you scare someone into nearly crashing the chances of death increase by forty percent, and C, because you are freaky." 6The sound of five-year-old-Seven's irritation was borderline comical, even with the deadpan way she spoke, slowly sitting upright and adjusting the seatbelt which had dug into her shoulder enough to leave a mark. There was pouting and sulking and rubbing of the afflicted area with lots of mumbling in between as they drove off into Salem without hitting any wandering elk.
[14:02] * Julie`Leon just why was Julie so horrifically idiotically still in town? Really! She must be seriously stupid to still be hanging around this dump of a town filled with bad memories and worse mistakes, especially with all that she's done. All those chances, chances many felt were undeserved. And what does Julie do with that mercy? She goes and blows it on one drunken loss of temper. Though
[14:02] * Julie`Leon Julie honestly felt that the little albino devil deserved every bit of it. But Julie had to correct her accidents. The age manipulator did have some small amount of honor in that demented mind of hers. Some shred of compassion and regret in that dark, crusty little nugget that passed as her heart. She liked Gabe! That had to account for something? At least proof that Julie was capable
[14:02] * Julie`Leon of some variety of positive emotions. And yes, still being in Salem may be 4STUPID, yes. In all caps with a big bolded red S, but Julie was still a master of disguise, what with being able to change her age like she can. A little borrowed from there, a smidge given there, and some contacts and dyed hair (ha Julie ryhmes!) And viola! New looks. Now she just needed some way of contacting
[14:02] * Julie`Leon The Sanctum without getting locked away in those dank cells beneath the Sanctum for several life sentences - and that would be several life sentenses that she actually could serve yet too. Shudder. As for where she was? Random coffee house in Crowley's, sipping the namesake beverage and scowling at some mangey raven that she would swear was stalking her...
[14:05] <MarloCross> 5 Normaly that would have hurt a person's feelings. Solace, however, had no real emotional connection to Seven outside of her debt to Gideon and thus was bound to protect the tiny tiefling teleporter from total terror." Fine"5 She said, sitting back. She looked at Bill and said," Sorry."5 Not sounding if she truely meant it, like a child being forced to apologize.
[14:06] <Brad> 6After carving a swath through a roaming herd of caribou, Bill pulls up to a metered spot in Crowley's Row. Fortunately, it's Sunday, and meters aren't running, so they can park as long as they want. 1"Alright, no more fuckin' surprises, okay?" 6He glares at both Mini-Sev AND Solace in the backseat, and then cuts the engine after putting the vehicle in park. 1"I'm only here 'cuz she's
[14:06] <Brad> 1fuckin' adorable, and that's like some kryptonite shit." 6He jerks his thumb in Wee Lil' Seven's direction, and then starts unbuckling his belt. After a moment, he reaches over to help unbuckle Seven's belt as well, since SHE IS SO LITTLE. 1"So no more people... appearin' out o' thin air like this is th' goddamn Ghostbusters. I am NOT in the mood for this shit." 6With that, he pockets
[14:06] <Brad> 6the keys and then exits the vehicle, slamming the door just a bit too hard behind himself.
[14:06] * Angel`Pearson (Mibbit@m-97-143-211-51.hsd2.ct.comcast.net) Quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
[14:09] <AnE> 6Haha. Alliteration am awesome. And fuck yeah parking. They managed to not get pulled over, Bill escaping a lecture from a cop about why his daughter should be in the back seat and accident rates and all that shit, Seven gladly accepting the help with unbuckling her seatbelt so that she could roll out of the car. Bill was given an apologetic stare complete with giant Puss in Boots eyes as she dragged her backapack out, shut the door, and hopped up onto the sidewalk, 14"No more, I pwomise. Come on, Solace." 6For old times sake! It was followed up by a huge, saccharine smile. A random couple passing by glanced down at the tiny albino, the woman cooing about how she wants one, before complimenting Bill on his adorable spawn.
[14:10] <Brad> "She ain't mine! Fuck off!" 6Bill responds.
[14:12] <MarloCross> 5 Solace was the type of mutant to ALWAYS use her powers. So when the others had exited the car, she slips into her void and popps up where no one was looking, then walks to the others. Tucking her hands in her pockets after rubbing at her eyes-she hated contacts-Solace started to look around for this Julie girl, while muttering about the woman under her breath," So we're cute as kids
[14:12] <MarloCross> but dangerous as adults...that's retarded."
[14:15] <Brad> "Don't even try that shit on me right now." 6He points his finger at Seven as she puts that big ol' sweetheart smile on. 1"Let's just find this bitch so I can forget this whole goddamn thing ever happened. And you..." 6He points at Solace, eyes narrowed. 1"You stay where I can fuckin' see you."
[14:16] <AnE> 6Seven shuffled along, rather confident about her cuteness as an adult, too, even if she could be dangerous. Today just wasn't Bill's day, as he became the random recipient of comments about his precious kidlet or how amazing it was to see a responsible single father, etc etc. Meanwhile, tiny Sev struggled with her backpack, blinking just a little as Bill pointed at her. Erk. Her tail swiftly fell between her legs, gaze dropping to the ground below. 14"...sorry." 6She looked around, squinting, having no idea that she was looking for a completely different-looking woman now.
