Courthouse Jenga

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Courthouse Jenga

Post by vile »

[18:44] <vile> "Today we're celebrating the opening of Salem's new court building!" chimes a news reporter over the television. Live in person, she stands in front of the mirrored building, standing a whopping thirty stories high. It's quite striking, standing out from the rest of the skyline from its sheer size and gaudiness. "Mayor Kimberley Driscoll is about to cut the ribbon to make it official." The mayor, all decked out in his nice formalwear for the public event, holds up a pair of comically oversized scissors and makes a display of cutting the red ribbon. "And there we have it! One more step towards Salem being made a safer and happier town!"
[18:45] * MarloCross ( has joined #CH*Beyond
[18:49] * Sunder The metal head would be watching out one of the windows. As events on campus had a history of bringing the wrong sort of attention he had his grab and go bag with him, his manner of dress? Cargo pants, metal band t-shirt no one could possibly read, all the wires and lights, and those huge vambraces chock full of deck nails totally suble the metal head was.
[18:51] <Ahriman> Who was there, who hadn't been seen out and about for quite some time? The fire-dyed red head, Maksim! He was somewhere in the crowd of people gathered around the newly christened building. It wasn't that he especially cared; he'd probably be dragged into the interior more often than just walk by it, so he figured he may as well see what it looks like now. He wasn't alone, at least. Sitting
[18:51] <Ahriman> at his feet, looking dopey and adorable, was his faithful basset hound, Leeroy. Maksim was dressed for the warm day - worn, faded blue jeans, black riding boots, a white 'wife beater' tank top, with a gold demon-faced pendant hanging around his neck. Leeroy had a dark green collar, attached to a black leash.
[18:51] <vile> The reporter should have known she dun went and jinxed it all with that safer and happier town comment. It's something she'll realize soon enough. The sound of cracking glass and squealing metal fills the air as the mirrored glass panels of the shiny new courthouse begin quivering. This isn't extremely noticable, not at first. But it's visible enough to be picked up by the camera as the reporter and Mayor's images shudder in place. "The courthouse is open now for earlybirds who want to have a look-see around it to check out the architecture for themselves. Reowned artists have made their mark on the property with some excellent sculptures. It will be open to the general public for the next hour tonight and all of tomorrow. We invite you all to stop by and admire all the work and attention to detail that's been invested."
[18:53] <MarloCross> He'd been out getting some take out foods from Kayla's favorite place. The num nums of Foodcourtia were only so inviting for so long. After being under for the better part of a month, Marlo had decided his girlfriend deserved some...thing...special? He'd been headed back to the bus stop to catch the bus home when he'd crossed near enough to see the comotion. Curiosity won over as Marlo
[18:53] <MarloCross> got closer, his arms filled with food." Huh...they finally finished that thing."
[18:58] <Ahriman> So.. Maksim might be there. Who knows. Whatevs. Hayden, though, definitely is around. Was it relevant to his interests to in some way be involved in the opening of a court building? Could be, rabbit. One thing for sure, he was as sharply dressed as ever. His suit was white today, entirely, with the exception of his shoes, which had a bit of black trimming. He had shades on covering his
[18:58] <Ahriman> eyes, left hand stuffed in a pocket, right hand fiddling with his phone.
[19:00] <Aislinn> Why was she downtown? Why shopping of course! She'd heard talk of the new courthouse and since it had been nearby figured no harm could come by swinging by for a look. How little she knew. She kept back from the crowd, not keen on the idea of being tossed about, choosing to stay across the street and just watch. She'd excellent sight, after all, even without amping. Which is why the
[19:00] <Aislinn> wobble of the glass looked so..disturbing. Surely that couldn't be right.
[19:05] <Suzthulhu> Next to Hayden is a tall blonde in a business suit, as impeccably dressed as he is in an above-the-knee length indigo blue pencil skirt, silver silk shirt, and a matching blue short blazer, tailored perfectly to her figure. Her hair is pulled back into a fashionably loose knot at the base of her skull, smoothed back from her face, a face which, in spite of it's flawless, designer makeup,
[19:05] <Suzthulhu> looks decidedly unamused to be here. "Hayden, really. I told the radio station I did not want to come here for this, why would I want to be here with you?" Pretty blue eyes roll, and she makes nice for a moment, smiling at a news reporter who happens by. The expression returns to its sourness again as she scowls at Hayden, continuously fiddling with that phone of his. At six feet tall
[19:05] <Suzthulhu> with no shoes on, in 5-inch heels, she towers over quite a bit of the crowd, which at least gives her a decent view. Arms crossed over her chest, she sighs.
[19:05] * Suzthulhu is now known as Cheryl_Sabine
[19:07] <Brad> Rick's afternoon errand had turned into an all day ordeal at the DMV downtown. He finally decided to get his driver's license changed from a South Carolina to a Massachusetts residency, since he was likely to be in the state for the forseeable future. And of course, that can't be a simple process, oh no. Ohhhhhhohohoho no. It took all of his willpower not to become a whirring ball of
[19:07] <Brad> feet, fists and rage by his fourth hour of waiting in line only to be told he was waiting in the wrong line but that was the line they told him to wait in in the first place why would you tell him to wait in that line if it was the wrong line? DMV, you're doing it wrong! So anyway, he was on his way back, driving his old red Nissan 200SX, when then of course he's stopped by a traffic detour
[19:07] <Brad> because some stupid building is opening up and there's a big to do and ARGHLEBARGLEBARGLEBARGLE. He just parks at an empty unmetered spot for now, to let the simmering rage subside a bit, and watches whatever the hell is going on through his car window.
[19:07] * Brad is now known as Ricochet
[19:07] * Ahriman is now known as Hayden_Reed
[19:07] <vile> The reporter, Mayor and good majority of the audience remain blissfully unaware that anything is going down. At least until a deep rumbling noise fills the air, joined by a high-pitched squeal. The reporter glances around, dumbstruck, and can't pinpoint the source. The cameraman does and pans away from good ol' Cho. The camera slooowly raises, drifting up the surface of the building, and the focus goes out. He manually adjusts the camera and pans in on a single great crack lurching down the side of the building. Smaller breaks bloom away from the main one, flowing across the thick glass in an event that mesmerizes the few people who notice. Is this supposed to be happening? At least one witness muses. It almost looks staged, happening so quickly after the christening. Just why this is happening isn't very clear. Just that it is...and worsening.
[19:12] * Sunder Blinks as the crack starts forming. "Oh bloody 'ell..." He'd rip open his bag, tac vest coming out and promptly getting zipped on and snapped up, he'd tap the radio mounted on the shoulder pad "Oi, anyone o can, I think we need to be out from near the court'ouse right now, an get the gawkers the 'ell away from it!"
[19:13] <Hayden_Reed> "Because you never know when opportunity may present itself, Cheryl." Barefoot, he'd be taller than her. In heels, she was taller than him, but only by a few inches. He glanced over to her from whatever it was he was doing on the phone, and had a mind to say something else, but then the brand new building starts making noises that it shouldn't. His attention snaps to the forming crack.
[19:13] <Hayden_Reed> "Well.. this is certainly taking a turn."
[19:15] <MarloCross> Marlo's head turns to the loud rumble, holding the boxed Lamb Curry in his arms, and wonders just what the hell is going on. Luckily, he's got his sunglasses on so he can mingle with the normal humans. It was just then that his com clicked on and beeped at him. Sisip had taught him to keep it with him. He scrambled to pop it into his ear. He got the last part about the courthouse
[19:15] <MarloCross> and the gawkers." Sunder, that you? It's Marlo...I'm right out front, where are you?"
[19:16] <Ricochet> He feels that familiar tingle of his earbud going off, and he raises one eyebrow. From his vantage, he doesn't have a good view of the proceedings, but how many courthouses with gawkers in front of it can there be in one town? It's Salem, so probably a million. "Ricochet here. What's the situation, Sunder?" He says, cutting the engine of his car, then getting out to head to the trunk.
[19:16] <Ricochet> He's got a cheap gym bag stashed there, and he grabs it and dashes off to a convenient alleyway for a little privacy. Moments later, he emerges, wearing his snazzy team uniform, goggles, and carrying what appear to be a pair of metal-reinforced nightsticks clasped to his belt.
[19:17] <Cheryl_Sabine> She too, starts to make a comment about how the opportunity was passing him by half the time while his face was glued to that god damn phone, and how she was of half a mind to talk to him, up close some days, when the commotion from the crowd gasping and having a shit fit draws her attention from her spite for the time being. She raises a blonde brow, lips pressing together in a thin line
[19:17] <Cheryl_Sabine> as she looks up toward the building, watching the crack forming and expanding. "Well, would you look at that. I better not get this suit dirty. This is a six thousand dollar suit, Hayden. It's coming out of your hide if I do." Manicured nails tap on her forearms impatiently as she shifts her weight from one foot to the other.
[19:17] <Hayden_Reed> Moments after Rick emerges, a hobo staggers out, wearing his abandoned clothes.
[19:18] <Ricochet> Hayden dies of a heart attack caused by being a jerk.
[19:18] <Hayden_Reed> And then comes back moments later! \o/
[19:19] <Ricochet> And gets caught in a time loop of having the same heart attack over and over and over again for ALL ETERNITY.
