Dina Silver [Ifrit]

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Dina Silver [Ifrit]

Post by Suzthulhu »

Player Nickname: Suzthulhu

Name: Dina (Deena, NOT Dyenah!) Silver
Codename: Ifrit
Age: 25
Date of Birth: June 10

Height: 5'8"
Weight: 153 lbs
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Dark Brown
Place of Origin: Tel Aviv, Israel
Nationality/Race: Israeli/Caucasian
Classification/Origin of Powers: Mutant

Status: Resident
Occupation: Freelance security work/bodyguard.

Personality Profile: Dina has a fiery personality that matches her powers. Never one to back down or hold back from expressing her opinion, she can come across as abrasive and insensitive at times, but underneath, she's fiercely loyal and will defend her friends or teammates to the bitter end. Her exposure to the constant conflict in Israel has diminished her capacity to believe in the potential for peace, and the resentment and bias against mutants has led her to view non-mutants with skepticism and suspicion, as well as mutants who believe there can be a happy medium.

Physical Description: To say she's not striking would be to say the Mona Lisa isn't famous. Following the rigid structure she followed in the military, Dina let her wild streak resurface. She sports a long mohawk, usually kept teased up in the front and long in the back, down to her waist. Occasionally she streaks it with color, but usually it's just her natural black. Her body is covered in tattoos from the collarbone down, all of which are in Hebrew, and down her back she has the 10 Commandments, in order by when she committed each sin. She is generally quite darkly tanned, with an olive complexion and dark eyes, and she favors a punk/metal style in her clothing.



Powerset: Pyrokinesis

Ability One: Pyrokinesis: Dina can generate flames from her hands at will, ranging from small candle-like flames from her fingertips to the full engulfment of her hands and forearms in flames. These flames can vary in intensity from a warm campfire's heat to heat hot enough to weld metal when concentrated in a small area. She can throw fireballs or generate a flamethrower-like spread that reaches out to 15 feet in front of her.

Ability Two: Firebomb: If she concentrates hard enough, she can create a flame explosion centered on her that detonates outward in a 10-foot radius from her person. This fire is not nearly as hot or intense as her focused flames above, but it will still ignite easily flammable objects and pushes out with a force hard enough to knock someone off their feet.

Ability Three: Extreme heat/fire resistance: Dina is immune o the effects of her own flames; that is, she does not suffer burns when her hands ignite or when she uses her firebomb ability. She is not immune to flames or heat entirely; however she does boast a significant resistance/tolerance to heat and flames. Burns likely to be considered 3rd degree or worse on a normal human will only cause blisters and swelling if she is exposed to them for 1-3 minutes. After that, her skin will begin to burn and blister at a faster rate. Exposure for longer than 5 minutes will burn her just as badly as normal exposure.

Drawbacks & Weaknesses: Her powers generally mean her body temperature is significantly higher than normal, around 114 degrees normally. As a result, she is highly susceptible to being too cold, and when the ambient temperature drops below 85 degrees, she will start shivering and becoming irritable. She usually wears long sleeves, even indoors, unless the weather is particularly warm. Exposure to cold makes her lethargic, and exposure temperatures below 50 degrees without layered, heated clothing will put her into a coma-like state. Using her abilities is draining, and she can only sustain constant flames or fireballs for 30 minutes before she runs out of "fuel" and her body temperature begins to drop. Her firebomb takes so much energy that one pulse will knock her unconscious. She also eats quite a bit to maintain a steady level of "fuel," preferring foods rich in protein and complex carbs.

Projected Power Growth & Development: Her pyrokinesis is as developed as it's going to get. Potentially in the future, she may develop a better tolerance for chilly temperatures and/or be less wasted after using her powers.

Skills: She is an expert practitioner of Krav Maga, having undergone training that is reserved for Israeli Military and Police forces only. She is also fluent in Hebrew, English, and several Middle Eastern languages. Dina makes a mean curry beef stew.

Background: Dina's powers began to manifest right around the time she hit puberty. She began running what her parents and doctors thought was an extreme fever, but in spite of anything her doctors did or gave her, the fever simply would not reduce. Fearing brain damage due to the high temperature and what must be a serious infection and inflammation, her doctor recommended an extreme treatment of sedation and antibiotics. She was kept in a near vegetative state for two months while her body temperature continued to climb. Dina eventually became so hot, her parents feared they were going to lose their daughter. When her body temperature leveled off at 114 degrees, her hands literally burned holes in the hospital bed and sheets and warped the metal frame beneath it. Her doctors, realizing what was happening, removed her from sedation and the antibiotics in order to allow her body to adjust on its own, hoping it would stabilize her. When she woke up, she nearly set her room on fire and knocked three nurses off their feet with the force of her explosion.

Learning to control her abilities was a mix of trial and extreme error. She set more than one set of bedroom furniture on fire in her sleep, nearly burned her school's lab down when she tried using her own flames to ignite a burner, and caused more than one stir in public when her emotions got the better of her and her hands burst into flames. On her 18th birthday, as required by her native country of Israel, she enlisted in the Israeli Defense Forces to serve her time. She served four years with relatively few incidents related to her powers, and those that did occur were quickly buried by her unit superiors out of a need to keep as many able bodies as possible. It was during her time in the IDF that she was trained extensively in Krav Maga and other self-defense techniques. She did not like conforming to the rigid standards of the military, and four years after enlisting, she got out and returned to Tel Aviv, sporting several tattoos.

Her time in the military gave her four years to save money, leaving her a nice little nest egg that she quickly went through, splurging on a car, drinking, drugs, and other such bad mistakes. She started the tattoos of the 10 commandments on her back then, feeling superior each time she committed a sin in violation and adding that commandment to her back. At the age of 24, broke, with no job prospects, an addiction to opiates, and nothing to show for her service to the IDF, those commandments took on an entirely different meaning. Instead of trophies of her past sins, they became reminders of her mistakes and an inspiration to live a better life. She began the process of trying to immigrate to the United States, and shortly after her 25th birthday, she was granted her Greencard. Her desire to come to the US involved the need for further schooling, better job prospects, and a chance to start over. In her endeavors to find a decent place to live, she learned of Cobalt, formerly a school for mutants, now a sanctuary, and decided it would be as good a place as any to start.

Criminal Record: None, surprisingly.

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts: She likes to lay outside in the sun on hot days, but loathes swimming or actually going into the water at the beach.
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