[14:22] <Ahriman> Hayden, stuck in some other city for business, decides that on a break for lunch, he finally has time to try to contact Julie. Not wanting his associates to be aware of any of his side-dealings, he opts for a text. ~It's Hayden. Need your services. Name your price.~ The message was short and sweet, but given the deager's disappearance, he wasn't even sure if she still had a phone. But the
[14:22] <Ahriman> more he went on, the more his need to have her in some form of his custody was going to be necessary.
[14:26] <MarloCross> 5 She didn't say anything, just gave him an icey stare in return. She wanted to tell him that her powers were dependant on a lack of perception, but that would mean having a conversation with another being about herself and her weaknesses, and that was frowned on. She reached into her coat and put on her sunglasses, a cheap pair you'd get at a 7-11. She wanted to keep low. It was only
[14:26] <MarloCross> 5safe.
[14:27] <Brad> 6Bill trudges along with.
[14:32] * Julie`Leon alas! Julie didn't have that phone with her anymore. In her haste to not be ofund out unless she wanted to be, Julie got a new one with a whole new number and everything. At least there was that much of a smart move on her part. Maybe she'd phone him once the heat died down. Rid of the old one, Julie knew all about technopaths, ornithopathy on the other hand... Julie had no clue
[14:32] * Julie`Leon about that and eyed the last spot she'd seen that raven. It was gone now. Maybe she just imagined it. Afterall Ravens were fairly common around Salem. She was relieved and continued sipping that coffee, at the moment she was no longer silver haired nor in her teens. Her new look was blonde and early twenties. The cafe was a popular enough spot, members of the sanctum came here, she could
[14:32] * Julie`Leon ambush one and give a message, threaten if thet tried anything funny... but no, that would cause more strikes... She was hopeless...
[14:38] <MarloCross> 5 After a bit of wandering with the others, Solace breaks the silence and mutters," So do we have an idea of where to look? Cause I have nothin'"5 She looked about for...nothing. She knew what Julie looked like...kind of. It was hard to remember as Solace had mace in her eyes.
[14:40] <AnE> 6Hopeless Julie was hopeless! ANd determined Seven was determined. She rose up onto the tips of her toes and peered into windows, 14"She has silver hair..." 6Usually. It had not yet popped into her head that Julie might have finally tried to change her appearance. But there were some things that didn't change. 14"I will check in here." 6She thumbed to the cafe and stepped up inside, the little bell ringing as she entered, 14"I need to use the bathroom anyway." 6Curse her five-year-old bladder. And, at least the first time, she completely overlooked Julie.
[14:41] <Brad> 6Bill follows into the cafe after Seven, holding the door for the tagalong Solace as well. 1"Fine, go take your tinkly-winklies or whatever." 6He grunts, and then moves to the counter. So long as he's here, may as well get some coffee. There's no line at the moment, thankfully, so he sidles on up to the counter and orders, quite loudly, a BLACK COFFEE, NONE OF THIS FROU FROU MOCHIATTO
[14:41] <Brad> 6CRAP.
[14:42] <Suzthulhu> 6Six hipsters look up at Bill and continue talking about some band no one's ever heard of.
[14:46] * vile|shower is now known as vile
[14:51] <MarloCross> 5 Slipping in, keeping her head low, Solace would wait until Bill got his order before walking up and getting something herself. It was a cold drink, huge and covered in chocolate and caramel. Paid. Grab. Staw. Drink. Frappe'? It's a fucking Shake. But Bill already made a scene with his coffee thing. She went and sat down near Bill, simply to keep close as he asked. She glanced
[14:51] <MarloCross> 5around, taking her sunglasses off and rubbing her eyes with a groan.
[14:52] * Julie`Leon hopeless and lazy, well not lazy just showing some semblance of smartness by not arriving at the Sanctum. They'd hit her with everything before she got two words out! Feh! She couldn't attempt a peaceful surrender or trucing with the ammount of violent knuckleheads living there. Especially the trigger happy ones and the ugly freaks. Yes. She's referring to Marlo, Conrad, and Kevin.
[14:52] * Julie`Leon And speak of the devil (she looked like one yet too!) Julie spotted the miniature seven wandering in. At least she hoped it was Seven and not that there were two of them... She rose from her seat and would follow the little albino girl. 1"Lost, little one?" 6She said in a familair voice.
[14:52] * Suzthulhu nods
[14:53] <Brad> 6Meta
[14:54] <Brad> 6Bill gets his coffee, but he's keeping an eye on Seven as she heads over to the little girl's room. He spots the woman approaching her, but right now, he doesn't know her from Adam. Or... Eve, rather. Regardless, he's got no clue who she is, but he keeps an eye on the two of them anyway.