[19:19] <Aislinn> Cracking buildings were never a good thing. But this one was new. This shouldn't be happening. And everyone was just standing there, too awestruck to realize what danger they were in. Glass building cracking meant glass shards flying everywhere. She glanced around, figuring there had to be some sort of police presence here. Where were they when you needed them?
[19:22] <Hayden_Reed> Hayden was part of the gawking crowd, but unlike the ordinary humans, his expression was flat, compared to the sea of worry and concern and outright fear around him. His phone buzzed, and he gave it a brief chuckle and a smirk, before looking over to Cheryl. "This will be an entertaining day afterall. Unless you'd like to help the Cobalt crowd, I suggest we watch from across the street."
[19:23] <vile> The NPC group gawking at the cracking building just...stare. Because that's the level of genius that a standard person at a gathered event has. They stare like dumb cows, still thinking this is all just for show. One person even claps. The reporter mumbles, "Oh my god." and steps away from the building. She gestures for her film crew to run for the van but they don't. "The courthouse is breaking! It's structurally unsound! And everyone's just watching!" A hand is pressed against her hear so she can listen to the earpiece. "I'm downtown, on location, at the new city courthouse. It seems to be under attack or just..." she can't believe the thought of a great structure like that just falling apart, "...breaking." She looks up at the crack but turns her attention to the camera again. There's a pleading look on her face as if it will summon help. The rift grows deeper, nearly bisecting the giant building. The squealing of metal grows louder and, as glass shatters and falls to the ground below and metal supports become visible, rust blooms and creeps along the beams.
[19:26] <Cheryl_Sabine> "Ugh, God, help them do what? The team, from what I can gather, is a bunch of kids, degenerates, and that mother hen Sisip, herding them all around like a goose." Oh if she only knew! She makes a handflapping gesture at Hayden, indicating he should carry out his suggestion. "If there were any way to make this go faster, I would, just so we could get out of here and back to doing... oh
[19:26] <Cheryl_Sabine> that's right, we're not doing -anything-." Another eyeroll, and she starts pushing her way through the crowd, literally in some cases, and much more rudely in others.
[19:26] <Ricochet> A pedestrian splashes mud on Cheryl's suit.
[19:26] <Hayden_Reed> Hayden helps.
[19:27] <Cheryl_Sabine> Cheryl talks to them all right up close.
[19:29] <Hayden_Reed> "You're more than welcome to fuck off if you're so bored, Cheryl," he replied. Vulgar, but his voice remained even. He followed the path Cheryl was making for him, peeking over his shoulder now and then to watch the crack widen. He kinda wished he knew who was behind it, so he could have maybe involved himself. But there would be plenty of other opportunities.
[19:29] <Aislinn> Hayden and Cheryl could join her across the street! Because all the young woman was doing was trying to get ahold of 911 and get some help down here. She was by no means a fighter or a hero, oh no. Time to call the professionals and let them deal with it. "911, yes, I'd like to report an....incident. If you aren't seeing it already the new courthouse is breaking. Yes, that's right,
[19:29] <Aislinn> breaking. seems to be cracking. Everyone needs to be evacuated before the structure collapses. No, I don't know what's causing it." Dispatchers. Ugh. Why couldn't they just send help already?
[19:30] * Angel`Pearson ( has joined #CH*Beyond
[19:30] * Shannon is now known as ShoSoon
[19:31] * Sunder So the metal head came running out the door and to the courthouse. This was one of those times where spending hours practicing yelling death metal lyrics came in handy, he could be quite the loud sob. "It's falling glass! Get tha bloody 'ell away from the damn building! This is not a bloody show!"
[19:32] <MarloCross> Marlo stepped to a row of payphones and put his lamb curry up on the top of them, as out of sigfht as he could get it and then headed in to help get people the fuck out. Why were they just looking at it. If only he had a charge of kinmetics, a giant boom in another direction would get their attentions PDQ. But alas, nothing. If that sucker was gonna fall, he could try and slow the
[19:32] <MarloCross> descent of chunks of it if they were large enough. But as he pushed his way back through the crowd, toward Sunder" It's comming down! Get the Fuck away!"
[19:36] <Ricochet> "Alright, so don't tell me what the situation is." Rick grumbles under his breath, and stows his gym bag back in the trunk of his car. He stashes his keys in a conveniently unobtrusive suit pouch that he zippers up, and then starts scrambling up the side of a building opposite the courthouse to get a better view of the situation before he charges in and makes things worse. Survey and plan,
[19:36] <Ricochet> step one of being a team player. He sees the massive cracks and rents forming, as well as the falling glass, and narrows his eyes behind the goggles as he taps the side to zoom in his view just a tad. "Marlo! Forget the crowd right now! Take some debris so you can build up a charge, may need you to start a controlled demolition here. Sunder, start funneling people away from the building,
[19:36] <Ricochet> do whatever you can. Westbound street looks like a clear evac route. Any other team on the comm right now? This is not a natural occurrence. The building looks like it's being eaten away from the foundation up by something."
[19:37] * vile is now known as vileGM
[19:38] <vileGM> And, finally, the break reaches the ground. And it doesn't stop thereI. The second the verrrry tip reaches the concrete below, it continues! Within seconds it looks like a crater impacted the area. The small breaks grow into larger ones and spread like a disaster played in slow motion. More glass falls in both large and small pieces, showering to the pavement below. More rust becomes visible and is now plainly seen. | A few more people join the scene but this assortment isn't clad in the navy and black colors of the Sanctum. Instead they're a ragtag group that looks pretty much the same as the gathered audience. But instead of shuffling away from the action they head towards it. There's six total and they're of all ages. Some are more noteworthy than others. One of the boys is in greatly oversized baggy clothing, the sleeves of his top dangling over his fingertips. Another is a young girl dressed in all white, her skin cracked and peeling. She continually scratches at her arms and alternates between using a hand sanitizer and moist wipes to scrub at her skin...
[19:38] <@Ashlynne> Nick's sloooow ass driving finally gets them there! He parks and promises to keep the engine running incase they had to beat a hastey retreat. Ashy damn well falls out of the car in her eagerness to help, her glow alarmingly bright. She was far too pleased to be part of something like this finally. If only they had a candy-villian. Despite the seriousness Rick tried to impart.. she
[19:38] <@Ashlynne> wanted CANDY! "I'm here! I'm here!" Ashlynne watcches as people are quickly guided away from the building.
[19:41] <Cheryl_Sabine> "Yeah, Ricochet, I'm here!" It's Gina over the comms, sounding out of breath. "Only a couple blocks away. Just got off work. Be there soon." She'd been teaching, and now she's running. Well, warping, 100 feet at a time, hence the labored breathing and spotty sound of her voice. It's hard to talk in heartbeats at a time, afterall! Roughly three blocks away now, she'll be there soon, in
[19:41] <Cheryl_Sabine> her catsuit and belt at the very least; it's got enough of her toys in it to be of use. Thank God she'd had it in her car to take to get cleaned following the trip to Simonson's!
[19:42] * Sunder He'd tap the comm "Already on it!" He'd look to the building for a brief moment. He'd try to puzzle it out later, right now it was more important to get the crowd to understand the utter dire importance of moving fast. "MOVE! DOWN THE BLOODY STREET!" He would point and shoves people rather hard in the proper direction whenever he saw them looking back
[19:42] <Hayden_Reed> Speaking of opportunities. He gave an exasperated sigh, directed to Cheryl. "This is going to hurt," he complained. And in a blink, he was away from Cheryl, back by the front of the building. If people were going to stand and gawk, he was going to push them to get them away from it. Let everyone else yell at people; the morons weren't moving, so he moved them for their own sake. Sure, it
[19:42] <Hayden_Reed> was only one or two at a time, but it was more than none.
[19:43] <Void`> Have you ever tried climbing out of the backseat of a two door vehicle while wearing rolleblades? It's a bitch. Instead, Shiloh sinks into the various shadows of the backseat and, a moment later, rises up through another beside the car, on the outside, of course. Mismatched eyes widen as she watches the destruction before her. For a moment, she's frozen, at a loss for what to do. This is
[19:43] <Void`> all bigger than she was expecting and took a moment to sink in.
[19:45] <MarloCross> Marlo tries his best to shield gawkers with his kinetics, getting close enough to absorb the falling debris' kinetic energy, but much of it is too thin for him to redirect or absorb. So, he settles with just shoving stupid assholes out of the way,
[19:46] <MarloCross> "Get Fuckin' Moving!" He yells, getting closer to the group heading, the one that includes the chick with skin issues and the Two sizes two large wardrobe kid.
[19:46] * Angel`Pearson Ooooo candy. A candy-villain was something he could get into...with giant gumi minions. Yeah....This. This was not candy. He'd lean forward from the back seat to watch through the windshield with wide eyes "..Jesus." ...He had no desire whatsoever to move from where he sat. Woo useful!
[19:48] <Aislinn> And because there was nothing else she could do the irish mutant hurried people away, leaving herself.
