Caroline Alexander

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Caroline Alexander

Post by emily19 »

Player Nickname: emily

Name: Caroline Alexander
Codename: N/A
Age: 18
Date of Birth: 3/9/93

Height: 5’6
Weight: 136 lbs
Hair Color: Bright Red
Eye Color: Dark blue
Place of Origin: Washington, D.C.
Nationality/Race: White
Classification: Mutant

Status: Resident
Occupation: Waitress

Personality Profile: (Your character's personality, mindset, worldviews, etc.) Caroline is carefree, she loves to goof off and screw around, she isn’t a flake though and is very loyal to her friends.

Powerset: Energy Gels: Caroline can produce balls of energy that have a gel like quality when they strike any solid service, at this time Caroline can produce three different energy gels but these may evolve as her power grows.

Ability One: Bounce Gel: This light blue substance causes any surface that is coated with it repel objects (up to 375 lbs) upwards or give surfaces a trampoline like quality allowing a person to jump great distances. Bounce Gel if used right can be used to cushion any falls from great heights. Bounce Gel has a limited time span and will evaporate after about 5 minutes and if it comes in contact with any significant amount of water or wet surface it will evaporate on contact.

Ability Two: Electro Gel: This dark purple gel contains a bio-electric charge equal to that of a standard tazer which is released instantly upon contact with any surface. Electro Gel has a instant effect which means it cannot be thrown and left to lie in wait like a trap, once contact is made with surface its energy is released and the gel evaporates in about 10 seconds. Creating this gel in a wet environment is a bad idea as it will cause the gel to activate immediately and will shock Caroline.

Ability Three: Containment Gel: This orange gel turns into a rock hard crystal when it makes contact with any surface and is useful for trapping or as the name suggests containing things. Containment Gel lasts about 15 minutes before evaporating and any contact with water will cause it to deteriorate in 3 minutes.

Drawbacks & Weaknesses: All of Caroline’s energy gels are weak against water to one degree or another and would actually be useless in anything but the lightest of rains! Caroline is not immune to her own gels meaning if she dropped a ball of boom gel at her feat it would hurt her just as much as it would anyone else. Excessive use of any of her gels will wear out Caroline and will eventually cause her to pass out.

Projected Power Growth & Development: Eventually Caroline should be able to create longer lasting gels in larger quantities, her current gels may even evolve in unexpected ways!

Skills: Caroline is a skilled gymnast and has been in training since she was 7, in the last couple of years she has gotten interested in dance and parkour, she is getting pretty good at both but she isn’t a master any either.

Background: Caroline Alexander is your typical rebellious teenager, she wasn’t really a trouble maker but she always marched to the beat of her own drum and in rich family, that doesn’t always sit well. When Caroline got her powers she wanted to flaunt them while her parents wanted to hide her away, this caused some friction which led to Caroline moving in with her carefree aunt at the age of 16, who thought her nieces powers were “bitchin”. Caroline lived the next two year with her Aunt going to school, living off an allowance from her parents and money she earned part time as a waitress. Caroline having just turned 18 Caroline thought a change in scenery was needed so packing up all her stuff she headed off to Salem and Cobalt Hill!

Criminal Record: None

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts: Caroline is incredibly claustrophobic and will freak out of stuck in an enclosed area. Caroline loves to dance and run, when stressed will use either to relax, she also loves steampunk and will dress up when she feels the need. Caroline's eyes glow different colors depending on the gel she is making.
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