[14:58] <Suzthulhu> 6The MMA studio was usually closed on Sundays, but Gina gave private lessons for groups of students competing in tournaments to help them prepare for the more intense types of action they'd be facing in the ring. That's where she is now, perched on the back of a fold out chair, feet in the seat, watching a couple of her best students square off against one another. "Yep, that's it. Keep
14:58] <Suzthulhu> your hands up, both of you. You let your face out from behind your arms and it's going to come out bloody and broken. I didn't keep my good looks by letting some bitch put her fist through my nose. Use your feet, come on!" 6She's dressed in loose fitting shorts with her name across the waistband, a sports bra, bare feet, and her hands are wrapped for sparring. "Now hit him like you mean
[14:58] <Suzthulhu> it! Go, go go! YES! Perfect!" 6She whoops and jumps down from her perch, bouncing on her toes and cheering as one student sweeps low and takes the other one down. "That's what I want to see Wednesday night, just like that. They've got no chance at all if you move like that. Great job."
[15:04] * vile is now known as vile|work
[15:05] <AnE> 6Julie just followed Seven into the bathroom and that isn't weird at all. At least she took care of her bladder! Oh, man, she felt so tiny all of a sudden. 14"...uh." 6Bug-eyed, the little albino stared up at the woman. That voice. That face. Even if she was older, one generally looked at least a little similar. AND THAT VOICE. 14"Heeeeey... Julie. Just the person I was hoping to run into! Isn't this a pleasant coincidence!" 6She tittered nervously. Oh god.
[15:08] * Angel`Pearson (Mibbit@m-97-143-211-51.hsd2.ct.comcast.net) has joined #Cobalt*Hill
[15:08] * Julie`Leon at least she didn't follow into the stall cause that is more than more than 4C-R-E-E-P-Y1"Yes. I've been meaning so seek you out and right a wrong."
[15:09] <Julie`Leon> ack enter!>>
[15:10] * vile|work (vile@624-72-14-40.lightspeed.stlsmo.sbcglobal.net) Quit (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)
[15:11] <MarloCross> 5 Well Solace damn well knows who it is. Without so much as a facial twitch, Solace gets up and slips away from the table, leaving her drink." I'll be right back."5. She steps to the bathroom door and stands waiting, listening. It wasn't a superpower, realy. She just, listened through the door to what the two were saying in there. If she could. Meanwhile, she let a length of chain,
[15:11] <MarloCross> 5about a foot, snake out of her sleeve like a tendril of cold iron links...
[15:12] * Julie`Leon at least she didn't follow into the stall cause that is more than more than 4C-R-E-E-P-Y 1"Yes. I've been meaning so seek you out and right a wrong." 6You rude little freak. 1"I've been looking for a way to find you to correct my little error. And here you are." 6Seven was nevous. Goood... Very very good. 1"I want to correct my wrong and get out of this (*crossaint*)
[15:12] * Julie`Leon 1place just as much as your lot never wants to see me again. So. I'm going to not only fix you but make you whatever age you want, and then get out of here no trouble. Do we have a deal?" 6She said nothing about payment, and yes there was some fear in the form of she's gonna phase my brains out.
[15:14] <Brad> 6Bill doesn't quite like this, strange woman following a little girl into the bathroom and all. And then the even creepier one gets up all suspicious like to start listening in at the door. Bill may not be the brightest bulb in the chandelier, but he can put two and two together as well as anybody. He reaches into his pocket and flips open his phone (Bill can't afford some fancy pants
[15:14] <Brad> 6smartphone), and hastily taps out a text.
[15:18] <AnE> 14"That, too, is a pleasant coincidence, because I was...uh... hoping to apologize." 6Well, if she was going to give in that easily. Seven always did prefer to resolve situations peacefully when possibly, even if a wrecking crew was waiting to pummel Julie into next Sunday. And if she wasn't asking for payment...weeeell. Touching a finger to her lips, she squinted, her tail flicking from side to side behind her, 14"What I said was... said out of frustration. And even though you did hurt my family, I was wrong to say something so insensitive. So if... you really plan to fix things, I will accept your willingness to turn me back to my correct age of nineteen years and I will tell no one about you being here." 6Of course, she hadn't thought about the whole 'WHY'RE YOU SUDDENLY THE RIGHT AGE' thing sparking suspicion, but she hesitantly reached a hand out regardless.
[15:20] <Suzthulhu> 6Gina hears her phone go off, even amidst the grunts and other sounds of full contact combat going on in front of her. "Take five guys, I need to check this." 6The students back off from one another and go to get some much needed hydration while she fishes her phone out of her gym bag. Swiping one finger across the screen, she reads the text and presses her lips together in a thin line.
[15:20] <Suzthulhu> 6Waving her hand to get the group's attention, she announces, "Alright, sorry, but we're gonna have to cut it a few minutes short today. I need to go help a friend with something pretty urgent. Yeah yeah, you'll be fine. Just do some light interval training for the next couple days and chow down on some lean protein Tuesday night. See you guys there!" 6She drops her phone back in her bag
[15:20] <Suzthulhu> 6and sets about wiggling her toes into her black Vibrams. Once that's done, she pulls on a white sweatshirt with black claw marks across the back: the studio's logo. Since Bill has her car, she'll have to hoof it, Tony having given her a ride earlier, but it's just a few blocks away, so no big deal. Grabbing her bag, she makes sure the studio is locked up after the last student leaves and
[15:20] <Suzthulhu> 6then sets out at a brisk jog toward the address Bill had given her.