[19:49] <Ricochet> Shit. He knows that voice coming through the comm. "Ash?!" He exclaims, more than a little surprise. Well, no time to argue about your girlfriend being here now. He continues scanning the crowd, and he takes particular note of the newcomers. Gawkers or not, normally people don't arrive so casually at the scene of impending disaster, and he narrows his eyes slightly, scoping out the
[19:49] <Ricochet> group for a moment before he scans for Ash down below. He spots Nick's car, the beat up GT500 that would probably give Tony an aneurysm, and then leaps from his perch on the building. As Gina's voice cuts through his comm, he taps it again. "Doppelganger, we've got lots of bystanders here. Sunder and Marlo are on crowd control, and I think some people just showed up to cause more trouble.
[19:49] <Ricochet> Look out for a lady with real ashy skin, and a kid wearing oversized clothes. Might be nothing, but keep an eye on them." He lands with a loud 'fwoomf' sound on the ground in front of Nick's car, hurrying toward Ash, Shiloh, and was that Angel in the back?
[19:52] * [Tremor] (Tremor@50.11.lnv.jgx) has joined #CH*Beyond
[19:54] <vileGM> Sunder's efforts to split up the gawkers is successful! Kind of. At least some of them flee the scene and start up a new problem. STAMPEDE. A handful of people make it back to their cars and speed off, causing at least one wreck. But more are smart about it and just leave the crumbling building. And then there's the ones forcefully drug around by Hayden! Those shriek and then try to scramble away, not wanting any of this bullshit. | Metal joins in the screaming as the building shears apart. A large chunk collapses in on itself and sprays the area with shards of razor-sharp glass, powdery rust and other debris. The building continues to implode, falling in on itself, and levels dramatically collapse. It comes down like a Jenga nightmare. | But the group of six don't flee the scene and instead force their way into it. | Hoodie boy, Evan, rolls up his sleeves and launches into gear. The reason why his clothes are so baggy is instantly clear: giant, thick-furred claw-tipped arms! They look like someone ripped off the arms of a bear and pasted them onto a big, muscular black teenager. With one well-placed slash, he effectively rips off the reporter's face. It's over in a flash. And he doesn't stop there. He takes advantage of the chaos and bolts over to another unsuspecting bystander. | The girl nervously rubbing at her own hide with moist towelettes brushes by one of the fleeing NPCs. The second that touch occurs, he shrieks and starts dancing around. "Oh god why is this--they're on me! GET THEM OFF OF ME!" and he starts scratching at his arms and face, leaving red welts in the wake of his nails. Just why he's doing this is a mystery. He's perfectly clean, there's nothing on him but he acts as though he's crawling with bugs or something else horrific.
[19:58] <MarloCross> Marlo was close by when the bear-boy mauled the reporter, then a civilian. The second Marlo gets a clear sight of him, he takes off. It was too dangerous for a Kinetic leap, so He just LT Tackled the asshole. Lowering his shoulder, Marlo put ever ounce of weight he had into the body block. His face had several scrapes and his cloths were torn on his left side from the exploding
[19:58] <MarloCross> building. But this animal needed to go down.
[19:59] <Cheryl_Sabine> Wait, what? Ash?? Why, how...?? No time to derp about it now. She'd figure out the logistics of it later. As she arrives on the scene, at the end of the block where the courthouse is, she's confronted by a FUCKLOAD of people headed her way, running in a panic. "Son of a bitch!" Grey spectrails carry her up and over, and in some cases -on top of- people in the herd, warping her off to
[19:59] <Cheryl_Sabine> the side, into some of the well-manicured bushes lining the sidewalk in front of the courthouse, where she now only has to worry about dodging falling debris. "Who else is here, Ricochet? Was that Ashy I just heard?" Another spew of obscenities as she's showered with glass, astral shields deflecting most of it, leaving only a few shards in her hair. She darts through the crowd again,
[19:59] <Cheryl_Sabine> looking for the folks Rick had described. Just in time, of course, to see bear boy rip off the reporter's face and go for the next victim. "Bear boy is mine! Do not touch the freakshow with the skin crawlies!" And she launches herself at the furry at the same time Marlo does, and if they both met him, it would be one hell of a double shoulder check.
[20:00] * Cheryl_Sabine is now known as Gina_Stone
[20:00] <Hayden_Reed> Hayden had no interested in getting near the new mutants. They had no idea he'd rather help them than hinder them, and he didn't want to know what their powers felt like. He'd have to do some investigating afterward. The flying glass left several slices in his suit; a few along his left arm, even a decent-sized piece left in his left shoulder. He grit his teeth to stifle as much of a pained
[20:00] <Hayden_Reed> groan as he could.
[20:01] <@Ashlynne> As Rick fwumps down Ashy slips off her backpack and opens it up, grabbing for something. It's the Bat-Belt! Well, it's the James-Belt! It takes her a moment to figure out how she wanted to do this and ended up simply draping it over a shoulder so she had room to stretch. As well as the belt she pulls out something that looks oddly familiar to Rick. Oh shit. Girl dun went and got daddy's
[20:01] <@Ashlynne> ZORT gun! The gun that Rick confiscated from crazy UFO lady the first time he and Ash went out somewhere together. "Ricochet!" She certainly wasn't going to call him BooBooKissySnookims while being a super hero, that would make him lose a bit of 'Manly Status'. "What's going on? Where'd the.." Her attention is caught as she spots the Second Amendment Supervillian attack a reporter.
[20:01] <@Ashlynne> She gasps and fumbles with the ZORT gun!
[20:04] * Void` took a moment to get herself together, but together she got. Gina called dibs on the one with the claws and she had no intentions of getting anywhere near the one with the skin problem, so she worked at extracting what was left of the gawkers and innocent bystanders.
[20:04] * Angel`Pearson that -was- Angel in the car! The little femmey dude continued to sit there gawking as the kid with the fuzzy claw arms started tearing into the crowd "..Shit." Why had he tagged along again? That hadn't been his brightest idea ever.
[20:04] * Sunder He'd miss a lot of the opening salvo, what with covering his face and letting some of the glass dust settle before uncovering. ... was that a lady without a face? Commentary on a cage/trivolta film would have to wait. The crowd was clearing out, he would make way towards the courthouse, hand brushing over the inner pocket of his vest. The jehrico was tucked in place, after the last run he'd decided not to go without.
[20:05] * ShoSoon is now known as Shannon
[20:09] <vileGM> WHAM! Evan takes the hit.Both of them! The kid might be big but he's not large and immobile enough to take a hit like that without budging. He's thrown backwards and slams right into Nick's crappy car. The zombie shrieks like a girl and speeds off, not keen on sticking around when his ride now lacks a side window and the door probably won't work so good. Evan grunts and struggles to stand, wobbling as he gets up. But Marlo isn't the only kid around who plays sports! He's soon back on his feet, slams his paws together, scrapes his feet on the ground and charges the other guy, roaring with anger as he does so. One fiercely clawed arm raises and is swept down at Marlo's chest with dire intent. He zooms in on him, not on Gina, because...well, he didn't think this through very well. | Veronica, Moist Toweltte Girl, darts through the crowd. For every person she touches, more shouts and horrified, panicked mumbling and fidgeting breaks out. People rub at their skin, one flees to a fire hydrant and starts beating on it in the attempt to free up some water. "Oh god so dirty why am I so dirty!" is one of the phrases that can be heard getting mumbled by the affected people. | The third of the present group is none other than Josh. He looks like any ordinary self-absorbed charming man, complete with nice clothing and long flowing locks of gorgeous Fabio-like hair. A hand raises and he flips back his shiny locks before giving his fingers a wiggle in...Shiloh's direction! It's an invisible attack, one she may only notice after it hits. And should it, she'll find...her hair growing longer? Well, there's been worse powers...
[20:13] <Ricochet> He nods as he hears Gina through the comms. "Sunder, you're the closest thing we've got to range right now, deal with Skin Condition." He looks back at Ash as Shiloh dashes off to start helping more escapees. Good, she was being smart. He fights the urge to ask Ash what the hell she's doing here, but bites it back down. "Help secure the evac route!" He says, instead, gesturing to
[20:13] <Ricochet> the westbound street through which innocent bystanders are being funneled. "We need these people out of here, god knows what else is coming." He looks at Angel in the back of the car. "Get somewhere safe, for now. If I need you, I'll come back and find you, got it?" A guy that can make anyone around him hallucinate might come in handy, after all. He sounds very authoritative, for an
[20:13] <Ricochet> eighteen year old kid. That said, he leaps away, flipping into the air and unclasping the twin batons from his belt as he tears through empty space, heading in the direction of Mr. Bear Arms in a graceful arc through the air. As soon as he's close, he brings the business end of both nightsticks down on the guy's head to try and help put him down, using his forward momentum to add power to
[20:13] <Ricochet> the blows.
[20:13] <vileGM> *EDIT: ASHY gets long, gorgeous, flowing locks of hair.
[20:13] <Hayden_Reed> Well.. somebody else could deal with Dirty Girl. At least Fabio Man was decently dressed. So Hayden went in his direction. "Pleasant day?" he greeted, only then taking an opportunity to look at the injuries on his left arm. "You wouldn't happen to have a business card, would you? I might have use for some henchmen in the future." Cocky, check. Giant steel balls, maybe.
