Mark Evans

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Mark Evans

Post by Hazmat32 »

Player Nickname: `Todd

Name: Mark Evans
Codename: N/A
Age: 17
Date of Birth: 7/6/94

Height: 5'9 / 6'3
Weight: 167 lbs / 512 lbs
Hair Color: n/a
Eye Color: White
Place of Origin: San Diego, California
Nationality/Race: White
Classification: Mutant

Status: Trainee
Occupation: Student

Personality Profile: Mark is a little shy because of his condition, he is an observer of the world but thanks to the suit that contains his power he cant really interact with the world and it can make him a little standoffish.

Physical Description: Image


Powerset: Light Absorption and Projection, Heat/Radiation Immunity

Ability One: Light Absorption: Mark's body absorbs light continuously, this unfortunately is not a controllable power and happens as long as Mark is exposed to light. Mark no longer needs food or water to survive though he does still need to breathe, his body is sustained by light and he would actually starve to death if locked away from it for an extended amount of time.

Ability Two: Solar Projection: Due to Mark's continuous absorption of ambient light when his body's storage level have reached there capacity, excess light energy is absorbed and immediately re-emitted in dangerous levels forcing him to wear a containment suit for the safety of those around him. Mark is able to focus his stored energy along his hands with little effort allowing him to emit beams of intense heat strong enough to melt high grade steel or emit bursts of intense light that can blind disorient people.

Ability Three: Heat/Radiation Immunity: Because of his powers Mark is immune to most forms of Heat and Radiation

Powered Suit: Marks suit which resemble a classic diving suit was built to contain and regulate his powers, the suit itself is powered by the energy Mark constantly emits. The suit while powered does not grant Mark superhuman strength, it does give him a small boost allowing him to move around with ease but even with the suits strength backing him up Mark could only lift about a maximum of 450 lbs. The suit is made water/air tight and is made to handle extreme amounts of heat and itself is pretty sturdy so it could take a good bit of blunt force trauma or even stop a knife as long as the person using the knife isn't exceptionally strong, it however is not bullet proof and even a small caliber gun would punch right through it. Mounted on the back is a air purifier and regulator which pulls in oxygen, purifies it, and sends it into the suit which allows Mark to breath. If these are damaged Mark would be in trouble because he would either suffocate or be forced to remove his suit which could kill anyone around him. Located all around the suit are mechanized ports which can be opened and are specially designed to allow ambient light in but not out so Mark can feed, the only exception to this are the ports on the palms and finger tips of the suit which allow Mark attack or defend himself if need be.

Drawbacks & Weaknesses: Marks powers are uncontrollable and he needs his suit just to interact with the world. While Marks powers and suit allow him some protection he is no wear near invulnerable and stray bullet or even a lucky shot from a knife would be enough to kill him.

Projected Power Growth & Development: Eventually Mark might be able to control his powers allowing him to ditch his containment suit or his projection powers might increase allowing him greater control or a different range of effects.

Skills: Mark is a skilled mechanic and has even been taught to monitor or repair his own armor should it be damaged.

Background: Mark's life was almost idyllic really before he got his powers, his father was a rich man who had a great job and lavished his son with whatever he needed or wanted, his mother was a loving woman who came from a wealthy family and loved nothing more then to dote on her only child, in short Mark was spoiled rotten. Mark was a handsome if somewhat snobby kid who was given a hard dose of reality when his powers started to show themselves, it started off small, you know he would get mad and his eyes would glow or he would melt his 360 controller when he got to excited by a game but eventually it got to the point where he couldn't even touch a person for fear of burning them with his skin. Mark's father spared no expense when it came to researching Marks condition. The Doctors soon discovered that Mark absorbed ambient light and while his body stored it he couldn't store all the energy it was absorbing, there only course of action was to build the suit that Mark now occupies for his safety as well as everyone around him. With Marks new suit came a new perspective on life, the young snob soon disappeared to be replaced by a humble and somewhat shy young man. Mark locked himself away from the outside world, choosing to lose himself in video games and books, his parents desperate to help there son contacted Cobalt hoping that being surround with others of his kind would help him.

Criminal Record: None

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts: Mark has a great love for reading and he has a huge collection of books that he has brought with him to cobalt.
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Re: Mark Evans

Post by Sisip »

We're sorry but at this time we cannot accept Mark as a viable character. There are too many inconsistencies in his particular ability set and at the moment there is already one very similar character in play. If you would like to pull one of your characters from Inactive please drop one of us a line and we will be more than happy to look at your request.
The world is made up of stories, not atoms. ~Muriel Rukeyser

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Re: Mark Evans

Post by Hazmat32 »

I wont argue or anything but I am curious about the inconsistencies you guys found? I thought I had done a good job doing up his powers and weaknesses :)
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