vile vs [Wormwood]

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vile vs [Wormwood]

Post by Goldbolt »

first some IC background:
* AnE ( Quit (Quit: ZZZZ.)
* [Wormwood] pauses and then looks over at Gabe again, "So I was talking with your lady friend, Julie I think, and it came up that general opinion of me and my work is somewhat... inaccurate. I was thinking that if I answered any questions you might have then it might set the record straight."
<vile> "She's my girlfriend." he corrects with a laugh. "No, it's fine. I heard what you muttered at us." The oaf says and looks out the rec center window, spotting Marlo and a very unhappy looking JJ. His brows furrow with concern and he stands, not knowing if he should intervene or not. Even if no, it's late.
* Nicci ( Quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
<MarloCross> "Cause I keep fucking up. Everything I say or do turns out wrong! I mean...I'm just no good at this." He clearly seemed worried about the idea. Was it losing Kayla or something else. He shifted from side to side, uncomfortably.
* [Wormwood] blinks, "Are you sure it wasn't the other way around?"
* JJ was completely lost here. "Errrm... could I have some context please? It can't be that bad..." Why was he suddenly thinking about a bag of hammers? Who just stored hammers in a bag?
* Maximus ( has joined #Cobalt*Hill
<vile> "Eh?" Gabe asks and narrows his eyes at Wormwood, not quite sure what the guy is getting at. The guy fishes around through his pockets, in search of...a-ha! A soft pack of cigarettes. A stick is shaken out and he hikes a brow, "I'm not following you."
* Lukas` ( has joined #Cobalt*Hill
<MarloCross> "I made a realy bad off color joke in a wrestling match with Sisip, I didn't tell my mom we were dating...That kinda fucked up....Oh and I almost got into fist fights with the guys she was dating before me."
<MarloCross> Simple as that and just as easily deadpanned.
* [Wormwood] shakes his head "Nevermind. My point is, I think you had made some rather swift judgements without knowing the facts and I would like to present you the opportunity to correct that."
<JJ> "You were wrestling with Aunt Sisip?" There was a brief look of horror on his face, but the almost nine months old shook it off. "Ok... so a joke in poor taste... seems to happen quite often with you." Yes, that was for the Jobs joke. "You didn't tell your mom you were dating? Doesn't seem too bad to me... and you tried to beat up other guys she liked before you... Yes. That is pretty stupid. Have you tried thinking things through a little more before doing them?" Say the boy with a near non existant brain mouth filter who hardly ever looks before he leaps. But hey, as that saying goes: those who can't do, teach.
<vile> The winged man glances up at an analog clock and turns his attention back to Wormwood. "Yeah, sure. It's late, I'm getting cranky and I'm note terribly concerned about it."
* [Wormwood] nods, "That seems to be the pattern, yes."
<vile> Gabriel runs a hand over his face and rolls his eyes. "Okay. You can enjoy your quips and witty remarks all you want to, by yourself. I am going to bed. Rest well, whatever your name is." A friendly smile is flashed and he heads for the door, keen on getting home to his beloved Bird and comfy bed.
<MarloCross> "I try but my brain just keeps saying 'This is a GREAT idea.' I mean" He grumbled and kicked at the ground,"It'd be great if I were smarter."
<vile> BB strolls by and hums a couple bars, "If I only had a braaaain."
* [Wormwood] doesn't seem very amused. This would need to be settled at some point. He looks back to his laptop and starts doing research on the local bird man.
And now the resulting OOC chaos:
<vile> too bad he won't find anything. luddites don't exactly have a facebook page
<vile> though there's a video of gabe cooing while he sleeps
<JJ> hehe
<[Wormwood]> he tried to fly across the midwest without a holowatch, in a time and age when camera phones are almost given away at stores... I think he will find plenty.
<vile> no, he hitch hiked with a holowatch on
<Lukas`> Probably. At -least- one video with Gabe flying overhead, a rainbow shooting out his bum..with the Nyancat music playing
<vile> lmao
<[Wormwood]> the profile gives it in a different order.
<Lukas`> Because the internet can be -entirely useless-
<vile> you're still not going to handwave him knowing things BECAUSE INTERNET ¬_¬
<JJ> ^
<vile> gabriel isn't even his name
<[Wormwood]> ok. *shrug* Worm can just walk by Gabe's room and get the scoop from there.
<vile> ...gabe doesn't own anything other than a couple changes of clothes, a guitar and a bird
<[Wormwood]> NO
<[Wormwood]> You dont say!
<vile> he only got a rubick's cube this week ¬_¬
<[Wormwood]> that says a lot
<JJ> he's a luddite
<JJ> plugs are the devil
<vile> everything he owns can be stuffed into a duffel bag. the parrot won't appreciate that very much
<vile> lol
<JJ> batteries are the devil
<[Wormwood]> why would batteries make a difference?
<[Wormwood]> or electronics?
<vile> gabe hates electronics
<JJ> just saying that gabe's a luddite
<vile> ^
<[Wormwood]> yeah
<[Wormwood]> I'm not disagreeing with that
<[Wormwood]> How would that stop Worm from getting info on Gabe?
<[Wormwood]> He can -see- and -detect- things.
* Tagert is now known as Tagert`away
<[Wormwood]> no computer required.
<vile> because he's not your character and what he finds should be discussed first. also: he's not a cobalt resident. why would he be allowed to snoop around, stalk, set up cameras or do the other weird things?
<vile> ...the first part of that was about my 'he'. it is late and i'm not good at the english.
<Tagert`away> That's true of you no matter what time of day.
<Tagert`away> SNAP
<vile> :|
* vile flips tables
* vile also requires some aloe for that burn ;.;
<Tagert`away> Here's some aloe.
* Tagert`away hands over re-branded Tiger Balm.
<Tagert`away> ... 4659_n.jpg
<Tagert`away> Warning: Swearing.
<vile> WHAT I'M SAYING IS, i would appreciate it if what Wormwood finds out about Gabriel is at least mentioned or run by me first, especially if it's something found on the internet or through ways that aren't directly observed
<Lukas`> ...
* Lukas` gives slow golfclaps
* vile also applies, shrieks like a girl and dies
<Tagert`away> Love me, Luc.
* Tagert`away hugs Luc
* Lukas` hugs back.
<vile> lol
<[Wormwood]> 1. All details gathered would be from informtion that is posted on the forum. There are no liberties taken with how Worm can gather the information. If he can see that Gabe has scars on his skin and he sees the needles stored in a case in his pocket, he can figure out Gabe is using these on himself. 2. Last time I asked you for information you basicly told me to fuck off and all I was even