[20:15] * Sunder Glances about the crowd, looking for the girl. Then just follows the trail of screaming people. He'd actually breathe a sigh of relief, the pistol could stay tucked away, she wasn't killing anyone.. The tazer on the other hand might come in handy. The spike riddled mutant would go rushing through the crowd, tazer in hand, arm mounted spikes causing a bit of collateral damage to those who moved a bit too slow
[20:16] <Gina_Stone> Nope, he didn't think this through at all. After she slams into Evan, she lets her momentum carry her through the collision with Nick's car and up on top of it, where she quickly spins around and drops to a crouch. Evan has made a pretty serious tactical error in turning his back on her. Considering Rick's gon after him with the nightsticks as well, she takes this as an opportunity and
[20:16] <Gina_Stone> launches herself straight up into the air, gaining a good bit of height with the aid of her second self. Spectrails change direction sharply, angled downward, dropping her like a hammer toward bear boy's exposed back, steel-toed feet first.
[20:16] * Angel`Pearson blinked, nodnodding obediently as he heard Rick "Right, okay." and then bear-arm-guy slammed into the car, and there was girly screaming in stereo as Angel joined in, falling into a nervous snicker once Nick had pulled away.
[20:18] <@Ashlynne> Ash nods to Rick as he intructs her. She's certainly not about to ignore him, he was old-hat when it came to things like this compared to his girlfriend. "On it, evac route!" She hesitates a moment, something feeling just a bit strange, almost tingly. NOT good tingly, but, just tingly. As she whips around to go to the alley a surprising amount of hair which seemed to just suddenly grow
[20:18] <@Ashlynne> down and around her shoulders and down to her back whips around and gets into her face. "FAVAVLUTH?" Spitting out hair she looks confused but still heads off towards the alley, her glow fading just a bit. What the hell?
[20:21] * [Tremor] , as usual, had been in town already when he caught word of something happening at the courthouse. When he gets there, his expression turns grim. A building crumbling? Particularly one of authority? That was -his- old MO. He glances around for a bit, making his way through the crowd and side stepping those attempting to flee. It isn't long before he spots the group of 'others' making
[20:21] * [Tremor] their way to the building. The second he sees the one swipe the reporter's face off and then Marlo flying in to meet the guy. Cobalt was here. Why did this not surprise him? He takes in everyone there that he knows, paying mind to Ash as soon as Gina mentions her. She seemed to be in the middle of defending herself, but something was off. With all the chaos, the courthouse seemed to be the
[20:21] * [Tremor] center of what was going on. He quickly makes his way toward the falling building, as he passes by a stop sign he grabs hold of the pole and theres a wine and groan from the metal as he applies a harsh vibration and then throws his weight forward to break the sign off where it meets the ground with a resounding -CLANG-. The sign itself begins to hum and almost blur as he gives the vibroweapon
[20:21] * [Tremor] a quick spin before making his way on toward what was left of the building. Out of the corner of his eye he sees the hair guy hit the scene and now notices the girl with the crazy touch. As he closes in with the steps to what was once the courthouse he uses the sign to help shield him from any remaining debris and looks around. Something was off. Maybe it was chaos, random attacks... but
[20:21] * [Tremor] maybe it wasn't.
[20:21] <MarloCross> Marlo charges the bearboy," You wana fight some one that can fight back, Punk?!" His hope was to get inside the claw swipe in order to steal it's kinetic force. It was a hard timed manuever. But, now he had a team mate at his opponent's back. Together, they'd turn this kid into hamburger. The claws would dig into Marlo's shoulder as he went in tight for a left uppercut to the body
[20:21] <MarloCross> . The only reason it wouldn't have ripped Marlo open like a fucking caribou was the fact he had absorbed most of the arm's kinetic force, which he delivered back at Evan, hoping to send him toward Gina for the KO. Either way, Marlo was gonna need stitches.
[20:30] <vileGM> Fabio beams at Hayden and runs a hand through his hair, pausing to straighten out the gorgeous locks. "Mhmm. Of course I am. Why wouldn't I? I mean, look at me." Oh yes. He's quite the eyeful. Almost as dashing and dandy as Hayden himself. "You should consider a better hair style, girlfriend." he chimes and flicks a hand in Hayden's direction. Should the little display go as planned, Hayden might want to make a trip over to Great Clips to trim his excessively long hair...whether or not that goes successfully, he glances around, spots Ashy and beams with delight. "Goooorgeous!" Fabio approves. | Evan gets to enjoy getting the fucks knocked clear out of him! He's built like a brick house but bricks can only take so much. The strike makes him roar with PAIN. Both arms flail in an attempt to keep him from sailing forward. And he just slams into Marlo, still trying to leave his mark on the kid with those big ol' claws of his. Hamburger? Very much so. He's not getting up after this round if he lives to stand again at all. | Moist Toweltte girl flees towards Angel and reaches out to grab at his clothes. "Help me!" the small girl cries and pleads for Angel, clearly a hero, to give her hand. "I just...I just need to get away. Please help me. I can't find my Mom!" And if she's allowed to get this close, she'll even paw at the brightly colored man in an attempt to gain his attention. | While Evan is down, there's still three others to be dealt with. The three that aren't fleeing like bitches. A bald man in his forties rubs his hands together and they crackle with electricity. He slinks towards Tremor, raises a hand and offers a shake. "Need a hand?"
[20:32] * [Trem] (Tremor@50.11.lnv.jgx) has joined #CH*Beyond
[20:34] <Ricochet> Presumably, Rick's twin nightstick attack had some hand in bringing down Mr. Second Amendment, and he lands on the ground in a deft crouch before standing up. He twirls both the nigthsticks in his hands as he regards the other three offenders on the scene, one of whome is going toward Tremor with some kind of electricity based attack. Rick's got no real defense against that, so he focuses
[20:34] <Ricochet> on the other two, eyes narrowed behind the shaded goggles. "Okay guys, I've had a really lousy day, so whichever one of you wants a piece, let's go on and wrassle." He stands his ground and waits to see what these two can do, confident that he can dodge quicker than they can shoot heart attack rays, if it comes to it.
[20:35] <Sunder> He'd catch up to the girl as she clutched onto angel. He would draw the tazer, aims for the girl and fires, hoping to catch her unaware.
[20:35] * @Shannon ~~~ There was a latecomer to this oddly powered collection of villains? Tobias! And why? He liked to make a grand entrance. A fashionably late grand entrance. Skateboarding in? Someone had a deathwish. He was circling the area, doing some tricks, perhaps making a perimeter? Definitely a deathwish. But then that feeling was starting to seem... contagious. Just looking at the man
[20:35] * @Shannon seeing his nerve, kind've made people want to stand out too. Take risks. Be reckless. Act before they think. YOU CAN DO IT! Whatever that plan is that flitted across your mind? Not dangerous at all! That's a great idea. DO IT. ~~~
[20:35] * [Tremor] (Tremor@50.11.lnv.jgx) Quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
[20:35] * [Trem] is now known as [Tremor]
[20:36] <Gina_Stone> "Bear boy is down for the count. Who's next?" Still standing on top of Evan's back like a triumphant.... thing, Gina scans the crowd. Deciding she needs a better vantage point, she leaps back on top of Nick's car to get a better view. There's skin girl, going for Angel, who looks to be in no shape to deal with this kind of thing. Welp. No time like the present. And she's got gloves in that
[20:36] <Gina_Stone> belt of hers! She takes just a second to open a pouch and pull them out, tugging them onto her hands, and then whips a pair of batons from clips on one side. Whipping them out to expand them, she dashes down from the car's roof, dialing the batons up a bit, to a "stun" setting, and does her best to circle around behind the hopefully distracted girl. Once she's close enough, she pokes both
[20:36] <Gina_Stone> batons out toward her back. Zzzzzzap!
[20:36] <Hayden_Reed> The power to grow out hair? Really? He hadn't ever heard of a more useless power. And he'd probably get an earful about it from Cheryl later, assuming the hair didn't do something else between now and then. Let's see how Fabio does with a punch to the mouf! Brutish, sure, but a if the group pummelling Evan were to be any sort of example, it's that fisticuffs were sometimes effective.
[20:38] <@Ashlynne> The tingling hadn't gone away but it had decreased a bit, the girl trying hard to keep her newly FABULOUS black hair out of her face. It was a good look, to be honest, but one she'd never have considered. The girl who had spent her whole life (you know, all just over one year) with short hair was finding it difficult to manage longer hair. The ZORT gun at the ready Ashlynne begins to
[20:38] <@Ashlynne> help filter people through the alley and away from the group, eyeing up the remaining crowd. As she spots the guy crackling with electricity heading towards Tremor she levels the ZORT gun, not even thinking of how it would effect him, and squeezes the zorttrigger.
[20:38] * Angel`Pearson his eyes went wide as the girl dashed up to him...He'd seen her arrive on scene with the other trouble makers, and stumbled back reflexively as she pawed at him...but toolate! As her freaky power began to take effect his eyes went wider still, calling out
[20:39] <Angel`Pearson> "Ahhwhatthefuckdidyoudo?!" and scratching disgustedly at his arms...flicking off the snd on his wrist in the process and spitting a heavy dose of his magic hallucinogen at the face of the girl with the crazy inducing touch.