[15:23] <MarloCross> 5 When Solace heard Seven say that last line, she contemplated stepping away, but decided to wait untill it sounded like all was good and right before she did so. She looked back at Bill and gave him a thumbs up, her chain slipping back into her sleeve to nowhere.
[15:24] * Julie`Leon smirked that horrible smirky smile. Seven apologized. Lovely. Julie was even steepling her fingers. 1"That's it, just nineteen? Don't want anything extra?" 6Then without waiting for an answer she nodded. 1"Alright. But call off your hounds, your squids, your birds, whatever freakish beasts the sanctum is trying to tail me with and you'll be the right age with me out of your
[15:24] * Julie`Leon 1hair. You could even teleport us someplace else and then come back here alone , hmm?" 6She would reach to take a hand and do some age switchin's whether seven was prepared or not, she wanted this overand done with andthen hiding time!
[15:26] <Brad> 14"Yeah, thumbs up to you too, y'creepy little fuck." 6Bill mutters under his breath as he pockets his phone again. He doesn't trust whoever the hell this tagalong is, and he sure as hell doesn't trust whoever the hell's in the bathroom with Seven. If it's the person he assumes it is, they wanted her brought back, regardless of whether she fixes shit or not. He's tempted to go ahead and
[15:26] <Brad> 6turn sand, but it's still... too public for him. Instead, he sips his coffee and waits for Gina, and whomever else, to show up. Maybe he can just duck out one the proper 'authorities' are here, and avoid getting tangled up. But then, he thinks to himself, he may be the only one of them that could conceivably be immune to her power. CONUNDRUM.
[15:29] <Suzthulhu> 6It doesn't take her long at that pace to get to the block with the coffee shop on it. She stops and pulls her phone out again, sending a text to EVERYONE. ~Found Julie. <ADDRESS GIVEN> Going to try to bring her in, but I don't think she's going to come quietly. Need come backup.~ 6She's not stupid. She's even got her earbud, which she pulls out of her bag and slips into her ear, checking
[15:29] <Suzthulhu> 6her coms. "Doppleganger here, anyone on the line?" 6Slowing to a brisk walk, she shoulders her bag again and heads for the coffee shop, pushing the door open and stepping inside. As though she's just casually here, she flips a wave to Bill. "Hey, Bill. Wrecked my car yet?"
[15:36] <AnE> 6Seven felt absolutey dirty for considering that she'd help hide Julie anywhere, but...ugh. The truth was, the farther away from them that the woman was, the better. It looked like she was going to have to do some lying. 14"No. I only want to be my correct age." 6Her eyes widened a little as Julie took her hand and she felt the years rushing by! Sort of. She got taller! Sort of. She got-- oh, goddammit. The fact that she forgot a change of clothes was hammered into her head when she heard a series of loud RRRRIIIIIIPS and tears and shredding. Fuck. 14"Let's go." 6Still with the woman's hand, she looked around -- there was a small open window in the bathroom. Perfect! In the blink of an eye, the two of them would vanish. When they reappeared, they'd be on a rooftop, several blocks away. With a gasp, she released Julie's hand, pointing at the woman and narrowing her eyes sharply, 14"Don't make me regret this." 6How she got down was up to her! Since it was an apartment building, her chances were good. When Seven finally reappeared in the bathroom, she stumbled into a trashcan, which fell over noisily. "erk."
[15:36] <Brad> "What? No." 6Okay so he ALMOST did, but he didn't. He sounds vaguely offended. 1"It's parked right out front." 6He gestures with his free hand toward the front door, and then takes a sip of his coffee. He wordlessly glances toward the bathroom, where Solace is listening in through the door, and then looks back to Gina.
[15:36] <MarloCross> 2 Marlo stops dead in his tracks and checks the text with a groan. More action and he's benched untill he got a clean bill of health from Gains's folks. He realy wanted to answer and try to sneak out, but he needed to be more responsible." I'm on, Doppleganger. You might have to field this one alone."2 THen he blurts out," You think it'll get hairy enough where you'll need me, just
[15:36] <MarloCross> lemme know."2 And I'll get my Mother, Sisip, My Girlfriend and Gains all barking up my ass for Jumping the Fence.5 Meanwhile, Solace was heading into the Men's room and slipping into a stall. A quick skip through her Void and Solace was now in the ladies room, inside a stall furthest from the duo.
[15:37] <AnE> 6The uno.
[15:38] <Brad> 6Meanwhile, in the men's room, Blatant Boy cries out. 1"Can't I even take a piss off site without this shit happening?!"
[15:39] <Suzthulhu> "Right." 6That was spoken into the comm, although it was a fitting response to Bill as well. She smirks at him, mouth opening to say something, when the sound of a clattering... trash can? Something from the ladies room interrupts her. With a glance to Bill, she barges into it, and spots Seven. At her right age. And alone. "Seven! You're... you!" 6And then, eyes narrowed, "Where. Is.
