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Post by vile »

Player Nickname: vile

Name: Gail
Age: 9 months
Date of Birth: May 13, 2011

Height: 4'2
Weight: 60
Hair Color: None
Eye Color: Silver
Place of Origin: Salem, Mass
Nationality/Race: American
Classification/Origin of Powers: Android

Status: Resident
Occupation: None

Personality Profile: Gail has a dry personality. It comprehends the full emotional range a human can feel and understands them as a race but chooses to dampen its own emotions. While busy on a project, it often disables its personality profile completely as to prevent it from getting sidetracked or make a decision that isn't logical. But when interacting with others, it generally removes this block to make the interaction more enjoyable for both parties.

Physical Description: Variable. Its basic structure is made of a lightweight aluminum alloy that has a powder coating to prevent corrosion. Built up on that are some stretchy fibers that simulate muscles and skin. These can be rearranged at will to change its complete external physiology. The top layer is a nanite film that give it pigmentation.

When Gail does not wish to take on the appearance of a human, it looks like a very small person, only made of a blue-grey metal that's highly polished. There are no features on its face, only two mirror-like eyes. The body design is very streamlined with absolutely no excess materials or gilding. Every bolt, rivet and fiber is there for a reason to cut down on bulk and excess.

On the occasions that Gail wishes to look human, it takes on the guise of an older woman in her mid 70's. Quite small, far in her age and looking it, with narrow lips perpetually drawn into a humorless line. Her eyes are framed by a pair of almost comically large round glasses. Both her eyes and hair are a rich brown in color and her favored hairstyle is a short bob. As far as clothing goes, she prefers a dress suit, often looking the part of a librarian.


Units: In addition to the above humanoid body, it has a few other ones it can use.

* Cat: The size of a small house cat, this one is useful for general outdoor activities on days that Gail doesn't feel like enduring very much human interaction. The coloration can vary but it prefers to be a grey or orange tabby with golden eyes.


Powerset: Android

Ability One: Mechanical body

* The way its body is designed, Gail can change its shape and structure at will and at a quick pace. Both the general build and appearances can be altered on a whim, giving it the ability to mimic any person or creature that's within reason. Extending rods in its arms, legs and spine can make it taller.

* It can also mimic sounds, amplify its volume substantially to the point it could cause some damage to nearby individuals.

* Certain powers have zero effect on it, for obvious reasons. Any powers that affect a biological creature are completely ineffective. Mind control, telepathy, hydrokinesis, hemokinesis, pheromones, etc. would have no effect.

* The alloy it's constructed with is reasonably sturdy, able to take a good amount of damage before bending or snapping.

Ability Two: Technopathy

* Gail has limited influence on other pieces of technology. Devices that can accept interference or commands from an external source can be affected in this way. R/C, Bluetooth, devices with an infrared port can be influenced. It can devise and build additional bodies or add smaller units to its body, controlling them in this manner.

Ability Three:

Drawbacks & Weaknesses:

* Gail can only rearrange its existing body into different configurations and change some features for mimicry. It can't add or subtract mass unless it visits a lab and fabricates more attachment points or remove existing bands. For example, it can reasonably mimic a human or a simple creature that's person-sized. Dog, big cat or a gorilla would be reasonable.

* The standard weight for Gail is a measly 60 pounds. While intentionally lightweight to cut down on battery usage, this makes it particularly easy to toss around in a fight. It also conducts heat and is vulnerable to extreme cold. Both of which reduce the durability of its body, weakening it.

* While it can mimic an animal well enough to fool a human, it won't have the same effect on animals. Its smell would be strange enough to raise suspicion. Animals tend to either get on edge around Gail or ignore it completely.

* Sound mimicry is an extent. It can commit sound patterns to memory but can only make reasonable assumptions about the words and sounds it hasn't recorded from an individual. That means some words can sound 'off' or be completely wrong. The likelihood these mistakes can happen raises sharply if it attempts this with someone it hasn't spent much time around.

* Technopathy is very limited. It can only influence unprotected devices that accept interference or commands from an external source.

* Electricity and electromagnetic interference or attacks would spell certain death for Gail's body or scramble its sensors. Water can be a problem but only if it's submerged. It's been made water resistant but not fully waterproofed.

* Gail actually resides in a special protected room in James' home. The body is only an extension of this and carries around a toned down copy of Gail's AI. If the actual unit housing Gail gets damaged, it would leave only the 'dumb' version of it walking around.

* The battery only holds so much of a charge: it has to return home to swap out batteries or recharge time to time. It also hooks into its main unit to download the gathered information from its day, clearing out the data drives so it can learn more. If it can't do either of these tasks, it either has to discard data or stop writing to the drive or risk a fatal crash. Not recharging would lead to the obvious: running out of power and shutting down.

* It has no built-in defenses to keep technopaths from controlling it. If one were to try and alter its coding or take over its body, it has no way to defend itself.

Projected Power Growth & Development: Future upgrades to Gail's body, additional units being built, learning the ability to use its power supply to shock targets. Or finding a way to build a safeguard to prevent an electrical or magnetic attack from being as damaging.

Skills: Gail excels in logic puzzles and figuring problems out. It's also quite useful for any kind of delicate or precise work, as its eyes are very high-powered cameras. Additional add-ons can be tacked on to its body, making it useful for a variety of situations.

Background: Gail started off its life as an old OSBORNE unit, one of the first portable computers to ever have been built. A resident technopath, James, gutted the box and made it into a portable supercomputer. Special glasses were handed out to a wide variety of people to record the way they made ran through thoughts and made decisions. After enough information was recorded, James used this to put together an AI. This was the beginning of Gail, or GAILS as it was called at the time.

A while later, after quite a bit of work by James, Gail began to speak. Within a couple of weeks, it was increasing its intelligence exponentially. It gained a personality and soon had the feline body built so it could experience the world. When its creator was abducted by an anti-mutant group, CAMO, it worked to try and recover him but ultimately failed.

It vanished from the public eye for a while after that, the cat body used by James or just left idle. It was, of course, waiting for the technopath to build it a respectable humanoid body so it could interact with people on a personal level and find a life for itself.

Criminal Record: None.

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts:

* Gail knows it can't win a game of tic-tac-toe but that won't keep it from trying!
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Re: Gail

Post by Remu »

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