[20:41] * [Tremor] spots the man with the crackling hands and takes a step back in responce. He wasn't well equipped to handle this with his current weapon of choice. Besides, he had questions. He slowly moves around the man, just out of reach, the stop sign still buzzing in his grasp, "I've seen that pendant before. Who are you people?" He continues to talk, being wary of his surroundings as he backs
[20:41] * [Tremor] toward a fire hydrant.
[20:42] <MarloCross> Marlo hits the ground with Evan, Rick AND Gina on top of him? Yeah, that didn't feel to goddamn good. His wind left him in a pretty fucking big hurry. After all, three people landing on him at once was not what bodies were built for. Rolling the unconcious Evan off him, Marlo fights for his breath. Great...Cracked ribs again. Yay.
[20:43] <Ricochet> Rick's not on top of Marlo.
[20:43] <Ricochet> Rick doesn't land anywhere he doesn't want to land.
[20:43] <@Ashlynne> Which is good, since Ashy wouldn't have wanted to miss that.
[20:43] <Gina_Stone> Gina was totally on top of Marlo. Giggity. But she got off. No giggity.
[20:43] <vileGM> Now she's on Nick!
[20:43] <vileGM> Giggity
[20:44] <Angel`Pearson> hawt
[20:44] <@Shannon> Tobias totally crashes from that scene
[20:45] <MarloCross> THe Impact from Rick Hitting Even Hitting Marlo I mean.
[20:45] <Ricochet> He didn't... hit.. Marlo.
[20:45] <MarloCross> Evan*
[20:48] <vileGM> Oh yes. Evan will most certainly haunt Rick in the afterlife, that bastard. He has two great lumps and extra bruises thanks to the battering he'd taken from three people. But it's clear that he's not getting up. Not today! | As for Rick's request to go dancing with someone, he gets a response! It might not be the one he's looking for. A nearby woman, frail with white skin and long dark hair, starts...crying? She sobs into her hands for a second or two before flinging the tears to the ground. When they strike the pavement, they shift and change, growing swiftly in size until they're waist-high and furry. Wolves. If only she'd listened to her teacher about that whole crying wolves thing. Three of the beasts, once they've formed, snarl and growl at the human bouncy ball. The woman, Erin, points at him and shouts, "Sic!" And the wolves do just that, bounding towards Rick. | Moist Towelette girl finds herself attacked not by one but two people! Both of which with fucking SHOCK STICKS. The small girl gasps in surprise and siezes up. It's too much for her and she collapses to the ground, body quaking with OH GOD WHY. Not only is she electrocuted but also tripping balls. Needless to say, she's not worried about Purell anymore. | As for Sparky, he stares at Ashy when she tries to...zap him with an electricity gun. It's not something he expects! The lightning bolt arcs majestically across his skin and he just smiles at her. "Thanks ma'am. I needed a little somethin' extra." he looks back to Tremor and quietly laughs. "Me? Oh. Just someone that has yer best interest in mind. I'm...well, you could say that I'm a friend." The smile brightens, showing off teeth stained by years of coffee abuse. | Fabio doesn't appreciate someone trying to fuck up his gorgeous looks! In fact, he even does something about it! A finger is whipped through the air and he demonstrates that his power isn't entirely useless. Those long, flowing locks of hair bolt up and around Hayden's neck. The strands tighten their grip, threatening him with a choke hold.
[20:53] <@Ashlynne> Ashlynne hadn't thought that one through well enough obviously and blinks, her hair longer than it was before, even after it was lengthened, falling now to the small of her back. Jesus hair was heavy! Reaching up onto the belt she pulls an item off the belt she stole from her fathers lab! It had a big yellow label on it that read 'emp' on it. Pressing the button on the top of it the girl
[20:53] <@Ashlynne> hurls the grenade like item towards Mr Electric! Her hair catches a breeze as she twists and flows fabulously.
[20:54] * Angel`Pearson couldn't even take pleasure in the fact the horrible, horrible girl had been dropped and he'd hit his mark...He was busy kinduv rocking rapidly in place and rubbing hard at his arms, chanting "Whathefuckwhatthefuck!" in a distressed voice.
[20:55] <Ricochet> Rick's expression changes into a broad grin as the woman drops the tears on the ground, and then... wolves spring forth? "Alrighty then, that's new and different." But he can handle this. "Here poochy poochy!" He taunts the trio of lupine assailants, before launching straight into the air like a rocket. It doesn't take more than a few moments before he's plummeting back down, aiming
[20:55] <Ricochet> both feet at the leftmost wolf, to bounce off of its skull to the middle wolf, and then on to the rightmost, and use that one as a launching pad to the woman that's crying wolf herself. She may think she's matched up with someone she can beat here, but if that's all she can manage, she's dead wrong on this one. If there's one thing Rick can handle, it's low level minions en-masse.
[20:56] <Hayden_Reed> Ohshiz! Alright, maybe not so useless. But still pretty ridiculous. Was it all that worth it to struggle against the strangulation? It definitely wasn't feeling fun. He reached for the hair, trying to at least loosen it enough to breathe.
[20:58] * Void` ushers the very last straggler to safety, and then turns around to see the chaos, looking for an opening.
[20:58] <Gina_Stone> Well! Two down! She pulls a couple zip ties out and, careful not to actually touch the girl's hands or skin, zips her wrists up. Looking back over at bear boy, she furrows her brows. "Tomcat, you got anything in your car to tie him up? These ties won't fit around his wrists. He's out cold, so he's not going to get up and rip your face off or anything. Gonna get back to the rest." And
[20:58] <Gina_Stone> with that, she glances over at Angel, frowning. "Alright, come on, you." She can't leave him there like that, so she picks him up bodily and takes him over to Nick's car, or to wherever Nick happens to be at the moment to at least put him somewhere safe. Who's next? She looks quickly from one to the next, and spots... Fabio. Strangling... who the hell is that Hayden? With his own hair.
[20:58] <Gina_Stone> Mmmhmm. Full on charge time! Shock sticks out, she launches into action again, clearing the distance between them in the blink of an eye, those sticks cranked up a notch or two, aimed at Fabio's exposed side.
[20:58] * Sunder Looks at the two on the ground with a 'well shit' expression. Touching the girl was not an option, so restraining her would be something of a bitch. Then there was poor angel. "Oi man... Don't scratch you'll tear yourself up." He'd look to the girl. "Now you... I ought to drop some 'eavy shite on you.." Then he'd look around... Wolves?! ms electrocuted and tripping would wait. "angel, uh... keep 'er from moving will ya?" And off
[20:58] <Sunder> towards the rest he would run, not quite sure of his plan yet.
[21:01] * [Tremor] watches as Ash fires the zap gun at the er... zap guy. He frowns slightly and glances back in her direction, noting her ton of extra hair, "No dice dollface." he looks back to Sparky as he continues to step back, "In case you haven't noticed, your group isn't exactly improving our health around here." He levels his gaze at the electric man, "Last chance. Tell me who you're working
[21:01] * [Tremor] for."
[21:03] <MarloCross> Marlo fights to his hands and knees. His ribs hurt. Too much action in the past three days for him. Kayla was gonna kill him. He got to a knee, bracing with a hand on the ground, the other on his thigh, gathering strength to push himself up as he surveyed the fight. Fabio seemed a good target. He was choking some one he didn't quite know with his hair, then Ashy and Tremor with Zappy
[21:03] <MarloCross> McSparky Pants, and the Wolf Lady assailing the rest. Getting up, he stumbles toward Sparky, wiping blood from his face. He was hurt and angry. He needed to pulp some one.
[21:06] <vileGM> Ashy might have the right idea by switching to something other than a lightning gun but the EMP isn't a great call. Sparky is a man! And, given the nature of his power, doesn't carry many electronics on him anway. But as for everyone else? Well. The EMP effectively knocks the group's cell phones, comm units, the nearby cars, traffic lights and...well. Anything with a processor chip or circuit board is now offline. THANKS ASHY. As for Tremor's question, he just smiles. "I'd tell you but then I'd have to kill you. I work for the everymutant." Seems he has no intention on sharing! He claps his hands together, gives them a brief rub and waves to the approaching Marlo. | The wolves mobbing Rick aren't geniuses. They fling themselves at him, jaws snapping, hungry for FLESH. The first one is easily struck and splashes to the ground as a giant puddle of salty water. Once down it doesn't get back up. The individual wolf might be easy enough to take out but they just keep flowing as the woman continues to sob. Two more fall to the ground and spring to life. It's like a big ol' game of whack-a-mole! A second goes down but two more spring up in its place. A third and fourth launch themselves at Rick with one trying to bite a leg while the other goes for his groin. | Moist Toweltte Girl cries in desperation and squirms. Her fingers splay out and she starts fighting, springing to life. She tries her best to grab at, kick, anything to come in contact with Gina. Which includes spitting at her. And, of course, her saliva carries the same itchtastic curse as her touch does. | Hayden will find the hair is quite strong! Enough of it all bunched up like a rope is hard to do much with unless a sharp blade is present. The strands remain tightly wound around like a noose, ever-tightening its grip on him. He jerks his hand in Ashy's direction and sends her hair after her as well! But attacking two people at once leaves him open to attack. The shock sticks hit him and he shouts with PAIN. Down he goes but not out. His own faaaabulous hair bolts up and at Gina's shock sticks, trying to grab and wrestle them away. Look ma! No hands.