[15:39] <Suzthulhu> Julie."
[15:43] <Brad> 6Ah hell. The time for subtlety has long since passed, and Bill's never been much for subtle in the first place, so he barges right on in after Gina. 1"Hell's goin' o-" 6He spots Seven, now at her proper age, and still... wearing a dress intended for a five year old. 1"Goddamn." 6He says, very flatly, and stares for just a moment before backing out of the women's restroom again.
[15:43] <Brad> 6That's... a sight that'll stick with a guy.
[15:43] * Julie`Leon ah yes, the whole clothing thing. That always seemed to slip Julie'ss mind. And was always hillarious, though she had enough brains in her to not laugh at Seven's problem. And poof age fixed. Another poof, roof top. Another poof Julie was alone. And on a roof but it would be easy to get down... though by now the place would be swarming with those freaks...
[15:44] <AnE> 6OWOWOWOWOW. HRK. SHOES. With a pained whine, Seven dropped down onto her butt and pried the tiny patent leather shoe off of her feet, practically in tears. Then, Gina busted into the bathroom. WELL, THIS WAS AWKWARD. 14"Hi." 6After a pause, she blinked dumbly, then pointed toward the open window, wincing, 14"She ran." 6She fumbled with her busted jacket, slinging it across her chest as she worked on the other shoe, muttering to herself. Her face went beet red when Bill popped. Then out. 14"...better get her. 'fore she gets away." 6Mumble. Mumblemumble.
[15:44] <AnE> 6Popped IN. Derp.
[15:44] <Brad> 6Oh, Bill mighta popped, alright.
[15:45] <MarloCross> 5 Well she reaapeared too late. Popping from the stall, Solace looked at the most likely nakie Seven. Solace-for Gina's benifit- was short and kind of plain. She wore a black canvas hoodie with a floppy hood and long sleeves. Strands of strawberry blonde fell out from the hood, falling over green bloodshot eyes. Her boots were of a battered hiking variety, worn with her baggy pants
[15:45] <MarloCross> 5flopping over them. Meh, typical goth/skater emo-punk.
[15:47] <Suzthulhu> 6Gina had known Bill and Seven were going to look for Julie today, and that there'd be a chance she'd get a text if they found her, so she'd come marginally prepared. She drops her bag on the floor. "My team suit's in there. Put it on, now, and you're going to help me find her. No one else is available, and you can move faster than I can." 6She has a feeling Seven's going to have some
[15:47] <Suzthulhu> 6more explaining to do, but now isn't the time. Gina grabs her belt out of the bag and clips it around her waist. "Bill! I need your help! Seven, which way did she go?" 6Gina leans out the window and peers left, then right, squinting to look for Julie.
[15:51] <Brad> "Yeah. Help." 6Says Bill, mind still adjusting to WHAT HE'S JUST SEEN. As far as he'd known, Seven really was just a five year old girl. It wasn't until just now that he'd assumed anything different. Sorta thought the whole 'age changing' might have just been some weird prank, and he was just tagging along to keep the little girl out of trouble. But now. He glances back toward the ladies'
[15:51] <Brad> 6room, and then shakes his head. 1"Yeah. Yeah." 6He nods dumbly at Gina, and then clears his throat. He may be genuinely concerned that he's just become a pedo somehow, but that's a moral quandary for another day. 1"Whattaya need me t'do?" 6He asks, to take his mind off... THAT.
[15:55] <AnE> 6Seven also got the feeling that Seven was going to have some explaining to do one this was over and done with. For now, though, she stripped out of the ruined dress and dumped it in a nearby trashcan before fishing around in Gina's bag, grumbling to herself. Did she care about what was going to happen to Julie? Not likely. BUt she was fixed and that was what mattered to her. The uniform would be slipped on, hair pulled out of pigtails before she looked toward the window, 14"Uh. North?"
[15:59] <Suzthulhu> "Well..." 6Glancing back at Bill, she made a "come on" gesture with her hand. "If Julie touches you, you get either turned into what happened to Seven, or turned into a crotchety old fuck. I'm willing to bet she can't do that with sand, so... you get to help me round her up. Take one of these." 6She reaches into one of her belt pouches and pulls out a bracelet, an SND. "Soon as you
[15:59] <Suzthulhu> get a hand on her, slap this on her wrist. It's an SND, it'll shut her mutant powers down." 6Looking back at Seven, she starts to climb out of the window. "Or you could tell me where you took her." 6She's just guessing, but Gina's not dumb either. "Or at least tell me which building."
[16:04] <Brad> "Yeah.. alright." 6He looks from Gina to the other girl, the creepy one that had shown up in the backseat wearing the hoodie. Within moments, his own skin ripples and changes, turning gritty and brown, and soon enough he stands made completely out of sand. With luck, Gina's right, and she can't affect him like this. He sure as hell doesn't want to end up in diapers by the end of the day,
[16:04] <Brad> 6Huggies OR Depends. He ignores the stares from some of the normal folk in the cafe as best he can, though it's difficult for him, and barges his way outside, where thank god it isn't raining. He assumes the woman has to be nearby, and starts looking around wherever he can to try and find her, be it on the street, or up on the nearby fire escapes latticing the buildings on the block.
