A vile sheet and plot

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A vile sheet and plot

Post by Goldbolt »

vile sent me this sheet NOT for now, but for after the current SLs calm down
Player Nickname: vile

Name: Robert, Bobby and Bubba
Codename: Bambirus
Age: 30
Date of Birth: December 5, 1982

Height: 5'8 to top of head, 7'5 with antlers
Weight: 350
Hair Color: Dark brown
Eye Color: Tan
Place of Origin: Research facility in Texas
Nationality/Race: American
Classification/Origin of Powers: Test tube mutant

Status: Villain
Occupation: Mayor

Personality Profile: Each of the 3 heads has a distinct and separate personality from the others.

* Robert (head 1) is eloquent and is the overall mastermind of the three. He tries to do most of the talking but finds himself often interrupted by Bobby fairly often whenever he's away from work. Focused, driven, ready to complete any problem, he's quite capable of watching out for his brothers and managing issues when they arise.

* Bobby (head 2) has the mentality of a cranky old man. He's cranky, outspoken and tends to run his mouth and spew foul language whenever he feels so inclined. Not afraid to keep his comments to himself, he'll give anyone a piece of his mind who's willing to listen. But whenever Bambirus is in a public space and the holowatch is on, he stays dead quiet. It's as like both he doesn't exist at all.

* Bubba (head 3) is severely mentally challenged. At some point his wires just got crossed to the point that it's questionable whether he possesses basic intelligence or if he's just a slave of instinct. Most of the time his snout is muzzled and he's kept sedated. If left to his own devices, he'll bite, drool on or otherwise attack anything that attracts his attention in a negative manner. Everything else he'll leer at and generally make uncomfortable. It's best for everyone that Bubba remain blindfolded and muzzled.

Physical Description:

* Holowatch: Robert is an attractive man in his early thirties. For the most part he's unremarkable. Short tawny brown hair, deep chocolate-colored eyes, an athletic build make him easily fit into a crowd. Some age has started to creep into his visage but only in a good way, giving him the look of experience. His nails are kept manicured, his suit pressed and completely free of wrinkles.

* Undisguised: Bambirus has a man's body that's normal in every single way...save for the fact he has three deer heads attached to his neck. Each head has a distinct personality and it reflects in their mannerisms. The holowatch only masks his heads thanks to the rest of his body being untouched by his stunning mutation.

* Robert, while called Head 1, is actually in the middle position. His posture is erect and self-confident, fur well groomed and eyes bright. At times he even sports a fedora that matches his suit. Every one his antler points are pristine and kept in excellent condition, well-oiled and polished.

* Bobby, the left head, has one bulging eye that's clouded over and was presumably left damaged in an accident. A couple notches mar his ears and half the points of his antlers have broken off from use and neglect. Some of his teeth are missing and his lower jaw juts out from a natural deformity. Even his coat is less than impressive and is thinning in spots.

* Bubba, the right head, is clearly diseased. He attracts the most attention when allowed to be visible. A black leather muzzle keeps his jaws shut and blinders cover his eyes. Every once and a while some spit manages to seep out of his mouth despite the efforts to truss it up. Should the muzzle be removed, a cascade of drool often can be seen trailing from his mouth. The points of his antlers are curiously sharp as are his teeth. A bite from him could be dangerous in terms of physical damage but an infection is likely to follow.

Powerset: Sonics and hypercog

Head One: Hypercog: Robert is a very bright man. His brain works many times faster than an average human's and that extra power lets him keep control of the body. But he doesn't take complete advantage of his abilities and instead uses them to keep all his lines of power and plots straightened out. The fast thought processes makes him a good judge of facial expression almost to the point of mind reading. Of course the individual he's dealing with also has to express themselves through body language for him to read it.

Head Two: Shockwave headbutt: A powerful shockwave is generated whenever Bobby's antlers come in hard contact with a solid object. This includes: concrete, the ground, another creature's body or even one of his brother heads. It produces a jarring effect that can break bones, glass and cause physical trauma to the target, unintended or not. A deep booming noise is generated but it's not loud enough to cause additional damage.

Head Three: Sonic scream: Exactly as advertised. If Bubba can open his mouth, he can emit a destructive bray that's powerful enough to permanently deafen a target. This is usually not the case and instead leaves them temporarily deafened. It can shatter glass, stone and bones. Anything that can be affected by a very potent blast of noise.

Drawbacks & Weaknesses:

*Each power can only be used by the head that it belongs to. Robert can't use the sonic scream ability, Bobby isn't hyper intelligent. Once the head has been disabled, as is the power.

*It's a difficult game to keep up his appearance of being a perfectly normal human being considering he has two extra heads. This requires special measures to keep the secret from being uncovered. He's taken to having a very large personal bubble and acts overcome by a panic when someone violates his private space. A bodyguard or two is present with him at all times to keep anyone from getting too close.

*Only Robert may speak in public while he's disguised. If either of the other heads make a peep, his ruse could be broken.

*All three heads share the same body and so they fight for dominance. Thanks to Robert's power, he's generally the one running the show. But if he loses control for some reason or another, they could all be left disabled and flailing around uselessly until one of them wins.