[21:08] * @Shannon ~~~~~ Overly cocky Tobias kept the aura up, sticking closer to our Heroes and trying not to effect his partners. A normal person with his abilities might try not to draw attention to themselves, but NO that went against what his powers were all about! They were taking stupid chances. Implanting those same urges in those around him. Making his way to one of the distracted
[21:08] * @Shannon hairy fellows, skateboard raised to whack.... Hayden! ~~~~~
[21:10] * @Shannon ( Quit (Quit: BRB)
[21:10] * Sketch ( has joined #CH*Beyond
[21:11] <Gina_Stone> She.... had not expected this. As Fabio goes all Medusa on her shock sticks, she understandably is taken aback a little, but it seems like a terrible idea at the moment to let go of them, and a damn FINE idea to hang on and keep fighting with Hairy McBadWeave, and so she does! Feeling a sudden aggressive adrenaline rush in close proximity to Tobias, her grip strenghthens on the sticks and
[21:11] <Gina_Stone> she moves to stomp on Fabio a few times while he's down.
[21:11] * Shannon ( has joined #CH*Beyond
[21:11] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Shannon
[21:11] <@Ashlynne> Her intentions were in the right place! She grabs at another belt item randomly. It seems to be some sort of rubber ball with spikes. She hurls THAT at ElectroDude. Thank you, dad, though, because all it was really designed for was a half-assed ninja star that would assure Jamie would never miss his target, given that it was covered with spikes. The spikeyball, however, was thrown with
[21:11] <@Ashlynne> an almost baseball pitcher grace, the girl winding back and letting her stretch arm give it a great deal of force. Of course her hair whipped back and furf.
[21:12] <Gina_Stone> She whips her hurr back an forf!
[21:12] * Angel`Pearson when Sunder told him not to scratch he pleaded "..Then get it the hell -off- me!" when Gina scooped him up he leaned into her, still rubbing at his own arms and shaking abit before he was deposited back in Nicks car.
[21:13] <Angel`Pearson> "and" should be wedged in there after the quote ))
[21:14] <Hayden_Reed> Now, Hayden isn't an overy strong man. He works out, stays in shape, sure. But he's not muscle-bound in any sense. So tugging at the hair is doing nothing for him. Then he gets clobbered with a skateboard from out of nowhere. Aaaaand down he goes. But when he lands, he curls himself inward, a then freezes in place. No more fidgeting, no more struggling. It's like everything about him just
[21:14] <Hayden_Reed> stops, completely.
[21:17] * Sunder Hears the shouting, stops and spins. So angel wasn't doing well, the girl was up and moving and causing hell, and the day just kept getting better. "Oh you stupid bint..." A new cartridge gets slapped in the tazer and he walks up to mrs itchy with that 'I will do horrific things to your kneecap involving an auger bit and some creativity' look on his face. He then promptly aims for her stomach and fires
[21:17] <Ricochet> As he's mobbed by two wolves, he thrusts his repulsion field out. Normally, he only uses the field to cushion his own impacts, but against something like this, it makes just as effective a deterrent, putting out enough antigravity force to buffet the summoned wolves away quite handily. "I'm getting tired of your bawling, lady." He says, and then he shoots into the air again. She can
[21:17] <Ricochet> summon as many wolves as she likes at this point, because now Rick is plummeting straight towards her, one nightstick at the ready to knock her out in a pretty vicious blow. He wants at least one person here alive and uninjured enough for questioning, so he pulls the punch just a tad, aiming for the back of her neck just to knock her out without killing her.
[21:17] <@Ashlynne> Once the spikeyball is launched a startled, strangled choking noise is heard from the girl. Her hair whipping back and furf didn't seem to move it out of her face. It was, in fact, twisting around it. The belt and the gun are dropped as she begins to claw at the long, lucious, ebony locks, her muffled cries becoming more frantic as it wraps around her head completely, muffling her, choking
[21:17] <@Ashlynne> her words off. Oh dear.
[21:17] * [Tremor] sighs as the EMP hits and all the lights go out. He spots Marlo closing in and sense Ash about to throw another device. While the electric man has his attention on Marlo, he quickly revs up the stop sign and spins it around to chop down at the nozzle to the fire hydrant he had been backing towards all along. The idea would be to try and have a high pressure jet of water hit Sparky
[21:17] * [Tremor] and ether short or knock him out. That was the plan anyway.
[21:22] <MarloCross> "I...Am not...amused." Marlo's side flared as he moved his left arm. That meant his strongest punches were out of the question. He only had the right. But he luckily had some kinetic charge." I just wanted to pick up some lamb curry for my girlfriend...I was gonna have a quiet night...and you ASSHOLES went and..<cough> fucked it up." Then Tremor's brilliant Move. He smiled and
[21:22] <MarloCross> readied a jump. Yeah, this was gonna hurt. His aim was to back up Tremor after the water shorted out the junior League Electro and in case It didn't KO the mutant menace. Controlled Force. He would be leaving this guy alive. You gotta love teamwork.
[21:25] <vileGM> Fabio utters a loud, "FDSGFDSK!" and swears nearly incoherently when he gets shocked again and stomped on.This is not how he envisioned the day going. But his fabulous hair doesn't give up just yet! He continues to struggle with Gina over the two shock sticks. A hand is whipped up in Sunder's direction to try and give him a quick makeover as well! LONG HAIR A GO-GO. | Sparky is all self-confident and shit until a spikey fucking ball gets embedded into his shoulder. He joins Fabio in the swearing and launches himself at Ashy, keen on giving her a healthy ZAP, MUTHAFUCKA. It's not strong enough to cause any real damage but about what one would expect from drunkenly stumbling into a bug zapper. He glances over at Marlo and gets sprayed with SO MUCH WATER. As expected, he's soon jumping around, twitching in a bad way. Lightning arcs across his body, through the water and jumps to anything nearby. guessed it. Any heroes nearby! Marlo, Ashy, Tremor, anyone reasonably close may find themselves in for a shocking surprise as the attack semi-backfires. | Moist Toweltte girl is successfully shocked into unconsciousness by Sunder's tazer from Hell. She's down for the count! While Gina may have told Nick to get the girl into his car, he pretends to not have heard her. The comm unit's out, his car is a good distance away and the windows are up. Well. Except for the one that's busted out. So he has an excuse!| Wolfgirl soon realizes she's fucked if she doesn't move. And so she bolts, running away from Rick as more tears continue to fall, leaving a pack of wolves in her wake. She zags through the remaining people, trying to outright flee the scene. And whack! She gets hit in the neck, stumbles but keeps going even if it's wobbly and at a slower pace.
[21:25] * Gina_Stone is now known as FirstAmmendmentRights
[21:25] * vileGM is now known as RightToBearArms
[21:26] * FirstAmmendmentRights is now known as RightToArmBears
[21:26] * Shannon is now known as ArmToBearsRight
[21:26] * RightToArmBears is now known as Gina_Stone
[21:26] * RightToBearArms is now known as vileGM
[21:26] * ArmToBearsRight is now known as Shannon
[21:29] * Sunder With itch girl down for a while it was time to turn and see wolf girl running away... leaving a trail of god damn wolves. Against all better judgement he would sprint after her at full speed. Yeah, he had one of his classic well meaning but likely to backfire plans in mind as he went to crash into her damn hard, bracers of decking nails held towards her
[21:30] <@Ashlynne> Ash can't see the shock coming, since her hair is trying ot kill her. The first zort not only shocked her, but surprised her and she stumbled a bit, blind to where she was going, the second shock, from the water, knocks her off her feet. Instead of getting up the girl foucses her attention to the mask of hair, nails scratching at it as it slowly squeezes around her neck. Sounds come out
[21:30] <@Ashlynne> of her but they are choked and strangled sounding. Her hair kept growing and kept trying to kill her!
[21:31] <MarloCross> The Real question is this: Does Marlo's Momentum from the jump carry him through into Sparky or Not? Oh he gets hit with the bolts all right, but the electricity doesn't stop 180 lbs of solid Irish/American Wrecking Ball coming his way. Or does it? If it does not, then a semi concious, twitching Marlo Cross would hit him like a mule kick and then go tumbling across the road and into
[21:31] <MarloCross> the a mailbox.
[21:32] <Hayden_Reed> Hayden is still on the ground, motionless. Completely motionless. The unsettling kind of motionless.
[21:32] * @Shannon ~~~~ TOBIAS Laughs as Hayden goes down and kicks him a bit for good measure. Then he looked up and laughed at the state of both the Cobalties and his own teammates. Smashie against Hayden with that skateboard one more time, he then rode off or would, but look puddle! Zappy time for him too. He fell over and twitched - but that recklessness and voice whispering to DO STUPID
[21:32] * @Shannon THING TAKE CHANCES was still up. He laughed! ~~~~~
[21:33] <Gina_Stone> What? He's still moving? Bad, bad Fabio! Crank the shock sticks up all the way? BRILLIANT IDEA! Probably not one she'd have had were it not for skateboard boy's aura, but right now, it was a fanfuckingtastic idea. With her thumbs still in reach of the dials, she cranks them up all the way and zaps hairband man again, this time trying to bring the sticks down right near his heart.
