Shane Connolly

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Shane Connolly

Post by Dave »

Player Nickname: Dave

Name: Shane Connolly
Age: 25
Date of Birth: 07/15/1986

Height: 6'2"
Weight: 185
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Blue
Place of Origin: Boston, Mass
Nationality/Race: Irish-American/Caucasian
Classification/Origin of Powers: Mutant

Status: Resident/Trainee
Occupation: Bartender/Traveler

Personality Profile: Shane is considered to be a quick, mostly friendly person. He's open-minded and generally speaking will try anything once, especially if it's something exciting he's never done before.

Physical Description: Shane is tall, athletic and lean, with handsome features. He keeps his hair on the shorter side, better to fit under a bike helmet, and is built like the lacrosse player he was.

Powerset: Heat Control

Ability One: Thermal Blade: Shane has the ability to absorb ambient energy (solar, thermal, etc) and utilize it to generate 'blades' of intense heat that can either be projected as a melee weapon or fired from a distance. There is generally speaking enough energy and heat in these to penetrate wood, plastics and thinner metals rather quickly.

Projected Power Growth & Development: Eventually Shane may be able to use this control of thermal energy in other ways, but the core of his powers will likely stay the same. His efficiency in energy usage will likely improve over time, as will the heat inherent in the blades themselves - eventually he would be able to use them to take down harder armored targets.

Skills: Shane knows his way around a bar and can pour a mean pint of Stout. He keeps himself in very good shape mostly through plyometrics and body weight training. He's a bit of a student of life - if you need something done, chances are he's picked up how to do it in his travels.

Background: Shane's early life was spent shuttling back and forth between Ireland and Boston thanks to his parents. By his teens, after a divorce, his father settled in Boston where he went through high school. He was a solid student and joined the school's lacrosse team in his freshman year, quickly becoming part of the varsity squad. His powers manifested in his sophomore year resulting in a small amount of property damage, but he was never linked to it. He recieved a lacrosse scholarship to UMass, but once attending college his control began to slip. After a series of on-campus incidents, he dropped out at 21, traveled the United States on the back of a motorcycle for a few years, began working on refining his control and eventually made his way to Salem, sensing opportunity.

Criminal Record: None. That's not to say he hasn't done anything illegal, he just hasn't been caught. Yet.

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts: Shane practically lives out of a duffel bag and backpack. He's an accomplished couchsurfer and has friends all over the country, but has no 'real' fixed address at this point and can fit everything he owns on his back. He's had all sorts of odd jobs and has picked up a variety of skills as a result, and is very self-sufficient.
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