[16:04] <AnE> 14"Took-?" 6Seven feigned ignorance, still in a bit of pain from experiencing Chinese footbinding and having her clothes fucking explode. It made her lies a little less obvious. 14"She's prrrrrobably about a block or two north." 6Squinting, she cleared her throat, 14"Might be... coming down from a roof. Can't say for sure." 6Well, she didn't completely give away where Julie was, so their deal was still in-tact! Sort of. Besides, her apology had been genuine!
[16:05] <MarloCross> 5 Pulling out her burner phone, Solace dialed Gideon and waited for him to pick up," I'll let our friend know you're out of the woods, Seven."5 She knew she would eventualy. She watched Gina rooting around out the window. She just shook her head and walked from the bathroom, past Bill, answering her phone as she did," Hi...She's back to normal.....yessir."5 She stopped to grab her
[16:05] <MarloCross> 5drink as she hung her phone up. She turned to Bill and follows him out, but turns away," You guys need ta just let it go. She'll be gone before you can find her.
[16:06] <MarloCross> turns away to walk down the street**
[16:06] <Brad> "Nah, fuck you. She made my day weird as fuck. Now it's personal." 6He says to Creepy O'Hoodie.
[16:07] * Julie`Leon genuine apologies meant nothing when you turned rat! She would say pigeon but that would be an insult to her Gabey. All that mattered to Julie now was getting off that roof and to some real hiding. Down the fire escape she went and from there? Who knows!
16:09] <MarloCross> 5 She stopped and turned back to bill, Asking simply," You gonna kill her?"5 It was a weird inflection, belying a possible interest.
[16:09] <Suzthulhu> "Mmhmm." 6She gives Seven a 'we'll deal with this later' look, and then shoots a completely different look at Solace. "I suggest -you- keep walking, whoever you are. This is none of your business." 6Before she heads out, she grabs a spare com bud and tosses it to Bill. "If you can use this like that, here. Keep in touch with me. Codename is Doppleganger." 6And then Gina hoists herself
[16:09] <Suzthulhu> 6out the window, warping, rather, out onto the street. A block or two, Seven said. Well, that took no time at all to cover when you could move 100 feet at a time. She darts down the street, eyes scanning the rooftops and then down the alleyways as she passes them.
[16:11] <Suzthulhu> 6Er, before BILL heads out rather.
[16:12] <Brad> "No, I'm gonna put this... thing on 'er!" 6He waves the SND he'd been given. Then Gina gives him a comm, and he looks at it. He peers at it as it sits in his sandy palm, and then takes the chance and sorta... shoves it in where his earhole should be. 1"Hello? Testin'? Breaker breaker?" 6It... seems to be working, though there's a bit of interference due to his current molecular makeup.
[16:12] <Brad> 614"Goddamn weird fuckin' day people fuckin' turnin into babies and then boobs sproutin' out and weird fuckin' skate punks poofin' into cars and shit an' goddammit..." 6He mutters a string of curses that increases in intensity, creativity, and syntax as he starts running after Gina.
[16:13] <AnE> 6There was a slow nod of understanding directed to Solace. She was glad to be back to normal and was sure Gideon would be pleased, too. Brushing her hands off, Seven stepped out into the street, looking around. As it turned out, she was in no rush to search for Julie, surprise surprise! And the look that Gina gave her? Made her feel five years old again. She felt about as sheepish as she did when Sisip gave her that look. With a flick of her tail and a quiet mutter, she turned her gaze skyward, rolling her shoulders.
[16:14] <MarloCross> 5 To which Solace replied," Go fuck yourself, BullDike"
[16:19] * Julie`Leon she made someone's day weird. And that was bad enough to make it on their hit list. Not that julie had any knowledge of Grudgey McGrudgePants. You're a mutant! Get used to freakiness! That would bew what Julie would say had she known anything about the plots of his and his reasons for wanting her blood. MEDICRE. At least compaired to eceryone else who was after her blood. Julie
[16:19] * Julie`Leon would make a run for it now, knowing Seven hadn't ported her far enough, stupid tiefling! Ug, why did Nick have to go and get his brains scrambled, he held the best villain parties... But where would she go from here?...
[16:21] <Suzthulhu> "Hear you just fine... Sandstorm." 6She'd just sort of made that one up on the spot. It was fitting, though! "Seven said she might be coming down from a roof, so... you stay on this side, I'm going to cut through this alley to the other side, that way we ca-" 6And then, she spots a woman running after just coming down off a fire escape. Well, THAT doesn't look suspicious! "Shit, is
[16:21] <Suzthulhu> that her?" 6Has to be! Gina breaks into a dead run after Julie, bent on getting past and in front of her to, well... not touch her. At least hopefully get her to pause or stop or something so Bill can be the one that touches her.