[21:37] <Ricochet> "Sunder!" Rick calls out, again in midair. He tosses a circlet to Sunder, his aim true. It's an SND for him to clasp around wolfgirl's wrist. And then he twists in midair and shifts course toward the guy with the skateboard. Okay, you want stupid things and taking chances? Rick is all about that shit, and this ain't gonna be pretty. The first stupid chance he takes is balling himself in
[21:37] <Ricochet> midair and shifting his gravity towards the skatepunk at full, crushing force, like Blanka from Street Fighter II, only a lot less green and weird.
[21:37] <vileGM> Wolfgirl's wolves are still there! And they're as mean and bitey as ever. It may only take one well-placed blow to reduce them to big puddles of tears, they can still leave a nasty bite. As Sunder rushes in to beat the fucks out of her, three wolves retaliate and go after him. One for each leg and the third jumps up, aiming to land on the man's back and maul him from behind. As for the girl herself, she makes it a couple more steps and collapses. | Marlo's attack lands true! But he's also striking a man getting electrocuted to death. This can't possibly end well for Marlo. The electrical shortout continues until, well, he's dead. | Fabio shrieks and jerks around as he's electrocuted! His hair can only do so much to fight for him. He manages to continue fighting for a shock or two longer before going down for the count. He slouches to the ground and his hairtricks come to an end. Ashy and Hayden are free to breaaaathe but they're still left with fabulously long locks. Including Sunder if the Chia pet hair growth trick struck true.
[21:38] * Sunder (lgjc2@70.230.rhz.hyl) Quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[21:39] <Hayden_Reed> Even kicking him, he didn't move! Not like a 'kick him and he shifts to the side or twitches'. He didn't move at all. Even the wrinkles in his suit were the same after Tobias' assault as they were before it. It's a full minute before the stillness is gone and Hayden seems to come back to life, coughing from the strangulation and groaning from the bashing and kicks.
[21:40] * [Tremor] 's eyes go wide and he drives backward to try and avoid most of the splashback. Obviously this was a little too successful and he wasn't counting on others getting hit ether. He lunges for Ash to try and tackle her away from the electric shower and dependong on how successful the tackle, might roll around to spot Marlo turning into an angry, twitching projectile. He tries to shakes
[21:40] * [Tremor] his hands to keep them from twiching any more than they already normally did, "Hold very still Dollface" pulling his knife and quickly using it to carefully cut some of Ash's hair away. It might be no longer trying to choke her, but it might help free her form the mess.
[21:42] <MarloCross> Marlo Lands in a heap, twitching as he does. His body aborbed much of the amperage from the electrical bolts, but that left the voltage. His heart was now pounding hin his chest. He was gasping for air, his chest felt heavy and his guts churned. His body spasmed, cracking the pavement as his body released it's kinetic payload. Oh God,he thought,I'm fucking dying.
[21:42] * SunderMK2 (lgjc2@70.230.rhz.hyl) has joined #CH*Beyond
[21:43] <SunderMK2> ((If I could grab some reposts))
[21:43] <vileGM> <on it>
[21:45] * Angel`Pearson just sat where Gina had stashed him in Nicks ride, quietly freaking out. He was still rocking and rubbing/scratching at his arms, bitng down on his bottom lip in an attempt to keep quiet.
[21:45] * SunderMK2 (lgjc2@70.230.rhz.hyl) Quit (Read error: Operation timed out)
[21:46] <@Ashlynne> To say she was terrified was an understatement. Her vision was dimming and she couldn't breath. She heard Tremor's familiar nickname for her and tried the best she could to stay very still. As the knife cut through the hair she gained a bit of relief, gasping loudly. Unfortunately it still kept growing. There was a lot of hair and it was all hellbent on killing her.
[21:47] <@Ashlynne> *correction, there was no longer a lot of hair and it was fabulously back to it's normal length.
[21:48] <Gina_Stone> With skateboard boy out of the immediate area, the aura fades, and Gina's head clears somewhat. Looking down at the unconscious Fabio, she slumps her shoulders, panting with exertion and much to much adrenaline. She'll be sore later, for sure. She shakes the shock sticks a few times to free them from his hair, shutting them off, then collapses them and returns them to her belt. Looking
[21:48] <Gina_Stone> off toward Sunder and Rick chasing down wolf girl and skateboard boy, she decides they are more than capable of handling them themselves. Zip ties and an SND get slapped on Fabio's wrists before she hauls him over to pile him up with the crusty girl, who also gets an SND, and then she turns to Hayden. "You alright?" In the fray, she hadn't noticed he'd looked pretty well dead, frozen
[21:48] <Gina_Stone> even. Into the comms she speaks, "Everyone alright? ANyone still need help somewhere?"
[21:48] <@Ashlynne> *back to .. normal hair but LONG and favulous. Andi's oibviously takne her bedtime pills.
[21:48] * SunderMK2 (Sunder@2600:100a:b00d:innk:xoln:nhyj:iuyx:lonj) has joined #CH*Beyond
[21:49] * Sunder (lgjc2@70.230.nqp.vs) has joined #CH*Beyond
[21:51] <@Ashlynne> Ashy, once helped back up, takes an npc role and helps eopele escape, her long hair frustrating but fabulous!
[21:52] * Sunder (lgjc2@70.230.nqp.vs) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[21:52] <@Shannon> it'll be loike ribbons on a bike when she glides!>>
[21:53] <Angel`Pearson> lol ))
[21:53] <MarloCross> Marlo is still laying face down on the ground, twitching and trying not to vomit all over the spot his face was. He couldn't realy vocalize at the moment. He was just clutching his chest and praying...
[21:54] * SunderMK2 well it went partly to plan. Taking her down stuck on some spikes was the idea. Getting bit to hell? Not so much. He would hit the ground landing on the wolf on his back. One arm was stuck to the girl via decking nails, the other arm would swing wildly at one of the biting wolves
[21:54] <vileGM> Fabio, Moist Towelette Girl and Wolfgirl get zip tied, dampened and thrown into a pile together. Sparky lies dead beside Marlo, his blank eyes staring directly at Marlo. Evan, by now, is bordering on dead from his injuries. And as for the bastard who brought the shiny new court building to its knees...there's no trace! Well. There might be but if there is, he's somewhere in that rubble. Nickypoo brings his car around to pick up whoever doesn't have a ride and check for injuries he can heal. It brings him over to Marlo, who he simply watches. "Again?" he grunts and runs a hand through his hair. He's not sure if there's anything he can do for the guy. But he leans down to lightly poke at him with a gloveless hand, checking to see if...OH LOOK BLOOD. But that doesn't seem to be the source of Marlo's real injuries.
[21:57] * Void` missed all the fun... but she had been busy doing some very important things, and not just standing around like a dork. Like... something... Anyway, now it seemed it was all over and regardless of what she'd actually done, she was feeling pretty useless. Shoulder slumped, she drifted back over to the car on her wheels, and stopped by Nick. "Is there anything I can help with...?"
[21:58] * @Ashlynne ( Quit (Quit: Don't be weepy sleepy puppies, Slip your slippers on your footies, In the morning you'll get goodies, Puppy hats and puppy hoodies.)
[21:58] * [Tremor] gets to his feet and looks over in Marlo's direction, "Anyone have tranqs? I think he needs them right about now." he then sees Nick and starts to relax, "Just the Zombie I was hoping to see. You alright?"
[21:59] * Angel`Pearson couldnt certainly use some tranquilizers, tranquil would be reeeal nice about now.
[21:59] <MarloCross> He was, odd as it sounded, having a heart attack on top of cracked ribs, several cuts from the imploding building's cast off parts, plus several burn marks on his right shoulder where he hit Sparky in the first place. And to top it all off, His lamb Curry was still sitting on the phone booth
[22:00] <Angel`Pearson> dramaqueen lol ))
[22:00] <Hayden_Reed> Hayden eventually gets up to his feet. "Is this what you people do with your evenings?" he called to the closest person/s from Cobalt. He was unhappy, visibly, as he pulled the hair from around his neck. He was a bit shaggy before his encounter with Fabio; his stylist was going to shit when he got a look at all the hair now.
[22:00] * @Shannon ~~~~~ he is hit and down! Crushed beneath Rick's impression of Eden Poor Toby, but at least that aura of reckless behavior stopped. Unconscious? Crushed to death? we'll see. ~~~~
[22:01] * SunderMK2 the metalhead wasnt doing so good. The tac vest helped, but his back was still torn up, and a good bite in his leg. Moving just hurt.
[22:02] <Gina_Stone> Her phone is out, of course, calling the Sanctum docs. "Get an airlift coordinated with the local hospital here and META. We have captured mutants dapaned who need medical attention and Marlo is badly injured. Again. Alright." Heading to Nick, she stops to look in on Angel, frowning. "ETA 10 minutes for the airlift. META is on the way too for clean up. Try to stabilize him if you can."
[22:02] <Gina_Stone> And then she's off again to round up Sunder, hooking an arm under his and helping him back toward the rest.