<[Wormwood]> asking for was distance. What reason do I have to think you will be any more cooperative with Gabe's other information? 3. He is a cobalt resident. I registered the character. If he needs to speak to Gains to make it offical then maybe that should be a more available option in channel. I got authorized. Worm's powers are legal.
<Lukas`> "Oh look. My sarcastic slow clap processor is still operational. Faaaantastic."
* BradHomePC ( has joined #CH*OOC
* BradSleepin ( Quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
<[Wormwood]> If I thought worm could get any info from the internet, it's only because the information in Gabe's profile indicates he tried to make the trip without a holowatch.
* vile facepalms
<[Wormwood]> If that's not true, then I stand corrected, but it also means the profile isn't accurate, which isn't -that- big of a deal.
<[Wormwood]> except it gives someone the wrong idea.
<[Wormwood]> and mistakes like this might happen.
<vile> i don't even know how to respond
<vile> this is coming across as metagamey, man
<Tagert`away> Hmm. If you want to find something out about a character, you ask their player and negotiate with them what information you can get. For example with Jordan, he could theoretically suck up an entire persons memories in one hand shake (with the way the power is)...but I don't, because I ask.
<JJ> ok ok... Worm says he's only using data based on the sheets. anything that happened based off that information that seems open should be discussed and not assumed.
<vile> exactly, tag. and no, sho. gabriel's information is not available to the public.
<JJ> ok, thank you.
<vile> as in, he hasn't shared it with anyone. he doesn't have an ID and if he did, it would be with his psuedonym and have cobalt listed as his place of residence. he doesn't use the name he had as a kid and there's not much to link him to who he used to be
<[Wormwood]> did I say he could figure out who he was as a kid?
<vile> yes, i can see videos of gabe flying being available but good rping would still be to talk this kind of stuff over with me instead of just assuming it's okay to do
<[Wormwood]> did I say worm knew his real name?
<vile> becuase you said that what's on his page is public information, which it isn't
<JJ> worm did refer to gabe as smith at least once but in thought not aloud
<[Wormwood]> I didn't say it's public information
<[Wormwood]> First off, he has to have a recept, ID or have signed his name on -something- that would allow worm to know that name, which is obviously fake so worm would figure that out too.
<vile> why would worm think that gabriel is a fake name?
<[Wormwood]> same reason Worm is a fake name.
<vile> ...i'm just asking you to run this stuff by me first. that's not asking very much, man.
<Tagert`away> Huh? It's very unlikely for someone to name their kid Worm. Gabriel, though? That's not an uncommon first name...
<MarloCross> did i lose JJ?
<[Wormwood]> a guy with -wings- though?
<vile> gabriel is a common name. the only odd thing about it is that he doesn't have a last name listed
<[Wormwood]> and no last name?
<JJ> noi
<Tagert`away> If I had a kid born with wings
<Tagert`away> I'd name him Michael
<vile> lol
<Tagert`away> Or Gabriel
<Tagert`away> Or Raphael
<Tagert`away> Or Ezekiel
<Tagert`away> Or so on :P
<vile> gabriel is a basic name. he could have had it before he had the wings
<Tagert`away> Nominative determinism. >.>
<Tagert`away> (Which is not exactly what I said - More the opposite)
<Tagert`away> JJ grins a lot.
* Tagert`away teases.
<Lukas`> Dont worry, we know what you meant.
<vile> jj gets it from his dad! :D
<JJ> yes he does.
<Tagert`away> Is Jameson still half a man?
<vile> yes
<vile> sadly
<MarloCross> damn i need to get to bed myself! It's 1:30 here
<[Wormwood]> Ok
<[Wormwood]> so from what you're saying, all I ever need to do is ask?
<[Wormwood]> and you will give me all the info you are absolutely willing to give?
<[Wormwood]> so if Worm walks by Gabe's room and scanned the inside, you would be willing to tell me all the details. Then, I would be allowed to let Worm make judgements on what these details could mean... correct?
* Tempest` ( Quit
<Tagert`away> She would be willing to tell you what she would be willing to tell you. :P
<vile> asldfkj i'm telling you that there isn't much information to obtain about gabriel. unless wormwood is a technopath or hacked into the compound computers, there is not much to find. at all. ever. because he hasn't been in any systems. he has no police record, there's nothing with the DMV. he has no social networking or anything else that would be commonly found on the internet.
<vile> this is my character. it's up to me what he finds out.
<[Wormwood]> ok, again, he -walks- by gabe's -room- and uses his -mental powers- that have nothing to do with computers...
<[Wormwood]> I then ask you what all he can -see- inside
<JJ> we covered this, there's a parrot and a guitar
<vile> ^
<vile> and oliver's belongings
<JJ> Gabe's practically a hobo
<vile> he was for years!
<Lukas`> Him and Croach need to share Hobotips.
<vile> from 14 or so on, he's been a vagrant
<vile> haha
<[Wormwood]> how about keys, a wallet, pocket change, ect.
<Lukas`> "If you're eating old food. Green mold is perfectly safe. Red mold will give ya terrible 'stomach problems' if ya catch me, and avoid the blue stuff right out."
<JJ> wow wormy's got something going for gabe.... creepy ;-;
<vile> the answer is no. this won't be resolved tonight because you're intentionally making this worse than it is. please just drop it and leave my character alone for now until it can be worked out at a later date.
<[Wormwood]> I'll be the judge of what my intentions are.
<vile> so how about those [local sports team]?
* [Wormwood] gets to work on a new character.
<[Wormwood]> Who's still awake?
<JJ> fading but here.
<vile> i'm done rping for the night
<[Wormwood]> Is it fruitless to make an additional comment or will I just earn more contempt?
<vile> if you have to make a comment like that, you should know the answer.
<vile> i'm willing to work with you, i really am. we can talk about it tomorrow and i'm sure a happy medium could be reached.
<[Wormwood]> fair enough
<[Wormwood]> I'll take it
* [Wormwood] (Tremor@14055b15.6ca5ed39.184.76.imsk) Quit
vile is accusing Wormwood of metagaming and power reinterpretation to true omniscience. Citing a prior example: "<vile> he's playing it like ominescence. like when wormwood somehow knew sisip and marlo's ages and blamed it on walking past their lockers and knowing, and remembering, everything inside" Wormwood hasn't lodged a complaint except continue to poke and press buttons in his ooc responses.