[16:22] <MarloCross> 5 Solace would watch Bill, still sipping her drink untill eventualy, she just decided it was best to head out. Her job was done. And she had a wonderfull shake thing to enjoy. easiest money she'd made all week...
[16:25] <AnE> 6Seven glanced down at the tiny 101 Dalmations backpack that she'd been dragging with her. Welp, she supposed she could give this to Bill for payment for helping, since Julie never got the chance to take it. Everything went better than expected! Oh, wait, they were still chasing Julie. Dammit. Tail coiling around her waist, she began to casually saunter, walking, not teleporting in the direction where Gina went, melting into invisibility after a moment and sticking closer to the edges of the building. Solace, she figured, would take care of herself. And she'd get in touch with Gideon once all this craziness was over.
[16:26] <Brad> "What? Where?" 6Bill looks around, and then spots where Gina had gone to. He also spots, conveniently enough, a patch of sidewalk that had been torn up to be re-cemented. And underneath? Just a bed of sand as the foundation. 1"Lead 'er down here!" 6He calls through the earcomm, and heads for that sandy patch of public works laziness. His body disperses, driving down into the grit to
[16:26] <Brad> 6merge with it, leaving no trace of where he'd just been standing. Of course, there's nowhere for him to go, but this is as good a place as any to set up an ambush. He hopes. He hasn't really planned ahead much farther than this.
[16:29] * [Werk]Lanse is now known as Lanse
[16:30] * Julie`Leon Everything went better than expected for Seven that is. Not so much for Julie, but then the age manipulator should have REALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLY seen this coming. From miles and miles away no less! Ack! They caught up to her! And stupid stupid! she should have just caually wandered off after climbing down, or waited on the roof for a few hours. Make them think she already left.
[16:30] * Julie`Leon 1"Get away from me!" 6She screeched at Gina. 1"Why are you following me?!" 6Play dumb, maybe they'll fall for it. The fear though? That was real!
[16:35] <Suzthulhu> 6Gina skids to a halt and turns to face Julie. As Bill disappears into the sand behind Julie, Gina holds her hands up. "I just want to talk to you, Julie. You need to come with me. We need yout help to fix Seven." 6Two could play the dumb game. If Julie asked how Gina knew it was her, she'd have to make up something on the spot, but for now, she's trying to look non-threatening. Well,
[16:35] <Suzthulhu> 6trying.
[16:39] <Brad> 6Bill... waits. In the sand. Like... some kind of... viper. In.. the sand.
[16:39] <Julie`Leon> "Who's Julie? Who's Seven? get away from me!" 6She wasn't falling for the bait. She wasn't going to say I fixed Seven! 1"I'm not going with you anywhere!" 6The sand wasn't noted, a mistake on Julie's part? No not really, she may as well suspect the building's bricks, or the sky, of that (*sewage*) raven that kept making an appearance. Well, maybe not the same one, the birds looked
[16:39] <Julie`Leon> 6alike but she kept seeing and hearing one!
[16:41] <Suzthulhu> 6Gina takes a step forward, to hopefully intimidate Julie into stepping back or turning and running in Bill's direction. "Come on, Julie, don't make me do this the hard way."
[16:42] <Brad> 6Saaaaaaaaand.
[16:43] <AnE> 6Seven sort of... lingers nearby, invisibly. Watching, like a voyeur, but not moving because fuck if she's touching Julie again.
[16:46] * Julie`Leon she was stepping back, but glaring at Gina, her fingers were flexing, whether she wanted to strangle or youthenize were unknown. Or maybe she had a cramp. 1"If you're coming from the cafe you already know Seven no longer needs help anymore than the squid or that chicken woman do." 6At least she dropped the facade. 1"I fixed her. Let me be and I'll never darken your Sanctum;s
[16:46] * Julie`Leon 1precious halls again."
16:48] <Suzthulhu> "Then you also know that we can't just let you go." 6Facade dropped on her end too. Just a couple more steps.... is she fast enough to knock Julie down into the sand? Maybe. Gina will bide her time though, and continue to press Julie backwards.
[16:57] * Julie`Leon she really was the most evil person in the Cobalt Universe wasn't she? More evil than Musicman, more evil than That dude who made pulse from that lady, more evil than Pathogen, but it all could be forgiven if she turned Claude into a puppy. If only by merit of the AWWWWWWWW distraction giving her time to slip away into the night. She backed. 1"Everyting is as it hsould be let me
[16:57] * Julie`Leon 1go now!" 6Baaack.
[16:59] <Brad> 6And that's just close enough. The second that the back of her foot touches that patch of sand, Bill shoots back up out of it, reforming rapidly to grab the woman by one arm, and bring his other hand, still holding onto the SND, to her wrist. He intends to just clasp it right on there, and end this weird fuckin' day once and for all. 1"I've had just about enough o' you, lady." 6He says,
[16:59] <Brad> 6to the woman he doesn't even know, but is now clearly his arch-nemesis.