[22:03] * Ricochet ( Quit
[22:04] <vileGM> Nickypoo flashes a smile at Tremor, "Yes. I was cowering in the car." At least he admits it! "I...should have helped." But he didn't. He quickly averts his eyes, glances over at the dead man and turns his attention back to Marlo. He quietly sighs and rests the palm of his bony cold hand on the side of Marlo's face, offering a gentle pat. It also serves to initiate contact and siphon off the worst of Marlo's injuries, transferring what he can. It happens quickly but can broken at any point. "Mhmm. I have some. They're in my bag." is muttered but he doesn't fetch them just yet. He nods to Gina, "Gotcha." is mumbled and he glances over at Sunder as well. But he can only take care of one patient at a time. GET IN LINE.
[22:05] * SunderMK2 curses, lots. "t-#*$%&!!thanks gina oh-$#!@/%!!!" If I ever lay eyes on 'er again!
[22:05] * Angel`Pearson he looked up at the sight of movement as Gina looked in on him, forcing an unconvincing little smile. He was still obviously wigging the eff out, but he managed "Hi.." and "Thankyou."
[22:06] <Hayden_Reed> "Can someone pull out whatever is in my back?!" he shouted at the Cobaltians again. Grumpy Hayden is grumpy.
[22:07] <MarloCross> Marlo gasps in relief as Nick takes away the brunt of the pain and calms the irregular heart beat. He subsides his writhing and looks up at tremor," me out...n-need you grab..." He points to the phone booth. Was he SERIOUS?!" take out."
[22:07] * SunderMK2 (Sunder@2600:100a:b00d:innk:xoln:nhyj:iuyx:lonj) Quit (Quit: AndroIRC - Android IRC Client ( ))
[22:08] <Angel`Pearson> some homeless guy done stole that takeout by now, totally ))
[22:08] <Hayden_Reed> ((Same guy who took Rick's clothes))
[22:08] * Aislinn ( Quit (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)
[22:08] <Angel`Pearson> totally ))
[22:08] <vileGM> <lmao>
[22:09] <Angel`Pearson> pants -and- takeout? score! ))
[22:09] <vileGM> < ^ >
[22:09] <Angel`Pearson> ha ))
[22:09] * @Shannon eats viles' GM >>
[22:09] * vileGM is now known as vile
[22:09] <MarloCross> He was laughing like a loon," HEH!! Lamb Curry Pants! Daddy Fights the bumble! LAMB CURRY!!!" He holds it over his filthy head as he runs away....
[22:10] * Void` looks over her shoulder, to Hayden when he asks for help. She's no medic, but she's got to do something to redeem herself, at least in her opinion. In her rollerblades, she glides over to the man in the fancy white suit and fabulous hair. Were she in a better mood, there may have been flirting. But not now. "I can help. I think..."
[22:10] * Void` circles around behind him to inspect the damage.
[22:11] <Gina_Stone> "Yeah, yeah, sparky." She gives him a squeeze and hauls him over to plant him against the hood of Nick's car. "Sit tight, Sunder. Help's on the way. And if you move, I will eat you, got it? No more tough guy." She waggles a finger at him mock menacingly, but her narrowed eyes are serious. Duxking back into Nick's car, she peers in at Angel again, holding her hand out. "Come here.
[22:11] <Gina_Stone> Medical folks are on their way to take everyone back to the sanctum. They'll fix you right up."
[22:12] <vile> Nicholas only stops healing Marlo once the injuries are cleared up or he's waved off. Once that's over with, he retracts his hand and quietly sighs. Thick, dark blood dribbles from his mouth and he wipes it away. If there's any more blood it's being absorbed by his swank suit. He heads towards Sunder and wiggles his fingers at the guy, "Need some quick healing?" he offers, his voice tired from...being tired. For now his poor, poor car with it's shattered window and busted door are ignored. Poor car.
[22:12] <Hayden_Reed> "Just pull the damn thing out!" He nearly roared. There was a sizable shard of glass in his left shoulder, from when the court building was collapsing. It was luck that had him fall on his face when he was hair-strangled. Or that Tobias seemed to focus more on the middle of his back with the skateboard, and his ribs with the kicks. "I can heal myself," he snaps at Nick. "I just need this
[22:12] <Hayden_Reed> thing out of my back!"
[22:13] * [Tremor] nods at Marlo's request, "It's alright man. I understand." Tremor would then go to the phone booth to get Marlo's takeout and return it to the bruser. Did this stop Tremor from getting a few bites for himself? Hell no. He figured it was hero tax. He looks to Nick and smirks, "Hiding until the fight is over is the smart move... though it does look like your car has seen better days.
[22:13] * [Tremor] You know I didn't know you had even found your car." He overhears Hayden talking about someone pulling something out of his back and frowns, "Sounds like some others could use a hand."
[22:13] * Aislinn ( has joined #CH*Beyond
[22:14] <MarloCross> Some one DID steal it, right?
[22:14] <vile> <yes>
[22:15] <MarloCross> THe bag would be empty, save for greasy finger prints and an empty hooch bottle...
[22:16] * Void` frowns a little as her mood sinks a little further. With one hand on Hayden's back, the other grips the glass, careful not to cut herself, and pulls it from his flesh. It's a good thing she's not squeamish, 'cause now his blood is on her hands, literally.
[22:18] <Gina_Stone> Cheryl, meanwhile, had watched the fun for a little bit, but when it really started getting bad, she'd hightailed it out of there. Shortly after getting back to her own car, she'd sent Hayden the following text: ~Have fun playing save the city with the kiddies. I'll be at home, not ruining my suit and enjoying some expensive whiskey in my hot tub. Ciao.~
[22:18] <Hayden_Reed> And for a second - literally - it soaks into his white suit. But then it begins to flow backward, back into the wound, which closes shortly after. And it's like there was never a shard stuck in him in the first place. The same is true for the cuts down his left arm. And the bruises on his side and back and neck. Save for his suit being ruined and his hair looking ridiculous, he was pristine
[22:18] <Hayden_Reed> again. He did look a little bit older than when he started, though..
[22:21] * Void` can't help it. She reaches out to flick at a bit of Hayden's fancy new hair, a wee little smirk tugging at her lips. "Nice hair."
[22:21] * Angel`Pearson continued scratching at his arms a moment after Gina spoke, before tearing his hands away with visible effort and reaching for the offered help with a small grateful smile "Thankyou."
[22:22] <Hayden_Reed> Void got the look. It wasn't nearly as effective as a woman's look, but it was one of those 'I will murder your family in front of you' looks. "Nice.. face." he retorted. If there was a bro nearby, he'd have totally gotten a high-five.
[22:23] <MarloCross> Marlo eventualy calms down, tranqs and all Nick's help coming together. He blinks up at Nick and frowns," We...really gotta keep meeting like this." Well, atleast he was now tied with Kevin for Most Medical Visits in a Week. Yeah...he was getting benched for a while.
[22:23] <Gina_Stone> She helps him out of the back of Nick's car. By now, the ambulances are here, as are the META agents, and things are all a bustle with activity! Injured folks are tended to and put in the backs of ambulances, to be taken to the hospital. Marlo gets a nitfy airlift to the Sanctum because he is a DRAMA QUEEN. The rest get BWEEEOOOBWEEEOOO rides where needed.
[22:23] * Void` simply grins. She'd actually meant it as a compliment, but whatever. On the inside, she was having a hard time resisting the urge to pet him like a kitty. Preeeetty hair.
[22:24] <MarloCross> "heeeey...I can fly this thing..."
[22:25] <vile> Nickypoo chuckles at Marlo's comment about running into each other. "I agree. But it's better than nearly going to battle because...well, I don't know why." Why do they fight so much? He waves to Marlo as the guy gets airlifted. And he's damn glad he's not riding along! Because f flying. He laughs again, glances over at Hayden but turns his attention back to...well, Sunder's being cared for now that the ambulances are around. So he goes back to his car. "Anyone need a ride back to Cobalt?"
[22:26] * Gina_Stone ( Quit (Quit: <@Jeem> SHE'S WEARING A NIGHTY <@Jeem> BUT HE CAN NOTICE A DISTINCT BULGE <Griffin> :( he may not clean his apartment or his dishes but he keeps his ferret clean)
[22:27] * Angel`Pearson dipped forward to latch onto Gina in a quick little hug that took visible effort with the creepycrawly way his skin was feeling, annnnd then he was whisked off back to the sanctum place in the ambulance and valiumed up. Yay valium!
[22:28] <Hayden_Reed> Hayden stomps off, almost visibly fuming. Somewhere down the street, his driver - smart enough to get the hell out of dodge - was waiting for him. Back to Cobalt he went!
[22:29] * MarloCross ( Quit (Quit: I guess y power suply finaly died)
[22:30] * Void` 's breif happy grin melts back into a frown as Hayden just walks away. This was just a bad day all over. Once again, like a sad puppy, she drifts back over towards Nick, head down, and quietly climbs into the front seat of the car.
[22:33] <vile> Nick reaches over to give Shiloh a warm pat on the shoulder. Now that everyone else is on their way home, he revs up his battered car and drives back home. VROOM VROOM.
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