* Hypercog: Fighting constantly for dominance exhausts Robert. The power is simply draining and the fact he's drastically older mentally than physically gnaws away on his sanity. It's just hard being so intelligent around people he considers dimwits. Despite having two brothers attached to him, he feels so desperately alone and isolated because he hasn't met very many people who can outshine him.

* Shockwave headbutt: It takes a hard strike to generate the shockwave. An off-center brush isn't enough. The antlers have to make a full connection to have any effect. The strength of the attack varies depending on the amount of force put into it. The attack can be accidental, caused by his body losing balance and toppling over onto an unintended target. This includes his brother heads! Each attack leaves him with a splitting headache and striking too many times can knock him out cold or disable any further attacks. If his antlers are broken off for any reason, including the yearly molt, he can't produce any kind of shockwave.

* Sonic scream: To use the scream ability, Bubba can't be wearing his muzzle and blinders. Robert and Bobby are very reluctant to allow this due to Bubba's very nature. They'll only release him in a pinch and get the gear back on him as soon as possible. Bubba can only scream 5 or 6 times in a day and has a short recovery time between each bray. If he attacks too many times he'll go hoarse for a week or two. The attack also affects his brothers and can temporarily deafen them as well. They can plug their ears but that requires both arms to be distracted by that, leaving him open to physical attack.

Projected Power Growth & Development: N/A


* Robert is a skilled orator and wordsmith. He prides himself on his wit and charm and spends every morning working on the daily crossword puzzle. Whenever his holowatch is up and running, he excels in maintaining a very normal-looking appearance and life.

* Bobby spends his available free time working on model cars. Full-size rides don't really hold any interest to him. But R/C helicopters, boats and robots are the best thing in the world as far as he's concerned. Right next to whisky and chewing tobacco that is.

* Bubba enjoys the simple things in life: leering at cleavage, drooling, biting things, causing a scene and chasing cats up a tree. He's a very simple man and very easy to please! Too bad he's muted and cut off from the world...most of the time.

Background: Life was never normal for the trio. They began and lived the early part of their lives in a medical facility. Bred on a petri dish, raised in a special oversized test tube and nursed on artificial milk. There's not a single thing in their past that's remotely natural. The three were spawned in an experiment to work on super soldiers back when that was the rage. Their originating egg was spliced with deer DNA for some of the useful qualities of the animal. For one it's a common beast and easy to get samples from. Two, they're hardy and require very little water and food to survive. Three is the wide angle of vision they possess thanks to their eyes being mounted on either side of their heads. Built-in weapons make them useful for infantry and also blending in with the underbrush. But they weren't supposed to have three heads. After so many failures this freak of an embryo was the only viable candidate. A broken experiment is better than none at all. It also provided an excellent way to study creatures with multiple brains and a single body.

Their upbringing was minimal at best and their education extremely lacking. Basic survival skills and intelligence tests were the main focus, their progress continually checked. They knew no family, no siblings, no friends other than each other. It's not clear at what point Bubba wound up the way he is but it's likely from one of the many tests or injections that went wrong.

And one day in the middle part of their lives, they found a way out. A group of radicals broke into the lab to free the test subjects. While the group expected to find monkeys, rats, dogs and other common animals...they found the three brothers. After some debate, they freed them. Adapting to the world was difficult and they still have some trouble to this day. A holowatch was one of the first things they got their hands on.

The only reason they got to where they are today is all thanks to Robert's intelligence. He caught on quickly to social climbing and worked to rally together proud mutants to strengthen their rights in a non-mutant society. Within a decade they managed to make a name for themselves.

** RECENTLY they've been working on a plot to make the world a better place for mutants through radical solutions. Their followers bear their mark: a black pin with a red antler emblazoned on it. They strive to enhance the lives and power of mutants while nibbling away at the rest of society. Namely, to reverse the roles of mutants and non-mutants. To make non-mutants take cover and be the second class citizens. Bambirus has clawed his way up through public office to governor through a variety of means. Blackmail, bribery, empty promises, overzealous and irrational ideas, his own inflated ego. They've all gathered him a great deal of support.

Criminal Record: Inciting a riot, attempted murder. Seen in Bambirus form (without a holowatch) during the event. He escaped and has not been captured by META.

Plot: Using mutants to terrorize and put 'normal' humans 'in their place'. He's using mutant powers and force to show the rest of humanity what he and his followers are capable of. Robert works to push a steady stream of bills through worded to support his efforts. Involves the channel through strategic attacks done both in Salem and on Cobalt property with a variety of mutant types. Trail left at some point that will unmask him publicly and lead to capturing/killing/negotiating with him.
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Re: A vile sheet and plot

Post by Goldbolt »

vile's getting anxious and mopey (Not angry) about this submitted plot. Thinks we forgot about it and it has been nearly two months and we haven't even discussed it.
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Re: A vile sheet and plot

Post by Sisip »

No. She's angry. She also snidely comments to other people in PMs about us deliberately not working on this and telling that person to not bother submitting their own storyline. I'll take a look at this today. Frankly I'm at the point where I'm about ready to approve it just to shut her the hell up about it.
The world is made up of stories, not atoms. ~Muriel Rukeyser
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