PM snippet
<vile> i don't mind working with him, i really don't. but when he starts just assuming he can have his character know whatever he wants the guy to and then backtrack to excuse how or why...
<vile> such as: gabriel is a fake name. why would he assume it's fake? it's a common english name.

Wormwood started assuming things on Gabriel going to far as to claim it's because of his powers. vile called him out on it and told him several time that, that wouldn't work and to ask her first. Things exploded from there, and Wormwood is probably going to ragequit that character and make a new one.
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Re: vile vs [Wormwood]

Post by Sisip »

Goldbolt wrote:first some IC background:
<Tagert`away> Hmm. If you want to find something out about a character, you ask their player and negotiate with them what information you can get. For example with Jordan, he could theoretically suck up an entire persons memories in one hand shake (with the way the power is)...but I don't, because I ask.
Meh, Vile's always looking for the latest/greatest thing to get worked up over. In the end this is how it should be handled.

I'm not seeing a huge travesty here. Worm HAS asked oocly in the past. He was treated like ass about it. He's been pretty good about asking on an OOC level about things like that. I've fielded a couple of his questions already from his scans.

I think this is just a bit of Vile got her manties in a wad about Wormwood, treated him like ass which made him treat her like this which made her manties wad up again and thus here we go.
The world is made up of stories, not atoms. ~Muriel Rukeyser
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