[17:00] <Suzthulhu> 6Gina shakes her head. "Can't do that, Julie." 6Closer... closer.... 14"Now, now would be good." 6She barely whispers, and smiles at Julie. "Don't worry, we'll be gentle." 6Like hell. As soon as she hears Bill's voice and sees him rise up out of the sand, she reaches into her belt for a second SND, just in case. And she hopes to GOD Julie is distracted enough by Bill that she can
[17:00] <Suzthulhu> 6get this one on her other wrist in case he misses.
[17:02] * Julie`Leon shrieked and sought to deage her ambusher on reflex Shriek It wasn't working! That Sandy (*asterisk*) SND'd her! TWO of them no less! 1"You! (*string of sailor talk not fit for civilized conversation)." 6She would yell and squirm, try to get out of the sandman's grasp. 1"Help! Mutants are attacking me!!! HELP!!!" 6Yes. She went there.
[17:04] <Brad> "Welp." 6Now she done gone and went started screaming. With the SND in place, Bill brings his hand up again, over her head. The fist reforms into a kind of mallet, and he brings it down on the top of her skull. He doesn't hit her too hard, but probably hard enough to conk her out cold for a couple minutes.
[17:07] <Suzthulhu> "Oh shut up, you miserable bitch." 6SNDs in place, Gina starts going for the zip ties to make sure Julie's not going to squirm out of the SNDs anytime soon. She'd also be wrangling her phone out, and talking into her comms at the same time. "Doppleganger here... someone get Skieweaver's attention and tell her we've got Julie. Seven is fine, but we need a pick up ASAP."
[17:12] * Julie`Leon THUNK out she went. Someone was going to have a headache in the morning and awaken in some dark little cell. Julie would offer no more resistance.
[17:13] <Brad> 6YUB NUB, BITCHES
[17:15] <Suzthulhu> 6And Julie gets trussed up like a Thanksgiving Turkey and hauled off by META. Once that's done, Gina grins at Bill. "You have no idea how good that felt. I think I'm pretty good on sex for awhile after that. Been wanting to slap and SND on that bitch for so long... I think I need a cigarette." 6Her stuff is still in the coffee house, so she dusts herself off and makes sure Julie's secure
[17:15] <Suzthulhu> 6in the META van and lets them handle all the lookie Lous before she starts heading back to get her things. "You can come out now, Seven."
[17:16] <Brad> "So.. uh..." 6Bill says, still holding on to the now unconscious Julie. 1"Is it safe for me t'not be sand again? I don't wanna.. y'know... end up needin' to breast feed or nothin'."
[17:16] <Suzthulhu> "HAH. Yeah, you're good now. Thanks for the hand, by the way."
[17:20] <Brad> "Good." 6He says. He reaches for the earbud to take it out before shifting back. Lord knows what might happen if he'd left it in there. Probably woulda insta-killed himself by having a goddamn iPhone earbud lodged in his frontal lobe. His sandy skin ripples and changes back to normal over the course of a few moments. 1"'Cuz I've had a weird enough goddamn day already. Last thing I need's
[17:20] <Brad> 1to turn into a baby."
[17:22] <Suzthulhu> "Would breastfeeding -really- be so bad?" 6Gina winks at Bill over her shoulder. "Come on. Let's grab my stuff and I'll give you a ride back to the Sanctum if you want."
[17:23] <AnE> 6Breastfeeding is probably not the subject that Bill wants to talk about after the day he's had. But anyway! Seven slipped out of invisibility and teleported behind the two...three of them, huh. She wouldn't bring up what happened, brushing herself off and looking about as she followed. Like a boss.
[17:24] <Brad> 6Looks like Bill's stuck carting the sack of pokaytoes that once was Julie Leon around. 1"Don't start. I can conk you on the head just as easy as her." 6Bill grumbles. He reaches into his pocket, and tosses the car keys to Gina. 1"Sure, why not? S'your car anyhow." 6He looks over at Seven as she starts following, and then immediately goes a bright crimson and looks the hell away
[17:24] <Brad> 6just as quickly.
[17:26] <Brad> 6SO YEAH he just.. whatever.
[17:28] <Suzthulhu> "Are you going to carry me off like a cavewoman by my hair afterwards?" 6Blahahahaha, Bill's so much fun to mess with. Gina catches the keys and unlocks her car for the two of them, making a quick pitstop inside to grab her stuff. SOmeone had found it and given it to the barista, who hands it over the counter to Gina. She thanks him, waves, and meets Bill and Seven back out at her car.
[17:28] <Suzthulhu> 6"Alright, let's go. I'm sure Sisip is going to have a litter of god damn kittens when she sees you, Seven. Just bring my suit back whenever." 6And off they go!
[17:33] <AnE> 14"I will return it as soon as I have a proper change of clothes." 6And she still couldn't believe she hadn't thought that far. Glancing over toward Bill, Seven slooowly tilted her head, blinking a few times. So, maybe she didn't quite get his discomfort. With a shrug, she climbed into the car, buckled up, and endured the ride home in relative silence, looking down at herself. Yep. Everything was back in place, everything was back the way it was supposed to be, and she couldn't be happier! Even if Julie was dragged off with a concussion.
[17:40] <Julie`Leon> 6Traitor!
[17:40] <Brad> 6*conk*
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